ÏL- .1 * . EZ*' —"‘ - 11 VOL. I, LAFAYETTE, i » I ; j 4—— Through Water« A ^MARKABLE .C ase — A C hild S uspended A nimat ON.-—In the course Currents in the very bed of the river B orn |4 w itii _.1 O ne ■■■■r \ A r M, U ’ nder P equl - of the addresB delivered by Dr Brewer, to or benpath th surface of the sea, may be [ compiled from the P ortland dailies .] iar CfífüMSTANCES.—One of the moat re­ the guardians of St. George’s at St. EVERY TUESDA ISSUED markable cases that has ever come under James’s Hall, he said, “ I have been watched by an i arrangement that .smug- ■ T L ; i I « the. observation of our medicnl fraternity more than once under a condition of ap­ glers used in tl :he old days. They sank ‘ AT A Difficulty in Chicago. has juste transpired n pt ! the res idence of a parently suspended respiration, and on be­ their contraban nd cargo when there was C hicago , September 23.—The Chica­ young van named1 Abriel, who,resi4i LAFAYETTE » an alarm, and they searched for it again' ’ ’es on * ; • Fr; ’ go driving park was the scene of great ex First sjreer, A rbirl Hi)! »Mr, A .. is a ing restored to consciousness no feel­ by the help "j d a so-called marine tele- ya ’ mhill COUNTY, - OREGON. citement, ending in a melancholy tragedy? returndd Boldicr.f j lie,/ baa been home ing of discomfort of ar y kind " attend my scope. It.was nothing more than a cask The New York horse, Gen. ¡Butler, was something less th^n a yearL When he experienpe of either occasion. It is nn- with a plate of strong glass at the bottom, BY /■ H ■ *der the truth to say I 'lave known a score matched against the Chicago horse-Cooley came heme ■ *.» hijn>e hevWas¡suffering he^was suffering from frbm a minic- of cases of those who late .been suppos- The man plu n *ed the closed end a. few J. H. UPTON, editor | nd PUB’sn’R. fur a pirrse of $2,jS00, mile heat i, best three ball .wound wound through the fleshy fleshj/part /part of bis ed dead being reanifnateid. It is not inches below the surface, and put his I i * ’r . • I ’ * I - A • - in five. Cooley won the first two neats- right a^m. a^ui. It bpcamg bo so Lad lad that the head into the other end, and then he saw i ~ ~~ I ' heat and the judged attending physician talked seriously of many months since a frierjd of mine, a clearly into t e water. The glare and j:utler won the t TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. rector of a suburban pirisn, Was pronoun­ gave him the fot __ 1 heat, , agin „ st the pro­ amp'utatipn'J ‘ This .worked worked furiously on ced by his meaical attundapt to be dead,. confused reflections' and refractions, from One Copy One Year, . . . . . (3 00. test of the friends of Cooley, at.d amid the the miqd of his hit? young wife, (f e had but a His bed was arranged, and; the.room left and through le rippled surface of the sea One Copy Six Months, . . . .. 2 00. most excited criejs of the crowd, Cooley short time previous got mafrriedi) She in its silence. His dqugh|er had re-en­ were entirely shut out by this contrivance. RATES OF ADVERTISING. was then taken to the stable, , but tbb icared fdr • aid ahd dresed the arm regularly, tered and sat at a!t the foiot, f I, and the solemn Seal hunters still use it. With this sim­ »■ judges ruled that if he did not run again and pai J every attention to it, not wishing toll of his own church bell was vibrating ple apparatus the stirring life of the bot­ Ono Square, 12 Lines or less, one Tnser- the purse would belong to Butler, Butjcr. It was busband ____ _ . . with . only one , ., • arpi , tion, . . . , . . . . $3,00. after dark, and the judges^ decided that to see! B 1er through the chamber when a hand drew tom can .be watched at leisure