1 1 ? t< ? « I 1 ,» * « ** • t , Pt' * i '■ axle is to rise when the wheel comes in TUESDAY, OCT. 9, 1866. — ■The of the. Hoin ousting the Grant County usurpers^ inhopes ‘‘ the ptecedent will be follow«!/ ’’ Now, by the same logic Amendment to tho Constitution of Ore­ draft is desired.1 Tho “ wooden ” is pre that thcJarf) members of the House frere U gon. ferable to the ii§n axle in this respect, compeilid^o > vacate their r seats, Sterns in An amendment, preliminary, to the Con- other things beifig equal. The iron ax the Senate should be ousted; indeed we stitution of this State, has passed the Sen-. wagon “jolts” pvorst of all others by rea*’ are fold he was beaten by Col, Drib- ate providing for a separate Supreme Court son of striking Obstacles more solidly and blesbyby a Ipuch larger majority than The proposition seems to meet more oppo. passing over them less • readily _ _ dily—another. another, were» the House members beaten by their sirion in the House than aiu ke would con-’ proof that they “ run’ hardest. competitors. To be anything like con- competitor^. elude a proposition at once so necessary ristent, M^. Sentinel, you must denounce . I nsane A sylum . —E x Governor Gibbs to the complete ends of justice would meet the acrioL of the Senate in retaining in his last annual message . aludes to the | Ste*»ih iqs seat. anywhere. Under the laws now in force (Sterns in tiis seat But you won’t do it subject of a State Insane Asylum, and as in this State, the Supreme Bench is com­ says you should your, bitter judgment _ if determined that the people should posed of the District Judges of the state, ~ < ! ! ■ •- know that his solicitude in the premises butyoida^e e not. who assemble once a year t the Capitol 4—*----!----------------- — T was the result of his private opposition to L ull WsARE.-r—The best place in Port to pass finaly upon, and mayhap to reverse Drs. Ilawthore fc'Loryea, the enterpris- land tdbuy hardware, iron, steal, mechan- decisions which they themselves have 4 S ’ 11 I • . 1 ing and obliging proprietors of the Asyl 1- ’ ics ics tqoli t<|i odali kinds, etc., etc., is at the rendered in their respective Districts. It um in -i East Portland, hf‘ refers frequent- is human nature for every one of these ly to the impropriety of the insane Ac., largelnA- jtote of Jacob Underhill & Co., * I J udgei to be anxious for his decisions to being cared for by “ private ” » parties Front St.,'river side, on the corner imme- Judges be sustained, and it might happen that and through the medium of “ private” en- dal ielj opposite “ Cheap John’s” establish susI 14 ■ know of what it we speak, when decisions of the lower Courts would be terprisc. We are not arware of anything mel 1'.' We » O.. ,J are to be had sustained in the Supreme Court by mutu­ that has been done in connection with the we ay that better bargains - m of the I Institution above named at (his, than at any* other house in the al agreement all rouud. We do not intimate conduct ! : ' that such a thing has ever been done in to merit this constructive thrust, but of city 1 Having.purchased considerable in- ) * a. ■ - i • I ♦ I . 4> ' K-n-v . I . ■ lir A voiles of hardware 'in the place we have had ^ood^opportunities off ascertaining whtrq tbelbest purchases can be made. this state, but it is patent enough to any one thing we are certain ; and that is, one that the system is open and liable to that the people of Oregon are under last­ such abuses. Our present judiciary sys- ing obligations to Messrs.! Hawthorne & tern is xa dically wroDg—a parody upon Loryea for the interest they* have mani­ fested in behalf of the unfortunate of the enlightenment of the ag s, and under our State in providing at gieaf expense it the substantial ends of justice may be such conveniences as the Portland Asy­ circumvented. It ought to be improvised lum affords, The integrity of a people I or abolished. ** must be at a low ebb indeed when they If the amendmeut passe» the House, it are capable of perpetrating an act of leg­ will be submitted to the people for ratifi­ islation whereby parties situated as are the cation at our next general election. proprietors of the Portland Insane Asy- [ 9 C olorado .—It was telegraphed during the sitting of the D elegate for Philadelphia Convention that a Demo­ cratic Delegate had been elected from Colorado Territory to the 40th Congress. . The black journals of the country in a characteristic manner setup a howl that the Rad. was elected from taat Territory. It now turns out that it was the Democrat who was elected, and the irrepressibles V . are about to mob their loyal Governor fo r giving him a certificate. l}ad Brents of Grant County been “in command” in Colorado he would have iiued to him­ self the certificate, although his competi- ». tor got all the votes polled. Such is loyalty. C orrect in P art .