•’ -J fcr Im *■!■■■ AGENTS FOR THE COURIER. I1 an L.maui Ji.ij8WBWJg?a Lafayette Mark . Tho following are our duly authorized agents to receive and * receipt for subscriptions » « - • - and advertisements for the|Cocuh!K Hudson r. ri. F. White, . I . ; -Lafiiyette. Hon. C. II. Burch, . . . Amitv. Dr. J. Dodson, . . . .. . . Day tun K Hon. W. T. Newby, . . McMinnville. Androtv Baker, . . . ., • Muddy. J. M. Fryer, j. . . ’ North Fork. Hon. A. Shuck,. . West Chehalem. D. Ramsey, . . East Chehalem. Marion Hendrix, . . . Wheatland. T. J. Lovelady, . . -. . Dalia's. Dr. G. B. Davidson, . . Tillamook. Dr. T. A. Bailey, . . Forest Grove. Wm. Blanchard. . . . . Hillsboro. 'i n NEW AND FAMI JY GROCERY. • • L SIMPSO? i ConcentraJed’Lye, ’ and Axle Grease. pocket Also an assortrfient ... Of ......, __ cutlery , j !» • , • razors and sTHAi^j besides a general DENTIST? ’ The undersigned, thankful for , patrp* would sdf that ho ii juow better p supply a demands for A general variety of t|i<* leading proprietà ry remedies’constantly oh hand. held at Salem on the löth inst. Business of much importance te the interests of the OREGON. ■ In. ■ AND 3HEWING I 'Patent ; llediciueN. from Yamhill County» and AEW ' . tow ys and Brandies, Hoqland and Drake Bittc of the State Agricultural Society will be meeting will be well attended, especially A RB ANUEJIEWS pipe<; pens and Inks, pDW BarU»ead, Letter paper, fa ilope^ plain and fancy, Qys Jann&l Fruits of all kinds, that a meeting of the Board of Managers We hope the ' i ' is Assortment of jkuRIOUS ARTICLES Eggs, $ d<*nt Butter, p Ib Cheese, per ft», Chickens, dor.., PORTLAND, J. F. McCoy Potatoes, fA bushel i 1, Onions, p ib Beaus, lb Hay, ton, A gricultural S ociety .—It 'will be Wool, $ ib, seen by notice published in another col., Society w.ll be transacted. r COWFF< PTION KB V and descriptions, situated on Panther Creek, t of LAFAYETTE, and I is I lower articles irne class < and Quality chased „J elsewhere the ad lose Forest of large clear • iw Firs; also Cedar and pble Timber abound in Assortmep|of Tinware,. i Francisco inity of our Mill. and man y useful agi ornamental articles numerous tp me n.- Give me a call a I R. L. SIMPSON. make a purchase. Lafeyette, July 1866-1y. , Repairing. i: • , !. I : ! 1 ------- •—!------------- EçJUThe highest Market price Hides and produce. MAKING IRÏNG T O fficial O rgan .— Vhj* Oregon ¡1er bas been disignated by Président Juht SHOP. » ! V ;s |f manufacturing and as the official uri au of this départaient All Gbverntuent advertis bments will herc- after appear ip the colum as of that paper, Wecong ratujate the lieraid un this success oarer his rantankarous ROACHES AND BUGGIES, inany years» on this coast ¡•les him to assure patrons I what it requires to make Jind in a manner to stand id seasons |Ie will-take work wagon timber and Spokes, Felloes, To.igti'S, i he will allow the rnar- J. EDWARDS. , 1866—>ly ‘ s I (»temporary. The services of papers that sunpoit the Govern recognized and V * properly rewarded. r r----------- W ormer ’ s , S tereosqqptican .—This went are begining to b By promptitude ip business I ' hope to be abb toiimerit r a continuance of thi& patron- For Lumber, Whpat, Oats, I age heret(jfore so > | gerlerously extended to me. Bacon Vegetable^; for which r» • ’ ^“Customers from the opposite low the highest Market Prcce ~i» El. J -•-------- ’ . j-rr- ; ■ - ” side of the river,» who purclfv-e — the . entitled ITT. . to - We furnish amount five dollars, l-.n will be ferriage at my expense ; S. C., STÎLES. X n • lit -1 • r » December 1, 1866. ... ‘ aúpen­ « lo Pine attextiox We solicit a tribal, aod guaratee satis fee NEW GOODS .’ NEW GOODS!! Fine exhibition performed in Lafayette, on PRICÎ9 REDUCED! Wednesday aad Thurs. evenings last, the lattei jvening in the Chur ¿11. This exhib­ ition is different fro a ain’t ling of a similar * y 1 . - character that has been through thecoun- T 1 * Lafayette, Noy. 26, 1866 The views disposed,by the aid of t e try. powerful magnftien lights are truely won­ derful. It is spoken of in highest term Oregon n- - i¿.tbe various Courts of this j 7 44 ly Establishing! patronage mm,one of humble and unoct nMious pre show to Gustóme: totEM AN assortment tentiobs, has arisen to a rank second to that of no school in our.knowing. iJiPpRfEKSj I i ii The excellent order and