i. * t Li I THE COURIER. I' I ‘Rît T' w I - r T «-■<- — / TUESDAY, OCT. 2, 1866. 9 i es • •' ■ • A fraid OF THE P eople ,—In view of the fact that at the late election, no such Constitutiopal question as the so-òalled i Amendment, was before the people, and * ; ' I l ’ L'« ii* ' h ’ !• ; Id |h i jp 4 T, -i1 ■ ■ Li a l / in order that they might, as they of right A To IMIGRANT8.—To the coming em­ ought to be, consulted and given a chance ? ’ .¡ill’ • . igration, and to that portion of it espec­ to pass upon questions as momentous ially that is in quest of permanent homes, those involving a Radical change of igS P latform ,.v ADOPTED AT ifllE PHILADELPHIA N a - The telegraph announces that the coalition • tional U nk C onvention . ' between Raymond 4 Co. and the Democracy ’W’» We have at la got sight of the résolu- ofNewJXork, had exploded, and that the Herald ulges the adoption of the so-called tions in full adopted at the Philadelphia Constitutional Amendment As . if direct Convention. * Why this platform was not ted by some influence over which the knaves telegraphed as well as, and if need be in­ N ational A MLF EVIDENT LIE, i hjd ho control, they jn the same dispatch I make tbit Herald say that the Democarts are we can say with confidence that no county fundamental law, a motion was made in amply able to carry the State of New York in Oregon offers inducements equal to the Senate by a Democrat, to submit the without the aid of the fusion and in defiance those prominent in Yamhill. It is conce­ aforesaid sol-called Amendments to a vote oil RaymQnd & Co. Now this is very singu- i I * 1 ■ ’ I 1 Ir«’ all' i I il III'’7 i KJ 1 i J J’’; J ded by all who have had opportunities of of the people of Oregon,.and immediately la|‘ logic indeed. JShfey not only make the Di chatio stead of, the address we are unable to de- termine. Below We give the resolutions in full, and bespeak for them a careful reading : -I i if office has proved steadfast in his devotion to the Constitution, the laws and interests of his country, nnmoved by persecution and undeserved reproach, having faith •8 unassailabl in the people and in the prin­ ciples of free government we recogfiize a Chief Magistrate worthy of the nation and equal to the great crisis upon which bis lot is cast; and we tender to him in the discharge of his high and responsible duties our profound respect, and assurance of our cordial and sincere sup* port. J The resolutions were received, as eaoh 'i was read with great applause; and they were adopted by the unanimous vote of the Convention, followed by loud and long continued cheers. The National Union Convention, now assembled in the city of Philadephia, com­ ascertaining the facts, that, considering the voted doWD by tho Abolition majority in Ifcrdld say that it favors the adoption of the posed of delegates from every State and relative erea of land adapted to the vari- that body*. They daro not trust the in­ Amendments, but that every Northern State Territory in the Union, admo nished by the solemn lessons which, for the last five will go overwhelmingly in their favor, and at , ous branches of agriculture, the general years it has pleaped the Supreme Ruler telligent inasses with a say on their in- Odds and Ends. tifo same time that New York will go Dems of the Universe »to give to the American dffusionof improvements and the part * —:------- famons schemes, and well they know it. people^ profoundly grateful for the return o ratic despite all the powers that can be • 11 " B "H II I I I I I i I ''' Nature has done jn the way of shaping , M ’i.. . i .• ,l I What maintains one vice would bring > ,1 . . L. Its adoption, however, affected in ¡the bi ought to bear against that consumation, of peace, desirous« as are a large majority up tWo children. and adapting things for men’s advantage of their countryman, in all sincerity to for­ maner in which it Was, like the action jben it is well known that the party has de- get and forgive the past, revering- the It is more noble to*make yourself great and convenience, Yamhill County enjoyB nn kn.n on * / on the same question in Tennessee, falf eli Ihred emphatically agrinst said Amendment. Constitution vs A come ** to kn be born ■ so. r to “ us from our than • J i many considerable advantages over any • i 4 I i . » ■* •» ng the Union, in its CL'he abóte is about as consistent a course ancestors, regari still born at Washington, it is to be The world is more apt to reward appear­ other county in the State. Numerous ore sacred than ever, restoration, as m< ances than deserts. askho Rads, usually pursue, but the cloven bodies of high, undulating prairie land in. hoped. The proposition (is suceptible of looking with deep anxiety into the future foijtis too visible in this instance. They In jealousy there is more k>ve of self as of instant and continuing trial, hereby terspersed throughout the entire County, abundant proof, that, if the will of tho one else? • *■ — ' . want to scare somebody. That’s what’s the issues and proclai ips the followiug Declar­ than of any I — . ■» majority of the people had been respected, with alternate groves of a good quality of matter. ations of Principles and purposes, on which Humility is the low but broad and deep» . « « «.