REMINGTON’S Impeachment by the Hduse impl suspension of the accused from the during trial before the Senate, and l Hgnation by Congress of tpe perso shall act as President, thqr| being n ‘Pregidctit.—Sac. Union. | I • ■ V¿GÉ Grfjat Faïu-îïy MedScine of* tllC Age. j I■ • times, there will be sonic skirm ‘¿round the^CTTpitol before Ijhis bill N ÎNTRRWALLY CURES : * ,z » lids, UougliA. &C, l Repeating Pistols,’ Elliot pt.. Nos. 22 32lCart. No. 22, 30 & 32 Cartridge* V’Cst pocket ” Characteristic speculation, the T - Í i he -wrH auswer t drew Johnson, I ■ I G un C ane , using ‘No. 32 Cartridge. S ingle Barrol S hot G uns . it R evolving R ifle , 36 & 44-100 Calibre. i H B reach L oading R if L e , No. 32 Calibre ' B reach L oading C arbine , N o . 46 Cartridge. nr, J U. S, R ifled (Steel Barrel,) with Sabre Bay’t. U. S. R ifled M usket , Sprinfield pattern, ___ '______ !___ Lil___ trade at bargait A ■ ■ SADDLERY FURNISH e pain killer , J [T h fl I' line faithfully about-, eight out of ten re- , yours. • U -S I f r- I ' » 1 1 ¿2 onice» French Medical fllfiice. i. i — it - Ji ? . , J ». (ft a. J ulien jP: K rault , Drt rL of Medicin Medicine, o Faculty of> I’ ■aris, Graduate of the Uni- College, dud Physician o hn Baptiste Society of San Fran rfiult bias pleasure to inform pa cl hens Reeking confidential mcdica at he can be consulted daily at hi: no -y El alii Build ingl Nqrth last Cor n ahd Saerauicito. streets, Sai *Rojffis Nos. 9,. 10, 11, first floor entrehCO, either on Montgomery, oi DEALERS DRUGS, CHEMICA ES, PAINTS oei AND F Grist G OILS, DYSTUFFS, Ac, At the NORTH YAMHIL The undersigned woq FARMERS of YAMHILE ing Counties, that he is p3 Practitioner o the ..Publie QUICK Obstetrics- ............ i indiían nd its co .it has li recomen In 183Q ral use, ' selves permanent invite the attem , Ball Cards, Programmes, e IMPORTS AND d I ea * DAYTON Every Tuesday, Thursday 1 and Saturday mor- MUSIC AL ] IN STR U M E NTSL SH E ET ning, connecting at Canem lajh with the Boats SIC, MUSIC BOOK . 8, STRINGS, for PORTLAND. For Freight and passage, apply on board. Lafayette* Feb. 27, J. D. MILLER, Master. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MDS. ie best instrument of dhi >rld. Also, Agent for Ste m lebrated • ’ . ¡ JACOB UNDERH Gold Medal Piano ' IMPORTER^ Hardware, Ir ■. Steel Smiths’ Bellows, Anvils, Vises, * ' ■ IF ■ ■ * These instruments have elicited the hi commendatien from the lb u si cal profei and have received the written ^estime Wagon and Seat Springs, Nut and Washers, Thimble Ske Cumberland Coal, Hayin Scythes and Snaths, Grain C Forks, Mechanics’ Tools of the manufacturers of the celebrated /he most eminent musicians: of the U States, as tQ their superiority over all o in quality and volume of tor lapacity. pression, quickness of acti durabili' quality of keeping in tune., every instrument warr DOBBIN HORSE NAILS JACOB UNDERHILL &CO. 100 Front street, Portland Goods Store» meTeal disease Has constantly on hand a good cot, Strictures, . ' Jr' i * • ions, etc., will Syphilitic and uoved from the nioii TUNTIL further notice.dhis Steamer will U leave • s, Posters, and Blaks of Medicai and Business Cards, O r E xchange FLOUR fcr WHEAT, Short Notice. Tftisting-to belable tc FACTION, lie would' solicit k share of Public i North Yamhill, YamhiJ gon, Apr. 9, 18G6. , T. S WHITE & Steamer J O B OFFICE E. G. Cor. First and Alder si era, cunng nipiureus of the sever and nevtr. tqtdjir knowledge’ hàvir ng to directions,, io the earlier st 3 in b’s office, discas?. càrin^ disc as?. ! In i uà ri ng F ever and . A gue ,, ahd ¡lemselves that . I- -- i i _______ • . . fJ other diseases incident to our weitern and Marly educated southcrAcliniatA, no medicine has i been more iinces given if .successici. For !’£l A - .cold, iifis almost ¿ specific, and Rheumatic ¡Neuralgic affections often give ionic disease way to it w 'feriali other remedies ha^e failed, jives. We in- i It it cmineni tty 4 HHQHHHHHJHHHHH F amiey M edicine , and kept • know every- ready.for resort! t! in case Occident or ^ufiden sudden at­ dry goods tack of, of. disease;! disease,! it has saved many hours of ^uffeing^and inji , a dollar in doctor's bills. ny It has been tested in every variet r of clim- FANCY GOODS, jde, and by alnlost every nation 1 riown to Americans. Itis the almost const mt com- panion of’the inissionary and the i tr aiveller, BOOTS and SHOES, and jt has won to itself" firm friends I where Complaint yer it h ecome known bnsult the < HATS and CAPS, «1 We. many testi- success monials__ __ ....________ _____ i—.-.- in curing*Sadden Colds, Coughs, Sorq' fThroat, GROCERIES FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS Diphtheria* Fefer and Ague, Herdache, Billionni Fever,; pains in the side, Buck, and D r P errault is 1 the only agent in Califor- Loiqp,^swelFasHn the Joints and Limbs: HARDWARE niafor Dr Biot’s Female monthly pills, r—i. Their ’Neuralgic ahd Rheumatic pains in any pari immense i sale has established their reputation as a female remedy, unapproached and 1 far in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, QUEENS advance of every other remedy for su Stomach, it seldom fails to~ cure Dyspepsia dons and irregularities, and other oostiruc WARE, & c ., Ac, ndigestiop, Livei Complaint, Acid Stomach, tions in females. On recei t of five dollars leartburii, Kidney Complaint’s, Sick Head- these pills will be Efent by n ill or express to Please call and examine our Stock of tche, Pi|M, Ashmlf or Phthisic, Ringworms, any part of the world, secur from damage or Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Syrup, Oream Tartar, curiosity. J J Persons at a distance c n be cured at Nails, Pocket Knives, Saleratus, Tobacco, General Debility of the System home, by addressing a Jetter \ w Rice, etc. o D r . P errault , prompt and sure remedy for corner of Sacramento and Montgomery sts.j »aut in the Stomach, Painters' We will sell oea Dysentery Summer Com- Rooms, 10 and iji ,or Box 973, P. Q. San THAN. THE CHEAPEST. Francisco, stating Jhe case as ■ minutely *as C heaper > ■' » Insects, possible, general habits of living, occupation Call Early and Satisfy Yourself 1 of Pois- &o. &o. irl J. T. HEMBREE. A11 communi lions confidential Venomous Rcbtiles. . F I ML ■ ! ‘1 . I. I ■ .i • ■ H ■1 I * M ’ • i 1 *'-4 -* * -1 -,