—Th^ coach Ma­ I | j ' 1 :— Mow A b |) ut I t .—‘The irrepressibles occa- sioially grow eloquent’oyer the alleged won- derful^ rad|cal Bentiment prevailing at the H Southern I Union Conveptioi> ” at Philadelphia in proof- perhaps in thosam^ phper it will be asserted that' I’ 1-. • J ■ ' ' ¿ ^Telegraphic. E lection ^ j OF S enator . C losing [COMPILED FROM THE PORTLAND DAILIES.) SCENES.*-It Will bJ eeen from a glance at the “ closing scenes ’’ that Mr. Corbett • r I • T ? ì t s RcmovaL was rather a bitter pill for the îrrepres- -i • ! * N ew Y ork , Sept. 29.—The World,s sibles. It is charged by republican mem- Washington dispatch says the Secretary bers, and truly teo, that two men elected of the Treasury has removed Pr. Hastings a United States Senator against the from the lucrative ' position of .résidant physician to the United States ¡Marine choice of the rest of mankind, "4 ■ For H. W. Corbctt-r-Mossrs.l, u ii— xuusbib . Bailey, Hospital at SanFrancisco, and conferred Brown, Cartwrigh t, Cranston,| Dolph, the office upon Dr. Jos- C* Tucker. ■*' Jeff Davis’Trial. i Donnell, Hinsdale,ohnson,Powell, Pal­ The Tribune’s Richmond special says mer, Pyle Stearns, Watson, Cole, Cole2 Davis, tt, Gingle8, — Herman, Day Garlick, Garreu, -------- , it is generally understood that Jeff Davis Hinman, Lamson, Laughlin, Locoy, Lock­ will not be tried either in October or De­ hart, Melin, Nicklini Olney, iParrish, Ro­ cember, and it is positively said that his land, Rosenheim, Sforkweather, Stouffer, counsel will be notified ¿of the fact to­ Upton, White, Winze), the Speaker and morrow. ■ i The ship Seminole arrived to-day from _____ San ___ Mr. President Francisco. She sprung, a leak in the Pacific For J. 8.* SnuB —Messrs. Crawford, Cyrus, Ford, Ison, J effries, Baird, Coch- and bad to throw overboard 800 sac^s of .copper ore by which the leak was decreased ran Dempsey, Hall, Moore, South, Whit- so that the pumps kept her free. eaker, Withers and Worth—14/ ' Advices by Cuba mail says the Marquis For P. P. Prim—Messrs. Avery, Cald­ de Gallifull goes as civil administrator with well, filler, Cox, Foudray,. Ross, and Gen. De Castelan as miuister to Mexico. Wells—7. h ’ A dispatch frDin Madrid says the« Spanish Government has been informed that» the • ley — Messrs, Huston, For James K. Ke movements undertiken by the United States Helm, Hindman, K niseley, and McCof to bring about peace between.Chile and «Spain > 'if i * I ■ '[!■ ’ —5. For James W. Nei smith—Messrs. Hen- were progressing favorably. 4 Political. dershott, Loring, Doige and iiumason—4. • For John Whiteaker—Mr. Gehr—1. C hicago , Sept 30.—The Washington special dispatches say an unusually protracted session Total 69, • Before the vote was announced by .the of the Cabinet yesterday has been the cause President, Messrs. . Donnell, Pvle and of no little Speculation. The knowing ,ories aver that aside from the consideration of the Melvin rose and gave their reason for vo­ removals and appointments,« the 'subject of ting as they had, stating in substanee Mexican affairs was discussed. Rumor even that the majdriy of the Union .members goes so far as to declare that information has had been obliged to Recede to the? minor­ reached the Government that Maximilian in­ ity on the Republican side, , in order to tends to abandon Mexico by december. The elect a Republican S jnator. i nei,referred administrator is considering how best to to the few members that had been sup- act in restoring the Liberal Government to porting Mr. Corbett, and not «v« ».v to the ‘can* vau- power. x A large number of politicians from New didate selected in the Republicans caucus, York are in town called hither by a belief using very bitter, cutting and; abusive that there is to be a general siveep of offices language, one of the speakers, J r.. Mel- holders in that State. There are also office­ vin, using the term foaitorin a v idictive seeking delegations from Maine, Pennsylva­ 1 nia and Ohio] Notwithstanding the severe and reflecting manner.- ■ ■ i’ ' 4- -T » » storm, the anterooms of the White House were crowded yesterday but not more than oue ‘ not third obtained an interview. I ■ ■ . K * ■e -I . I ÎI' . '>■ ’ ' : 1 ■ : I 1 ! »• . - I . i ferred, since under the circumstances I » named it is propelled wi i th much less force, and on tho principle too, that the smaller the journal, the easier the wheel is chocked, and vice versa, In the case of the large axle, the pure i iase, when the li ï 'I* • 5 4 » • a I Î • f eonve«|tion$ to appoint delegates to the Phila­ I t is supposed tbit Sterbs will delphia meeting i could not be held at the dare return to Grant County on demount of League between Santa Anna and the South, so ^ostile. are the people fo a - f * Fenians. ¿y the hostility among tpe people of all par­ N ew Y ork , Oct'. 