W.WB IB ■I The Model Parlor Magazine » "•fl OF AMÉRICA. . ¡¡ • ! DEMOREST’S - ;li ' 1 ’ • / • i . I « DBS. WHITE & WESTERFIELD Monthly DRUGS, 'CHEMICALS, PAINTS, r • oils ; * * K. AV INGS Than arc furnisEeid itt any other. ~ ■ 1— 9 Practitioner’s STEELE? N’G DYSTUFFS, A c . I I /. SENTS THE I V_7 most interesting,>j¡use fill, and attractive j most iptv> voLiKg,j ar! ray of popular featu' ever offered in a aiutei K e magazine, including g Ur;er and more costly N * of Medicine, Surgery and r Original Stories aad I. emi • » K ils F To A.’/ the VI*V name B««*.. •'W of our w»—» medicines, —-------------- f “ pain I lek ,” which is Our tradÿ mark, we have the | - L—*» ...... —.-------- , exclusive right, which we have never failed / I L . » f ■ i to sustain in law in any of the numerous ac ­ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER ! tions brought against parties putting Up or j T Iï| selling articles under that name, or one so I’ « as to mislead thè public ; and we Uirfat Family Medieine of similar would caution tho public against all imita ■*“ ■1 ! ■. í r j the tion of our preparation, either in the name or * Age. , » I SOLD BY GIN DEALERS AN style of putting up. . ' ’ " style of putting up. [EN INTERNALLY CURES: t : h » We continue to prepare the P ai W K iller w. i ■ *. ■ X ; ' ; 4 ?. - ■ it • i, Su4de| Colds, , Cou 7 ighs. &c„ \V|ak s?am\ from from.the , the best and purest materials, and i ’* , aeh, (j general debility; Nursing sore motflh, - 1 _ X ach with a care that ensures the most perfect fl-. . THE tr | de generally . Canke ■r, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and In- uniformity ih the medicine. / •’ | I ; 1^' <1 ¡gesti ÍÍ n, Cramps and puins in the stomach ; •X The above Medicine is constantly kept on Ilo We I Complaint, Painters Uolic, Asiatic Prices Ucduced. July 1st, 1866. Uh^ici i, Diarrhoea and dysentery. hand and for sale by Drs. W uite & W ester - REMINGTON’S » erry Davis’ FIRE ARM. [/"COMBINES AND P R dealers in ’ J I M * ¡I * / ',t£ ■ : .1- the most • held , 1 - Druggists, Lafayette, Oregon. I < Upwards of 200,000 Furnished the U. Bogs, Udons, old sorest t Severe Rurns and EXTERNALLY CUREs Cuts, Bruisesand sprains, Swelling scalds, “ LKEN. Obstetrics, t t ■ .Joints, Ringworm and 'letter, Broken t - , 1 _ O T> -1 4, New and valuable . Government since 1861. i, by the most Breasè, Frosted Feet : and Chilblains, Tooth Meuralgia and II Rheumatism. POSE R. S J acl^e, AVE-ejtablisheil themselves permanent­ PO PUL AR » ihtfpAÍN KILLE * ' ■II I HR is by nniversa! con- i ' i'L ili ili 11 Is i ■ . f ly in Lafayette, and invite the atten­ !owed to have w|on foil itself, a fame unsu r II I tion of the trade to their stock. ARCHI rURE id in the histoj ry of medical prepares A kmy R evolví :, 44-100 in Calibre. e I It4 ink ifantane jus eiFect in the entire- ÒTTA AND MODE N avy G-100 in Calibre, itimi nr nd extilction of PAiN'in all its ............ 3 , i i >î foims incident|al to,the human family, B elt (Sel Cocking^ Navy Calibre, i b Physician’s Prescriptions put np at ith diagrams, of W traits e E unsolicited w * .. ritteh and verbal teSli- ft all hours, and on short notice. I B els Naÿy size Calibre. inuriy i of the masses in its favor have been, a. ■ T --¿saB n s e n e n t it r s siniai its own _ best advertisement* advertisement’ •? I r .Na 1 ry size Calibre. P olice I • ri ! ¿ . • i th« WHITE i WESTERFIELD. ingredients wlJich.Cnter into the pain noltf Now pocket Revolver, with Loading Lever, . • » , > being V e CE sable ’ render rr it a p purely . r---------------- i * P ocket ” perfvc ly safe and eilicaious remedy taken in­ Self Cocking. , * ternal y as Roll as for external applications, Repeating'Pistols, Elliot pt. Nos. 22 32 CarL; to xliiectiohs. diiectioiis. 