« /• «■ • • , « < of timber. An abundant,supply of good, the scheme would have failed in either Tiñese dispatches were no doubt manufactur­ they have with perfect unanimity agreed: foundation of every virtue.» j ■ House, as well as sn joint convention. It wholesome water is found in any direction was carried in the House by only three ed this time to aid in the election bf a rump ■ First— We hai with gratitude to Al­ Every day is a little life, and our whol^ mighty God the e sd of war and the return majority — two mdn occu^ pjring seats from one may look. There being little or no Stator, i What meanness and baseness will of peace to our afflicted and beloved life is but a day repeated. Grant County and voting j affirmativly who low, fl at, marshy land and stagnated How to M ake the H ours go F ast , thajt party not resort to to further its ends ? land. I * z had no more right in law to vote _ _ upon any Second—The M ar just closed has main­ —Use the “spur of the moment.” pools within the boundaries of the county, question in that body than any two of Wise sayings often fall to the ground but L afayette A cademy .— —Our readers tained the authority of the Constitution subjects ; which was equiv- equiv­ accounts for there being lers sickness King Dahmy’s subjects with all the powers which it confers and a kind word is never thrown a,way. arejrefered to the card of Pro __ Pro L_. ffs. _ Hall here than in any locality with an equal olent to one majority against it, while in all the restriction!! Which it imposes upon the Senate it was only carried by four; & If orbes, to be found in this paper. These From what did the old-fashioned horse- the General Golovernment, unabridged population anywhere in the entire State. with Senators Donell and Pyle voting af­ and unalterd and i has preserved the Union ¿Both improved and unimproved lands firmatively knowing ‘' hat they were mis­ gentlemen have both ability and experi- with the equal rig its, dignity and authoriy pistol derive its name? From its habit «£ ene ’ e in their line, and will, we representing a largtj majority of their are snre, kicking. are to be had yet comparatively cheap, or of the States perfect aud unimpaired. constituants. Thus, while *’ the ‘v ‘measiye - make the Lafayette Academy Academy. a credit _______ to j I -I Third.—Repref entation in the Congress if the emigrant desires to rent a farm’ we was in fact defeated, Mr ’• name 11 of. r has * the When we are alone, we have our thoughts tt .. . Stites and in the Elector. know of no place where he can do as well being endoresd. w bat a shameless par- our’place, a benefit to those in quest of a of the United to watch ; in our families, our tempers and alColege, is a right recognized by the ! . good education and a source of profit to • tnnono "li as here. The farmer finds a ready mar­ ody on legislation i Constitution as abiding in every State, in society our tongue. ¡« --»ft i ■ i III ■ ;r flitf/Li if ' theibselves. I I and as a duty imposed upon its people, A victim of seasickness describes th» ket, and generally at very remunerative , , iiii' ¿1 • * of C ommercial C en T r ^ s M utations sen Nation thus: “The fiirst hour I was fundamental in i s nature and essential T he Academy will bp open on Monday fig ures for all he raises, and can have his —A FUTURE FOR PORTLAND.— The f( Jl- I * ’ the 3th inst., ani pupils from any part to the exercise of our Ripublican institu- afra d I should die; and the second I produce shipped by steamboat at. any lowing which we clip from Mc’Craken, tions; and neither Congress nor ,the was afraid I shouldn’t. i i the manty are solicited to give this In- ■ • General Government has any authority or season of the year he may desire. The B ecause cte the W ind . -“Isn’t therer Merrill & Co’s Trade Circular and Mar- stit ft ton a trial, power to deny thip right to any State or aiv» ? advantage of steam boat navigation the an awfully strong smell of pigs a in in fKo the air?; ket Review, may soundfto some like tjie I R withhold its enjoyment under the Consti ­ p —“ asked Smith of Jones. “Yes,” replied entire year, is one that few co’s, in Oregon lOple threof. it emanations of a visionary dfcamer, yet : »it QNDEB What that appendage of tution from the people Jones “that’s because the wind’s from thq I U Fourth.