2.—The Herald says that lam would be injured—perhaps ruined— ofthat sort; Consistency, you know ties up there to the leanness evinced by Santa Anna is now negotiating a loan of fivo . -j------- -- ----- —J— financially. > I millions of dullars for the purpose of carrying | M utual A dmiration C onclave .— him in presuming to occupy a seat in the L out his plans of reconstruc'ion in Mexico, T i '■ tj is assured of success in negotiating the S traws .—The opposition press of Some days siheq, sundry and* divers mem­ Senate knowing at the n^me time that he and same in a few days. A number of ex-Fede­ Oregon, during the period of the reign of bers of. the Legislature visited Portland was misrepresenting a larget majority of ral officers callled op him yesterday to offer' their services in bid new campaign. It is be­ ¿r. I terror, when Democratic papers were be­ and cqng'fogatedl at the Western in the his constituants. . lieved by those high in authority in Canada . i! , k . ¡¡¡4 - : • _ I evening, when the orgies commenced, on This diplomacy that Secretrry Seward has used bis ing suppressed, and Democrats being in- C £ . ** ' pA L et us S ee .—Thé “ organ ” at Port- I to bring _ abcut a league between Santa Anna- suited and mobbed, were wont to point the principle of • “ you tickle ! me and I land says that no one id Oregon opposes and the jTenians. • They tQadied and toas- the “ Amendment ” but those who during r Santa Anna Rcdvivoue. to the suspension of the Democratic pa­ will tickle you. N ew Y ork , Sept- 28.-|-Gen. Santa Anna pers with much satisfaction/ and would tod, toasted arid toadied, until every one thé war shed tears over Confederate de­ has located his headquarters on Staten Island i • r frequently predict the discontinuance of had b^eu toadiqjl 1 if not toasted. This feats. During all thi ¡¡slime the Mountain- and has opened a regular business bureau for Jrièss interesting to those eer and Statesnan wep ef regarded by the the transaction of matters looking to the des those yet running. How stands the case proceeding doubll livery of -Mexico from French authority. He to-day? The Albany Journal and Asto­ engaged,in ifobtiiwe much doubt whether “organ” as orthodox, and copoiously did is occupied, 00 report goes, constantly, with« various people on that subject, and has enlis­ What do that Journal copy from them, anyone out sije “ ring ” folt particu* ted the sympathies of the Fenian Brotherhood. ria Gazette are defunct institutions, while named a jove say about the Col. Roberts, Gen. Sweeny,‘and other Fqnian the Oregon Statesman, hitherto the lead, larly ^atfored per consequence of the the papers Chiefs, are zealous/in their attachment to his •I - i JiirrLlnno ” rtf T high|one ' ’ of the Oregon Legislature as “ amendments. ” iüg opposition paper of the State, has des­ I cause, and are educating the Irish to that be­ lief. Three largej steamers have been pu>* Thqt occasion. erted its old company. The Mountain- exhibiiect-on ■ I ! . r . A. ‘ . chased for their use, and it is believed for their S-' j ; ; ' * k i L J ; j " W qman .—T6 the honor/ the eternal transportation to Mexico. It is stated further eer, also having become convinced of the • * ” L egislative P erfidy ,— Previously to honor of thè fair sex, be it said that in that the General is soon to return to St Thom­ . . :u “S many short-comings of its party, turns its • ' I .. expelling, Brents and Mcj£ ean from the the path of duty no sacrifice is with them as. N ew Y ork , Sept ,28.-r-Thc Herald’s back upon it as cruely as it once counsel­ hign or too dear. Nothing is with House, that body passed an act providing too higa Washington special dispatch says the state­ them impssible, but to shrink from what ment having prevailed that the President is led the mobing of copperheads. It says: for theC pay ment or mileage to those worth- love, honor, innocence ! and religion require. about to modify his policy to the extent pf The adoption of the “ Amendment to less scapegraces. < Why not every Black The voice of pleasure or of power may reccommeoding the Constitutional amendment the Constitution of the United States, so pass by unheeded, bu: i: the voice of affiic- to the adoption of the Southern States, it is far as Oregon is concerned, was obtained by Republican in ¡Garnt bav< come down tion never. The r_ cha nbér of the sick, given a most em