discipline enforced at accounts in a great measure for the un­ R a NT TIN i nn ’ ? ? i CLOTHING, AND.DEALERS : ’ . / . /• ’ j • Lamps, Ca i Kerosene^, I- ,'s ■ r £ F ■ ' ’ i ¡foot and farmers’ Oil, Alcohol, ate. LAFAYETTE T he Blacks hereabout are’in great "lee T his Institution willibe J over the assumed espousal by the Chiba ger f À ; I I FJ J f 1 ception ofStudents, on M 92 F k ONT jSTHtET^ OKTLAND, and i Here is what 1866. no22 - 4414 Frei t s^,, San Francisco. ' -1---—- the Times says on the subject: [Will be divided into Tho Academical y cur ? f It would bt the means of destroying four quarters o( eleven w ceks each. Times of negro suffrage. the Icorst party that ever disgraeed the earth. ' * T he New Year’s Ball at Mr. Calkens’ » , /. I ' . jn West Chehalem was iq every respect the suecesfl of the season. Fifty cne num- *■; hers were sold, and so plci lasantly did every thing pass off that it was with apparent re grets that the festive assombla, ge con tern»« plated the approach of the hour-which should insinuate the propriety of a period The Tuition, payable 4-t the middle ofeaph quarter, will be as follow CROCKERY, ; NEW PRICES. 0LEM ECKLE$ of the House of ECKLE8 ’'• - t h- iv I c & BURBANK in Lafayette, begs leaye to say J___ I__ 1 s st I % .• - to his old Cnstoimers and all concerned, that I. Groceries« And man; ther articles too numerous to he is on hand at the old stand with a better mention, n£ favored by having ■a resident General assortment of Goods than is usually partner in SalF Francisco, and buying only for Cash, we are enabled to sell goods as brought to this plaoe, which we propose to CHEAP AS ANY HobsE IN TOWN. sell for cash or ready pay as low as the same Therefore w< o wotrld respectfully invite the articles can»be bad in Portlaad. public to call snd examine our st< odk before Produce Taken at the highest mar­ purchasing elsewhere.. The Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds ket price. | g- of Produce, j . Haying purchased ouf stock with CASH Wanted thereby availing ourselves of the very best Bargains in the Market, and having determ- i ■ 1 ■ ' Our I QUICK SALES mmbug. PROFIT8,” AND SMALL' Remember the place, opposite the Cheer House, « to sell only for CASH or PRODUCE, wears Enabled to offer Inducements to Customers such as have in Laiayetto Plea before. We guar rantee entire satisfaction, . , sale. Try us fand convince yourselves. Primary Department.! Middle, ............ .1 .. '■ *■’*,’ ;• r / 1 “ w^uld hay to all inter, ¡prepared with improved accommodation of Farm­ ed other Shippers, with . Senior’ Extra charge« will be n ingstudieis: Latin & Greek, each.; French, German and ‘ \ Drawing,If............. and Also a Targe stock of a no 30. will be seen it don’f mean anythingelse. . f ORTL a ND. n page 0$)£, of “ Webster on a Bridge,” it J Pr * Jr • formation as to the meaning of the word T here are 7 Post Offices in Yamhill „ • County. BOOTS AND SHOES, I Hi ¡lull ’■ HATS AND CAPS, i By reference to Vol. 1, New DRY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS precedented and increasing popularity o' • 'l « this school. ; ; ’ . i . ' I • i T he Oregonian man advertises for in- “ decalogue. ft H announce P rof . C ark ’ s 'S chool .—Thi< Schx l, I ; -ill ’ ■ Opposite What Cheer House, Portland, Or egon, AVE ?just received, and are constant­ ly 'liedvingi the largest ana best se­ lected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever brought to this market, consistingjbf YAMHILL. by all who witness it. GALL4ND, GOODMAN A , . No. 12» Front Street ROBINSON | GALLALO, GOODMAN & CO., , no23 129 Front Street, Portland and convenient STOR- gjso Purchase and For- ife a.reasonable Commis- d? Packages Shipped to iye due and prompt att- ,[....$3,00 Painting,;.! E . ... jggTTnstructioni in vocal .... $10.00 free of charge. to their hilarity. * No deduction made for absenco for |ia| No M ore —As we some weeks since pre­ than half a quarter, in case olsiçkness. dicted the Oregon Statesman has “sold Board on reasont i be had by out,” and Tor the reason predicted by us. those desiring it. b' The proprietors of the Unionist were PROF i J. K. SAMPSON- 213,’I860. ’ARY’S SCHOOL HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- ure in announcing that be and provided with incre’ased ìacihtì^foìcM- T ducting a From * PORTLAND to LAFAYETTE,"