4 I r. n ■ â * r^4, i. I*. III Bf fl 4* - » I ‘ 4 1 > i , 4 ■ i ’V ». K' j I 1 « 1 1 --- ! r t » ■i- » • -A . : U .«*. ■ Jrv je- t n i de if- L 9 n Ü !■ ♦ ’s?’I ! I J— ■Hr ft' ” -I- I *1 e 1 > I T Î *• I I /’ < Í t == f § LAFAYETTE, 0REGON VOL. I. » I 1 v.f ' \ 4 J ri I f 1 L 3 % I ’I j! » k___ 4 Prophec] THE NEW CITIZEN THE COURIER, NO. 46/ * r »I . ! U • / t i True and Touching Incident." « * 9 Gen. tl’ 1 I # f -J ■* ' • A N ew V iew of R ailway C ompen ­ sation .—An eastern paper tells- the fol­ lowing story of a recent accident: Atf intoxicated Irishman was sitting on the* line when the engine tossed him down an embankment. The ^engineer backed his train to pick upth«d> ad body. The vic­ tim was found alive, however, only some­ what bruised, and taken to Norwich. ' Here the engineer kindly offered to «end' . the man to'bis Lome a Yew mikKaSay, in a hack, but he insisted on bi s ability to walk, and refused to be sen t home. « The engineer pressed the matte?, when She Milesiao, who had stooa the butting of the covLcatcher so well bristled up- with, “ Golawqy with your kerrige—I’ll go home by myself; aod if I*ve done any damage to yer old ingiue, bedad, F|k/pay it on the iftot. ” .* A ybung man and his wife were prepar - Who is therer v'th s ul so dead ” * in is making himself ___ new citizen, is in The ,3 : X ■ ÌDg to attend a Christmas party at a house hay 5 in him IO does -not this broad: land, w heard to some purpose, and in many places i I ssued every T uesday ,; of a friend, some miles distant. “Hen­ and apparent^, without regard to wheth­ a reycrenrie fLr | the nadifl. words and AT ry, «y, my dear husband, don’t drink too er he assails political friend or foe. The much ut the party to-day; you will prom­ L AF AY ETTE. days of Abolitjolism |, Ra|icalism, Ruirip- ♦ - latest item from him, is as follows, *whieh V1A1 30 ________ t won’t you ?” said she, putting her YAMHILL bÒLNTY, OR ; gon . ism and all pt hi* r detestable isms which ise me j pgB his brow, and raisjng her eyes we find in 1 this looming’s eastern tele- BY • , it Is'well for people ! I . - disgrace the cori r L * ! ffiR - to his Iface with a pleading smile. “ No, graph news : . I to barken to his role© andJto Reflect se - - r- ub ’ su ’ r . “ A horiblc outrage w; 08 committed in I will not; you may trust me1 Millie, 4- H . UPTON, EDITOR mi 1 _ Somerville, Mass., last Friday. The wife iousl^’ on ¿is woi ds. His: jatrioti^n was •idi I. and she wrapped her infant in a soft blank »I of Rev. David " *' known CH xvev. x/aviu Wasson. waoovu, 1 the «.MM well ...... , it of a sterling anc, unselfishcharacter ; . 11 - -------------------------j TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ( Jn advance:) (they descended. The horses were et and Boston clergyman, was brutally outraged was displayed onitfie field a| . io the Pres- soon prancing, over tie turf, and a pleas­ Ly a vagrant . negro at her own bouse One Copy One Year, .... ’. $3 00. while the rest of the family wcrle absent.” idepiial chair /'it differs 1 tcrially from . 2 00. ! One Copy Six Months, . . . ant conversation beguiled the way- a Now t * i th3 ’4* f ¿ . a -1 ijnwhippcd Quartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ serve to open the eyes of spine piis^uided “ for (be ljnging of it, the owners of the o'fdust leo.” I'. Many of them, « ■ ' ■ ‘---- - ~ Land, A pang shot through her her hut tisements. IW* ' lionet» Holts, l|it- bell will not allow it to be fung at all. Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 per ones, to the necssity of leading helping occupying <• high iosi heart as she met him,/for he was beating i lili I-’ . : . lcrs, Camerons,’-’llumtere, |lcNealfi ind annum. S ardines , which cost here about fifty hand, to Btay the fanaticism and ebrrup- liauu, intoxicated; he had broken bis promise. &&*Coin Being the basis on which our seeking to plac^tSè de- men of like ilk, h|Vq tiech rewarded, by a cepts fora box containing less than a doz­ rates are fixed, Currency will only bo taken tion which are s Silently they jrude homeward, save when pariy whi^h claft|)ifo be ijolest and patri­ en!, are ¡-old in France, where caught, at at market value J, based negro otran equality with the white tho drunken man broke into snatches of a otic, for their Villainy. It yfas pot eo in ab)ut fifty cents a thousand. One hun­ aces man ; nay , which would give him h’aefis laughter. But the song, or ’ better ’ ’ It was the daysj of tire Rep dred and ten millions, of these delicious* / COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. of Lou or, both pubiic and private.! The a nfiér JlptiiQcrat c riill. It became wife .ro pe on, her babe pressed closely to fish were caught in one spot last June. i ■ Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, W ------ is hardly cold, that not ¿o un two negroes ' '• ‘ x . Zbcr grieved heart. C( Give me the baby, , , ■ .......................... f Ball, J, rl. Brown- Sheriff, L. L. W’hit report is I fashionable, profitable and'lfonorable im- Massa- ­ comb ; Clerk, S. Q. Adams; Assessor, . D. were elected to the Legislature, of Massa I ' * : * t r A V xiy E xemplary I ndividual .— mediately after tbc[triumph -‘of Abolition­ ^Millie, I can’t trust > you , with him, ’■4 ” he ’ J ’ ' i I 1 1 • •- y / • I t . \ i. i ' ■ / .] i • Eckles School 111 ucwvo. Smith; Treasurer, Clem. Eckles; chusetts, from the city of Boston, ore wo Virtuous radicalism covers its face with dark and swol- ism, and will siL/jnntinpe adloug us that said us t icy approached a Superintendent, Rev. John Spencer; Coroner, • • * I j.A ■ i n • ■ > I iu the same 1 1 1 J. W. Watts; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. , I have the present one, that in k corrupt and ii fauious fart» remains in lea btre am. After some hesitation she shame al the alleged drunkenness* of i State, the lady of a prominent citizeri, is nowcr. ’ - I 0 resigned her first born—her darling baby, Johnson, and yet can look unblushingly ♦ X power. house assaulted and maltreated in her own visit t|of a friend toi closely wrtij pped iu a warm blanket to his at the derelictions of its own heroic sup- 'Qu the occ is s|dn{fa on by one of those same pets of Radical pO- ► posters. Gen. Banks, who, during his I I , , * ill the old Hero a; tnc lletui nitage, a short arms. Ovci : the da.rk waters the noble OSBORN & RATHBUN, PRO. litical leaders. .izeu” bore them ; and when they tell' i (fence in the Crescent City1 was guilty • 4 steed, safely neral Jackson, timo bufere bis -àofith, Gcc h ■ /■ 1 *j -4 ‘ H I J fi rpIII9 HOTEL is still kept for the t accom- ' lì is giving much evidence, of his ris ht to r«1n»n-ri.| Its • pjétepdcd 4 i although he was, a few days be-* ’lovc of free- but when si Ii0 clasped ft in her arms no ek ctions, ind attentive hostlers. North Kingstown, R. I. recentlyJ the 4 domème hìs - poth|n^| Alò e 01 Jess than civ- baby was the ;r/T It hud slipped from the fore his nomination in convention, openly j ■ $ | _ I • L ■ 'i . In connection with this bouse will be groom, after the ceremonies were over, Ion- blanket and the drunken father knew it Renounced arid proven tn be a sot and de­ . . ! ' I il w.r and. dissoluti kept Horses, Bulges, Ac., &c., to Let imbibed until be became cxceci dingly I . • ■ ' Í! y J R .. .'I '■t ■( .fl I t ' f l -I unite tq ex- notj. A wil shriek from iî the mother bauchee of the vilest character, and that est mem of all part i.|s no. 34, tf.t on reasonable terms. ♦ drunk and helpless, and while the HF pose th|ir. interrii 4 a|TÇst i Jieir aroused hiu and he turned around just tofi b.y members of his own party. States- made husband was under this beastly* in - in time to si i thé little rosy face rise jone man. , / 5 progrès^”’ I 9 > S. HURLBURT,. fiucnce, some youngsters preset undertook • I ! r 1 1 ■ ■■■ ............ ........ ■ Has ijot thnc^lbj nee of a few moment above i the dark waters, then % sink • • • • ’1 X ATTORNEY AT EAW, There are only a little over a million of to get up a little sport of ■i at the expense . ¡years prist, provridlthat lie Was light? forever, and that by his pwn. intemper­ * I r ' ’J’ ’ ill ! ': I B L il ' 1 ' j ’ ' registered voters Ctrl of a population of ¿afayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will the bride. The. joke being carried quite irst say- il t < ance I The anguish of the mother and I* that events, ie face i practice in the Supreme, Circuit and all twentyeight millions now in Great Britain I a; . too far in her estimation, she seized a A^^rnw* Father atJ betteri émagined of the Courts of this State. A n d re W; Jack son. m ri ireprese ited the A-bo- remorse of the I ! . ■ J - , » • The nobility and wealthy classes almost knife and plunged it into the bosom litioa .party DiiftÁ’ ? íin Glasgow News/ • llitioa ii 3 has developed all than describe Entirely / control the electoral' power .1 ... • 1 her antagonist, making a dangerous wound 1 1 DR. H. J. ¿OUGHTOItf. I 1 it * ¡ -I ■ ' 1 we stand a 2d to-ds that he then ’ ■ i ri Ik- ri I* A teacher in a primary school at Brook there. Is it any wonder the masses ask 4 and penetrating the lungs. i \ 4 1 Late Physicum , A Suryeon, disolved« ' • ' rhe AL jlition paFty, r | - i , field, Iowa, some time since/found among for an extension of the franchise ? A IS a dis Dy al -organ iza - In. Hospital Department, liis list of juveniles one who was constant­ P aper S tock .—The paper Manufac­ tiori. It has àie '10'1 ' > restore the power 1 F lattering to T ypos .—A fact high-; Of The Army of the POTOMAC. pi- ' ; ly engaged in some mischief, and at the turing Company^of this city now hate ofi Iv honorable to disciples of the “art pre- , 9 !. Union, but, true'ètq ts tresor dole purposes, I —’1 r Office in Dallas, Oregon. same time was given to swearing, Hav- servative ” is disclosed by a late report hand about 400,000 pounds of m iterial 4 ;it opposes rcs.torat >n, and »virtually < de­ ing Ottered an oath in violation of the of the New York Inspector of State Pris­ with which to begin operations. A por­ iqlares'by Tts ac^oo ion dissolved. , the teacher’s rules, he ordered the aforesaid ons: while all other occupations are rep- i ’ fift I tion of the machinery has been fitted and } iesented in their large dumbed of con^ It pro,vokpd y cftft war ” ’arid drove the E. C. BRADSHAW, juveile to take his place in one corner of ■ ? " t ■ *» tried. It works in the most satis victs, there is not ar single printer. 1 ¡Southern Stales,^ bj r sectional legislation, Í - I the old rickety school house, and placing a ri manner.—Orcgdn City Enterprise. | I out of the Unontap d for, party purposes He that ean keep his temper is better t A pair cf old fashioned iron tongs in his* f it bas^detetmineSi thqm he that can keep a carriage. > kecpHhem out,. It SiNGVLAti C ase .—When Mr. , „ AND hand, ordered him to watch a bole in the » • I ■ > * . H a renovation of the little girl, died, last week, poisoried by is foljy to hope COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND floor until he should catch a mouse, sup­ .Q uick W ork .—One of the parties who * morphine, given by mistake for qtjiniuBtf Uuiou while ther.Apolitioâsts control Con- . 1 r LICITOR IN CHANCERY. posing that this would be a great punish­ obtained divorces at the late term of | ' ' «' Court, and which was granted on Satur­ her little bi other Johnny had a similar gi*ess.