. bp I í F t' Î * ‘ •T ' 1 . ) 7 -1 ! i i ■ i t « r . •• r . 't’ U. Brents,, now occupying a seat and perjury usurp» ion, wtu Clerk of Grant County, and issued; nimsetf and colleague certifi of SCIÀVÌM EPS A^R-^ AN UNKfr»THa»«T*»Bl».filDICiaito Ä L believe^ that, ma -Gi V. W«0ds on 8n>. tbe occ. g perjury of blackest . sion of the late stage rubbery out north t* uue. spread himself in a special message to th. ui Ute Uuuauuu tue Ulti, The following from the pruceedingo - • * ’ 1 j — ing regions against incursions of hostile Indians. r j , . k ■ : ■., * He closes the message, thus: * i• ■ in The value of human- life and the protec lion of the ettrsen, are above all mere moneyed considerations. This subject has demanded attention for years, and yet nothing has been done, i Tbe time lot hesitation has passed. We can ignore it longer. Do your duty, and I will sue* o you by all lawful means. G eorge L. W oods . September 18th, A. D. 1866. think Gibbs would fee! ‘•'i p-! * / i ■ !• j specially flattered upon reading the above We should message. “ What nothing been done.” out soldiers, buy Did not Gibbs call “ mush paddles,” run the state hundred h of thousands of dollars io debt for the pay scent of bounties ? And did he, not threaten to scourge the state with a draft as vigorous as it should be relet, tless ? Dio * ♦ he not get all the men for ? he called I ' iu give ibt ruade», au idea uf what tk ■Alto ni afiá listen to: Ho man Brenis G. R. ileriu to say oi; ays fearfully plain what he I all ¡¡abject»: ’ ■ Mr HELM was opposed i i to tire resoln- lion, r 1 elie ’* ved ! that r r Heb Messrs-. Brento and MoKean were here through the offi cul perjury of fhomas H. Brents, and now it was proposed as a last resort to »Ob­ tain that fraud by evasive measures. Mr BR a ^NTS called.the gentleman to order fur for using indecorous language He thought be had borne such abuse and d deiran eiation about long enough. The assertion should not be made so repeatedly witoutsome proof. _ -* Air. HELM. 1 have no doubt but the asser­ tion would be fully borne out by the proof. Hu argued that, thav this thia jvsolution resolution would wwM create too much expence. Each witness would cost at leabl $150. questions Z'” ' Important . , ‘ i are soon up, and what if it should turn uu af- to come i , _ * L ter awhile tv that some of the sitting ntemners had no right to vote upon them ? ' It *v<>uld .. ■' . people. . * ' He " " argued that be a fraud ' upon the this question had airray alreay received the decision! of Judge Wilson, and that he had decidsd the legalty ot rejecting the returns. Imagine yonrself guilty of foul official ab- nration and haring to ait in the presence of men supposed to represent the dignity and manhood and honor of the people of every • The following items we dip from the 1 i, I Amendment- -Synopsis of the most im pie, ridicules the rediculous. , ■ '! tj <1 T • ■ V • ■J-’ L.. * a * a . ft -¿ _' k. i • - j 1 . • V •I 1 ■ 1 * I I his memsge says that nothing i|as been • 9 i ’«•■■■ • done, yet the tax payers oi Oregon realize * m ! ■ I' ’ -ui' ii P assed for the P resent .—The so*’ They called Constitutional Amendment was have a vivid reoolleotion of having paid passed on last Thursday, we believe, by a enormously in the way of taxes on their strict party vote, with the exception of one property, besidi s $2.00 in the shape oi a in tbe Senate—l r Bayley—voting Bay. 1 ' ; I-; I r . r ! H'’ ■ i ’‘ i I r ill li|.’ Hi■ i . direct military tax, annually, and they T D ecided ADVERsELY.