•"W THE COURIER. b 4, J866 I J J > ■ I 2 ’ t i . Gen. Grant A Traitor. • Wendell Phillips lately made a speech in Boston, in which he vociferated that Gen. Grant was a TRAITOR, and the seDtiment was lustily applauded by a Bos­ ton audience. For such utterances, tl IC Mountaineer says Phillips is a traitor. To this we must say Hold ! Mr. Moun- taineer; V endell 1 hillips a traitor ! T—r WUL. — FJL ' [ a I I r I W ithout M ail F aciliti fes.}—the t U<|YjERy. — Say, you Sentinel [NX ID i how piucfi more of that cast iron pa- maß Oregon City Enterprise, on behalf of the 'is theii iq^dur J ' office ? k Do try . and 1 citizens of Butteville and viciqity very perii littlelprint on gunny bags, fence­ I i moljifya ' ‘ '4 justly complains that Butteville is with­ raili rail somqtHizlg qtfiirig u ** kinder .soft,” so that a 11 _ r _ out any mail sen-ice, though it is a point fellpw can 1 "hop chQh an au item out occasionally. Very inbq|venibnt to smash them out of considerable importance. Seven or with .sledge-hammer.—/S'ftiiissrnan eight months since, petitions were circula­ Tnh.ri ii " ’ ili .’ a The t 4 . -------- paper p6 which the Sentinel man ted and numerously signed | at Oregoh nritits is like |his concience—iroi iron clad. City, Butteville, Champocg, Day ten anil Lafyette, asking for a tri-weckly servicL uru/ öcca!riona|ly manage to get get i a small through the dril- iteih from the jSentincl throu^' to be carried on the regular tri-weckly r line ingl^ajid blasting process, as a matter, of r of steamers plying between Oregon ' <'i'> fe- and this poin^ What disposition was! economy; sinee to burn out a ' t chunk i ■ ■ i ' ’ finally made ol-the matter we are at pre9-, quires time. 11 è TUESDAY,' DECEMBER » 1 ho IU 1 Hi Jo-e editorial columns of t-he Sentinel welcome guest and constant advisor of our ent unadvised ; but of this we are certain, *<< “ Martyr President a traitor I he man that such a service is greutly needed, and are'as d^stituti of political truth as the pa- fit I- •1 • c L . 5L L IJ us ‘ to the hatchet. " imperiai who, at the special request of President WOuld bc performed by 0 ipt;3Iiller at s -perils-------- 11 ' Lincoln made a speech in Washington on mere nominal cost to the t epartmeut. a certain occasion, and in which the fol­ lowing language occurs, a traitor ! Z_________ ■-__________ _ ! ! Í I ; I 1 ■ 4 ’ i |< t ✓ J ! . A lady ^rie id called at our office the othli taking up the Sentinel, M r . J. 0. Dow. late associate editor soon discover! d one of the editors polit­ • of the Daily Herald ta ;es the editorial ical a wlioppei r ’, which so unnerved her to dissolve this Union and thank God we charge of a new paper scon tobe issuci| that she kt th i paper .fall with a mighty k .1 J P r " k », the saqie breakin ig into angry frag- have finally succeded; the work is accom­ at Umatilla, called the Jolumbiai /’mq. t. .. ... ’ mufti and ;da igercus shaped plished.” J projectiles Messrs. I?ow & Avery art MI have labored nineteen years trying Í -.1 1 No- more lishers. The Press will nor no less than every candidate you sup­ in politics. ♦1 Wendell Philips a traitor! June, Mr- Mountaineer, — lips a traitor! Wendell Phil- Why, he received recent- I I which*, itrikingour devil abaft the 1 wheblhous£, p( ^disabled him i *that he has >r duty since/ The afore - ■ ported for State officers for Oregon last Ì ’ one id left the office in great T he Unionist of the 2 5th ult Says th« Sai Hon. II. C. Huston has re tired from” the haste mutteVit g that she did not know be­ of the Review, which pa¡- fore that we k ‘pt infernal machines about ly the almost unanimous nomination for chair editorial ■S ' the ofiice-H r 1 _ ’Ufil lying ones jit that. us on Friday last, hence congress by the radicals of Massachusetts, per did not reach i ■ T è and “ our (Oregonion’s) Washington letter '■ ■ we have no particulars. a F 41 fe regreted exceedingly that so good a man 3- —41 . - A — 1—- S teamer J — ■ I • < f iciio.—-In consequence of the ^reat,rustrí of freight at this time, the S outhern A id .—F\ rolli the P. 