i ■ 1 iJLLLi COURIER RELIGIOUS NOTICES. uU E lder S. C. A dams conducts religious s vices at the Church in Lafayette, on the first Subbath * ^Quality. UEGARS, etc., cflk'ines. STORE f discussion is an important one, and with two weeks for preparation, the memters of the club will doubtless be able to han die it interestingly. R eturned .—Mr. II. II. Snow, after FAÑD ÖHKWINO The Belt ■ I- 1 '' 11 " ling Ektract: Perfumery,! ul’ar Establishment, Thank(ul for thii Li . ’ . . . ' . Í .. patronage extended hd Axle Grease. Also;-an assortmen it of POCKET CUTLERY RAZORS AND arijtris,pi asides à general an absence of near two yean and a half YAMHILL, Washington and Polk f’ . t, in the mining country north has returned to his family in this place, with hit Jmind would announce that Assortment! sof Tinware, ' n «1 • t’ íKi and many, useful! and 4 najneutal articles made up to remain. We are pleased to show to Customers a superior tournerons to mentioq Give me a call r make a purchasp.i . 1 R. L. SIMPSON see him looking; so well. ' . Lafayette, July 31,1 16(1-1 V.. and singular L ook out for N ew GooDS.-Uciem I Eckles anived home yesterday evening the Goods and wares:c I* li I on the Steamer Echo from , Portland quality, usually found whithei*he has been laying in another rousing stock of goods, Clem sells goods Remember the —mark that. Dick Si mpson 1 P pattern and ■ lili ( lass hbusï. ^MIGRANT TIN : st., PORTLAND. returned also same time, He has been below ing his-already splendid stock of Groceries. IIAKIXO aim : T JL HIS Institution will be open, for 1 1866. reptile The Academical yecr 'ctuence. four quarters of eleven w The Tuition, payable a region of Ft. BentoD, and lnucq suner- quarter, will be as follow Primary Departments —ring among emigrants'is the result. Late telegrams are to the effect that five law suits has been commenced against Beast Butler by .one Lester for false im­ • uiifc > • i 4 IONS, HACKS, CO expericnca of m any years on this Coast middle tfc him to assure patrons aiat it requires to make to in a maimer to stand Reasons ■ He will take iorty wagon timber and pkels, Felloes, Tdigqrs. le will allow the mar- J. EDWARDS. 1866-ly. Middle, Senior’ ”............. .. * Extra charges will be r ing studicis ; prisonment and fraudulent confiscation. Latin & Greek, eachj. Damages laid at fifty thousand dollars. French, German and S] Drawing,. There is intensfi excitement among the Painting,. Fenians of New Yoik. Gen. Stapbens SAw those desiri ’g it, by applying soon. Crociti flails Forb MILL GLAS& -------- —V- Moor & Simpson ¡Lamps, Oils A, AND PLATED E. C. G. tlIRE ■ i I ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT ¿AW, SALEM, OREGON. bold avail themselves of this rto cthod of saying to BUILDERS and others that are prepared at all times to Furnish Lamps, 'Chande1* Will practice in the Supreme and cuit Courts of this State. Kerosene, Coal, ’ Lard, ; • J j ¡¿^Particular attention paid to Probate ' * ' I ' ' hl li ‘ I • ’ ' li I I iness and also to the collection of debts forwarding of proceeds. W I. j z&r The Best Remedy For 1, Sttengtheniug Strcngtheniug the th PURIFYING the liloqd, Nerves, Restoring the lost appetite, Appetite, is FRESE’3 HAMBURG TEA. It is the best preservative against alhiostany Composed of berVs sickness, if used timely. timely Oregon, if only, it can be given safely to infants. Full English, " French Spanish and directions in T TRY III IT! German, with every packagi For sale at all the wholesale and reta drug stores and e ------ — _ , , groceries. v ■ 4/'« EMIL FRESE. Wholesale Druggist, ipe of indeed on the Pacific Our Mill is situated -surrouded by a dense Forest of Urge cl and Tender Yellow Firs; also Cidar much other Valuable Timber abound Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, the immediate vicinity of our Mill. < -, SlierifPs Sale WANTED In byj virtue of the County of- Oregon, L E. Getch- to date, 1 have levied upon, and will, on 8th day of DECEMBER,,1866, between hours of 9 o’clock a. mi, and 4 o’clock p. of said day, proceed to sell to thebidder, sama can 11, which F Ò.. Moor. F. M. Simpson Lafayette, Nov. 26 - 1866. tid execution, costs ! I : J’ ' ■ « it and mers’ Oil, Alcohol, etc. Flooring Of a Quality not surpa pages with Illustrations: 645 Washington Street between Montgointay and Keorny streets J. II. Josselyn, M. D. . ■’ RESIDENT PHYSICIAN- This work is designed to furnish the Youth of the country a candid and impartial History of the Great War through which we have justpiissed, from Demoçi atic standpoint, histories of tbe-^bolitiontsts, am 4 it is of great [From the Red I uff Independent of January importance for* tl welfare of our country that 24tb, 18^. the real Diçunionists, as they are now