and? with This tins Ms tv§S some eight or nine months ago. aside the closed curtaips, and a voice came great distinctness. So far as this contri­ For each subsequent insertion, I .. - LOP- tbe race could net be postponed to another A liberal deduction will be made on Under ibe ibekind kind care of his wife, wife,- whose from the occupant of tne bed, ‘Elizabeth, vance enables men to see the land under day. Cooley was then f brought brbught out, out> anti Quartery, Yearly; and half Y’early Adver­ .whole a|tantion w^ absorbed in the thought w an ’ i hour .1.. trial i at bell bell 1 ’ tollin tolling for?’ the waves, movements under water close­ after half r a start, 1.4.»^ both of a unharmed husband, the wound got my dear, what is that, tisements. \ Sea- The daughter’s respo onse was, perhaps, an ly resemble movements under air. Hotel,Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 per burses started under the wire , r and leapt weeds like plants, bend before the gale; « well, add the arm was saved. Now for -unfortunate you. papa. . ’ unfortunate one __ : ‘For __ „annum. in ahead, out into darkuess. Butler came fish, like birds, s, keep their heads to fl the J * ■ ' ■ ’ r- hjjel. The ThejOther .other day tho tha ’ wife of the j a . 9 • without a driver, and McKeavy, the dri- Mr. A! iffiel gave birth to a child wljo .had Schwartz, the first eminent Indian Mis­ stream,.and bang poised on their fins,' sionary, was roused from his supp.sed COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ver, was fuuud near tbe mijc post with mud clguds take the shape of water clouds . one wi 41 devplopqi arm, but the other was Judge, J IV. Cowies £ Commissioners, W his skull fraetnred. Butler ran twice a. a stum similar to the one which the death by hearing his favorite hymn sung in air—impede1 light, cast shadows, /and over him previous to ■ I the last rites being Ball, J, H. Br >wn; Sheritf, L. L. Whit round the track in the darkness, ana wept iiL ’ s mind* was j impressed with at; poor vf performed, and his resuscitation made take shapes Which point out the directions sscssor, 1). XU< ^. ; , Assi comb ; Clerk, S. C. Adams to his stall without injury, even to ' hMM ’4MN in which currents flow. It is strange, at the tjns ip the surgeons Lwere talking of known by his joining i a the verse I Treasurer, Clem. Eckles ; School sulky. Smith ; T - » ! I - CU0' Williatn Riley, tbe 'driver ■ 0f Q first, to hang upon a beat's side, peering taking,, f¡qff her ihusband’s. Amputation Superintendent, Rey. John Spehcer; Coroner, / ley, has ben arijsted, the police are active! ..... JI a new world. And the interest J. W. Watts; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. I into 1 ill could qo it have Reduced a more beautiful I ferreting qut the cause of the tragedy. jStUIlf]^' .¡and what’; is fnore, ths scar of the He is only a printed, was the snearing grows. There is excitement in watching Political j ‘|L J jl ¿ole, ., so visible on the father’s arm, remark made I by a k ader in a circle of big fish swoop like hawks, out of their q>t. 23?—Political interest bulleUL. C hicago , ; Sept. 's arm, at • the aristocracy—of codfi sh quality. Well, Beaweed foi rest, after a white fly sunk to 1 /I] . i’ll * now centers on Yofk personal; I was aS visible oplhe : '■ child* >n the New Y as :r if really -—1 inflicted, by who was the Earl of Stanhope? He was the treetops s to tempt them, and the fight * ’i Li' I quarrel between Thurlow We^d arid Rayp base taffthe stump; r' OSBORN & RATHBUN, PRO. rnond, am d ’ the Albny Democratic regency. ä balli This is the most remarkable case only a printer.