—We.cill upon the people of enjoy. Being situated in convenient 1 must be conceded that tKe writer gives which, for convenience was chris- the United States i to elect to Congress, as sow-west.” I distance of Portland, the farmer in this Joi. Hawkins.” will think when members thereof, none but men who ad- A ccordingly .—People go according fair reasons for the faith that il* within teneH , Co county can readily convert into cash, his him. mit this fundamental right of representa­ to their brains. If these lay in their head, 21 4 it learns that its principal has been i m er­ tion, and who wil receive to seats therein they study; if in the stomach, they eat ; if Only a week or twosihcjwe referredto wheat, oats, barley, hay, fruits, vegetables, ci«i ‘ I slaughtered in the house oi its loyal representatives from every State in in the heals, they dance. and^ poultrey as also stock of any des­ some able remarks deliver ;d by Dr. ft|a* gowan before the San Francisco Cnamber frieni i ? It will probably ■ repeat the aHegiance to the United States, subject to A M istake :—You can’t get anything cription fit for the butcher. I, the constitutional right of each House to of Commerce, pointing put important Amj farce of making a furi,o’ us dash at judge of the election returns i and qualifi- in this world without money, some say say ; Possessed of energy, industry and fru­ changes in commercial currents, which but this is not true, for without money you soniel I ne ■ f "< and then double 14 on its trac k cations of its own members. wiv - ' ’ L • " ' i i gality, the fanner in this county must be- are now nearing us, and which must na- get into debt. ! ■ ! I turally culminate in a great commercial­ and i n sak back to its kennel like a whip«? Fifth.—The Cjons titution of fbe United come wealthy. / revolution. The prediction of Webstar, States, and the laws made in pursuance No I dea .—An Indiana paper says that aniel. ’ thereof, are “ the s' mpreme law of the land, the radical party “has no idea of dying.’^ that America would soon be in the valley ^-1—---------------------------- S enator elected —R adical defeat . anything in the G< onstitution or laws of It will probably die without an idea. of Mississippi, is rapidly approaching, .in U*PON this , and then upon -DiJ any State to the contrary notwitbstand- —On Saturday last, the Oregon Legisla. a certain sense, no doupt, but iLJiriji we hardly N ot one .—Montgomery Blair, in'hi^ ing. ” “ All *” powers _ “ not conferred by the Tp prove the late Gen. Cass ’ will believe, taking, as comprehenive a view.» ture in joint convention elected Mr. H. W. 'Jr ' - of the situation as possible, that the con­ in pr iliate, required $500,00 in Revenue Constitution ujicn l the General Govern­ recent speech at Reading, said: there was Corbett, a Hardware merchant of Port­ trolling commercial city, ment nor prohibited by it to the States thçse bity, i• after these . 7 not a thief in the United States who was Suppose his bequest had been 1 - s| are reserved to the i States or the people, land, United States Senator to succeed changes have succeded, will be upon the not a Radical.” / • 1*' 1 ■ ■ • ’ Il : ■ § banks of the great rivet, 'but but that it will mam i i behalf of the widows and orphans thereof;” and amoi ng the rights thus re- adies ’ D efinition /* False Calves Honerable J. W. Nesmith, whose term be at a point near the terminus of naviga­ of s 80 d era who fell in the late war for the served to the State! s is the right to pre- eceitfnl lovers. \ * : -* ' L i ' "u - 7 1 expires on the fourth of March ensuing, tion on the Pacific ocean, where the ini' gl< hej|bjects of his benevolence and scribe qualifications for the elective fran im* negf(, chise therein, with i wbich right Congress A spirit merchant, in Killarney, Ire* Mr. Corbett is a good man, but hitherto mensc trade of China, «Lpan, and Asiatic inte® di d recipients of his bounty would cannot interfere., No State or Convention land, has announced that he has still on unknown in politics. Being indebted to ports, “should break bulk ” previous to bav^ been swindled out of a sum efficient of States has the ri ght to withdraw from sale a small quaniity of whiskey which its distribution along the line of the Nbr- Nor­ r no particular party or clique for his elec, thern Pacific RailroadJ | This must bean was drunk by*the Prince of Wales when the Union, or