LU J J. .,uV, y—W.« .»»11*11 I I'« and inlqur own land, there would be ms biusy-bodies turned to usefulness, -insk OPEN1 MG D elivered i’»L ORE 151IK. si 3CIKÎY, AC Bld ULTE It Ali dCTOBER SIXTH AN LAL 1866, ¿Y TÏ1FJ ■■ '*• . D outi I it . YAMHILL OREGON ÇOUNTÎ P ri -Í. iú Í nt , o|‘ creating strife and discord among- m AT 17 J AS. U III t- i II I Id flll L F ellow -C ituzln ^ S tatai /Aminev lt | uíl |OF THE One Copy Ono Year, . One Copy Six Months, . rangements of the 1A and the piraciicp of f< , . . J . . lighter upon those who n ^w perform it Map^ inventions arc sought jauL men tp'-avoid- working ft# tliqir own si '. . . my duly at this hour, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT abd then the tax upon the hbo< of : cbuntiy^nCjcessaJy for its maintenance a proper,hevc!opqmcnt, would fall mt . . *2 00. JE&fClergymtJn and Teachers will Furnished lie speaking, and were persuaded that; a largì ist asscmlugc fire me 1 1er annum with ADVERTISING I > Lines or less, on sent to iop at a tolerably full his time I- 1 working capaci t ï of the different milling In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, ss.—John W^ and manuïactu ing establishments in- the I Allen, ptf., vg. Levi F. Alien, deft. (Uni State, but want of time and opportunity ted States Revenue stamp, 50 cents, can­ on my part to c Jlect.-and some remissness celed, September 1st-, 1866. |^O LEVLF. ALLEJi, Defendant:—In the on the ppit of tl e managers of the estab- r JI. name of the Stato of Oregon, you are lishmentis to furnish me with such state r -i-i-- I ......... moots as requested, I cannot do so to the ,4 ex tînt desired. hereby required to appear and an&wer the complaint,tiled against yoti in the above en­ titled action, witbjn ten days from the ser.s vice of this Summons upon you, if served within this county; and jf served in any Among the mote worthy and benefi other county of this State, then within twen­ cial improXemen ts of the State are th( ty days from the date qf the service of this Summons upon you; and if you fail so to numerous ^edifices for educational answer, for want thereof, the plainiffwill take poses, whilst we have, perhaps, co judgmont or tire sum of one thousand Dollars with awful interest there and what is tended high schools en on since the 1st day of September, 1864, to- ’ ’I I I . 8 11' I " ' I i I for present wants. Yet a great defici gether with cost and disbursements of suit G. H- STEwaRD, exists in interest by the masses with Attorney for pltf. mon schools, wlidfe the most of the c STATE OF OREGON,) o G , A COI-NTT *■ YaMHILL, J SS' ren of the laboring classes tnust be ( • C; i.. I f 1 I I . r Its of ^he action and cou il unemployed. RfenccL ;dom of5 in God docreeih; 1 ordered that Service in said cause be mi aide * by publication of Summons for si» _v_ l _- Lafayette t Courier, a newspaper wfeeks in . the published in said còunty. no336w R. P.Boise ?at ofone’s' face should w< common school system; and i days bf our lives; and Sum statement of or r productions and of the cal influences control, as, they e pa$t, wc can hardly promise s a bettei state of affairs in this ir. | % < COUNTY OFFICIAL ^IRECTORY Judgi Co .vies ; Commissioners, Ball, iw.n; Sheriff. L. L. Whit w ic manufacturing establishments : M, S' , , . nat nave been erected rn •s in the State, ai«e of vast le industry of the same, C. Adattici; A&äjcJsJior, I). comb ; Sirith irer, Clem Ecikles ; School Superintendent, Rev. Job n .pencar; Coroner, J. W. Watt Surveyor, \. S. ÄVatt. ago we were almost en- LAFAYETTE OSBORN ROBINSON & LAKE,of the above & RATH miHS HOTEL is still koi JL modation of boarders a id the t public. - I ular Establishment, Thankful for the Libera st t coun m in GOOR I i * md attentive hostlers. patronage extended them by the public of L T YAMHILL, Washington and Polk Counties I i ' y ’. j —’Ll- ’ show- to Customers a superior assortment of mount to inuch. m the the Goods and wares of superior pattern and king about 6,000 yards of cloth and the happiness, pleas- ure ana oeqcuD oi toe people, is abso lute- ly called, Or, and should be cherished * I employs eighty operatives, • Late Physician *& Surgeon, TIN Remember the EMIGRANT I and STOVE Store, Front ; kl TPORTL a NI). Next* no 80. »le