■' 1 ! 1- Í ■' ì f 1 -r ■ I i ■ 1 • . fill TIIÏ. COURIER - ------------------ ----------- i-------------------- - --------------- TT- L afayett A cademy 1 receipt of a letter disc« symptoms, .the age and se ' THE FEMALE We fafaly paid this institution, formerly unde the control of Profs. Hall & Forbs, but now under the Lafayette Market • . I p [ cqrrected w eekly ] control and m ngement of the Liter alone, a visit. ¡qhool is well patronized This .MB _wj Discovered and used by’ maiWLM >i* | and students seem to be making creditbale Wheat, 7} Buslid, Oats, $ V M ' Barley, bushel, Corn meal, 100 lbs Flour, f* 100 lbs Middlidgs, ton, Apples, dried’ tb Peeehes, $ ft> progress. witnessed recitations in Wo Grammar, Rhetoric and Algebra, in all of , care snouiu oe taken in visting te, to rcmemer the Came, which studies the respective classes havo rROPATHIC INSTITUTE, 645 Washington Street made, considering the length of time they J. IF. . ^osacty J ossk S v;p. JI. D, than an average proficiency. 18(£20 Ì6 T 10 20 and Brandies, and Drake Bitters RELIGIOUS NOTICES* XISCEILANBOCS. E lder ^. C. A dams conducts relig vices at the Church Lafayette, first Sabbath of each montl , at 11 o’cl Eggs, $ doz., . Butter, $ lb Cheese, per lb, Chiekens, doz., Potatoes, p bushel Onions, p It) Beans, f lb Hav, ton, Wool, $ lb, 7 RESIDENT .TOBACCO, SMOKI.ÍO on the fourth Sabbath of o'clock, and Rev. G. II m ., p"oprieta same day, R ev , M r . M’Calister (Nazarenc) at the Court House on the second each month, at 11 (¿clock. Rev. James Kelsey will preach it on 8d Sabbath month; a . M. Also KAZORS L .itcenrr an òòrtmeht W aps , bei klYßICTAN Below are a few Cf the Op:n Presa ofCalafomia, which ted to the Public: ¿SGHÓOM Rev J. Spencer will pi p, STILES < en Montgomery d Kcorny si gomeiy a ad have been engaged in them, much more CACOS. £ OF [From the Red Bluff Indep indent of January 24th, 1866. E le I ctrc ^ a ihy .—Thè rea lers < f this article "re pcrticuLrly ;e f read the ad ver* t're-.ai-; r' • "-rf- ! /'¿’.is. institute,” DIEB At his. home near day, December • 6, 1866, of sey, James S Larué¿ aged betwee 40 years.* rif • “! “* ? 4 *1 - Î • U j.- ><_♦‘ SADDLES A HARTTZ”? ! ■ ,t\ ’>e ! •- The --4 by -F- * • I 'J ,■ :ed LyK I Axle Grease. of pocket cutlery , des a general descriptions, and lower 1 Quality of articles nero the- and ortment c ’ Tinware, ano! it ’ fT^he undersigned, thankful for the liberal ft patronage extended to him in the past, w 1 irould say t* his old customers and - others, that he is uow better prepared than ever, tc supply all demands for ft ijjgl 1 f ji* • ’I ' AU- IX ALLE Y.- Lu' • ' Repairing, .fill and oi amenta! artici"" ■ j ftnnntion. Give me a all a R. L. SIMPSON. if tv 31, II i6-ly. ; ■ Mending and Fixing tESuTbe highest Market price 1 lines and produce. By pnmptitu in" business I bops to ■H able t(>, merit a continuance of the patron- agè heretpfore so generously extended to > me. ßL^Customers from £S. fears oq t'nis coast m tb assure patrons it requites to make* i a rnanper to stand sons Ke will take wagon timber and 8, Felloes, .To.igu Si kill allow tho mar- i J. EDWARDS. + ■ patronage extended YAMHILL, Washin announce that they LaCayetté, i I - - quality, usually found in a First Remember EMIGRANT the MAN E Store, Front I SALEKS R emoved . —The Express California OSce has been removed to Sacremento City, where the Er press will be issued in future. staunch Democratic Journal, and we bes­ peak for it increased prosperity in its new ’ I * ND PLATED JI. HIS Institution will ception ofStudcnts, on N 1866. . I ! I nips, Oils a The Express has evjer been Jodality. LAFAYETTE The Academical year The Troy (0.) Times cac|j —rants and paws up the late election in Miami II ^<1 T I Lamps ! The Tuition, payable i ; ? * • Kerose quarter, will be as follow ”* was silly enough to sup locrats. four quarters of eleven v Primary Department. could be carried by the Middle, The radicals came out of the Senior’ coutcst with greatly reduced major ; hence the Times man jubilates—II ”............ .. r Extra charges will be ing studieis: Latin & Greek, each....... .... foto ■t; French, German and Spanish each $5,00 Drawing,............ been trembling for the result. • ' ................ • • • • • ll4! >5‘ Painting,.......... i D ecidedly on the G ain . —In the Sixth (Iowa.) Con; rcssional District, here- ^^’Instruction in vocal MuBic, (free ofchilrge No deduction made for absence fc. “ tofore overwhelmingly radical* Hubbard for ’ less narrowly escaped defeat at Ue late elec. than half a quarter, unless in case of sickrii ess. tion ia that radical Board on reasonable terms, can be bad by those desiring it, by applying soon and negro State. j - ' votin CT ■* Hall 4c Fo 1 y [ r A Posted Editor.- the Jacksonville Sen *• Fortieth folks had got it some way onvenes.” Congress C. G CTRL. I ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR in their u noggins that on the aforesaid“ Monday” the second session of the 1 ty Ninth Congress convened. How i fault? f > - it Bro. Gault i e AT SALEM, OREGO'N. Will practice in the Suj cuit Courts of this State. eatsfoot am I F.' ■ \ ■ Tanners' Oil, Alcohol, vt F ront S ti ¡ET, PoRTLANl fc and J2 ; 4J Front st,, Sa’ PF i .ncuco. ■tìl— • r I.’I- LSGTB I INSTIT ishingt Street i '•* H. Jo«seh • ent phy $ ci | n - CTORSr 0 THIS CELE edieal Institute wish tú he generous fpanher ainedthe. Resident 1 onage. * It is| now s ite wasas ablighed ; di been over THIRTY fSy^Particular attention paid i C hristmas E ve BALL.-j-Mr. & Mrs. forwarding of proceeds.- x Holdridge will give a ball at their resi* Sentii side, between deuce on Christmas eve, Monday Dec. 24. W The Best Ke They have a good dancing Hall. I - ' H as having been tendered a situation in McMinnville left Us.—Prof. Hall, PURIFYING the Blood, St Nerves, Restoring the lost . ♦ FRESE’S HAMBUR College, has accepted the same, and is now engaged with Prof. Johnson in the conduct of that Institution. By this change the school interests of Lafayptte lose the services of a skillful, experienced and successful Teacher. | J, Hasibcen pà’formed. Malicious charlatan! have opened t|aps in close proximity to th« Institute, ad(|)ting similar Dames bop:ng tc attract the unweary ; but tBeir failure to de so islperfectly^pparent—for. the business ha! not been effected in .the leasthbuc has gone or iùcreaàeing itsj usefulnes andlprofits in r'^u lar ration The Resident Physician has t; ireful study, fnd experience fwi th in the aw.years bee| successful in Jliscoyerin new ilectrie remedied which are (far superior to t, ar.dhecan JURE stores and groceries. EMIL FRESE. Wholesale Druggi 8ole Agent, 410 Clay street, epor mke n° orw arded es upon the ‘ • * I I ' ■ . -1 i INDUCED ! G ALE AND, H CO GOODMAN l& No. 129 Front Street, ; Opposite What Cheer House, Pòri1 □<’, Or- . * ’ eg-»n, ' I I , • ; \ AVE just receiv.d, and a:e constant­ ly receiving the 1 irgc.-t £.00 best se­ lected stock of GENERAL ME: CB \NDISh ever brought to this market, c.iiLi_uog of H DRY GOODS, * * i I h' ■.! n CLOTHING, - BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE I NOTIONS and CROCKERY. / . Also a large stock of ■ - Groceries, And many other articles toft numerous to mention Being favored by having a resident partner in San Francisco, and buying onljr for Cash, we are enabled to sell goods as cnEAP as any house in t O wm . Therefore we would respectfully invite Ihu public to call end examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Tbe Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of Prodifce.' ■» Wanted—1€O,OOO Pounds oj Wool. . Our Motto — “QUICK SALES profits ,” and no humbug. AND SMAIL guarantee en ;re s. ■i-i .