to e xclud^ through their to support ,■■■■ |wo families I a « entire year. year, action in Congress ar otherwise, any State at Killarney. tion, he will probably pursue an independ­ admitted fact by all who will carefully and ■¡'re* I^tni y bp argued that this tax is re* or States from the Uniou. The Union of candidly examine the subjeqtp Four-fifths ent course in the discharge of his duties, dred iy reason the war, and if these States is perpetual, and the authority , Christian graces are like perfumes—the •y of there of all the merchant men leaveng the port I ' r ■ I more they are pressed the sweeter they ,d feqn no war there would hâve been- of its Government is supreme within the as Senator. The Rads, will probably, in of San Francisco now, for Astiatic ports, limitations and restrictions of the Constitu­ smelllike stars they shine brightest in order to cover up their defeat and con­ come up to the latitude of the route of the » wiße ws and orphans of soldiers. / But tion. the dark; f like trees, more tuuy they are are viluo , the vuu iuuic Northern Pacific Railroad before getting fajr- ». » shaken the deeper root they take, and the^ Tr’ iVe do not intend you shall shift ceal their mortification, as best they may, ly under way on their Westerly course. Sixth.—Silch aibendm^hts to the Con- more fruit they*bear. , e bnùp thus lightly ; if there had been stitution of the united States may be claim this election as a victory for -them­ Such is the experience of all’navigators with the wiodscurrents of the Pacific. Liverpool “I have lost my appetite,” said a gigan­ Abo itipn .agitators, there had been no made by the people theréof as they may selves, but their struggles to defeat this is nearly on the line. The lessened distance tic fellow, who was an eminent performer ir J £ So long as there is a widows moan or deem axpedient, but only in the mode in a degree of longitude on the latitude of tfie consumation are too well known to the I * X # Nortern tern rout gives ft the advantage of beibg pointed out by its provisions, and in pro­ on the trencher, to a friend. “I hope ,” pha^slicry to burden the air, so long will public for any to be deceived in this wise. over shprter, from Livepqol er a thousand mites shorter, posi ng such amendments, whether by said the friend, “no poor man has found it e ÀxAes of heaven be showered upon the East to Hong Kong in the West, thin th|m It Congress or by a nnnnanHnn enrl in !n for it would ruin him in a week. Convention, and Gibbs is now permanently shelved, and in 4 • * ' ' ' the Central route. Both routes completed, s of the Aboltion nulifiere. Proof : ratifying the same, all the States of the A poor man once came to a miser and aud to Messrs. White and R osenheim is due the local business of the Central might, add* ie )ie4pra,conscience strickewdepressed, union have an equal and indefeasible said, “I have a favor to ask.” "■ - uSo h^ve I,” most likely would be, immense, and its sto^k the credit of saveing our state the lasting would Tank with the most stable securities of right to a voice and a vote thereon. ~ said the miser , ; “grant mine 1 first.’^Agreed i— .... . t.. ve^lrfiady commenced putting a period Seventh. — Slavery is abolished and America ; but the Northern route would be “My request is,” said the miser, “that you disgrace of being misrepresented for the America; ■ thp^r own existence. The Abolitionists forever prohibited-i—and there is neither net the recogized commercial Highway of the ask me for nothing." next six years by a demagogue and trick­ world, and it would be t^e one one/unrivled unrivled me» mes » aiönl responsible for the onerous tax- desire nor pu— )se on the part of the dium of exchange between the Orient aqd Sen and Southern Stat that it should ever be ster of the lowest oder. Destitute alike Occident, and while.the Mistress ? of the Lake re-established—■upon —in the soil or within ■aw reat entrepots, she 4**«^ of brains and cultivation,* Gibbs in the would be one of tlfo gteat ■all its train of evils, ■ the jurisdiction of ihe United States f and I . ¿ would be e virtually virtually; no more directly inter- Senate would have-been a mockery and ested, or [ prominent, s thc enfranchise) ?d 'slaves in all the States ] that tpe.position of the of the Union sh bou 1 1 j uld receive, in common caricature second only to Me’Bride or j city on the coast of the pacific which indida- fei S' 41 Amory Holbrook died suddenly at ihh with all their i tions strongly show tq be the resent sonie* «habitants, equal protec- ! ? ? Henderson in the House. what disregarded sea of Oregon —L_ port- ience in Portland on last Wednesday, tion in every i ñg jht 1 of person and prop- In the circuit court of the state of Oregon* for '4 t * * » While we do not claim Mr. Corbett as land. t the county of Yambill, ssv— Jonn Wj •J * 1 I • ¿brook was a high minded gentleman, rty. ‘ , a Democrat—indeed for anything we ■■ Allen, ptf., vs. Levi F. Allen, deft. (Uni -L wyer, and perhaps ranked first among Eighth—While we regard as utterly know to the contrary he may be a radical ted States Revenue stamp, 50-cents, can­ U nimportant .