^’» VTh l|at was Prince Fred- which follow B is better fun when plainly i e h as suggested plate glass that Democratic »er an election is carried on by on reasonable terms. no. 34, tf. of Dean Richmond, he says, tyas- fallen on’ long languished pn the sweets of d forced the present House ?- -They, too, were ail the cartridge re' box or theballot box, it may printers. Who was Benjamin Franklin ?, be mentioned ~ ea that the Congresional Dis­ idleneps, consequent upon his occupation John Morrisey. ; ; > idleii|C$s, « A printer. ' Every 0 le cannot be a prin ­ trict opposite 1 Cincinnati gave, at the re­ The Times lays Hoffman wjas nomina ;ed liaviüé having terminated jjith 3jith Lee Lce ’# b surrender, S. HURLBURT. « cent election, 6,350 Democratic majority. befahlo.’look abiiiithim abfiiltinm for somethipg something to ter ; brains are nepes uary—Exchange. by a trick, and Js not the Union capdidi te. begauBq^look ATTORIVEY A® LAW, tpfed, feo, or to .suffer. puffer. Thinking himself Green Clay Smith, by the aid of Lincoln's ‘ Demod^at^ be, tb ' < . J '; » -, 1 The Herald replies that 'thje xt _13^ J — X. _ - 7 1 _ M* Ä . a.«a â% aar. * X11 k I n which we call attention to ’ bayonpts, was elected to the present ‘Rnmp’ , itfayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will I gave 360,000 votes in New York twoymnt suffidifenfly reconstructed, Ire applied for THE W r IGGLINGS OF A SPEARED EEL.— .Congress from this district by l,245(car- practice in the Supreme, Circuit anti all ■ ; add 1.............. ago, and ‘ can do it again thdt tfieji work^ at bne oftjhe Departments, presided of the Courts of this State. The editor of the Sentinel took soun allu­ tridge box) I majority.—!(Tbe ballot box officer. don’t want bankrupt recruits, much fMW'l ‘ recruit# ove I . îr$! a 1’ederal ’ ive you,been in the rebel service?” sion of ours to Fred L'ouglasf as a person­ tells a different story.—Day Book- f to make bankru; pt recruits tbe leaiderf of * • asked. Yes, sir.’? was the reply. al affront—grew siclc, and dsigorged some their column. DR. — H. ------------------------------------------------------- J. BOUGHTON. he ’ ----- ---------;------------- »------------ spleen-on the subject, iiy bat |ies ?” “About eighteen very .Jt_- disgusting — sp John Morrissey, Ben. Wood, “ Ii r- I ncredible L iars .— The French Late Physician & Surgeon, Farmer, Fernando Wooqand Ji ume) , Brookp .r pile 4?} 1 battle8*” “ Ever kill any Yan- which the Oregouikn bas rehashed and pers, in the autumn 6f 1^21 mention tbstf fed to its sympathizing sympathize readers. Indeed novnr killed any.f nnv In Hospital Department, are candidates for Congfess in their sev­ kee; “ Np .? ; sir j ; • ■ never I be retalite* with? a warmth that can only a man named Desjardins was tried, on -- * “ well, I fill if they will “ Ilj do you kqow that? ’ eral districts, aud it is doubtful ’ Of The Army of the POTOMAC. his own confession, as an accomplice with ■ ’ . >> » | “ Why was proceed from a desar •p to be considered the? coopt;'kill any of - ‘them. allow Raymond to run at all. * * father of the illustric us Fred, oij bis bas- Louvel, the assassin of the Duke de Beyri. they - were all in I the rear, The Times says the Democrats, instead thaflZF Because Office in Dayton, Oregon. ’ . r r tr r J l| * RP®|>r(—' u - t .t„l tard son at least.— ardon uSj sir; not be- But in bis defence, Desjardins coBtfende# tiiyz; hat I guess I stayed about of patriotically supporting t e President that bis confession ought not to bp be-' . .1 ___ .1 T^L.k ” ■ . > ; 4 ing posted iD your p ipdigree, how were we Lafayette, Oregon. irpi as they promised to do^upon the platform thousand .Dutyfi and Irish. ” ! • • •’.. * i ' ’ . i • Iieved, because he was so notorious for U!