-c on,* or Try u| and uonvi. ¿e yourselves. AL LAND, GOOD? AN A CO., ; 12J Fro. t üjcet, Portland ! I-Wcekiy HACKS ¡amy and Montgomery JOSSELYN W GOODS!! NEW GOODS ‘ 645 Washington struct. I ' - • • ' iness and also to the collection ATTEÂTïOM ; ROBINSON & LAKE 1366.1 ; t' G lad to H ear it .—’’’or sevcr.4 months past Dr. J. II. Jc - lya. 6»r I be la A sir: years so, well inoWnri'.ic Lesille nt Phvsiciiii of the Electropathic luMitute i 345 Wash’ujion street, San Francsc •, has e pmean.htci. re- tiring from his positi^• fcri ‘he purpose of accepting the position of visiting physician in one ot the large luis^-itais iq his native state, Massahcusetts. The matter bccomiifg known to a number of scientific gentlemen - f San Francisco, who feeling what a great !oss would occur to the community by the with­ drawal of ».physician of sucfi scientific attain ments as Dr. Josselyn, a meeting was calle i ac wh ch resolutions highly^ laudatory of the Docmrs abilities were passed, and a Commit*, tee of gentlem n apponted to wait upon him,i present the resolutions, and urgo him to give Up the intention of leaving the State, and con- tique in his present position. The arguments of the committee facilita ed by certain pecun pecun iary propositions, made by the Directors of the Institute,have induced the Doctor to retain his positiori as Resident Physician. We an*» noiince the success of the negotiations with satisfaction as it would have been difficult for the.numerous patients that heretofore r$\ .tied on the Doctor for scientific and success­ ful treatment to have found another physi­ cian capable of filling his place. place., [From the Yreka Union, F Febuary 10,66;] T he B est is the C heapest . D_ — . —This adage will apply as well to the practice of medicines as to the purchase of merchandise. - Thous­ ands oh this coast, on this coast, during the past fifteen years, have had their constitution ruined by refusing treatment at the hands of first-class physicians, simply because a gang of humbugs, styling themselves doctor«, and who are almost destitute of common sense, much more of medical knowledge, offer to treat those who are sick for a less sum than a regular practitioner. A man that would allow a quack to administer medicine to him, is worse than an idiot, for in inine cases out #of ten, the mediqine so given,- in^ stead cf curing the disease, makes the patient worse and does permanent injury to the vic­ tim, and oftentimes to such an extent as to j -.event the possibility of curing the original dijeuae. The fact is that no person should piece himself in charge of a physicain unless ho has strong proofs that the doctor is a reg­ ular graduate from some well repu/ I Medi« cu.) College- The number of me ah. J hum­ bugs in San Frfcncisco, is perfectly enofmous not more than two of the advertised physi­ cians have a diploma. Dr. J. H.^Josselyn, Resident physician of the Electropathic Insti­ tute, 645, Washington street, is Goe ^cf these, a-id is prepared at all t:mcsU exhibit his di­ plomas. I r n 1 CAUTION. Persons seeking the Electropathic Insti­ tute, should be careful to remember the name and number. ELECTROPATHY INSTI­ TUTE. From kj ’ ‘ • i 17LAND to LAFAYETTE b f ree remarks wo leave via ilillib’oro, Forest Grove and Centerville, a sign. Wi Wi'b .tere^t of th, institute with the public, and return TWIOF WEFK, Carrying the g only the same generous United States M ail ! 7 assengers and Baggage taken to and from all the above and intermediate Points. Packages of Goods Ac., carefully and. promptly delivered. / fcsHViil leave Lincoln House at 6 M. P MO a NDAYS and THURSJAYS. Ar­ riving at L kFAYEl'TE on Tuesdays and. Fridays, £ J reaching PORTLAND ou return trips, Wednesdays aod Saturdays. M. FIELD’ Pro-