ICE MASON. A'l ‘ THE COUR I -, 1 : * nt of the services o one by > n L «Ln find ~ Chimneys fay ette. doi mi teatisfactprilly^ , I RELIGIOUS NOTICES. ¡X Discov eu ana useu ,oy the Kesidcnt rhTS- ician, ai the only remedies which are safe and sur 0 have the effect. The large number ;i|)ly pipe, besides of cases in i.which they ‘ have been used, a guarantee of their sucqcss, * L\ ¡qojjanipous Assortment of Great care should be taken in visting the AND LUXURIOUS ARTICLES. Institut i, to reniemer the name, loah^HSoafs of all kinds, Candies ELECT R0PATHÏC INSTITUTE, , qe| pi^es, pens and Inks, poiwder, 645 Washington Street . 1 t and Bar I«ead, Letter paper, fancy Envelo^cs^ plain and fancy, Oysters n Montgomeay and Keorny streets* ¡es, Ua'hned Fruits of albkinjs, I the second Sabbath of each month, at II III i II ■ L h ' . i ; i 3’clock i •’ ; J biskys and Brapdies, óoflland.and Drake Bitters ■ ■ I I h I ! ■: il I ‘ ■ will preach second gabbato of ìhì j jj, j j [ ! I Lafayette, , 11 o’clock MJT1I )L BOOKS’ IG AND OllEyVINi ksfQuality. \ . 'CEDARS, etc Ikalayctie JIartyet Ueciicincs. WEEKLY [ corrected r ; i the leading proprietà t, ’ri Bushel, ‘ r A J. 55. Josselyn, M. D. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN- . . »’ Red Bluff Independent of ¿anua : | 4 j \ j I ‘ > 1 • ’ . 11 One Vol., 16 mo, 484 pages with Illustration! price, $1'50* ‘ I I 1 *• ■ - 4' H ' This work is designed to furnish the Youth. of the country a candid aDd impartial History I of the Great War i through which we have . histories of the Abolitionists, and it is of great importance for the welfare of our country that The great importance o! a sound juvenile liter* ature has long been felt and acknowledged, II. Josselyn, the Resident Physician and as this is the first, attempt to furnish it, istitutc during the past six years, r ed for this establishment a reputa- the Publishers respectfully solicit the encour- t J’’ F ’ * » ; ROBINSON me o ca SIMPSC ülar Estab! ishment ELLANEOUS. • ’ patronage $ûun tics YAMHILL would announce ï’ortlftîî tì Market quality, usually GRÀNI * Remember* STOVE Store, door to Ikbee' ORTL a that he is Djitrib ettb , in the ba rnpairing s P W.wpN’8, JIACI An experience! in thf business, that, he iindfrsti ar yepnir joljs iij through all ourf in exchange; for lumber. lie wt Ax’»c4, $e.i for ’ ket*pHcb. 1 Lafayette,.xJ;i ------------------------- 4 ■ ETTK ■ I r' li I n ferii y si ì f ricuci) payané ? ris io’, o DEALERS No deduction made for 1 fir au half a quarter, uqle>s in Board cn reasonable term * J . ose desiring it, by spplwiqg : XT ; ! Alcohol, etc. Sii er ¡ft’s-Sale. 1 -5 j* ‘ W agement of the public and the assistance oft BACON. /-U 1 ■ ORTLAND, and t stl. San Francisco 92 T rost no22 S’-i| I r ' i ■ i> "4 otice is hereby given, that, by virtue of an execution, issued out of ¡the County CourLof Yamhill County, State of Oregon, ATTORNEY and to me directed, in favor Geo. E. Getch- dll, and against A. Bradbury, for the sum of Nighty three and 87—10d;doilars+with inter­ est to date, 1 have levied upon, and will, on the 8th day of DECEMBER, I860, between the hours of 9 o’clock a. m., and 4 o’clock p. nr, of said day, proceed to sell to the bidder, attention paid for cash in hand, at the Court House door in Lafayettq,-County and stats aforesaid, til of the right, title and jnteresi, of the said A. Bradbury, of, in and to, the?following descri­ bed property, to wit; thelouth haijoi the south half, of lot one in Block four, and all of the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situa­ ted in the original town plat of Amity, Coun­ .RS. WHITE & WESTERF ty ind state aforesaid. » • sicians and Surgeons, Lafayette, Oté; Tobe sold to satisfy said execution, costs Office in the Drug store. and and accruing costs. L. L. WHITCOMB, - Sheriff of Yamhill County., Bv B. H. Bunn, Deputy Lafayetee, Nov. 7, 1866.' 13—42 4w T. HEMB REE De • Groceries Ha rd w or i Main Street. 