'T. Conpa Conpan hive put their new Steam- as Phi Hips should refuse to accept the de nee of the San Francisco er Écho on th ì ! Yamhill trajl^ Capt. Mil- who did refuse to accept the Louis correspondence V honor, ‘ w. ì I ' - ' V ■ ‘ with the express avowal Earamuier, we learn that large aniounts 1er ommandi ag nomination, but £ 7 • 1 I Ahat he could be of “ more service to the are being in various ways Raised in St. B all wifi bi given at the Lafayette Louis for the benefit of the destitute radical cause out of congress than in it.” « Hquse, on Clrislma? cven.i ng. Prepara' The man who has done more toward down South. tions are beingt made fur a grand affair. consolidating the multifarious elements « / r 1 I f • . *■ '■ T ypographical B lunders .—How entering into the composition of the pres­ • S ome F uw HER1 statistics of the pro- A giveu in ent republican party than all else besides, annoying, both to editors and correspbnd greiss of Yam|i County W..1I will lx be, ents! We confess that we have been a traitor! Friend Haloran you should # i JI j I intensely mortified at the numerous s ipes out 11- have forgotten that you j ever trained of the types that occured, for sevieral I ...II. ’’C . ' ■Ml ; .y ■ with, and belonged to, this party ere you weeks, in the Advocate. It would re­ T he M os '4 R rspectable —We will quire too much space, or an cxylination made the humiliating confession that its íntpré the ajsertion, without fear of çon- could be given that would refeive the very architect himself was a traitor. Come editor of ail blame in the matter^ Advo» tracÇçtlon, ¡sí|rs the ;Amandor Dispatch,1 “ □ •£ • j : ■ 'V hmwi out ! from the dirty and traitorous g&ng sate. and swear by the elements that you have ' Fudge ’ : ' thatjht tw.p negroes recently elected to I' fl ■rs ■ The Advocate min, with a the Massachusetts Législature^ were the confi- Corps of experienced printers talks II most-respectable?¡candidates elected about two most-respectable.'candidates - •. < *' LI. , ! , . . • . dence ”—that you had been cajoled into “ Mortifying’’‘blunders. Wo tfiiux he on the rump picket, although they could / not bave b>(| pinch self-respect, or they- loving(?) the MUnion” not wisely but must read proof but indifferently;' oulfij- have consented to become too well(?) , * • Suppose, as is the case with us, lie had never would? ■ ■; t------- —-— » I 1 ' no printer in his office over 11 six tRonths the* re preset fotives of such a corrupt theiv T he N ew D ayton R oad .—Much has I 1 Í J i-I ì II « i old,” and that he had to fedit his papet 11! I ing party. J 4L .vi -J... i..u — Ell been said touching the assumed impolicy ’n ¿ 1 ' J 1 •[ I • " ."1—,,fc,— do all the press work, set ads-, financier, SliOCKED.i-Th e- Radient sheets see and impracticability of the new county V . 1 XX- .1 Í distribute j^very type tnat is used about about this me terribly shocked af the road which was some time since.establish­ the entiae concern, run a job office, idea of Morrissey being elected to Con- ed leading due east from Lafayette on a saw wood, make fires, swe|p the ieffice, grcijs. They blurt out their indignation 1 direct line to Dayton. Without investi­ read proof, make up forms—j his mails and1 * ib ’“ go measured terms, ■ We arc no great gating the subject, we confess that we had « 1 0 i ! I ' J ‘ . t ' r ’ e carry papers about town; carry water admirer of |lorrissey or his kind, but for all along entertained notions in common across two blocks wash-days, and stick a party whifh has just elected the spoon­ with the opponents of this enterprise. type when there is nothing else on hands thieving bc^st Butler, tò thè same body, Having had occasion recently to pass over to do, as we do, he would then be justi- tQi criticise anyone dn the score of cnarac- a considerable portion of the proposed tfbw ijbaal error to fiable in suffering an occasi tet. sefems, sa^. the " least, a little absurd. road, we examined its practicability some­ I escape his attention. Until we are i made what in detail, and were unable to discov­ ; -- . — ’.I f • - i 1 I aware that such is his situation we shall er any very serious obstacle in the way of habit of A C ertain ! ' C ure .