i. lÚMMAffiCIV. ROCÈRŸ íit <>f rbe »er vi ces of a I. SIMPSON keepw ftftrt Haw Fimi )Ni can fitìd one by call fjyette. Chimneys built • ly Grocery in Lftfav ite wh re cam bi at all times found all the .Vti ile articles in the dobe ¿Atisfactoriily, or no Family supply line, beside! JLOBNTS TOR THS OOUBISR. K The following are our duly authorized agents to receive and receipt for subscriptions and advertisement« for the C ourier : J. J. Knowlton & Co. | San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Dr. H P. White, . Lafayette. Hon C. H. Burch, . . «4 . . . Amity. Dr. J. Dodson, . . . , . Dayton H>m. W. T. NewbV, . . . McMinnville. Andrew Biker, . . . . . . Muddv. J. M. Frv«t, . . . . North Fork. Hon. A. Shuck,. » , . West CHehalem. D. Ramsey. '. . . . . East Chehalem. M irion endrix, . j. , . Wheatland. T. J Lovelady, . • . I . .; -r . j Dallas. D\G,S Dividson, .. . Tplamook. r»* T. A. Bailey, . ’’k . . . Forest Grove. . . .Hillsboro. Wm. BlanoVfard. . H on . J ohn H bnhv S mith TLAND. « ey will preach in Lafayette, TOBACCO each montili at 11. o'clock ilMm J appointed H im predio- appointed County by ' the ’ G Judge of Linn County to fill the vacnancy occasioned by th decease of J udge Morri sj When it is Consider'd that Rev. Geary ran for the same office against tbbdeceas* ed, and was beaten by him by a large ma Jonty, it will occur to people that i proper regard for the memory of the hon ored dead should have deterred Governor W.ods from making this AUCTION SALES EVERY THU] AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M. ... FURNITURE, □HEWING 01 appointment, and that modesty if nothing elsej should I r j “ '1 BEDDING. The Best Qua ity. t CEGARS. etc., etc . ■(’ ;.>l PULU. * WALL PAPER, * 1 ' ‘ ■ r, ' i ‘ general variety of the leading proprietà ry remedies ----- ” - constantly on h4nd. Spices, Cooking Extracts, Perfumery/ Concentrated I bye# . | and Ax e Grease. Also in assortment of R ocket CUTLERY CLAN & SURGEON.- RAZORS i ND straps , besides a general L a | t AYKTT£ ' J Aaaortment wf Tinware, ccetbiulïyi old oi CHRONIC dis- V Ty uharacier, description or kind. •»nd many useful and ornameata) articles too ’!l me a cell and and CANCRIFORM Affections numerous to «mention. i >ite 6y this treatment, permanently’ make a purchase. R. :. L 81MPS0N. Lafayette, July 81,1866-1 irvelpus rapidity, ial ■trntion gi«en to the treat- •aseapeculiar to Females on this l Market. IL* ì !-jt I !II r the prices pai i i Patent Medicines. has been ted in opt last; Rev. E A.^D SMOKING • H as i ■; I 'pHE undersigned having reeeivii SCHOOLBOOKS! do®., bushel > I ’ t MNlpB, Soaps of all kinds, Candi-i ice, pipes, pens and Inks, powder, t and Bar Lead, Letter paper, fancy Envelopes, plain and fancy, Oyster* es, Canned Fruits of all kinds. C. A dams conducts religious ser- ? Church in .Lafayette,* on the i of each month, at 11 o’clock a . m . [, Greer, preaches at McMinnville I a m ., and* in Lafayette at 8 , j on the fourth Sabbath of each MISCELLANEOUS. ’ • A CHANCE FCR EVERYBODY. AND LUXURIOUS ARTICLES REpGIOUS NOTICES' 1 •’ SHADES, • I - I CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, Ac. J * I Ac,. &c.< deter the appointee from accepting the office. The people pronounced j against him most emphatically should he and GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! give way for the appointment of one whose < bjectionsbleness to the County had not people of the been so unmistakably ■ demonstrated. r- ■ ■ J j • ■ \ I ■ The man Charles Drake, charged with tbehnniui? of the North Portland Saw , Prof. Foley, to b DEALS IN I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET sic, Al Ubi U BuuKb, S .’KINuS, OFi| ALL KINDS. OLE AGENT FOR THlfe CELEBRA HE undersigned would respectfully ari- te i ! i V' il l. ¡1 I 1 ' . ’ : i PURIFYING tne Biood, SutiigUivuiug the o pos* Nerves. R« storing the oat Appetite, is FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA. itive statute to the contrary, why is the It is the best preservative against almost any slatemeut not again so published ? sickness, if used timely. Conqiosed of herbs If the proper officer wih furnish us tmly, it can be given safely to infante?1. Full with ao autbcntiouied stateweiat, w« directions in English, French Spanish and will volunteer to puDhsh it gratis for the German, with e^ery package. TRY IT! IT I ioturmau a u of out our county readers. readers |We are For sale at all the wholesale and retail J 4, i i not aeifiah io this matter, but q the drug stores and groceries. ¿MIL FRESE. VVnoleiale Druggist, contrary. kg er not suiting, and there existibg Sole Agent, 410 Clay sweet,. on which be can cross Teams, Stock, Ac«, Gold Medal i*iano Forte I , MT The Best Remedy For M. R. CART. ■ I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & .is.. 7 \ •*! M- I ‘ 129 Front street, PortUnd. . 