'I The Wlien useed usecd accordihg' according'to ’he • 4 - |[ ' ll * II* r Vest pocket ” No. 22, 30 & 32 C Cartridge* ,Ín every department • * ZJ In every department Indies-’ atad child­ slight drin upon lineb from its use in exters . -il I dren& dress, splendidly lustra ted with unrij nal ap |lcations‘, is A’Rddy removed by washs G un C ane , using No. 32 Cartridge. 4 H ' • fc I * * I i ■ ■ ing in a little alcohol. vailed aud model S ingle Barrol S h ^> t G uns . 1 Í f French Medical Office. »/■’ if Washington, Pa, June 2, ■’ 1836. NTIL NTIL further notice, this Steamer will R evolving R ifle , I '-Illi 36 & 44-100 .Calibre. L '31'- i r FASHION |. Perry Davis & ¿¡on leave ’ > leave Mc&s 1) r . JiLtEjf P erault , Dr. of Medicine, of B reach L oading I if L e , N o . 32 Calibre. I-ArAYETTE iR'ijr Sirs —During u residence of sdme the Faculty of. Paris, Graduate-of the Uni> B reach L oading 3 I arbine , No^46 Cartridge. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mor­ patterns, braid ail tcij yf-*" brs — as ■ missionary in Siam and China, I versity Queen’s College, aud Physician of Fran- the St. John Baptiste Society of San Fran ­ ning, connecting at Canemah with the Boats U. S, R ifled (Ste< 1 Barrel,) with Sabre Bay’tr foytnd Ivour Vegetable p A i . n killer a most val cisco. - . r remed^> for lii >at fearful scourge—llie liable U. S. R ifled M u S jcet , Sprinfield pattern, *‘‘4 J for » Dr. Perrault has pleasure to inform pa­ PORTLAND. -L'tjoU “I T • ' . ’. f tients mrd ethers seeking confidential jnefiical ♦ < .1 ' — f ------------------------ dminislcnng the medicine, I found it In Ji . For Freight and paissagc, apply on board. at liis advice, that he can be Consulted daily to givta a teaspoonfuk^qf pain most ¿¡flectml i I Lafayette, Feb. 27, J. D. MILLER, B in a gill ot hot water sweetened with office, Armory Hall Building, North Eaist'C or. KIU.EI Master. Also, llouschould matte pts with, Our new Breach Loading Anns » sufeari | Then after about 15 niinutesd begin Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Nos. >9, 10,11, first floor, Francisco, Romps 4? a table spoonful of th# same mixture. have « just been approved and adopted for JENNIE JUNE* S . M * t • i • , 1 • 1 4 | N WO- tol^nL _ • « ...Hi. evirynninufe until relief is obtained.. Apjply up stairs, entrance, either on Montgomery or^ - L »«—i t- : . 5?. • x ** •• - .. 11 . 1> . -Ç Military service ân Europe. •* MAN’S i !' Sacramento st... • •> JACOB UNDERHILL & CO I ’ ’ *lr ’ holt applications to the extremities. - Bathe - .< ! ft p ’ D r . P errault ’ s ! studies have been almost, E. R^MI’ifrrON i SONS, lhe pain i killer , ParisCorrespqi n pt c eite. tl>4 tJmvels and stomach with the u . J I to the cure ot the exclusively devoted IMPORTERS OF 1 UA VUV the limb$ Ulipni). briskly. Yc^ly, $3; with U I set of two bomutiful cl^ar.Tnnd rub I J lion , New York. - )f ||iosewho took tqe medicine faithfully forms of Nervous and physical debility, the •f Hardware, Iron, . Steel, aboqt eight out of ten re­ result^ of ¡njurioús habitsacqui ed ini youth, Parlor steel En gW ngs, or a package injthfl tated, aboi|t injthd,’’ way stated, Agent, A lbert E,. G ran ?, San Fran « J «L M tt .-I i VAHrd • which usually terminate in impotence and Truly yours. containing Two dollars worth of extra fujl- co^erjd. * « sttrrility, and perm nenUy induce*lall .the cisco, Cal. Smiths’ Bellows, Anvils, Vises, oct 23 *66. no $9. vl. R. TELFORD size patterns, as a pre mium to each sqb- concomitants of old age. Where a scieret in­ ;1 I Wagon and Seat Springs, Nuts ’ll- H ip • ■ I scriber, when sent in ie! lubs, 82 50 ; three I firmity exists involving the happiness of a (I’rom the Providence Advertiser.] k copies for $7 50; five c iqpies for 812; ten life and that^pf other’s, reason and morality and Washers, Thimble Skeins, copies for 822 ; with