*~the cases of now, since “nothing has been done, M «• demand to know what has become of the Messrs. Standley and Burch, contestant» that tomething hoe * 9. I. been, done. / i ■ «e*n ; c W ht t • . -1 - I was it D one —The official ma i I • Legtolaure were decided against them last . L. ’1 11 ’1 . ’ * " " ' ” •« . I | ’ . r • :ji p week, ' •• '-t ikue tbe » state ail the while at i>27 white the fiuai tiuai y • • and Laughlin in the lower house of the ~jority for Governor (Zj Woods has been tet down by the disunion press uf the t I for the seats occupied by Messrs. Lampson i. > money. ». canvass gives him cunsideiabie leas than No one expected a diffrent result. As well might you put a bracelet on a hog and expect him to 4tre it with digni ♦ ( * * T • +1 j<. MJ, ■ * | | • ' , . j J| ¡1 1“ | • I I '.j H " Jt -J À ■ *1 ■ • - !■ » ‘ ' i " y . i Í _ people, that Col. Kelly Was fairly elected . Governor, and of right should have the I ’ r office. Sufficient illegal throwing out bounty alone to have was done in Grant County elected Col. Kelly. Judge Willson, a re­ brought to show they were not entitled to reals. .. BBuin,..l Lt_, . iitol I.' ,i !• HI 14 t|.| I;"-' There are two men on the majority side in the House who 'could not swallow ‘' * » Judge, so decided. “ Catalogue ” Laughlin—they left the 1 it» it L. I ▼iBaroeun. r V* Geo. the Supreme Judges of the state—defea­ T-+ «----- ting J. M. Elwood Esq for that distiu* I «. M eusrsu O brorn A R ath bun contem- guished position. t %late building an addition to the Lefay |tta Hoose, aud otherwise improving the premises the present i will also enlarge the D I yet I intention tofioop Hcroeo t I 4 x They It » their >oggies at all times to' let ,» T hat ’« I t .— Th, Herald of George L, Woode,Mje tbe “eo called ■1r Oi ■ J. i Id h « r Hi The Sentina! comes to ik i this week enlarged hut printed n ____ M osnel upon . iron-clad paper. hit D attom .—This enterprising . , village ____ seems to have taken a fresh start this fall. Business in the burg to 'lively and tbe people wide awake. Tbe streets are being improved; improved, aide-walks built, repaired and neri ones esasfarwajed. Dayton. 5 ■ • II • i ’ *1 ' ■ ■ • I L ■ «T ’ business of Lafayette, by which means La ' -*1 ’ te t ■ r | ! ‘ Ifcl had, ai nd all for th ie trifle of two bits, I We are sendin g for this work as . T ■.* M 1 j " thi» same for ’67. Persons in this N desiring one orbo th copies of this invalua- ble work, can. by handing us 25 ct»., have their names added to forming] ' ' R adical T em ¡»ER.—It is.. somewhat amusing, says the Healsburg Democratic Standard, note ------- to , 7___ the degree of flnency with which such ]>aper8 as the Saa Fran- cisco Flag and Mary’s vifle Appeal apply euphonios e rithets to Andy Johnson and the Philadelp ria Convention, “Vilest traitor,” [•‘bad man.” “Presidential cha^ Iatan, imp ster am 1 traitor,” “most consu- mate Presidential scoundrel that ever ip fested the U. 8. Capitol,” “wicked repro bate,” “hypocritical inposter.” are among thè-terms of eddeafmeht which the editor of the Flug apphes to Andy in a late issue.— Ttye same article closes with án implied hope that the President may soon leave this world in a manner novel even to the most bar|>arious of barbarians. Had Democrats da red, or chosen, to apply such epithets to the “martyr,” the Dry Tortugas would ha ve become densely pop- uhted, and human i hecatombs is addition would barely have f sufficed * tj appease h 1 radical rage. But, as the man said when hi wife was vigorously pounding Him, • it satisfies the poor thing and doeen’t do any hart.” Í der the constitution,* to become a law, without the interposition of the/veto power. All tho frauds and rascality per~ petrated by the radical disunionist io Ne­ braska to cary the election inT that state and furnish to the blaok republican party another pair of rahcil senator.