1 ’ N B Final Settlement- Etft ite of Anna B. Forrest deceased, In the couDty court of Yamhill (Jo. Oregon, Now on this 2nd day of'October, 1866, comes the Administrator of the estate of Anna B. Eores^ deceased, and files his ac­ count for the final settlement of the said de­ ceased’s estate. It is ordered that th% said final account be heard and final settlement of said estate be made on the sixth day of November, I860, in said County Court, and that four weeks notice thereof be given in the Lafayette C ourier . J. W.COWLS, S teward THE GREAT CIVIf The readers of this article the real Disunionists as they are now proving • —> themselves to be, shad be properly portrayed. of the “ Electroptthic institute, th ■ A Y quí Í i % History just passed, from ¿a i Demociatic standpoint * Belew arc a few Of thé Opinions of the , i* Press ofCalafornia% which are submit- The minds of our youth being poisoned «9 arid mis-educated by the false and - partial ! ted. the Public another column of this paper. r, "p bushel,’ meal, p 100 lbs , ‘U 1^0 tbs ‘ idgs, ton, y NOW READY THE FEMALE MEDICINFSr I lder S. C. A dams Conducts religious Ser- ?s at the Church in ‘Lafayette,; on-ithe t Sabbath of each mobth, at 11 o’dicfc A. M. lew J. Spencer will preach; in Laiaygpte Hi Greer - ¡H receipt of A letter disease withÊtating th symptoi ms, the age and sex of the patient CTIOXF.RY J The Best 1 incdy Foj PURIFYING the Blood rengtheniug th Nerves, Restoring the lost Appetite, is • FRESE’S HAMBURG TEA. It is the best preservative against almostai sickness, if used timely. Composed oTber only, it can be given safely to infants. Spanish aad directions in Euglish, French T German, with every package. TRY IT! For sale at all the wholesale and reti drug stores and groceries. EMIL FKESE. Wholesale Druggist, Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, J. £jJTbss31yn. M, D., IDW piiYSiCIAN’, Dr. .Josselyn pays particular attention to the trcajment of cases in the interior of the State, and upon receipt of a full description of the disease of which the applicant is so unfortunate as to be afflicted, accompanied with the real or a nctitions addres, sends per Wells, Fargo & Co., metfieines that he warrants to euro the dise-ifce, without the slightest injury to the systehj. He uses no tnercury cr • inineriff poisons. The remedies are known as ‘^Electic,” and most of them are of hh own discovery. Persons placeing themselves under the treatment of Dr. J. H- Josselyn may rely upon not ^nly receiving correct and succesful treatment but upon his discrétio and secrecy. ¿From the Democrat! Standard. Jan ! I860.] G lad to H ear it .—F lor several mqnths past Dr. J. II. Josselyn, f >r the last six »years so. well Miown as the Res the Eie.ctiMpatliic Institat 645 Washington -street, Francisco, hai contemplated re* tiring from his position accepting the position of' lone of tho large hospitals Massabcu3otts. Tl^- matt to a number of scientific Francisco, who. feeling would occur ti#tbe comra dr awat.of a physician of 3 ¡meritsas Dr. Josselyn, a i at which resolutions highly laudatory of the Doctors abilities were parsed, and a commits > tec of gentlemui appon^ed to wait.upon him, present the resolutions, and urge him to give up the intention of leavin^ithe State, and con­ tinue in his present position. The arguments of tho committee facilita'eil by certain pecun ¡ary propositions, made hv the Directors of the'Institute,have induced ¡bp Doctor to retain bis position as Resident Physician. We an** Bounce the success of the negotiations with satisfaction as it would have been difficult for the numerous patients that heretofore rex lied on the Doctor for scientific and success­ ful treatment to have jfound another physi­ cian capable of filling his place. [Frqm the. Yreka Union, Febuary 10,jGG;] T he B est is tub C heapest .-■-This adage will apply as well to tho practice of medicines as to the purchase of merchandise Thous­ ands cn this coast, oh this cqast, dining the ypars have had their constitution past fifteen ye , ruined by reft sing t eatrpent. at the hands of first-class ; physiciahs, imply because a » ' gringof humbugs, ct I ng themselves doctors, and viho are almost destitute of I. common ■ sense, much mo: of medical knowledge, offer to treat those who are sick for a less sum than a regular practitioner. A man that WoHld allow a quack to,qdminister medicine to him, is worse than an' idiot, for in nine cases-out cf ten, the medicine so given, ms stead tf curing the disease, makes the patient worse ar.d luces permanent injury to the vic­ tim, and oftentimes to such an extent as to prevent thj possibility offcuring the original disease. The fact? is that no person should place hiifiWlf in charge of ii physicain unless bàrs strqn he has strong proofs that the doctor is a reg- uhijr graduate fr •om some well reputed Aledj-. cal ¡College- T he number of, medical hmu- bu^sirySan Francisco, is perfe'ctly enormous not more than two of the advertised physi­ cians have a diploma >. Dr. J. H. Josselyn * " ’ ’ :ian < of thé Electropathy Insti Resident physic tute,|645, Vashington street, is one of these, and is prepared at all times to exhibit his di plomas. - -j ' CAUTION. ECfdRS OF yTIIIS CELE Persons seeking the Electropathic Ii Ied|pel Institute wish to thaijk tute, should *be careful to remember the n thqgjenerous manner ■ in wtiiiib and number. ¿stained the • Resident? Physician ele ct r P A T III a ron|gL It is now 1 six years IT UTE, ^titute vvasas ablished ; during that 645 Washington street. I j las i been over __ niti'ianw THIRTY nttT/ATt THOU- between Kearny and Montgomery Ni SULTATIONS, and in in all t|ie disease was curable. H. 'JOSSELYN, M. D- ’ AND PERMANENT CURE • rformed M on the sign, . With these remarks we leave Malicious charlatans the interest , of the lnstitute with the public, generous confidence raps fin close proximity to’the asking only the same „ arid patronage, thus far awarded to it The >ptingsimilar names hop:og to attract the, record shows over thirty thousand consulta­ so is perfci iweqj^ ; but their failure to do tions, and a very large amount Oi suffering apparent1—for the business has , « 1 ’ ed in the least, but has gone on relieved. Perisons wishing to consult the ResMen usertllnes and profits in regu- Physician by Letter, can do so with .the; ut­ most confidence, and can, if they wish, have new Electric Remedies for any disease sent to all ?arts of the State; all Remedies sent from the nstitute warranted to be effectual. ' All let­ ters must be addressed plainly J. H. JOS jt mke n° SELYN, M. D. Box 1945, San Francisco orwarded Cal. All letters will be destroyed or returned, tic States upyn th as directed by the writer. [ IIHMMI . ■ * 4 the Democratic press. By psofessing great' . putation, and thé devotion to “freedom,” the Abolition or Re- * 3tiiuto are contiq- publican party succeeded i n deceiving thou- t seeking relief from sands, particularly of the young men ofqpr •* country,who, ia the first flush of youthful patriotism, were seduced by its artful phrases This book will correct their into joining it. I error, and is just such a work as every Dem- 4 ocrat’ North or South, ought to place in the hands of his children, to, give them a correct idea of the late war and its causes. The style of * the entire volume is such as to be easily tin- A derstoqd bra child twelve years old. At the same time it is adapted to adult readers, ma­ king, in fact an Illustrated History of the War i for the low price of$l 50. Enclose the Green Backs and send to Van- eyrie, Ilorton & Co., 162, Nassau st N. Y., aud get a copy. ! • You will be pleased with it. . I. ATT1L5TIOA •i j f . j. . ; j NEW GOODS ’ I NEW GOODS!’ ' i- P i iL PRICES REDUCED .GALLAND, GOODMAN & No. 129 Front Street r Pl r Opposite What Cheer 1 Rouse, Portland, Or \ cgon 9 AVE just received, and are constant ly receiving the largest and best se­ lected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever brought to this market,’ consisting^ consisting of . DRY GOODS, ii l r H CLOTHTNG, BOOTS ANt) SHOES’, I HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS and CROCKERY, >- Also a large stock of i . Wanted Motto—♦< Quien SALES PROFITS. ” and no bumbug. Our 'II Remember Cheer House. 1 placé Ik small opposite tlie I » entire satisfaction, or nd convince yourselves. GARLAND, /GOODMAN & CO., .• * r * . . - *■ 129 Front street, Portland N0TICET0TAX ■| OF 'P4 YR RS COIXTY! 1! ]■ ■ < r P J T^Totice is hereby given that I will meet tho JL y Tax payers otf Yamhill County, Oregon, at their respective places of voting, for the purpose of collecting tho S tate , C ounty , S chool and P oll TAXES, for the year 1866-, on the following di ys, vii: East Chehalem, Moriday; Nov. 19, 1866. * West Chehalem» Tuesday, Nov. 20, ” Northfork, Wednesday, Nov. 21, ” Dayton, Thursday,' Nov. 22, ” •Willamette, .Friday, ' Nov. 23F ”z I Amity, Saturday, Nov. 24. ” ”, South Fork, Monday, Npv. 26, ” . McMinuvilJe, Tuesday, Nov. 27, ” Lafayette, Wednesday, Nov. 28 I will be at the 4>ope places at the boors of 10 o’clock, a , Ms and remain ’til 3.P* m * of said days- S. C. Adams is ¡authorised to receive and , receipt for taxes in my absence. » Lafayette, Oct. 27, ’66, L. L. WHITCOMB . i ò’Aeri/,;