] gâtions created for t J poses of the insurrection a an d proceeded jin 1 F ellow C itizexs or the S enate and H ouse of R epfesentatives : good faith to the;|enaotmen1 1 I * Clement C. Clay and wife were bn the I j * ' • f ! z / 28,*alt. permitted to visit Jeff. Davis. the rebellion, but merely sus- id that priciple is of course as Pollard and Hanna were not permitted to e functions of the State were not des- Lr ____ ■__ :___ Vf measures ■ for the protection n and amelk ameliq ion qf the i condition of the ¡colored colored raç ract Congress, resumes its annual leg- ’ i ■ixiSr the United States I * ‘i i i however, yet refused to admit ■ x|y ioftheBe * * ’ j'Hif islarive labors. An Allwisc and merciful States to representation, | and it was not Providence has alaUd the pestilence until toward the qlose of the bee eighth mouth which visited our shores leaving its cal- ,__ au exceptiDi 'nniH ffH8 wade aufttous traces upon some portions of our of the session that in Tennessee hyjjhp admission of in favor favor of of Tennessee byithu country. Peace, order, tranquility and her Senators jihd Representatives, j I civil authority have been formaly declar­ deem it a subject of pfofpurid regret; that ed to exist throughout the whole of the deem it a Cdngress has thus far failed to adm|t to United States. ‘Civil au'.bority has sup- Cóngress has thus far fai seats loyal Senators andilpW resetatives erceded the coercion of arms and the peo- from the other States, whose inhaibifants. pie by their voluntary action are maintain­ with those of Tennessee, had engaged Jin ing their government iñ full activity and i i WL than ope-, the rebellion. í complete operation. The enforcement of umber, retoainid the laws is no longer obstructed in any fourth of the Ì without representation^ The seatB of 50 place by combinations too powerful to be members in the House of< Representatives suppressed by the ordinary conrie of ju­ "I li ¡¡T h I ‘ ’ i' 1 '• and of 20 members in tho Sepate are jet ieJ dicial proceedings. The animosities en­ not lay >ns vacant—not by their ov^a consent; gendered by the war aie rapidly yieldiag but blithe i! refusal of J th refusal of a faction of electors III I I to the benificcnt influences of our fr e in­ redentiqls. t their I eredentiqte. Congress to accept F*T* stitutions, and to their kindly efforts of ieved, wo; Id Their admissiop, it is belie unrestricted social and commercial inter­ have accomplished! much towards the re­ t_/ /“ course. An entire restoration of fratern­ Ä \ '•/j iK i newal and strengthening of our reltiticns al feeling must be the earnest wish of ev­ as one people, and removed a serridus ery patriotic heart, and we will have ac^ cause for discontent on the part of the comlpisbed our gràndest National achieve­ inhabitants of those States: it would h4ve ment when forgetting the sa l events of the ■ T K |r • ’ accorded with the great.principle enuncia­ . past and rtmembaring cqly their instruct tive lessons, we resume cur oui^/rd career ted in the declaration tf American ¡nde- ' -f !' I! il I I 'I II k U ■ YH Ijj j - 111J ! 11 ' 11 ' ” . I 11. L pendence that no people ought to bear tl e as a free, ptosperous and united people. burden lof taxation, and yet denied fl e In my message of the 4th of December, . After a brief interval the Congress of ■ ♦ * __ MILL. • — * ■ J*’- X y ■*' -1 ■ > I a < > nessce, 11 s ' ' 1865, Congress was informed of the meas­ i * a ¡l.i*' 0 ■ r i " ’ s il I I * 1 It was then solomnly proclaimed anee that they would then be admitted. i ' 'l {Concluded next tccek ) The Fortieth Congress will b< asseto* 62- F 4", islatures assembled, aod senators and rep­ resentatives chosen to the Congress of the United States; and courts had been open­ ed for the enforcement of laws loDg in abeyance. Theblockake had been remov­ ed, custom houses re-establisbel, and the internal revenue laws put in force in order that fhe people might contribute to the Postal operations national income, bad c W ould avail themselves of th this method of saying to BUILDERS and others that they are prepared at fill times to Furnish bled in March, according*to the radical < \ • s. % Sleepers. ‘ > I < Flooring: And in fact everything in the shape of » '¡HECOURIEK. 1 ;r. Joists, • » ’ Í $81 jl AY, programme. : (1 ' -I mittee ' dLcloses startling society bring Com upon frauds the Government,, parties in high in nF T~' |- *. 