¡ Thèir whoje legation hasy been Lafayette, Oregon. ment. The littlfi urchin gazed steadily day last, the same day applied for a mar- < prescription put up for him. He remark­ and will continue tri be to^revent its res* •I JViM practice in the District and Supreme at the aparture. while th^ teacher, with ria pe license, and was mailed yesterday. ed to Mr. Winstanl, “ Uncle, I don’t wapt toration. | ‘No idbdligent «an believes, no «Courts of Oregon. • his face turned i from him, was engaged Twice a wife and ohce a widow inside of . pF*TaXes /Paid, Collections made, and to take that medicine ; it killed sister, and is believes that a week. Bully for you, say we.—Repor* Puidical member efj.Con; 'g Proceeds Promptly remitted. with the other scholars. At last he heard ter it will kill me. “Oh no." ” J ■ '■ — *. will I op to the deg- ,’*1 said MU the^^iAhern Sti 3 ■ '¿rias ^*’'1 > f' I 1 tongs go bang 1 He turned bis the old J’Ml U- a I i ■ i ' ¡Fi tlrij Constitutional! “ it was not the medicine that killed yoUf radat&n of acc^ 'g.- 1 *■ t £ < | /. # . -j " i ri / “ My dear,” 6aid an affectionate spouse* BBtOMli 'u eyes quickly u pon the youth, who, with a little sister.” The little fellow tfieri- re Amendments, a^d|unle8S#they do,> Bboli to her husband, -ami not your only rAFAYKTTK FERRY. r1! countenance beaming with excitement, treasure 1” “ Oh/yes,” was the cool re- plied. “May be not; but I . wisfi ftisb you tioriistssay, theyts iall nut be considered ! I yelled - “ Teacher, I’ve got the d—d ply, <’ - and I ' 1 " I would willingly lay,, it up in* HE undersigned would respectfully an­ would let me ne seq my pony before I takefit, as in the Uriion- »•not td be entitled to little'cus8 !” and true enough he had Mi*.' - 1 •» ’ *. I Ildaven- nounce to the travelling public, that he -r - -tl •'•-fjj ' .1. I representation io ( pngre^, nor to the pro- •’ i * j / t i 'it ■ * I because I don’t believe I will ever sifie 1 1 1 ■ 1 1- — 4i has, at the Lafayette*crossing of th« Yamhill, Mouse fast by the head. That boy will 4 IjL. ------------ ■ - ■ . :’i j r are ' him again.” He was shown the pony, teettob of a Government .which they : O ne evening a merry party was assem ­ bp a brigadier general some day. A LARGE, NEW AND 8AFE FERRY BOAT, taxed to support,, j • F re - took the medicine, and in one hour after- |. I ,< 3 bled at a house in Nashville, Tenn., wheje ■li Hondst men riflkll. pa rties » to use the H or which he can cross Team», Stock, 1 . ' i. ’ • * statesmen and purei t patriots of our eoun- it in the constitution, that confederates bridegroom was I on a jury that was unable to their advantage to patronize this Ferry. vr < nnm ing quite hearty walks without assistance. try, without a sing exieption, .depirjea- JOHN HARRIS. U _________ would be honest, if not prevented, while to agree,.and had been locked up*for the' k ie Abolitionists, ¡and ted the triumph-of 1 ». — Her memory is unimpaired, and she Lafayette, July 81, 1866. T I many of them predjc Jedi'civil war would the unionists will not be upless con­ -------- —3-------------------------- can recount many of the events ofithfi re* I follow! their trifimph fearfully has the strained. * ir ’ i < 1 1- ' I T f But in this age I volution with great accuracy. 4 ¡prediction baeuiverififec 1 J1 < A country girl, describing her home* of passion, prej|dice r ai John Cash of Pittsburg was lately sen - corruption toe Professor Powell in a lecture|befqrfi | teachings and wiarnibgs t>f the wisest and tenoed to pay 8500 and to undergo an im- says, we raise our own fruit and vegita- LAFAYETTE LODGE, jfS 3, bles, make our >wn pork, and lay our . A i *. t u ? thd Daabaway Society, suggests a 'plan of best men of ouf counfr *are disregarded, prisonment of five years, for having at* *» and the masses ¡blindly follow T___ T r of , owbeggs. the — lead Free and Accepted OSasons. • • • - _ JL *4 U4« »A*'hr aft' 'fi 1 Ji , ... . getting drunk which is little understood. demagogues, knaves an j tritors. * Not-until tompted to violate the person of Amelia . I ‘ Afieets in Lafayette or the 1st. and 3rd He said- On twenty oents worth of Aeyiare goverried 5 '■ 1 bi I,