— ■ The hold him to a strict accountability for all ' ■ -1* I i J I I ! making a good road. We fiad a’so, that errors and misprints that occur in the col­ drinking; |ays • the La Cross Democrat ') a great amount of labor and money has can be cur dii b/ giving ’ the ! drinkers all r umns of the Advocate. already been expended on opening this icy *want all the i time. That Some editors, having nothing mojto to the liquor thoroughfare, which fact of itself is a po- thi& experiment! will prove. a success we do about the office than to write arid se­ " kbriw. Itjras L tried on a k p- wfiisky-ist in tent argument in favor of its early com­ lect for their paper and possibly read tfie Mifwauk^H QOtj luug long piuuv, since, who rffter II uuuj wiw aiuer pletion. It is obvious enough that a road proof of their own productions, passing dribking ^ll the liquor he could hold for leading from here to Dayton and there con­ two weeks, i'tnagin.ed ___ ____________ he saw ,______ snakes, , dev- the same back to the printer for al ejfa- lies, Ben. Butler and Thkd. Stevens^and necting With the Portland road is a neces­ tions and modifications, little dreamin ? r, - 11} of a four,-s|ory window, , run- sity ; and we fail to* discover the impro­ S stope into his head. 7Z He has the number of errrors of fact, oathogta- priety of said road leading from Lafayette a drop since, nor will he not the phy, etc., etc:, that have already been de­ rest of directly east and bearing directly in the f ■ r • tected and set aright by the printer, thick’ direction of its destination. The citizens TOLL ROM ANQING. they have all on their hands they can pos­ i of this place, of all others, should be the The telegraph is still at work humbug­ Such sibly attend to. L " editors will be last to odject to the construction of this gingthe giog the gullible public on Mexican mat­ poorly arm ad when they rea road. Thoroughfares leading to and from ters. Th^ Thé latest is that General Sherman of the gradeof newspaperdoi is about .^accompany Minister Campbell town, should, for the sake of system if readily conclude they were I ” I i to Mexico,’ and wjll remain there “ until nothing else, lie as nearly as practicable par­ the Juarez Government is fairly establish- for tl uphill business.” allel and at right angles with the streets. Wacke the information came form . ed.” WOi that the * Ji|i _______ ___f ” _____ _ Were it not for the fact that much has T arez Government, so-called, already been expended in opening this F rederick Weed, Nephew of £hur- ico, supposing Maximilian leaves, we are road, we should not faver its construction lew Weed committed suicide latedy at nqt advised. a. From all that we can see or bt;- DQ just at this time ; as it is, we are in favor Salt Lake City. He left a njOt e . rn hear, tb$ (ever^e hrould be the rbase. Is » it the intention, then, of our Government of its immediate completion. " he stated that he was tired of life. ’ 1 ' x ■ !'! ; J; “iJB ! to force .this bogus President upon them S ee Mr. Stiles’ new ad. and bear in whether? they » ' ipy will or not ? If so, it is a * , • J ■ i ’ ; co mmqntary upon Republican B usy ,—All the carpenters in anc /mind where bargain» in Sàddles, Harness out beautiful coi Gbverfimpijt. is Government. I Juarez Ji ' i no more the Draw on your Lafayette have been unusually busy for President^ Ijlex xl etc., etc., are to be had. ico than we are. He is own experience for the proof of the prop­ the past few months, and the demand is nqt^ing mare or less than a pretender, and osition that he who advertises liberally quite in advance of the supply of that a Would-be usurper. His term has long _ * 1 -1 1 .J 1 <1 ZT IN » » • sines and under oiuvo expired, xsaqjtgtpwj ’ auu UUUül the vUV Constitution VvUoviVuVlULl seldom deals parsimoniously. kind of labor yet- -r* J » »• . • « : • ' I of the Republic. Ortèga is the only one authorise^! authorise| ito act as President. If Sher- ’ ________ * ' ■ ' ' I - • I M ’ 1 • ' *; * G ood T emplars F estival .