1 The report of-the Investigating DECEMBER 11, 1866. THE MESSAGE. losition implicated, seriously The frauds amount to hundreds of mil- » Of a Quality not surpassed in Oregon , if j! indeetPon the Pacific Coast! ’* . lions of dollars. . - 1 Í I ?. of the 1| resident’s Message, The balance Î » will ap| John H. Surratt has been reci ‘iptured jar in our next issue. t If a f hristian regard for one’s official in Egypt, and will be brougt to thi is coun- i I _ 4&th, aa d aq honest purpose to perform try for trial. Another^ opportunity for •he’s oi cial duty, were esteemed by the Titus Oates. i I Congress has done little or notbig fur ieople | U these times, the message could |otx bu| elicit universal aprobation; but sher than provide for a committee at the ¡adly art 3 the times if*out of joint; We public expense to visit l^ew Orleans and I ' 4- ill ft* la • I Our Mill is1 situated on Panther Creek, ubl’.sb this week only a portion ■ 10 miles west of LAFAYETTE, and is suyrouded by a dense Forest of large clear | and Tender Yellow Firs; also Cedar and -; - much other Valuable Timber abound in r ! the immediate vicinity of our Mill. Î WANTED In ! .'L-''-"’ I- ♦ i ' EXCHANGE 4 11 i w?.w 'PHRHNBR j. Johnson’s assailants to poiut to inquire into the late “ masacre ” and learn binglqAutterance throughout the entire if possible how many of their brethren of ’ «-Fi For »Lumber, Wheat, Oats/Flour, Pork, X peutnest notin consonance with the con- African scent were killed. They have al­ Bacon Vegetables; for which we will- al­ ititutioi rhe took a solumn oath to support so raised a com. to visit South Carolina Ê sol­ low the highest Market Prcce, Wo sol- nd de fend. In scrupulously adhering and enquire into the killing of “ tio h i- • J.' • r L 'i - We furnish the li |nd-marks of the Government has diers.” i 11* been in consonance with tliq; express ^1 pro* ures which had been instituted by the Ex­ ■M ' ‘ j™' 'iL 1 ’Ji?!itate' visions of the Constitution each Sti ecutive with a view to the gradual hut have at. least One Representative, sure rstoration of the States in which the - shall I f lil r.af. Hl; and that no State, without its* “ | consent, late insurrection occurred, to their former relations with the General Government. shall be deprived ! of its equal suffrage in Provisional governors bad been appointed, the Senate, These provisionB.were ipteo- conventions called, governors elected, leg­ being A ; * • I ' ■ * ' li ' 'V ' • 9 kj ■ uniform and the purpose of the war was done for ftavisi 'I ~ ■ • * k gilte dated i ' -the proclamation issued by my d i not, The I Georgia Legislature would I fredece sor on the 22d day of September, adopt'the ie- Amendments for want of ass assur- It would have right of representation; ‘ ct has been equally definite and can effect nothing more than is is su I ! Moor & Simpson nion. : '4 to The action of the Execu- Washington in behalf of Jeff Davis have rtment’of the Government upon, been informed by the President that they i|) the Ire de I*' I e to those States which, like Ten- visit the distinguished prisoner, ttempted to reoounoe their place I: The Mississippi Commissioners sent i< Í» r * Brownell of Penn, has offered a resolu­ lie erre< d and in nothing else. No.-¿per- 1^1* i r ' L' i tion iu Congress providing for a commit­ 1* FIR DUMBER sop can 9ssail this Message with logic jsup- ' í¡> I- _ jl tee whose duty it is to . enquire ilto the ported by constitution, honorable =prece* whi h is said by Mechanics to be superi-^ expediency of organizing territories of all dent or law. It is not what Mr. Johnson or for Inside F inuhing purposes to Pinef the states that engaged in the rebellion, said in his late message at which his ene- cr Ceda>. X -, 4 and make the lands subject to preemption ded to secure i • to every State, and to the mies—the chronic enemies of our former- and eDtry. The resolution was adopted. - We have now a sacudid people of every State,; tfoo right of repre­ V I system jof Goverumeivt .take offence f it is * - ; I ’ ■ ' f • ' I I sentation in each house of Congress, apd Wfiat hl did not say. He lie has made him- Why not ? Democrats think negro I ■* \ t ' so important was it deemed d by tl e fra im- self thobject of denunciation and railery Wagon Road S J women are good enough for wives.— a i. . |>* i J¡ ers of the Constitution, that the equality wr riot mavihg ignored the Constitution, ♦ Journal ' ’ '' ■ / ■ •. ■ .1; • i J j ■■ if of the States should be preserved, that not the rights riplits of the people neonle under iq.and it* and the Just so, anda great many,radical’ ’.ave Over which heavily laden Teams carÿ ' ■ * ’ -r ■ i'! ■ i • ' Jw' i / ' * i* 1 hl- 'I' ’I even by an amendment of the Constitu­ barrieré to despotism it presents. To main-j found them good enough for mothers.