phatic denial1 The President 14 11 l i U 1 $ fraud and by means that would put hon- and dra^n mj’ ’ Opelp no more en* the pillow of the dyiu g, the vigils of the considers the amendment a violation of the est men to the blush. The amendments, titled fothe I fifth article of the constitution, and, therefore, icople’s money, unlawfully dead, the altars of religion, never missed invalid» and that it would be in contravention conceived in sin and both in iniquity” the presence or the sympathies of woman. of his oath to encourage it in any way. There- have a fit endorsement of |he'> Radicals in than another Timid though she be, , and so delicate that is. however, reason to believe that he con­ our State Legislature. > Mtn Mfen who obtain obtain- ­ i I il i b r -MH thè winds of heaven nay not too roughly templates recommending to Congress, at its , ed their seats by a fraud ¡¡upon the peo­ on such oec< usions she loses, all approaching Session, first, the admission of occasions Jacksonville announ- visit her, A • > j M I m ..« zvr. o «'»•wnhirnn ple are fit representative» of a Thadeus « A J * » ram froip i . i; \. sense of danger, and assumes a preturna- representatives df all tfye States, and then . Stevens, Wendell Philips and a Parson ces ther^apture of Mat, Bledsoe, by the I ’ turai courage which ki nows not and fears the proposal of amendments to the Constitn* Brownlow.” Marshal; 4 of that oj|y, and that Mat, is no^ \ no consequences. Th en she displays that* tion,. embodying in a less objectionable form ' What a revolution in the sentiments of ebr neither eourts the essential elements of that now pending. ker’s Magazine, speaking of the different sizes of axles, and the relati ve ease with i which they are supposed to “ run,” says: x. The smaller the axle, the less will al- ways other things ..-j- be the friction, vvuui tuiugs being Deing equal; because the spokes have a greater purchase, the friction being the resisting force, and being nearer the end of the • lever when the axle is small, The “ friction ” alone being accounted the resisting force, -the logic that the wag. on with the smaller axle rt ns lightest is correct ; but this is only an exceptional case. That line of argument must pre* the people of Oregon njust it have requir­ suppose that the wheel encounters no ob­ ed to thus humble tho .once intolerant stacles or irregularities oir-the ground over and defiant party that ¡we to-day see • *3 which it is drawn. Over reads or ground, crumbling to peices, its Organs, repudi* level, smooth, firm, what is usually termed ated and neglected, eithe ^deserting it or iron axles run easiest, for t le reason that dying for “ want of supp< )4t,” and its lea- the friction alone constitutes the resisting force, and of cours e the less of the surfaces there are for atrition, the ¡smaller will be the amount of friction prod’ iced. But for farm use, or for sections of ’¡country where hills and irregularities of surface ¿bound —where there are few “ pikes” or plank roads, the large axle is infinitely to be pre­ ' ä I \ 6 r ¡ Sentinel qp^rently applauds the action contact with any considerable obstruction in its course. For Oregon, the “ thimble skein/’ is preferable to all other wagons if ease of * ' ■ 4. j I j/-} ! W hat S lbou / the ' S enate . 41 i I JI w a THE COURIER. I a i * 1 1 L11V & IT * UU o V* sort, tending to fix the guilty wretches in the opinions of all honest toen as the most corrupt political organisation that ever disgraced the earth. What a spectacle! > t . V ery W ell .—The Ofogonian is right tK* I sure that Gen. Grant is o| the side of the rads, K because he refuses to have his name i i connected with political subjects. The country has better I evidence.-than this that I I I I I »I 11 j on bps ro oad back to his old quarters at Sa- undaunted spirit wh ' . difficulties nor evades them ; that resigna 1- ‘ ' lem. J-Hi-'- tion which utters ne iither murmurs nor •Even tho numbskull and vagabond of the regrets ; and that patience in suffering death itself- little Eu| gene Journal writes the “ traitors ” which seems victorious over I 1 r Judge Story. in the {publican rafiks a vile set of fel- Atlantic \cable sto^k lows fchnot electing Gibbs. . The election tojek must be worth S' . * tated that 4,000.words of Corbett gives general satisfaction, does something. It is si re hours.' The capac- transmitted in twelve it ? QyesL Bi|t it is to the Democrats. ity of the cable th en, i , is 8,000 words per Thejbregonia^ffientions the fact that day, As the tariff is $100 per message of twenty words or J ess—and messages a large Ruction sale of every things will soon will probably avera^ *e that number of take