^ hive therefore come to nought. ■ • Not only has th? radial game in Nebras ka fallen to the ground, but |he similar game attempted in? Colorado is likewise defeated. .Congress failed to act uppn the President’s veto of the bill to admit Colorado. It is no* probable that the bill b|ll - would have receive^ a two thirds m ijqr- .. .. tried . ; j it Ji? ity had experiment been !is au the me experiiueni ueeu meu is certain that the Colorado bill is Ur- now certain that the Colorado bill is as * dead as the Nebraska bill.—Chicago Times. •’ ' » f t The Arcident at Johnson, Pena. 1 Sep.- H.—The fdknrng are fayette will be reperented in the foihcon»- foither*perricularN of the shocking Ì ingbook; A< the ageDts reijuest we prepay dent at Johnson, Pcnw«ylvania^ where 500 people fell through a platform. L The ntin . ed ^nd sentio the eflue at Saa Francisco, a her of killed to placed at seventeen, and brief sketch of the geography, natural ad­ wounded at thirty. The great majority of vantages, soil, climate, health, prospects wounded hayeifractured limb«, and there will be probably fifty amputations. ,Preji* &e ,;&c., of YamhilLCounty as also a de ascription of Lafayette, its probable future dent Johnaon ^eeot five hundred dollais et . enough enough ; ; let t hit re one ing, thank God, he cannot pnrebase 1 one of pure aneeiion. fot thk be peace. ’ Committees on credentials, etoL. •—th is the r , Demoa ------cratic pres of the are beiqg appointed^ State.5»— Reporter., * f ''T F J,( Li anyon C tage aptured WK ‘ r- h- • I " U1.« I'LL r f -121 C -TT-Jri ii ite r 'I ’ - S m - — C — —®T' * ¡V a |r New YorkT^^. >15™nie Herald W| had all along been of the opinion I ndians .—We learn that an attack was •A jk l - a * 3i [ndiaus on the made by _ a party of Canada^ correspondence says there to L-_. that our able cotemporary was “sound on > -i i . j Canyon l > City Stage ne wear Alkali, bn Wednes abatemeut iu the excitement concehimg. oh the goose,” and did not need any addi-fday. Mr. Mr. Wheeler, Wheeler, Agent and driver the Fenians.. It is also said that the Can^ tionaivoaober at the bands of > ts editor. ot the 8,M paw- 1 - - i ■ *. thf> . ball - j-n adians are organizing squads to make . R io X k ii.i l J xr , . ing through both cheeks, destroying a raid wpoa the American border towus in ft^eems he thinks differently, however. part ofohis to*gae and a portion of the We shall not pretend indifference to the D»of of his south. I The Indians carried I revenge for tho Fenian raid upon Canada» There to great activity at the Fenian head­ J_ L - __ 1 1» ' i v n . I off the stag i and wheel horses. Fortu above thrust of the Reporter, but think quarters under Stephens. Important nately there were no, passengers. Mr. We will be able to survive it. ells Fargo & Co, had movements may, be soon expected. Page, Agent of Wells, TT 1 ,‘i 1 ■T-l ior for his life—almost id the Reporter not get a bid ? May-be a narrow escape ft. Indians ’ 1 he fought his way surrounded by Indians* that’s what’s the matter. S un S troke —When persons are su back to give the alarm alarm’ discharging his struck, friends should immediately trke Henry rifle at the Iddtons as he went. glass of cold water, place asheet of pap„. ED OR STOLEN From . LH jíhü in Lttayclb- near a year It is doubtful whether Mr. Wheeler is over it and iavert the glass upon the top ~, u M.v.yviv', Cine 8MMllish gray taare, with all white still alive, Dr. Brooks left this morning of the head. The paper prevents the unds. This bold attack knee, abput four years «»H T J to attei d to his woui water from runiug out. As *oon »•< tbe *ile now f,r probably has bad,, was niadé within < few miles of Camp ; water becomes warm, fill the glass again, «M» nee she left. Sho was gentle, and? Watson. When i will ___ Government _______ ill the an j entinue^his prooere until the patient and broke ‘ rid» ■ had a few saddle marks and the General »-Chief of the Prcific do bringing said animal to me at something for oar relief from theòe Indian revives. This is the plan adopted* by the contrabands of Louisiana, and we have setn will be suitably rewarded. La toy - »■ ♦ 4 —44- .'M— IP Wi r. C - house while the vote was beiog taken. * We must reproduce that 4 Catalogue ” Woods may solas Governor*—for the full treat on Laughlin before close of the Sse- term of four years, yet it would be hard r - ili sion. ■ ' i ’ 11 -' ! -J f< I to induce a moiety of hto party adherents "jto believe he was honestly elected to the .{♦Ex. G ov . hnor LoiriToiJHHHf I owa .—The place j it wowld be impossible to so con Id»do Statesman oft late date, mentions Jiuce thqm—they know better. The the arrival in Idaho of Ex Gov Ralph dfatifa, practiced at bis cgoih ranee against Lowe of Iowa. Subsequently to being hto opponent are too palpaMe, plain, Governor, Judge Lowe was elected one of publican '1 ■> -H ’ *-#■' -i ty as to expect justice at the hands of that ,-200? -v body tbe way it is now constituted. So The legal footing, of the figures under fc * indifferent were the contestees that they ; J i ■ J! n ■! ' j q which he takes hut seat, will seule the offered no evidence to rebut tbe volumes e question with all reasonable and honest | f ; - f ‘ I Vrell, though the Indians are not aware viding that u Union men may honestly f ut any tarog having been done, and differ.” They can wjth confidence plead thoughjhe unprotected miners have not thm io bar when they are arraigned for I Seen anything udue, and Goy. Woods ip political recusancy. •’» I •I 1’ i f ■ . : i < V ç .. ...... L? wn C ounty “ F unds . .-—From the: published exhibit of the receipts aud dis- m^nts of Linn county in the burs mente me year ®uding July 7th, 1866* we find the total receipts including the militia fund to be 139,041 44. The amount of disburse­ ments for the same period is 139,041 41 leas 1769 on hand and unappropriated. i ; 41 -Ì acts cf the 38th Congress—Our The following is another choice bit of I portant m a. L uw • • tí i icq] pudence. All are admonished to acqui i- N ìw States and Territories-Postal rates* i C e io the result, when he knows if they Money-order systei m, stamp duties, etc. ! 1 Also amount of1 public debt—-Census of Wgl uld, CoLKflly would new he occupying I860*—How to eg ter public lands—Chro- th® > placeait-ur lrped by him. I i - iW.e, as a people, h ve just passed trough nology of battles and skirmishes &c. of C hanged hands —The Penitentiary ^dn e of -the most exitug political campaigns the War—-U. S. Government Ministers changed hands on Friday la>t, A. C. R* kt own in tb^ hisUry.of American politics, Shaw retiring and Major Berry, of Grant cabling forth pll the zeal, and energy, and Ac -Senate and I ouse * of Representatives county, taking his pkc^. ! I bi ‘ lireroeBd of party alliances, and a rigor- politically classified- Election returns for »■'i * I ” 4 I 11 'T 1 I iui|ily euloroed discipline ; but the people. 1805,64. and ’60 Ltotiof States, Capitals, ^yrhou> is lodged all political power, have T he president, it is announced, has ¿pre sed their will, at t e ball t box, Governors, date Legislatures meet State last %.< 1 1 signed all bills that were passed in the tne tast in accoithince with the th ry and sptr- Election?, etc., etb., and popular vote for j a| .... • • I -« »*-i hours Of the session^ excepting the bill to ft -|»f VW» 13 hoped IlUpCU all »11 our IMüMbWVIWUDk iusiitutious, IV it is willl 1864, 60, and 56. In short it is the most adm t Nebraska-a» Nebraska »its a a'state. 