proving ; E lectropathy , readers of this article themselves to be, shall be properly portrayed, ’are particularly requested to read the tisement of the Electropathic msti^ite,’! The great importance ot a sou nd juvenile liter­ 645 Wjtoshir gton iitrect, San Francisi o, to bi found in another So’uum of this paper. The ature has long been fell and acknowledged, remarkable jeufes that have been effeXcd by and as this-is. the first, attempt to furnish it, ' it 1 - • • • « -4 i ' F Dr. J. II. Jossely i the Resident Physician tho Publishers respectfully solicit the encour ­ of the Institute d lring the .past sip years, has goi ned for th s establishment a,. reputa- agement of the public and the assistance of tion Inat hals nev 4r been equalled bY any med ical cstablisnmen on this coast. In cases of the Democratic’press By psofessing great .female irregtolarit es especially, Dr. Josselyn devotion to “freedom,” the Abolition or Re­ has gained s n en riable reputation, and the publican party succeeded in deceiving thou­ spacious pa lors i tf the Institute are con tin- ually occupied by ladies seeking relief from sands, particularly of the young ineu of our country, whoi, in the first flush of youthful their troubles- Dr. Josselyn pays particular atteption to patriotism, v^cre seduced by its artful phrases the treatment of cases in the interior of the State, ami upon te< ceipt of a full description into joining it This book will correct their of the disease of w applicant is so error, and is|just such a work as every Dem­ to be afflicted , accompanied ocrat’ Nortjh or South*ought to place in the unfortunate with the real or t fictitions addres, sends hands Of his children, to give them a. correct per Wells, Fargo & Co. ’ medicines that he warrants to cure the disease, without the idea of the laite war and its causes. The style of the entire volume is such as to be easily un­ slightest injury tb.tho system He uses no derstood by ¡a child twelve years old. At the mercury oif mineral poisons, The remedies time it is adapted to adult readers, ma­ are known aS “Electic,’ and most of them same king. in fact an Illustrated History of the’War are of his Own discovery, Persons for the low price of$l 50. themselves hndtr the treatment of D Enclose t lie Green Backs and send to Van Josselyn may rely upon not only i correct and Succesful treatment but i evrie, Horton & Co. 162, Nassau st N. Y., discretion arid secrA-y.' aud get a colpy, You will be pleased with it. [From the Democratic Standard. * 186G] G lad to ATTENTION past Dr. J. so well Mio dOODS NEW GOODS!! the.Electrobrtthic Institute. 64 I ' . street, San Francisco has coritei tiring from hi position for the accepting the position of visiting REDUCED ! one of the Iji rge hospitals in his Massaheusetts. The matter becoming known to a number of scientific gentlemen of San Francisco, who feeling what a great loss GOODMAN & CO would occur to th^ community by the with­ drawal of a physician of such scientific attain merits as J)r. Josselyij, a meetins was cal fed eer Rouse, Portland, Or a< which rtsolntions highly laud utory of the ejxon, Doctors abilities were passed, jm 1 a corn mi t> Avfe just received, and are constant­ tec of genticm n apponted tq wart upon him, present the resolutions, and urge him to give ly receiving the largest and best se­ up t|je intention of leaving the St ite, and’eon- lected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE tinue in his present position. The arguments ever brought to this market, consistmg¡of of the committee facilita ed by c< rtaid pecun !'• * I • è- iary.propositions, made by the Directors of DRY GOODS, . the Institute,have induced the Doctor to retain CLOTHING, his position as Resident Physician. We ans noxmee the success of the negot ation^ with • BOOTS AND SHOES, satisfaction as it would have bien difficult • for the numerous patients that heretofore re\ HATS AND CAPS, lied on the Doctor for scientific'and success ful treatment to have found another physi­ YANKEE NOTIONS and CROCKERY. cian capable of tilling his place.. >> Also a large stock of [From the Yreka Union, Febunry 10,66;] , ’(V ie B est is the C heapest .