tl he premium to each foreign and domestic demand for,Per- dictate the necessity of its removal, (or it is , 1 1 Cumberland Coal, Haying Tools, cubscriber. ___ ] lAidÌMR ry Divis & Son’s great medicihe—the Pa lin- a fact that premature decline of the vigor of manhood; matrimonial unhappiness, pompul- Scythes and Snaths, Grain Cradles, Hay Kfllet—was never so ’ large as “has been of w jennigsd jiorest ■ sory single life, etc,, have their sources in mnd we think the time has arived when Forks, Mechanics’ Tools of the^cst quality 473 Broadway, New York #4 fclaration t v may - be made wihout the pos­ causes, the germ of which is planted in early ------------ ——H+j i * * manufacturers of the celebrated • lifcr and the bitter fruit tasted iong afterward. of Provi* « sibilitA’ ol refutation, tl, ât the City v r •. x < deiicUin the State of lthode Island, of tne Patients laboring under this comph int will f I DTBBIN HORSE NAILS. complain of one or more of the following I Umtl ’ ip^States of America, lias furnished,the V symptoms: Nocturnal Emissions, paips in the I • «• medicine, which. ^ a entiq i h vbi I able globe with JACOB UNDERHILL &CO. 1 Back and Head, Weakness of meniofy and f i 100 Front street, Portland. ¡I in po[ Int of.universality of demand,, ex tent of Sight, discharge from the Uretba on going to us^fiRness, complete el purpo 1 stool or making water, the Intellectual fac­ I *i "• * i « sesj filr which it 'i* designed, and wid spread ulties are Weakened, Loss oi memory ensues, J. T * I. * ’ *’ I 4 a • pupu ¡arity, arity, has never been equalled’ any > ■'-î- I gdtaeAil patented medibinc invented anil iss Ideas are cloudtd, and there is a disinclina­ i'l ' a tion to attend to business, or even to reading, I r ANI> 1 ued (ithei in Europe or America. ■ *» • ¡ fi I Mr< I t^*T ‘*1 . • 1 r PROF. CART’S SCHOOL. writing or the society of friends, etc. .lhe pa­ NEAT, QUICK AND CHEAP, ’>■ ’jf ■ » * 4 . a tient will- probably complain of Dizziness, - Orisi erinding I ■•■Ì ÌÜ 1 ’ ■ lili i •« . . I x. » Vertigo, and that sight and bearing are SECON» TERM. At the NORTH YAMIHLL MILLS. To the Public. Weakened and sleep disturbed by ¡dreams, .. 1 * ' J The undersigned woultl inform the i melancholy, sighing, palpitations fainting», 1 1 '* ■ Jp J FARMERS of YAMIULL and adjoin­ e*PAiN K ilt . eb We are prepared to ex^zatf AU kinde of t ; coughs and slow fever; while some bare ex­ HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- ing Counties, that he is prepared-to rgpu&tion unsurpassev in ternal rheumatic pains, and numbness of the i printing afc. this office with’ neatness and 11 ure in announcing that he is prepared ical 1 reparations. ’ 1 It ii ’♦ » i* i i body. Some óf the ¡most common ^ybnptoms and provided with increased facilities for con­ 1 ! promptitude.* ti’adr g posts of India a _ n . are pimples in* the faec.^and achjng in difFer- • 4 . ducting a * ’ - ..4 ■■ I», and Boston ; and its Continually increasing ént parts of the body, parents suffering from Bills, Posters, and Blaks of al! kinds; WOOL Into ROLLS aQhe Custom ­ i • * 1 d.ema|>d, where it has- longest in use, is one this distas« should apjily immediately io D r . Í ary Prices' of the CounjiryX Persons b of its|Strongest rccomendations and best ad- P errault , either in person or .»by letter, as Law, Medical and Business Cards. Visiting wishing Good ROLLS must bring vertis|ements. ■ In 18^9 this remedy first he will guarantee a cure of Seminal Emissions Cards, Ball Cards, Programtnes, etc., etc. FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL CLEAN WOOL; Aho one pound of came into¡general into ,general use, since which it has and impotence in six to eight wpeks. ’ ! I x j '1 ♦ ■ .a 3 gro.w|> rapidly into public favor, till, in thou­ Patients suffering from Venereal disease -------------------------- - --------------- i--------- - ----- Grease for every Seven, pounds of Wool, He is also ready as usual> to r i r sands of families it hasicome to be considered in any stagd? Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, an a ' icle ‘ in Lafayette. All the ordinary branches of sucb*necepsily, that a supply is Bubo Ulcers, Cutáneos Eruptions, etc., will never, wanting to Tesori taught at prices ranging from $5 00 to $8 00 sort to in case of accident bo treated successfully. All Syphilitic and I , ' ’ * <1 GRIND GRISTS. I I or^uHden illness. . We often hear it said of Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the per quarter, of twelve weeks. - • i ' ' ll ■* B hh : l * J. T. HEMBREE, A* • J - • it, “ ‘ jVe would as soop think of being with- system. The public is referred to patrons of former system. oat 1 ftour in the house as without P ain K il D r P er ault ’ s diplomas are in bis his office, schools taught by him. Having determined O r E xchange FLOUR fcr WHEAT, At « ler”and that tl sec for themselves that with an earnestness of tone where patients can see to engage permanently in the business in this Short Notice. - • • • • * 4 that speaks they are under the care of a regularly educated Has constantly on band a good Stock < i mere than even this language, — place, ~ no pains will be spared to make his .1 Trusting to be able to give SATIS. i It; is much i ’ life best references given if in its favor that it is a purely v E g - School one that is worthy of the patronage of FACTION, He / would Respectfully practico«4. ' * I I E^ABtE preparation : and while it is A ompt required. all classes of our citizens. I solicit a share of Public patronronaga. i * • Patients suffering under chronic aisease BQUParent8 desiring their smaller children Í and ¡fficient in its action it is always safe North Yamhill, Yamhill County, Ore- ’ ■4 aijd r jliable. To this quality is indebted for can call and examine for themselves. We in- correctly instructed will find it to their advan­ Fall in a single instance, when it was used accor­ out and discouraged, to ca l npo . us.—Low i I » styles ding to directions, in the*earlier stages of the charges and quick Cures. • » 4 >■ I I RÁADALL, I disease, In .z. curing z ~ F ever and ’ A * gue , and Ladies suffering from any Complaint in>, ; DRYGOODS, other diseases “icidcnt to our western and cidental to ’ their sex, can consult the doc­ ill Arrange- New Goods, Xew IMPORTS ASD DEALS IN southern clima i, no medicine has been more tor with the assurance of relief. ¡1 z t suecesslul. Fofa cold, it is almost a specific, •t I 'if l H 11 H I FANCY GOODS, Ì • I 1 ‘ h ; . r and Rheumatic Sir — -i!------ often r- - - give :-- I . Ì euralgic affections FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. » * MUSICAL INSTRUMENT'S, SHEET MU meats, way to it when all other remedies have failed. ■ ’I « SIU, MUSIC BOOKS, STRINGS, ’ I fiteminently a F amiey M edicine , and kept ’ Í ■j BOOTS and SHOES, D r P ei A iault is the Only agent in Califor­ I ’ -Ï ready-for resort in case Occident or sudden at­ nia for DrJBiot’s Female monthly pills. Their 1 i i tack pf disease, it has'saved many hours of immense sale has established their reputation ‘ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 8uffeihg, andinany a dollar in doctor’s bills. as a fethale remedy, unapprdached and far in HATS and- GAPS, i ’ ! ‘I It |as been tested in every variety of clim­ advanccTof every other remedy for suppres­ ’■ ! r il if I if ate, and by aln®st every nation known tc ‘ OF ALI KINDS. sions and irregularities, and other obstruc ­ LEM ECKLES of the House of ECKLES / GROCERIE, À OLE AGENT FOR THE ¿ELEBRA- Americans. Itts the almost constant com­ tions in females. On receipt Of five dollars panion of the Missionary