Mills, located at Brownsville, door to Bebee’s ty, works fifty operatives, ma- and-fosteret, by every lover ow&r, minerals, and r channels 0 furnished U3 by our Creator, ! form a very interesting part of t t-b the pub­ Ifttiole; if not < superior to any lic supposed iunity. Such IFlorldj to encourage and invi- T J >• 1 • the interest and convenience of ►pie. The most extensive of which )efen common ovements of the State, and add I ' ! ■ i- ■ t fixtures of a river 1 I !’i AND COUNSELOR AT LAW; AND LICITOR IN CHANCERY resented, not by i ble deeds. iCont necessity fclr an I , at Portland, works about t paramount influence began* in caries '■ i 1 JI. ■ - ' J Al ' I Y our Creator to e work that he mi the great Apostlu of the Christi|o. rblig Llti I. • 11 < ■ • ’ • - ’ 11 1 I ; x Primary Department........................ ij ^Middle, ”............ i Senior • • * L • Extra charges will be made for the ingstudieis Latin & Greek, each .••••••• •. • $2,00 French, German and I Spanish, each $5,00 Drawing,.................... ......... $3,00 Painting,.............. . .r, ... .$10.^0 Induction in vocal Music, free of change all over the fefptt much of thdj cc .conveniençeÿ .convenien9e<* oi of civilize life. No deddetion made for absence for lhss than half a quarter, unless in case of sickness, not- Board on reasonable terms, can* be had by these desiring it, by applying soon only have good gq.od and well mproved farms, most ei enlightened civilization demand. passable ] roac|s, bridges r id fences, but oojleges, schoolhouses, cities, TheL pure and all sublime principles of chufches. i. aojjej Ceristianity may be preached in their (dir in in- ­ tended simplicity, and their excellencies practiced and lived up to by all;mankind; “ rei iipectfully an­ ’ I^HE undersigned would and all may be what ar termed rijte scholars, JL i nounce to the travelling pqblic, that he ' I Yambill, yet without food and raiment, the direct has, at tho Lafayette crossing oi the result of labot ig else would A LARGE, NEW AND SAFE F CRB I • n?.i ;ii j * I cease, and nil wo minding brass on which he can cross Teams, St and tinkling of i EXPEDITIOUSLY AND C HI Aifiong the f ’ ■ *■ 'i > i 1 I | r The roads leading (o and from this are in good repair, and persons 1 South going to Portland, McMin lvill Grove and Hillsboro, and fronr th going to Salem, Dallas, Corvalli I, W to their advantage to > patronize tl iis 1 JOHN E ARRIS Lafayette, July 31 1866. * consuming about six tons and turns out work to the that the product of the laborer has over all other engagements of life. The Jaw- Lafayette. ■, Oregon Will practice m the District and Supreme giver may make the i mos$ wholesome Courts of Oregon and judicious laws i taht thleKil of tfye fS^Taxes Paid, Collector Proceeds Promptly remitted. ’ | | informed that the Ore* 1 •. ' ' ti ‘ • i ATTORNEY The Academical yevr will be divided into ’ manufacture of iron or casting can until quite rec/ asBemb led as ception of Students, on Monday, Oct. the 8tb, 1866. < l. ' . | four quarters of eleven weeks each. The Tuition, payable at the middle ofeach ated at Portland , where the most quarter, will be as follow : I . I •J 1 aril ‘ civilized, JL I1IS Institution will bo open for the re­ IIall& Forbes towqs and vilig part^ of* the^JS ov the inhabited Natl these alone— manufacturing establishments and work- - . - •* 1 shops approaching almost equal to our present want%.and the means of transport tation fully up to our present demands, at least in the sjWfllamette and Columbia , C. G. CURL. river settlements. Whilst in the opin- ion qf some,ia portion oi the imp »rovements and enterprisei-thai exist are m< onopolies ; jet if they we$ stricken out of existence ’ H’ ’ b- "L ' It ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON. ( Will practice in the Supreme and Cir­ ■ *i a material interest of the country would ion, said to his brethren of that ay, that be injured and a great convenience to the if any would not work neither should they country cut off. ■’ ? * - ' -I ' • hoped to have I had honed-to been able to Dre> eat’ If this doctrine was enforced to-day 1 cuit Courts of this State. Particular attention paid to Probate bus infess and also to the collection of debts; and Concluded forwarding of proceeds.