—We had intended to to* be assumed or made invalid, and never celed, September? 1st*, 1866. 7 —we nevertheless hail his election as an men of the state. TO LEVI F. ALLEN, Defendant : — In the. of binding force« an obligation incurred or P l • i ?‘ ; emphatic radical discomfiture- The fact have published a rably full synopsis - ....... ILV= 'name of the State of Oregon, you are- undertaken in making war against the that they could not elect their man, nor a each week during e session, of Legislk- hereby required to appear and answer the- United Stateq, t re bold the debt of the «any of their men, after so much boasting, Mob in Texas. complaint filed against you in the above en­ has a depressing and demoralizing effect tive proceedings, ,vtsTONy Sept. 25.—The white nation to be Ba» ¡red and invoilable, and titled action, within ten days from the sers. d probably shall in otfr purpose in discharging vice of this Summons npon you, if served upon the party from chief fugleman down. the future. Ther^ has been no business r J Brenham, Texas, are constant- we proclaim o pei irforming * all other national within this county; and if served in any: ly uuá^r arms fearing an attack by r a mob, this, as in pe In view of the fact that we had not 1 • / 1 . 7 /» . I • . ? . . : transacted since/bur last, of any importance o maintain ntain unimpaired and other county of this State, then ¡within twen-7 obligations, to entertained the remotest hope of electing v _ fri from the It is xeD’orted tfiaf the whites 1 Z ’ | irli I ! M / : l I '■ i a Democrat, the defeat of the irrepressi- to the re hg counties are concentrating at i unimpeached the ^onor and th© faith of ty days from the date of the service of this r; in conseqence of the pro- “ ? nei __ - JI ’ Summons upon you; aud if you fail so to al, i „determined to a make an ex­ » the Republic- , r i I [ i ' I* ties is quite a satisfactory victory for us. traoted struggle over the election of a Jampl i troops against whom they j Ninth—It is the duty of the National answer, for want thereof, the plainiff will taka judgment againit you for the sum of onn Senator. Both Houses [will now» in all claim fob ave sufficient fficient provocation. The Government to eoognize the services of thousand Dollars with lawful interest there­ O miìous .-—Gen. Grant peremptorially re­ *prob and sailors in the oon- on since the 1st day of September, 1864, to4 bs are that all available troops the Fedeal fused to be present at tlie Pittsburg (radical) probability get about business for the Ï ’ t the State will be ordered to II test just closed by r meeting promptly and gether with costand disbursements of suit thro Soldier’s Convention. Besides not being dis­ people, and we shall endeavor to keep our Bren and rightful claims for to dispose, of these gather- ter- fully all the 3 G. H' StEwaRD. to week, respeot- readers posted from weelcito If the servioos I posed togiye aid and comfort to that style of Attorney for pitfl have rendered the ua- ings. V I ’ .p , . • 3. ’■’- r ing their doings. tion, and by extending to those of them STATE OF OREGON OREGON,) e t J-' V politi», the General did not want to seem to A, I 1. ■■!■■■■ J S’P4* U 1865- who have survived, „and to the widows C ounty of Y.MHIU., , . Corbett, Sepa- fraternize with Beast Butler I who he had been I f we are not mistaken, * i A ! unt of property destroyed by and orphans of those who have fallen, the t It is ordered that senrice in i ___ said ____ Cau8ai _ Th compelled from a sheer sense of duty to de­ tor elect supported the independent ticket the be made by publication, of Summons for six* ' iflagration in Mariposa, was most . generous ’¡considerate care. - -fUiì 7 - f uj H Lafayette Courier, a newspaper ¿ Tenth — In 1153,900, on which * \ was only nounce as a çoward, and who was destined to in Multnomah two years since, against ¡ value rew Johnson, President we®pSJn published in said county. J ’ i ■ of the United nsarance. I »37,2 , who in his great no336w constitute the central figure in said convention. the republicans. I ‘ Ji. 1 ’ * R P. ~ Boise, Judge. 7 Pl Í ! -i‘ ♦ ' i ? J ? h . ► ■ I , n , —. .. i t r J >> r -— — a Mj, , f L;? • i »