}h . Vrl did not! learn whether the candor we to know’ jhat you were of African de- falsehood, that nobody in the world would* Will practice in the District and Supreme marked out, h ve now inade a bold ¡push for power on their own account, that of this reb secured him a pjace or not, but ceut ? If you are, it is certainly fortunate give' credit to a word he said. In support' Courts of Oregon. it cfcriaiuly was deserving of some recog- for your grandmother as a dusky check of this, he produced a host of witnesses, |SF" faxes Paid, Collections made, and they will not knd can tootducceed. I is the only thing that could save her from . Proceeds Promptly remitted. I C hicago , September 23.—Gen leral nitibn.—Norfork Virginian. r blushing at the iniquities of so graceless a his friends and relatives, who all swore A Grant having.been inviteAto attend the 11 r / I - ; decen^ant.—Besides, you are altogether that the excessive bad character ■ he had Pittsburg soldier’s convention, Colonel E i I gland ’^ D ecline . ‘From facts mistaken ; in callin ; pttention to the dis­ given to himself was true, and he was de-; Badeau, his aid-de-camp, replies': Ilf in clared “no,t guilty.” This case parallels structs me to say that it is contrary io his wluc^ have recently Come to lighty there patch, we did not iutend to animadvert with a similar instance some time before/ is ieajjon to believe that the virility of the upon your ebon ido ,but merely expressed habit and to his convi^ " °f ddt7, to England race at home is rapidly becota- □ur surprise athis w jnderful condecension in Ireland. A man was charged with attend political meeti ug# of any character j 1 y ... .. f _ LAFAYETTE LODGE, NO. 3, khausted. The announced dtstermina and entire want of taste in fraternizing highway robbery. In the course ¡of the seps with regret whatsoever, and that he .t .trial the prisoner roared out from the dock Free and Accepted Masons. the action of any officer of the army taking tidn bf the British government not ro go with meo fo your ilk, who are endever- that he was guilty, but the jury * pronouns political discuss- fl tojv war, no matter what the provocation, is oring to elevate his people by stooping Meets in Lafayette on the 1st. and 3rd a conspicuous part in the ; a ¡conspicuous sign of the growing weak-- very mach beneatl them. Tilton ’ and ced him by their verdict “not guilty.” The ions of -n,- the day. lit ‘ Friday of each "month, at I half past 6 in the ......... astonished judge exclaimed, “Good heav­ Will probably get his Desert* 1 7 ; njss bf John Bull’s bac’kbone. }Vhile yourself are p io doJbt proud of the alli- '-^.afternoon. ' -s>,_ ’ - ~ statistics ~—--- I prove * incpntestibly —---------- [w anee, but Dougiaae — • ens, gentlemen, did you not hear the man iglasB iuas has uv no rcaouu reason to UC.~ be.— Cinciunatti, Ohio, Sept. 22.— iTbp pppulation Brethren of ,the order, in good standing are JI,.. . . i declare EimsPlf that he was guilty ?” The —& —f 1 steamer Gen. Buell, of the CincindaU| that his prolific powers are steadily desert- (There áre men whcL like the skunk, have invited to attend. . j T; V. ! B. EMBREE, and Louisville mail line, was boarded 'Ut ite Ifjm. In discussing the woman’s rights u0 way of attracting attention save by foreman said, “We did my lord, and that II ■ ■ I W. M. • ill ■ ' • I G eo H. S teward Sec*/.; —__ Was the very reason we acquitted him for ou ________ are one of thorn. Warsaw, Kyr night before last by two bt qhesiion recently, the Pall Mall Gazette polluting odersj 'Yu- akql) the following revelations: revelation^: “But ?Uulesswe were desirous of administer- we know the fellow to' be' so notorious a seized uoiák^ three hundred men, who forcibly Beized _:i A.gfent, 'kljJJi and .