TTEN BY A DEMOCRA ' ! IA Ir W m ’ 3 ’ i I ■ I ■ I 'Bi I I *ï 1 'f ■ In order to increase JiOW READY: A Youth9« History il : I ! ifdM I*' __ . __ I "I • 4. j 4 S* -1J One Vol.klfe pio,484 pages With Illustrai IjU iWffliBl price, $láü. This work is desigr ijed to fiirnish thie Y of the country a cand ip and impaitivli Hi of tlwj Great War through which ,wéi 1 • 4 i’' i . Dayton, Oregon,r ‘ 50- for the low prie 11 Î . Í : HARNESS LEATHER, Backs and.ée Enclose the a •ri evrie, Horton atten* .................................... f . reason and morality ./j,' life and that of others, trade to the • stock. dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is Bi ! a fact that premature decline, of the vigor of manhood, matrim nial unhappiness, com pill- sory single life, ( c., have their sources in tiona put up t causes, the germ of. 1 in which early is planted short notice. life, and the bitter '* fruit tasted long afterward, i- J " ' Patients laboring upder this complaint will ' ¡ l’Il complain of one or more of the following WHITE W esterfield symptoms : Noctu iifnal Emissions, pains in the t 7 L « H i Ji i in 1 > I- L r i Back and Head, Weakness of memory and Sight, discharge from the Uretha on going to st6ol or making water, the Intellectual fac­ ulties ase Weakened, Loss oi memory ensues, Ideas are clouded,) and there is a disinclina­ tion to attend to business, or even to reading, writing or the society of friends, etc. '1 he pa­ complain of Dizziness, tient will probab' . ■ j i. sight and hearing are Vettigo, and that Weakened and sleep disturbed, by dreams, NTIL further Steamer will melancholy, sighing, palpitations faintings, leave , ’ > H I; 1 I I I j coughs and some slow have fever while ex- tetyal ial rheumatic pai piins, and numbness of the Thursd body. Some Some of of the the i most common symptoms are pimples in the in fa differ­ ifeee, and aching ent parts of the body, patients suffering from po this disease should apply immediately to D r For Freight and p; P errault , either in person or by letter, as Lafayette. Feb. 2’ he will guarantee a cure of Seminal Emissions and impotence in six to eight weeks. patients- suffering from Venereal disease m any any stage? stage? uonorrnoea, Gonorrhoea, uieet, Gleet, strictures, Strictures, Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneos Eruptions, etc., ’ ~ ~ / “I will be treated successfully. All Syphilitic and All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the system. D r P errault ' s diplomas are in his office, where patients can see for themselves that they are under the care of a regularly educated practioner. . The best references given if i constantly H’ Ï ■' ' ■ j -I- ■ 1 Fridays, at id reaching P P ortland ol return trips, Wednesdays and Saturdays. “ M. FIELD’ Pro- 1866 Lafayette, YEW FLKAITLREj By promptitude in- business I hope to toejit a lair share of the trade in my line. •'Repairing done on short; notice. 1 I^Customers ftpm thé -opposite sidb of the river, who purchase the .¡anjount of five dollars, will be entitled to feriage at my expense. 8. Dayton, February 6th ANCE FCR EVERYBODY ■■ J. STILES 1866. AUCTION SALES EVERY THURSDAY , AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M. r J I • -I | The l¥ew York Day-Book .1 f OFFICE TIIE BEST \ ^TYEMOCRAilC WEEKLY IN AMER- ICA, can be bad as follows, cash in advance; , .Que copy one year, - - - $2 00 Three copies one year, - - 5 50 ¡¡Five-copies due year, and one to the 4 getter up Of the club, - 10 00 ¿Ten copies ’one year, and one to iitho getter up of the club - 17 50 Additional copies, • - - - 1 75 Twenty copies one year, - If- 30 00 VAN EVRIE, HORTON A CO. ! ’ 162 Nassau street, New York. ' s • ; ' • ' t L '■ ■ • -I QUICK CHEAP. fJ'HE undersigned having received Largs Consignments of FURNITURE, All kinde printing at „ BEDDING, -i :a with neatness PÜLU, promptitude WALL PAPER, Kills, Pos. shades ; Law, Medieii Cards, Ball ' t j ! ■ I" . CROCKERY, ■ ’ t L ■- ■ i ■ ' GLASSWARE, LAMPS, Ac., de,. Ac. -i . Notice to dreditors. is hereby given to all persons inter* t th e undersigned I ias been duly ap* Judge of Yamhill ator ot the estate *on, Administ Goodrich, dece sed. AIL persons »aid deed's estate PLBEIC SCHOOL-NEW . Pe r hi OFFERS Them Reduced Rates k. F. FORBES will com second term of the Lafay- ic School in Lafayette, on N ew S chool ! or in that propor|iou for Scholars com­ mencing any time during* the term. A deduction will be made from the ¡ibovd figures to be governed by the common amount approp school purposes. • Ill 0 ' ‘ - j • i' ' I 1 . OLI 1 Bucklesand Rings, which II at lower figures than be purchased elsewhere : ~ 1 h Lx- vl 1 WOOL CABBING PORTS AND ¡DEALS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MU SIC, MUSIC BOOKS, STRINGS, The, undersigned would say Jo th« pub­ lic that be will open a School in La* fayette, on MONDAY, August the ------ _ 20th, —j, ( ensuing. Following Branches will. be taught, _ , viz : Algebra, Arihmetie Ast> ronomy, Gam mar and Philosophy, besides, all the Lower Branches. TERRS : $5, A $6, , . 1 Per Qr. M. R. CARY. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Grist Grinding At thp. NORTH YAMHILL MILLS. Ths undersigned would inform! thi FARMERS of YAMHILL and adjoin ing Counties, tl e is prepared to FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS r * t__ •• • * Da P errault is the only agent in Califor­ nia for Dr Biot’s Female monthly pills. Their immense sale has established their reputation as a f female* remedy, unapproached and far in advance of .* every other remedy for suppres- — sions and i irregularities, and other obstruc* tions in females, On receipt of five dollars these pills will be sent by mail or express ;to CROCKERY, G any part of the world, secure from damage i or curiosity. *‘, Persons at a distance can be cured at Please call home, by addressing a latter so D r . P errault , Coffee, Suga corner of Sacramento and Montgon sts., Nails, Poc] Rooms, 10 and 11, or Box 978, P. San Francisco, stating the case as minutely as possible, general habits of living, occupation THAN &o. &o. /Ifcommunications confidential. PRICES REDUCED! to those ordering it sent to any of the STILES can call and examine for themselves. We in­ vite investigation ; claim not to know every­ thing, nor to cure ever •ybody, but we do claim that in all cases taken i under treatment we fulfill our our promises. We particularly request those who have tried this boasted doctor, and that advertised physician, till they are worn out and discouraged, to cal upo.. us.—Low charges and quick Cures. Ladies suffering ¡from any Complaint in* cidental to their sex, can consult the doc tor with the assurance of relief. NEW GOODS C ourier one year propose to furnish the ’ ’ • ii - <1 r * i ¡ THE Patients suffering under chronic disease’ our circulation abroad—in the States am d elsewhere, we J In propotion as required. atteytiom AN OFFE !R. Early an WOOL Into ROLLS at the Custom- try Prices of the * Country Persons Good ROLLS must bring O lean WOOL — : Also one pound of Grease'foh every Seven pounds i of Wool, Ho is also reidy as usual, to GRIND GRISTS. WHEAT-At give SATIS. ^Respectfully CHEAPEST. Yourself! j > share of Public Yamhill, YamhillÇoun r. ». 1866. T. STAN: OF ALL KINDS. ; _ OLE AGLNT FOR ' the CELEBRA ted Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ The best instrument of the kind in the world. Also, Agent for Steinway A Son’f celebrated S » JACOB UNDERHILL ■ Gold Medal Piano Forte. Smiths’ Bellows, Anvils, Vises, ’ ’ : Wagon and Seat Springs, Nuts lbese instruments have elicited the highest and Washers, Thimble Skeins, uumendatien from the musical profession, Cumberland Coal, Haying Tools, id have received the written testimony of e most eminent musicians of the United Scythes and Snaths, Grain Cradle^ Hky ates, as to their superiority over all others, Forks, Mechanics’ Tools of the beskquality, quality and ’ volume of tone, capacity for ex- - /• action, ! u i ■ ession, quickness - of durability and a manufacturers of the celebrated lality of keeping in tune. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED PERFECT. E. G. RANDALL, and Alder ata., next door to Post Office, Portland D JBBIN HORSE NAIL&. r 4 1 < JACOB UNDJRHILL 4 ÓO. 100 Front «trwt PJUi uwi