92 F ront S trxet , P ortland , and _ 414 Front st,, San Fra □cisco n<>22 N. Statesman t And many other articles too ntlnfevoua tt; mention. Being favored by having a resident partner in San Francisco, and buying onl/ for Cash, wo ar* enabled to sell goods as CHKAF' AS ANT HOUSE 1» TOWN. 4 Th refore we would respectfully invite th* public to call snd examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. The Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of Produce. Ncatsfoot and . i Taimen’ 0¡l j Count] It is ordered that service in said cause OTICE is be made by publication of Summons tor six Monday ii newspaper weeks in the Lafayette Courier, Assessor will attei published in said county Clerk of Yamhill J udge. uo336w R. P the assistance of tl ■ J-|;T. j.-* papers. fWRSe» i Í f ' i ' i T’J i i errors irjv|l uatio: SUMMONS. County In the cirucuit court of the State of Oregon lands, lots o t, Yamhill for county as.—Era stein & S. t^rpsted, or Alexander pltf., vs. ix*vi F. Allen and C, liable to he G. Fisher, (lefts : (U. S* R. S., caucel- quested to ft ed. 50 cents.) alterations * j rpo LEVI F. ALLEN, one of said defts. date. J. In the name of the State of Oregon you August 28' are hereby Summoned and Required to ap ■ ■ • f 11 ■ | pear and answer the centphm» of plaintiffs ' i ji ¡nowon file in the Clerks office, jn Yamhill j "r County Oregon, withi n ten days from the I date of the service of this summons upon you 1 if served in tha County of Yambill, and with ml twenty days if-erved in any other (¿»linty in the State, and that if you ** ul Cd answer in said term, that plaintiffs will take judeg* ment against you for the sum of one thous- and and eight hundred dbllan*, ami ctitft land - are further [jjartified play anywhere, but we have heard num­ dwburatmenta. You that your property haa bean attache d to sat« bers complaio, and who seemed anxious to isfy said demand. order oí R. I know where the money had goce. Th« fiscal statements of this Countybaye here­ . w. foot giaeacn. i Also a large stock of , Remember the place, opposite the Whk Cheer House. residence in Lafayette, to be occupied by and paid fur. H f ^ o V its ,” looking to the erection of a cuipforatble tofore been published in the AVE just received, and are constant' ly receiving the lected stock „1 genera P merchandise ever brought brought to to this this market, cuuslung jf Our Motto—“Qt’icg. and no hutnbug. I credit on Opposite What Cheer Rouse Portland, 0 L egon, that -and improvement of ourplace we ¿ould be pleased to see an enterprise set ■ /’* Wanted—100.000 Found» Wool« •11 believe Lafayette is so. regarded, and beai rs relation to* this circuit DEALERS IN 11 hl L 1 C rockery, Lamps, Otis head* * Groceries, •elsewhere. It is usual to provide a parson considered the i No. 129 Front Stiftet, • assortment o :-In the you are had in the place, is con polled to sojourn • -i I would announce are told, to reside in Lafayette, and acqueuce of there being no dwelliu . EDWARDS informs all jb « Whom it ufay concern,” ÇpL, »bat he is established in L afav - ktte , in the business of manufacturing and rapairing WAGQNS, HACKS. , COACHES AND BUGGIE8 \n experience o f many ye»irs on this coast i n the business, onab es him Io assure patron* that he understands what it requires tornake or repair jobs in his line in a manner to stand through all our varied season is lie will take in exchange for His work w agon timber and ’umber. He wani Eelloes, To tgu 8, Axles, &c., for wl I allow the mar- ket price. j I . EDWARDS. Lafayette, July 31, 1866-1 it*' r datronage ^xten^cd them by the j YAMlHLi; Wa^ihgton’ and PÌlk C pastor of the M E. Church dehi point T ular E.^abhshment, Thankful for the Libera Summous. . A’P vrsonage .—Rev. G. H. age at the GALLAND, GOODMAN & CO J A ttention , is directed See it. ’L WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING SH mil! has been dis charged. ■ umn. 1U 1 PRICES REDUCED I r the highest Thew kuifiruments have-elici conn mendatien from the musical profession and have rpceiv >d the written testimony of iminent musicians the most er„i ------ ----- 1____ of the United their superiority over all others, States, as to tl tone, capacity fur ex* in quality and 1 volume of tone, ive oi vour patronage, ♦ 1 ression, quiexness. of action, durability and ve the privilege oí heir quality of keeping in turte. Hbecbo to the tyro iri XVXBT IN8TKUMENT WARRANTED FKRFKCT. rounded pe* 11 convey tie fout . E. G. RANDALL, Cor. First and Alder sta.. next dooir to no2fr <| ! Port Office, Portland EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CflEAPLY. ' T ' ,1 ■M k - * V J ':i The roads leading to and from this crossing are in good repair, add persons from the South going to Portland, McMinnville, Fores l Grove and Hillsboro, and from the North; going to Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will find i to their advantage to patronize this Fwv. I ' JOHN HARRI8. Lafayette, July 81,1866. -■ • ,--------------------- T T. HEMBREE Dealer in DryG •F • Gmceriea Hard wore Ac. 8outb Maw Street