-4 took it; is ¿rowing daily more difficult to be- ing either a puke qr a purgative to the liar, that he never told a word of truth in CoL Ferris, U. S. Mail E. C. BRADSHAW, his life ” T- î ' -1 him ashore- Ferris was oyost Marshal edm^a wife, and, if we may believe Dr. public, we should rppent most sorely any »1 at Warsaw during the Wan and was inbtriil FaA\ to beporne a mother also.' With re­ uncautious.word qf ours that might cause ' ——— <■; '/ • . • ‘ 2 ■’ gard do theffirst point, it is demonstrably you or your confreies of the Oregonian |o * mental in the execution bf two guerrillas '■■J J- We understand that the estimable wife « AND by order of Gen. Burbridge. The Gazette ii)passible for all' our woman, pay for writhe and wriggle in your native pools of of General John C. Breckenridge, at pres ngorfltfiat two-thirds, or e ven Jess, to mar- vomit, spittle, and dime. ‘ À filthy excre­ . - COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND SO- and Commercial say he was arrested with r|, because be there are many more woman scence, counterfeited into thé shape and ent tem xiralfy residing in Canada, pre-* inquirer affirms out warrant, while theijT' L1CITOR IN CHANCERY. than|men apd there are many men who proportions of h(inanity* you walk the sen ted him, a few days since, with t^ingt that a true bill had been n found? against tfianh The hosts of friends tifthe parties will be nnptand/man who will not marry ; and iearljh a vulgar and disgraceful! ^on gratifiedlq kboW thejw^ doing as well ^s ui parody parouy.ou him by the grand Jury 0 if Carroll county the • second d x 4 * position, Farr the __ attributes , . 1« Dr. . » has al I the , the . of your Minch. ore 7^ could be expected -—Louisville Courier. for murder, , . •• -w-w « 1 ItJATfl 4'1- 't ' [jgiauu uuu i gvKio - in England and 'swinish than a hog, too venomous for a, ■* .Of need ... that there ,. are ■>■■■1 4. :--------------- & ^million bf 1 Wales alone- more that cne- 1 million^ °f ¡serpent, blacker thana negro, and lower ■At Placerville, says F unny R eproo * Childless familios, while other authorities j than Lo, it is no w|< onder that the narrow " P ersecution of the J ews . —A let ¿AFAYETTE IEBR1. t____ __ a _ Methç idhst minister went the __ Recorder, r... less «wdifin :Pffiri| that our race is so far prolific ; 1 • i I ■ £ WHIP • once - M- heifitock was good, i. and we should ConfederateStateB ?” “ To the Confedera- J 1- fi Confedera­ lives in Boon county, Iowa, is a hundred, Lafayette, July 31, 1866. t . 'Jt f ■ • . r» 1 ■ * w. ’___ ■ ■ hoq|d deal tenderly with such i cy, of course,” shi replied. “Then 1 shall and fourteen years old, stdut, healthy and lor says that jhonpr it for what it has been. P oetic .— jr A ftlajis I ■ wornont race as live among Us. X - ’.................. - • give you no permi ¡- Thisjnfamaus rebel­ quite good. looking. She was born in he has received Bach :s this tv.. ” “Well/* vu,- caiu said she. ou¿, Georgia, in 1752, before the French and pretty girls ; There is many aman whose' tongue lion must be crusltyd. HEMBREE Dealer in Dry Good» season that look tinted them might govern multitudes, if He oould-only “if you oan crush it by starving John Indian war, and is probaby the oldest hi^' • Groceries Hardwore Ac. South aide had watched th ■ . _____ _____ w* Arnold’s old _ cow; do it, apd be darned.” man being nqw living in the country ¡govern hie tongue I with their a Telegraphic. THE CO UKIER, I a a iiiio ji LAFAYETTE HOUSE Í T I ä a l . _ ' X I * _ _ - -------- k zxk t *4 , “ A. F. and A. M. * ____ lu î ATTORNEY : *1 k-L7» ■{ '[ f i I * T • • 1 * a J l a 1 l a it J I 5 ,i j « N -T i < ■MK* i 4 l ;