p|ade about the premises of Harker words—the earpings of the ; cable will reach $50,000 per day, and over fourteen Bro., qn^ advises parties to call or send millions of dollars per annum. Such, in - « and get a: catalogue. Laughlin may soon brief, is the probable result of of total out­ be expected in Poland with a four horse lay, up the present time, of five millions* the * last of dollars, the laying f * 1 successful ““*“* Billions/ \ i illions; team after one of them “ catalogues.” line costing but two , . ders bandying epithets |f the meanest ------- -,------------------------ o I • * - - - - , , - - - - , ---------- F------ ±------ > t S ome of .the furious orgai ns, realizing their i inability to cbpc with the LaCrosse Democrat, the Gen. is on the side of the President. otherwise, are giving publicity to a story that It will be remembered that he positively M. M. pomroy, the able editor of that paper, refused to be present at the late .radical was dismissed the'Service, etc. The fact is - . - « fi „ . T he O nly O ne .—Congressman Hub­ bard, of Virginia, has sent to the con­ science fund of the Treasury the extra $2. itself/saying 500 Which Congress voted ’ . _ that he voted for thè increased pay be­ cause he would not otherwise vote the bounty to the soldielra. No other Con­ gressman has been guilty of such disloy* al conduct. The res say that they voted 8100 lo l»*e soldiers in order to get $2, 500 for themselves.- .4-Examin’er. C The Forthcoming-Messaged N ew Yorx, Oct. 1.—The Herald’s Wash­ ington special says the president, it is under* stood, is devoting every moment he can spare to the preparation of his annual message. It is believed that he will adhere rigidly to his present line of policy and will take the ground that in the preparation of new amendments to the Constitution all States that'claim and are willjng to exercise the right, shall be repre­ sented. He will also suggest to Congress a proposition for an amendment to the proposi­ tion of representation, amending the represen­ tation of States according to the number of qualified male voters as prescribed by each State amendment, to take effect when tho census of 1870 has been taken. M urder in G oose C ounty .—From a priyato letter we learn that Thos. Clark killed Skiff Kelly at Empire City Coose county, on the 18th instant. The circumstances of the kill­ ing are as follows: Clark was working in the ..mill on that Jay, and when down at dinner/ or on his return to the mill, met Kelly. 'Clark and Kelly came out of the bouse tos gether, and when on the piaza, Clark was «seen to strike Kelly, who fell, but soon raised again, when Clark catching him by the pants, threw him off the piaza on a scantling. Kelly turned a complete summersault, and ¿aid helpless on the ground. He was iaken up and carried into the house speechless, and in a* short time died, without uttering a word.' Clark was arrested, and at the time the let­ ter was writen, was in the hands of the sher­ iff. The causes leading to the affray are not stated. Sentinel.— , Soldiers Convention at Pittsburg, or to give ■‘Brick pomroy” never belonged to the army. course of the wheel is obs rucied by root, foe scheme one kind word. Beast Butler He was.with it a ^Eile as newspaper corres­ stone, or what not, is greater by reason of IB I ' ’ I i 1 J '1 the fact that the draft is above the center 1' if H 'll pondent» and was arrested by the minions of n” al-1 power for telling the troth. None but loyal I»- XI Bj] '■ of the wheel, and the leverage conse­ t I t is liars liars ooliH oould ha be correspondents^ quently increased. It mi ly be objected million dollars has lately been discovered The State Rights Democrat mentions r To escape the cholera, never speak of in Judge Chases accounts while Secretary here, that the draft is also proportionately » t that an attempt at incendiaryism it or think of it. Banish it from your J below the center, and would the refore com of the Treasury. Rather a heavy steal for was recently made in Albany. . ¡The in- 5 . * J • home circle as a topic of conversation. Go to Galland, Goodman & Co. to get ‘ promise the advantage claimed above; I I * ■ a man now occupying the post of Chief but this objection will lose its when tendeiyictim was Mr. John Metzler whose Be temperate, be cleanly. Beware of Clothing, ^Boote, Shoes, Dry Goods and. its force force when J Groceries. it is considered that the tendency of the Justice of the Republic, u Whisky and the Republican party. tutnin/ g shop came nigh being burned. < II .*4 h ]• I / 4 < * ''r ” ’ ” » ■,-"1 ! ■ ' ............ * ■ I 9 ■ f - * 1 I 1 r * t • II ( U ! > III JU 4- ¥ » 1 i? 1 !. 41. 7 A Í 1 * ♦ * S'- v* • i, « i