—A Christ man is ^be Bent to México to bully her people, and make them accept a usurper, mas Tree and grand entertainment will be hoisted the name of “ D. Ms C. F t” then this’virtuous outcry against the Em­ the order withjhe Good Templars of this ire and ¿foreign interference, is a hum­ at the head of the editorial col urn pire place on Christmas evening, ensuing. bug and | cbpat. General Sherman may D. M. C. C’aulì figures as possibly ^o ,to Mexico to ascertain the Speakers from abroad will probably be in to his salutatory. Come, _• ’ qp h0r rpeOp|e> real i wis but nothing attendance. Which is more.- been the “ victim of misplaced * à s I rW k f ■ a ■*- ztv I .■ I 5 ‘ I THE MARKETS. NEW Th e following is from McCracken, Mer- ARRANGEMENTS! -. » rill A Co’s, trade report, datedtNov. 26 - I®' AT Ví” T * ■ '•« i Farmers will be wisq to weigh well the HARNESS and SADDEERY prognostications found belpw touching the 1 ' iiifi:¡ • F l. _ ' ’ • i - **“■ -^’7' • } probable future of the wheat market. ; 'We learn that farmers are holding their • Y ■ ESTABUSHiffiNT I or crop£ in anticipation of prices that we fear will never be realized. California has tox­ ported since the 1st of July in Wheat and Flour what is equivalent tu three million bushels,—this is but littie more than one- third oT the surplus that State will bavH to ship, as it. is estimated that there is in store in the pity nod about the i now ‘ Bay, four million bijislitols But if this four million dushels is the entile surplus remaining fo ir shipment, it is equivalent in round nu nbers to One Hundred an I Thirty Thou; sand tons. It is a questio quest'io. a n whether thè required ton- nage can bc procured in time to* export thi$ emmeuse amount,- thib has an impor- tant bearing upon the, price of grain. It mal :ers little what inaiucem lints" for ship- met t foreign markets may iffer, it will of c ourse avail the produc ir or shipper nothing without the faciliti« es for sending it aWay. Reports from the East have not beeh favorable, arid the p fices have dew­ clin^d in San Francisco rum §2 to $2 12 J to SI 75 and $2. In the above estimate, oi^r own surplus has not been taken into acdount—but lit-* tle comparatively of the grain and Flour of this fcjtate has as yet been shipped. Th(|ro is no hope of a demand for Flour up the Columbia, except to supply the lo- cal demand uf the pails am d Umatilla, as wheat is to-day selling at a less price in the Walla Walla Valley th in in the Will­ amette. In view of these facts, we find nothing fo encourage the ri elief that high- cr prices will be obtained between now and next harvest. C Our loial milks are of fering 75c. delivered at th ie mill, lots for, sùf-ficient for theit ir immediate wants but do not manifest 1 a desire to lay in large 11 * ! ’ stock» at that figure. Flour—ranging from c5 00 to '$8 00 with limited demand except for export. Y Oats -r—local trade well supplied—flight demands—374 to 40c. per bu. f 19- Bacon—Sides 17(0; 18c.r—Hams Sh'oujders 8 and 9i 4 -Price hefc quoted only ^nominal,”there beind no enquiry, cun siderable in market, and holders anxious to dispose of their stock. Large quanti- quanti­ A ’_n^„s ties of bacon will be put up in the Valleys of the Columbia* esougb i tn n ugar—Stock on han 1 light ranging SA to 11c "for Island. S F. refined fro hlfi ibis. IßAe 114 r 1 12c. Crushed I -F * ! bbls. 141. i i „ Í - S. C. STILES 4' AT L € J ’ i ’• * .OREGON. I ; * t he undersigned, thankful for tbc liberal patronage extended to him in the pastr wool 1 say to his old .customers and others, that he is uow better prepared than ever, to supply all demands for ? H I? . - • ] P I -.-S ’ , • 1 ; 'si. [ I’S1 SADDLES & HARNESS 4 /I. i r- T Of all kinds and descriptions, and lower C - same i class - * •• J of - articles 'T - than the and - Quality * ’ elsewhere • ■ A j can L be . purchased the I.. I V A L L E Y m . < - Repairing, Mending done on short Notice. I’ 1 U 4 L • ' ■ ' • ?■ and Fixing paid ' for * The highest Market ^price Hidép and produce. «y promptitude i . . in business I hope to be able to merit a continuance of the patron- age Heretpfor^ so generously extended to me. Customers 1 from the opposite side' of the river, who purchase the amudnt of five dollars, will "be entitled to fejli ige at my expense. I i ! I • III I - I -- ■ ■ S. C. STILES I .Dayton, December 1, 18G6. v* ■ . 