. ! pi L r . To the name of our medicines, “ F ain K h > At a re- T he W rong D ocument ’ • * . • • • cent temperance meeting an amusing inci­ dent took place. A strong exhortation 1 ad been delivered by a speaker present, li d the president requested the secretary DEALERS IN to pass the pledge around for signatures, taking from his pocket what be supposed ’ j DRUGS, Las the document, 1 e, without looking at it; gave it to the secretary for that pur­ i CHEMICALS, I o pose. A large number of names were en­ * ■ ‘i--. i I ! • rolled of both ladies and gentlemen pres­ ent, and ¿he document returned. It was Practitioner’s of Observed by the secretary, while- passing and desired to^ign it, did so. B oik M, Felons, old sores, | fevere Burns and scalds, < Ug purely V eges ® bi . e ’ render it a perfectly i açe and efficaioui $ ¡remedy taken in- temali^ a p Well as for ext! |rnal applications, when usd rd according tor i directions. The slight Sfai ptipon linen from ¡Bits pse in'extern ■ ,nal applc:| ¡tipiis. is readily r Amoved by wash* diig iu.a lit alcohol. 5 ’ ; Washington,¡k f’Pa, June 2, 18G6. f- 1 ■ I j " aSUIi Mjessrs.iÌ’|rry Davis & Sorti ‘ F > 1 Obstetrics, ' . ‘J i-h U. J 11 r 1 ( ing prevailed among the ladies, who took paper, while those who did not read it Medicine, V ■ I i I the paper around, that considerable titter­ the precaution to read the contents of the • ‘ j. i -0 Ju L OILS, DYSTUFFS, Í AVE established tbéinsclv ly in Lafayette, and inv H tary, on bis way back, looked at the paper to see^wbat was the cause of the amuse­ ment, when it was revealed to him that, instead of the temperance pledge, he had passseck around and received signatures to a document setting forth the pedigree of a ip _ Physician's Proscriptions ail hours, and on short ' I í I 'I » 1 ■ WHITE A WESTERFIELD oltf 0 Im ill ’ ' " i Steamer J Uiiion. a celebrated stallion. Professor Duncan, of Aberdeen asked lady to marry him; the answer wa^ ‘ No,’ leave -TI'T' K" « _____ ♦ho I ' • • f • « -‘i. ' ' Í ’ ' - « BY GUN DEALERS A 1 - • s t FIRE ARMS. ND V THE TRADE OBNERALLY. I i. Prices Reduced July lst> 1866.- ( ; m » i • -I - . !i W ¡¡i j I 4Í, 3m. Upwards of 200^000 Furnished the. U. £ I F - - ’ • 'i' ♦. : • ‘ •* - T ' 4 Government sinée 1661. « A rmy R evolvr , 44-100 in Calibre. k. > .. 1____ _ ____ » N avy 86-100 in Calibre, -------- I NTIL further notice, this Stcaniei U • S After go­ ing through the congregation the secre­ . . which is our trade mark, we have tbe exclusive right, which we have never failed to sustain in law in any of thb numerous ac­ ¡KILLER! ABLE tions brought against parties putting up or T selling articles^ utader that it ame, or one so ‘ ; ; and we ediejne of similar as to mislead the public ind* all imita ! i i ' K ' *r would caution the public ,aga inét the Agi i don of our preparation, either in the name or » 11 style of putting up. ‘ « interna ÆYOTRESh ' We continue to prepare the pain K lllei I I. s, Coughs, i :ç» W.eak stoms horn the best and purest materials, and ? ch, kly. “ And so have I,” drily responded the exclusively devoted to the cure of the various I ' •* E. REMINGTON * I ■ • ‘ ■ it • Of thosepyho took the nj iedicine faithfully forms of Nervotis and physical debility, the I lion , New Yórk. Iron, Hardware, 1 professor. i in the wad stated, about e tilt ^>ut of ten ye- results of injurious habits acqui ed in youth, I which usually terminate in impotence and ■ . Agent, A lbert E, O rane , San Frail' 1 r > yours. Smiths’ Bellows, Anvils, Vises; 1 ?R. TELFORD. stentility; and perm nently induce all the cisco, Cal t-.»¡I oct 23 ’66. no 39. vl. A C unning exhibitor at a recent ag­ I Wagon and Seat Springs, Nu ts concomitants of ol!i may be mi a neighboring towB. manufacturers of the celebrated J le wihont the pos- iitation, tfatllhe City ol Prcvi.- life, and the bitter fruit tasted long afterward. got the prize, and the other contribution, D )BBIN HORSE NAILS, iI |hq Stafleroi btUle-of Rabde K|pde Island, of tne Patients laboring under this complaint will Satis a mA of America; has furnished lurnistitd the tbe complain of one or more of the fijllowjng although off the same tree, was not men. JACOB UNDERHILL &|o. |0!e globe witiHa medicine; which, symptoyis; Nocturnal Emissions, painsdn the tioned. It ............ o» Ì. ure in announcing that he is prepared ing Counties, that he is prepared to repu ^surpassed in the history of me teriial rheumatic pains, and numbness of the and provided with increased facilities for con­ rinting^t this offece with neatness ica tions. It fSifcs well known in th body. Some of the most common symptoms ‘and i ducting a trad are pimples in the face, and aching in differ­ P' rompt) tude. If. r t ant ; and its continually increasing ent parts of the body, patients suffering from j WOOL Into ROLLS at the Custom­ Bills, Posters, and Blaks of all kinds detta era it bas longest in use, is onir lais disease* should apply immediate!}' to D r . ary Prices of the Country- Persons e^t recomeadations and best ad- P errault , either in person or by letter, as- ^aw, Medical and Business Cards. Visiti FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL wishing Good ROLLS must bring ing: veri en •Ih 183a j this, remedy first he will guarantee a cure of Seminal Emissions Jards, Ball Cards,t Programmes, etc., etç. CLEAN WOOL; Also one pourid of ca nto iqral use, pince since jvhich .jihich it has ajid impotence in six to eight weeks. rap È $ito publ e'favor-, till, in thou- Grease for every Seven pounds » Kl­ patients suffering from Venereal disease di its it has me to be considered in any stage, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Wool. He is also ready as usual, 4 in Lafayette. All the ordinary branches an e ¡¿of subb necessity, that a supply is Bubo Ulcers, Ciitaneos Eruptions, etc., will taught at prices ranging from $5 00 to $8 00 MM 10 esoib to in case of accident f *'t ■ - newe be treated successfully. All Syphilitic and GRIND GRISTS. per quarter, of twelve weeks. i |l!neksLi W^often hear it or su II Wi often said of Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the The public ¡8 referred to patrons of former wputd ks. 8ooi)! think Of bein ig with-' schools taught by him. Having determined system. . ; ‘ ' L < • i<;; O r E xchange FLOUR fcr WHEAT, At out fpiir ii the *bonse as without P ain K il D r P er ault ’ s diplomas are in his office, to engage permanently in the business in this 1er” Short Notice. rat fvith ilu an uh earnestness vaiiivsiuvbs of ui tone tunc where patients can see for-themselves that place, nopains will be spared to mak& his « aki that mere t!._. “ _____ o _. — they are under the care of a regularly educated Has constantly on band a good Stock than even this language, Trusting to be able to give SATIS. School one that is worthy of the patronage of —'wr--p- vi «« uivu iv iiad V I * -.j. •: NEW PRICES. S nfWuibav. . . . ■■■ —rin^yud Bargains in the Market, and having determ- to sell only for CASH or PRODUCE, we are Enabled to offer Inducements to Customers Buch is have never been Offered in Lafayette before. .Please give us a trial. Eckiea A Burbank. Lafayette, Nov. 12th, 1866. States, as to their superiority over all others, in quality and volume of tone, capacity for ex­ pression, quickness of action, durability and quality of keeping in tune. i « BVBRY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED PERFECTS , * ach Boi Joii H I Cra ■ » Col piai A E. G. RANDALL, Cor. First and Alder Sts., next door to no28 Post Office, Portland. Scorpi onous ¡|4ney Complaint’s, Sick Head- ‘ ma or Phthisic, Ringwnrms, f hillock, Old Sores, Swelled aral Dibility of the System. ¿prompt land suro remedy for j). JH til*" ,nf Stomach, Painters’ , Dys^itery Summer Com- ra Morbul t ’ Cholera infantum,- Spraiii Ir Stings of Insects, es, ¿nd the Bites of Pois- ous Reptiles. ► Rice, etc. . . WOOD! WOOD!! I I . i I* • I • i ♦ We want everybody and his wife to • x will sell ¡ )ring us a cord of wood—soon. \ We are 1 I laving serious apprehensions of freezing OkBAPER THAN THE GHEAPEST. t ' thia winter. Everybody has a goofl good k - T d 1 f ’ ‘ » 1 * i . » • ff chance now to -pay, for the C ourier . Call Early and Satisfy Yourself! We are in urgent need and shall knot — therefore con plain if you all come at once. Ì h- • ’M XT. HEMBREE. t ■ *■ ! • b’- . .■ ¡1. H ■