'state. Congress w|ljngly _ , an i t hu« willingly acquie&ce acquiesce in tl the ____ result, having adjourned before the expiration of again vindicate the ability of the people complete compend ium of political and oth ten days after the presentation of this bill fur self-government. self-goveirumeift. er valuable anywhere else to be for the Piesident’s signature, it fails, U!i4 ‘ liable statistics statist Í i í ’! * ■ And did he not sinch his corporeity The sa ency of the above ^paragraphs is portion of the State, with the eyes ot a and praade his soldiers st two successite 8U| iph as to provoke criticism aud exposure « frowning lobby full upon you, and tn ar' Btate Fairs’ ? Did he not contribute freely though it were not the purpese of any the withering accents of persons supposed of our substance in the way of u premiums’ to say aught respecting their author. 1 to the best drilled companies ? And was to know of what they speak, sound in not the avowed object of all this parapher­ your ears PERJURY I! There lives no S amuel D. W hitaker E sq . Agent man with a conscience void of ofiense whg. nalia and display at the people.) expense i for the “ Pacific Coast Business Direc would submit for a moment to such an-| In 1 . i ’ ’ • . . . t to discipline forces “ for the protection of tory,” wrote us from Portland that he had ' the frontiers ?” Did not Gibbs, Falstaff- athmas—they are deserved. H intended to have visited this place, but f ** if' p . v ’ i ~11 ■ iiffy ? "T wii [i r i. i if ¥ r li 3 1 ’ like, frequently “muster his Recruits?” II ons Rosenheim and White of Mult^ that he must return to San Francisco. t evcr more. He threatened • Î uomah are threatened with political anni-t ¡and could not therefore come. He has ' ' 1! r ' j i I fa ' ' b p .1 r .■ copperheads and other M Indians ” with hilation for presuming to voto with th j procured through S. C. Adam's Esq. the 4 * dire vengeance. He “diq puffeth and Democrats on a few These necessary information infortoation Concerning concerning Court? Courty I i J ‘. eJl fl 1 blowetb and faunobethall these thing did gentlemen probably remember that they uncials, courts etc, and thfough through he do, and yet “ nothing has been done.” were elected on a platform ex ressly pro­ R| L- Simpson, P. >1., » statement of the t1 i Aim A bolition owte—W» have just re , daily Herald. teived from the pu iGe.»» Horten & Co., No. 162 Nassau street» N' Y-, NAVioATrox of WX JVXtAtnr Brv- « been called, by th<$ voice m. —C.nt K«Mo«r th' f to preside over th Executive an invoice of Anti-Abolition works,-including ÄCHf.mbill X.»«r'Y»n>Wil'"E rep«ire»*“ Heaideat by Dr. J. H. Vanne- on Saturday evenings where lrie-~The productions of the West India fined io the county jail, changed with through frku£, hud in contempt of jus- incendiarism. He' w’ai arranged yesterf » ' inc ‘ Islands before and after emancipation — day before Squire Gradon, . charged whlj tice, morality and law, to flaunt into the __ , IM suppressed during the having set fire to the north Portland steam faces of thè people of Oregon tbe self List of newspapers He was granted until to-day sawmill :_ ! 1_ A lie that !.. evident he aaoamtA» assumes responsi- Lincoln reign -Prodai mat ions of the to plead. - j-13 i bilities in response to the call of the peo- President—The so-called Constitutional rkable IsnpwAonco. trough f i ■ f 1 i Thos. H t • ’’ 1 li THE COIJ8IER. X « 4 . / ■ ■ ------------------------ Í Ij .it' . 4 ìt , y__________________ _ — marauders ?—Mona Itaucoessfu ly caned oat. ■ I