—This adage Groceries, will apply as well to the practice of medicines as to thri purchase of mcrchandis sc. Tbous- And many other articles too numerous to ands on this coast, on this coast, during the mention, Being favored by having a resident past fifteen years, have had their < constitution partner in San Francisco, and buying only ruined by ^refusing treatment at the hands for Cashrwe are enabled to sell goods as of first-class’- physicians, simply ’ because a CliEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. gang of humbugs, styling themselyes doctors, - Therefore we would respectfully invite the and' who nre almost destitute of common public to call snd examine our stock before sense, much more of medical kno wledge, offer purchasing elsewhere. to treat those who are sick for ! a less sum The Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds than iC regular practitioner, i man that of Produce. would allow a quack to administi ¿r medicine to him, is worse than an idiot, ■ for in nine Wanted—100,000 Pounds oj cases out of ten, the medicine s< o given, im* ¡ Wool. stead cf c ¡ring the disease, make [}sthe patient worse and does permanent injur y to the vic­ Our Motto “ QUICK SALE8 AND SMALL tiii), and oftentimes to such an c extent as to PROFITS, and no humbug. prevent the possibility ofcurin ig the original disease. The fact is that no pt irson should , Remeipber the place, opposite the What place himself in charge of a phya icain unless Cheer House. ’ * ’ H disappeared, and it is thought he isvrgau- SSF-Instruc ion in vocal Music, tree o| ci ' We guarantee entire satisfaction. Or ular graduate from some well reputed Medi» cal College- • The numlu?r of niedical hum­ sale. -Tty us and convince yourselves. ; bugs m.San Francisco, is perfectly enormous GAÍLAND, GOODMAN & CO., not motto than of the advertised physi­ cians have a diploma. Dr. J*. “ Josselyn ‘ ■ Iff- 129 Front street, Portland no23 Resident-physician of the Electropathic Insti­ «45 Wash gton Street tute, 645, Washington street, is one of’these, t I 2T. Jpssclyn. M, D is prepared at all times to exhibit his di­ 11' I and ________________ __ plomas. SHERIFF’S SALE- CAUTION. is hereby given, that, by virtue o S OF, THIS CELE / Persons seeking the Electropathic Insti­ Institute. wish to thank tute, should be careful to remember the name execution issued out of the Circui the public for the get »roua manner in I. which and number. Court for Yamhill County, Oregon, and to moe ’ they have sustained he Resident Phy s.cian E L E C T R 0 P A T H I J j I N S T I- directed, m favor of .Warner and E, Brey-' with their patronage It is now six years man, arie against S. M. Gilmore, and for as ablished ; durins: that want of personal property to satisfy the same, sincelthe Institute wa 645 Washington street time there has been iver THIRTY TIÏOU- I have levied upon and will sell to the high­ est bid ¡er for cash in hand, on SAND CONSULTATIONS, TIONS and iq Sunth side, between Kearny and Montgomery cases, where the disease, was curable. December 8, 1866, i II. JOSSELYN, k D- at the Court House door in Lafayette, in tho A PERFECT AND, PERMANENT CURE Connty and stat^aforesaid, between the hours Has been perfopmc Q. Maliciou^ charlatans on the sign. With these remarks we leave of 9 o’clock a. - m., and 4 o’clock p. m., of have opened traps ii L close proximity tq the the interest of the Institute with the public, said day, all the right, title and Interest of S. Institute, adopting i ¡imilar names hoping to asking oqly the same generous confidence .M. Gillinore and wU ife, in and to, the following attract the unweary i; but their failure to do and patronage, thus far awarded to it. The described real estate, to wit Situated in so is perfectly appar int—for the business has record shows over thirty thousand consulta­ Yamhill County, Oregon, i and being the not been effecteq ip 1 he least, but has gone on tions, and a very large -amdunt of suffering south half of the Donation Land Claim of $. | iucreaseing its usefif nes and profits in regu- relieved. lar ratio. Tbej Resident ~ ’ Physician has by ' Personswishing to consult the Residen M- Gill more and wife. Claim No- 1844, and being in Sections 25-6, T. 5, S. R. 4 W., con­ areful study and lx ¿erience Within tho last Physician by Letter, can do so with the uf- aw years been succi ifssful io discovering new mokt confidence, and can, if they wish, have taining 320 acres, m^re or less; together with dectric remedies w|ich are far superior to Efectric Remedies for any disease sent to all all the appurtenances. Sold to satisfy the any before uped 1 b t l|ie healing art, and he can- parts of the State; all Remedies sent froth the above execution, costs and accruing costs. r The abeve real estate trill be sold subject Institute warranted to bc( effectual. All let­ ' WARRANT ffHEM TOCURR to a mortgage held by John Kirkwood agas ters must be addressed plainly J. H. JOS­ AH cases fp^ wh®h Hhev are useepor mke nw SELYN, M. D.j Box 1945, San Francisco insf the same. L. L, WHITCOMB, Sheriff. barge for services, ’ They will b ’ orwarded Cal. All letters will be destroyed or returned, bon tho Lafayette, Nov. 7, 186G, 13 42 4w j an y place in the Pacific States u as directed by the writer, oct 2 no 35.1y. - ■. ■ 1 ' ■ ' . - ’ J