— reach and depart froni the Mill, which? tion can any State, without its consent, he Jain a standing with the party that elected Oregon Statesman. will be kept in constant repair. him, h| must rush, blindly,; madly and denied a vo.ee in that ft-a »’..................... " . . You s’ould have remembered Mr. We solicit a trial, and guaratee satisface * furiously into the abyss4)f barbarism, dis- Statesman, that personalities are always tional legi lature. It is t tion - ■ (es- Jibe pi J degraded wretches and depravod authority. One thing, however, yet re­ sed object of the war. Throughout ¡the h ess. ¿n irincipled monsters who essay to i GH.tisr.vi is ENrzirAi.vw s.vr, An Entbrtiinment tç c insist nf t^ro or more lectures, music, a “ Christmas Tree,” distrix but on of presents, ect., will b ? givein by the Lafayette Lodge of Good Tirnplars, at the Court House, on Tuesday night, Dec. 25th 1866. mained to be done before thejwork of res­ recent cesison of Congress tho undeniable lead the mongrel party, and who are its The members of the Lafayette Sunday and and un X recognised • * ; - B Day Schools, and the public generaly. are re- toration could be completed,.and thht was fact makes itself apparent standard bearers. U a for tu­ it that the the po p< ­ j spcctfully invited to attend. the admi88tion to Congress of loyal Sena­ litical communities aie nothing less than Sate ff this generatati of men in the All contributions for the “ Tree,” with la- i ■ ■ hh ! I ¡'I. j • j| i tors and Representatives from the States States of this Union. At the very cop» whose people had rebelled against the mecemcnt of the rebellion, each House lawful authority of the General Govern­ declared, with a "unanimity as remarkable ment. This question devolved upon the as it wassignificant, that the war was not respective Houses which by the Constitu­ waged upon our side in a partisan spirit tion are made the judges of the election of oppression, nor for any purpose of con­ returns and qualifications of their own quest or subjugation, noi the purpose of i members, and its consideration at once en­ overthrowing or interfering with (he gaged the atteniton of Congress. In the rights or established institutions of th Jse meantime the Executive plan, having States, but toi defend and maintain the been proposed by Congress, continued its supremacy pf the constitution and all ljtws efforts to perfect as far as was practicable made in pursuance therof, and to preserve the restoration of the proper relations be- the Union with all the dignity, equality . tween the citizens of the respective States, and rights of the several States unimpair­ the States, and the Federal Governmet, ed and that as soon as these objects were extending from time to time what the accomplished, the war ought to oease. In public interests seemed to require to the some instances. i, Senators were* permitted judicial, revenue and postal systems of the to continue their legislative funo- country. With the advice and consent of tions, while in other instances, Rapre- the Senate the necessary officers were ap­ sentatives were elected and admitted Ito pointed, ben) United States, perjury! foul bels and hangings, must be handed in to reseating perjury, has become the the undersigned Committee of arrange­ ments, by the Saturday evening previous. btanda recommendation fcr popular pre­ Contributions for the “ Tree’”-solicited ferment with the governing party north, from all ’ Doors open at ¿ri o’clocjc p. M. Admission Free. and woe unto him who refuses to imolate ■ 1. P * ’ ‘ I * 'I. • i I *■ . By order of Lafayette Lodge, !No. 34, His souljand-all his futi ure peace of con- I.’O. of G. T, ienco iat this, altar. That these are J. W. Watts, W. B. Danie oh| n line dare essay to disprove. That J. H. Hall, T> B- Hanley *1 Mrs. J. W- W atts, Mrs. S. C. Adams. t lemon ilrel portion of the American peo- Mrs. C. E. Doris. it : e are Eiaddeued—frantic over anidea —a Committee of arrangements. !»■ ’ I i ■< J I r iabolic|l whim, is equally clear and un- Lafayette, Dec. Oth, 1866. i Í» ' ' 1 were J ■ H f r I •T‘ r STORAGE u d C o Ill in i ft S i on ! rhas End : t - ¿p utable. Ì If any should imagine that ught inconsistent with the facts is here . i « J' ' I 1 ’ ' nd dou[n, we recommend that all such ike theJConstitution of the United States -once ^cognised as,« and supposed to be, iq great charter of our liberties, aud make a careful and honest comparison be­ tween that document and the message of ndrew Johnson delivered to both Hous- 9 f| Congress on December the 5, 1866. j 5 < i • I i» i -i- r I ' ‘ ¡."4 i H : '1 -A 7 K. SAMPSON of the LAFAYETTE WARE HOUSE, would say to all inter/ ested, that be is prepared with improved facjliities for the accommodation of Farm ers, Merchants an’! ot’ tr Shippers, wii safe, accessible and convenient STOR-- a AGE. -He will also Purchase and For­ ward Produce for a reasonable (Joinmis­ sion. Goods and Packagjs Shipped my care will receive due and prompt att­ ention. I J. K. SAMPSON-1 *4 Lafayette, Nov. 23, 1866. • f á * 4 '■ • ' > 1 r 1 I'. < I -Vi T OTICE is hereby given that A. BRAD­ B. F. Bóníiaiu. Attorney at BURY, Admr. of the estate of Wm. A. CULBERTSON, late of Yamhill CouDty, Or 4 ­ egon, deceased, has filed4iis account for final Settlement of said estate; and it is ordered SALEM, OREGON. 