1! 1’ I IT > e I 1 z Semi-Weekly Line of IIA C K S From PORTLAND to LAFAYETTE, via Hillsboro, Forest Grove and Centerville, and eturn T\\ It F a IV EEK, Carrying the- ‘ ti ii < r t nfieU States M ail ! J ’!].[’■ ' v ■ 4 assengers and Baggage taken to and from I ajl the above and intermediate Points. "I ‘ Pack ages of Goods Ac., carefully and proijnptly delivered’. I l 1' ■ i ■T • I* ' 1 • Will|fe^ve Lincoln House at 6 a . m * One of the most wilfu and awful in ur­ MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. Ar- dors that has occured in li e west happen* ~r t t rivu Q at LAFA A ETTE on Tuesdays and ed in Iuka, Tama Co , Iowa, last 31 on Fri< ays, and reachin ' ’ ig PORTLAND on day. A man by the nau c of Felter shot retu um trips, VV ednesdays and Saturdays. ami then beat out the brains of his wife, " D- M. FIELD’ Pro­ . , . ’■ I ' • * I * ' II' ' J * I jette, Aug. 26,18G6. , ly. and then, set his house on fire, which was P FrW • T • 11 is little gi 1, an only child, his wife. TN a rn r»-* N I |> . • ■*?•!'* i ! the remains of consumed, together with A ■■ ' n . ' J _f ■ B F. Bonham. Attorney at aged rix years, escaped jy the advice of hjer’dying mother^ to tel. the story to her dsn S A L E M, 'hei murderer is now nearest neighbors^ Th< in th$ hands of the sheiliffi May justice ! ' j J I ■ ■ W 1 OREG ON. I < ' ill give prompt attention to all legal business entrusted to him at the Cap­ ' ri.. „..il -i-- praaetioe • jn any him; —Counci IT Bluffs itol. i He will also Í. Cóurj sof this State. I speedily ovci (Iowi|) Bii/7/c t - ¡ ‘ 1 * ■ ■ H LIVERY « . Tax Xotice—Fair Warning ! * ' nving “ Swung around the entire Cir­ cle,” and visited all the precincts in the ¡L afayette STABLE! ’ 'entire County, as require Ubv law, I hereby paying Taxes in OSBORN & RATHBUN, Pro’s. L give notice that • the , time LI or _______ Yamfiill County will expire on the 28th day irses and Buggies to Careful parties on of De:ember 1866, and al Taxes not paid on Ml reasonable Terms. or be ore that date, will be collected as on ex- letutiun. L. L. WHITCOMB,. Ben. F. Hayden, Sheriff of Yarrihil County, Oregon. ¥ 'Lafayette, Nov. 28, 1866. H ■% H 4 , : <. i p > z . ■ 1 • I ’ fl 1 E 0 LA, S COUNTY, STOR G E I 1 Com I A mission! ARE HOUSE, would- wouftd' say to all inter. WARE inter, estei, that he is prepared with improved facil ities for the accoifimodation of Farm­ ers, Merchants and ot 1er Shippers, with safe, safe accessible and Convenient convenient STOR STOR- ­ AGE. He will also Purchase and For­ ward Produce for a ‘easonable Commis­ sion. Goods and Packages Shipped to my care will receive due and prompt att­ ention. J. t “ • ______ >__________ -1 *11 * • 1 K. SAMPSON- Lafayette, Nov. 23, 1866. ............................... f ----- r- s,.- - -------------- —-------- 4' * - pjRS. WHlrf & W(ESTERFIELC, Phy- l._z. sicians and Surgeons, Lafayette, Oregon. Oregon. nsr Lafayette, Office in the Drug store. ■ --------------------------------------- '■ ’ i a * 'll * ' I ■ : ' - « b T. HEMBREE' Dealer in DryGood s Groceries Hirdwore-&c. South sido Street. J , . Oregon. ¡ill practice in the various Courts of th s State. ,44 ly —, — 1 , J.i K. SAMPSON of the LAFAYETTE 11.11 . , ,2•' * AN OFFER. •Iii order to increase our circulate a )rojad—fin the States and elsewhere, ue propose to furnish the C ourier one yeir to those ordering it sent to any of tie states east, „ st or California, for the low price' price of D ollars . There is destined for maiy year^ to comu. to be a large emigration am u- ally peeking homes on the Pacific Slope, and evary dollar expended by~tiie people of Ya n- hill bounty in the way of directing attentii n- to tqe superior inducements offered e ns grants to settle in Yambiji County, will yfi Id. a foqr fold return. The > f - Territory and ‘ resources of YamLill County are ample to sustain fifte en tim its prasent population! There is scarcly one in the County wiio has hot a friend or friends in the States or ( alifbrnia to whom to send the countv paper who would in all probability be glad to sjnd fin exchange to such friends here, -a pa >cr rom their locality. Inealitv two ¡ I