and the traveller these pills will be sent by mail or express to t1» A BURBANK in Lafayette, begs leave to say ted Mason A Hamlin Cabinet Organ. and it has won go itself firm friends where any part of the world, secure from damage or HARDW ARB’, The best instrument! of the kind in thè to his old Customers and all concerned, that ver it has become known. j • i curiosity. | world. Also, Agent for Strinway & Son’s We have received unsolicited many testi­ Persons at a distance can be cured at be 1 b on hand at the old stand with a better celebrated I? monials. showing its remarkable success in CROCKERY, .GLASSWARE, QUEENS^ home, by addressing a letter so D r . P errault , General assortment of Goods than is usually curing Sudden Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery sts., » * • 1 W* a f 4 I • I O ' * i ' » . . J| Diphtheria, Fever, and Ague, Herdache, Rooms, 10 and 11, or Box 978, P. O. San brought to this place, which we propose to ! ‘ J ■ ¡•-•v ’■ '' ' : H Gold Medal Piano Forte. Billlopns Fever? pains in the side, Back, and Francisco, stating the case as minutely as sell for cash or ready pay as low as the same * • r WARE, Ac;, Ac. I : Loini as well aB in thel Joints and Limbs;. possible, general habits of living, occupation ' ----- • i articles can be bad in Portland. Neuralgic and tf' heumatic pains in any part Please call and examine out Stock, o Ac. Ao. ' th4 system, ^1 'oothache and pains in the /11 communications confidential. 24. JProduee Taken at the highest mar­ These instruments have elicited the highest of Head and Fac4’ Coffne, Sugar, Tea, Syrup, Oream. Tartar,. commendatien from the musical profession, • I * I ket price. As;a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the Í Nails, Pocket Knives, Saleratus, Tobacco,, ____ Ti___ i__ and have received, the written testimony of Stomach, it Be biA__ r_:i_ Having purchased our stock with CASH, •; ■ i ' L * * Mice, etc. lion, T1 Li^er Complaint, Acid S.tomach, : ■< » < ' x j ' .I* . . ■ 1 HI ‘-J Z* the most eminent musicians of the United Irtdigesti^, WOOD! WOOD!! thereby availing oursolves of the very best ‘J,,.. . | - L 11 p *| i. / I ' -«A. ¿1, Heart burn,'Kidney Complaint’s, Sick 4; Head- í I States, as to their superiority over all others, acheilPiles, ma or Phthisic, Ringworms, 4 aobeilPiles, Ash Asnma Ringwnrtns, Bargains in the Market, and having determ- We will sell We want • everybody and his wife to Ji Boflsi Felons, Whitlows; Bofls| Whitlows^ Old Sores, Swelled to sell only for CASH or PRODUCE, we are in quality and volume of tone, capacity for ex«* Joints, and General-Debility of the System. bringxus a-cord of wood—soon. We are _ System. I ‘ 145 ’"v;;*? Enabled to offer Inducements to Customers pressidn, quickness of potion, duipbilit/ and mpt It is also / and ’ sure remedy \ for " C heaper THAN THE CHEAPEST, having serious apprehensions of freezing il j(r| O ________ t_a y « Cramp and paih in the Stomach*, Printers’ Ilk such as have never been Offered in Lafayette quality of Aeepihg in tune. i Colic^Diarr, ~ : winter. Everybody has a good , Dysentery Summer Com- this 4 1 every instrument warranted perfect . before. Please give us a trial i Á! * ’ Morbus. Cholera Infantum, chance now to pay for the C ourier . plaint Chole I' $ J; , E. G. RANDALL, r c JDHI Early and Satisfy Yourself ! Scaldi, Burn< Sprains, Stings of Insects,. Okies A Burbank. i . ; urgent need and shall jiot 8 Scorpious, Ce$i ipedes, andtheBitesof Pofe-|We are ' Cor. First and Alder sts., next door to Lafayette, Nov. 12tb, 1866. ly onous Insects nd Venomous Reptiles. therefore con plain if you all come at once. no23 Post Office, Portland. 1 » V nl * * ' J fr J.'T. HEMBREE. 4 * ? ! i i I ii ■ H'.. * ’ ' I ' Í H Steamer Union The Ï U ■ IIIJ f E . i (O IR I I. ; . i iaivju JOB OFFICE. WOOL