1 that the first Monday, in January, 1867, be ill give prompt attention to all legal set apart for the«final hearing of tho same, at business entrusted to him at the Cap^ the Court House in said County. , itoL He will also praaetiee in any of "the J. W. COWLS, Co. Judge. Courts of this State. Lafayette, Dec.’5, 1866. ■ > 11 no 46 4w N W ! '' a J. Final Settlement- made by seats after their States had formerly de­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS “ tk hey discover any infelicity or dis* I lit. arid if 1 - Congress for the payment of their salaries. clared theif rights to withdraw from the reeme STATE OF OREGON, j ¿J t, we onlyask them to ¿show us The proposition to amend the . Federal Union, and were endeavoring to C ounty of Y amhill , ] ( ' ! ;-[• maintain I- . 1/ j . e poin of divergence supported by evi- I Constitution so as to provide for the ex­ that right by force of arms. ' | In the County Court nee tangible even io the most apute un tinction of slavery within the Ünited In of Estate of S. H. Knight, in the matter the All of the States whose people were in I ; deceaseds /I deceased1 1 States, or any place subject to their juris­ insurrection as States, were included lu NOTICE is hereby giuen to all whom it the may ooncern : That whereas, by an or­ diction^ was ratified by a sufficient num­ the apportionment of a direct tax of twen­ (jferatandmg. * der of the Honorable County Conrt of the H(It win serve to greatly increase ber of States, and on the 18th day of No­ ty millions of dollars annually laid Upon above named 8. ____ Knip . County, , George o___ Jgbt was vember, I860, it was officially declared to the United States by an act approved on Confidence of the Union masses in the duly appointed Administrator of said estate, tbe*3d daf December’^". D.~1866~ on the 3d da j of December, A. D. 1866, and have become valid, and a part of the Con- the 5th of August, 1861. Congress, by J ability t>f our institutions to know that has qualified as such, as by law required. e^res dent adheres with tenacity to his Now to the end that all persons holding any etitution of the United States. All of the the act of Maroh 4th, 1862; and. by the lawful against said Estate may have policy of reconstruction as Claims in contradis- States io which the insurrection had ex­ apportionment of representation J repi therein* I the same,liquidated. same.liquidated. A>1 Ail such perons will ogress, ’sz Store may present the same for allowance to the said Ad I At l|ick Simpson isted promptly amended their constitu­ dor, also recognized their presence ministrator Saloon io in the _ town T\ _ _ a L • at the * * Dayton w i tions, so as to make them conform to the States in the Union, and they have for be had a'jew Misses Parlor Setts of Furni­ of Dayton, in said Connty, together with the “ çreat change thus effected in .the organic judicial purposes been divided into dls- ture, comprising Bedstead, Bureau i, four proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof: i law of the land. They declared null and trióte, as States alone f * ' >i .. * Sofa, Mirror, Work Table, , etc., ’> ^nfan i l be divided. The GEO. & KNIGHt, Admr. 1 '■‘ V I 4.4 I void all ordinances and laws of secession, same recognition spp< of the estate of S. H. Knight, deceased. jpeara in t the recent ered and finished, for the trifle Dec. 4, 18^6. repudiated all pretended debts and obli. legislation in reference S. H urlburt , Atty, ihr estate. 1 46 4w appropriations aving “ Swung around the entire Cir­ cle,” and visited all tl>e precincts in thqvl entire County, as requi. ed by law, I herehij^V give notice that the time for paying Taxes in Yatnhill County will expire on the 28th daJrff of December 1866, and all Taxes not paid on ! or before that date, will be collected as on ex*“ ecution. "/■ ♦ . L. L. WHITCOMB, O’ w Sheriff of Yamhill Count!’, Oregon Lafayette, Nov. 28, 18Ö6. i, « I* K-. KV LAFAYETTE OSBOBN FEED STABLE! BATBBUN, & Prb>. Horses and Buggies to Careful parties «a reasonable Terms. i , ‘ | T: ! ' , . 1 ‘ 18 I • * JT_____ _____ POU COUNTY, kir*" W State. -• 44 ly A Frosh Invoice of TIN VANN aM Ao- pious “ effusions ” of new goods at Clem SI I Ecklea’ « ' - i J .*5 -