Ms.- ■ « I tin « I I 1 yr I U •t-~i I f • I ♦ i Ì A ■ T' a < t > » I 1 I I 1 I 5 4li. 4 • lj ■ ’ " nut - I‘ L' ■ $ ¿u < M I »bM J ‘ Ì J LI ù . I 1 X IJ :ua VW 1 — 1 -------- ------ ------------------- k----------------£< 1 <1 I - t i h L’ I » I ■ ir 1 > t r. TJi 1 • - 4 7 O pl *■ 1 j Fl i lj l T 4Ld eut 4 ♦ * I H YA < I t ! ! I M»i ggegggg ' i l im»—^ sBg g-±-i — - ■ '-g gggg^gggg^gsBg--------- -—--------------------------- I!'’ 1* i il ®yUWpB*W if 1 w [We bad intended to W iijAj : • given have hot. Binman and Withers. » » a brief H)iu»p*is sy unpais of the preliminary proceed our last, but did not reach Lome in tinu to prepare it.] i X. I Senate* was The the election of Hon. T. X. . R. 1 PrisidentA 1 « 4.1^.*. * |3 00. Judge J. C. Peebles waa elected chier 2 00. . G. On Clerk, Hnq A.jL. U. Buckingham DUCKinguaui assistant. awiau | The-House organised temporarily on Ì Inonrponitinn«»—Messrs, Worth On Commerce—M'e^rs », » Rosenheim 4 < ■ •'. x' i id and «Dempsey. Countie! «—• Messrs. Cox, Stouffer u k- and Hindman • • ? ■ I ; . i ZI 1 I U .'■I 7 — I- . I 1 a . .. A r________________ I’ Vi w j 1 _ i_ • I nnheknownst ro both parent amJ*ttrm)er' ** 'while they both'w»-re «nor»* .t tost* reg* ■ I' I f I ■ ‘ ' MHHHHNHLfjy t Injoiut Season on Wednsday, the vote for * 4 I I Suptetne Gnvt nrnor was canvassed with the following arid | result: [• :iade, “ f . THE VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. mittee to consist of Messrs. Helm, Witzd CHAPTER III. I and Lockhart. The prtitipn for the Lafayette wits Tnrorpnratiob resent» <1 in the Schale Friday by Dr. Bayley, an f i Clatwip . » < •■> • • .4H............... Columbia * • • • s 1“4........... J • • • Rs t Zr C«M>8. ... r • • • • • • T own iMPHOVEMENis.-r-Ttiere are sev ptal I’ ¡V. ■’•■■ I • ' * "w '■ ' *■• <’«• TV . . . ..42 being put up in b«W buiiuil gs nt ph-ktiit Ihn I g Us., ...545 • • • • 4 Grant... ...254 HÀ0, smne •f voicb approach very mH 1 j'. Jarkaon...... • •«’ 691 »vi» » • • • • •E. C. Bradshaw E*q., ora; leti ’ -n. .h»ef bine.... ...179.... Linn , ’.....; ..1233..., . Adams, County Chrk,.have built rts-iuens Ixof.......... ...700 < es the pnsóit s»8M>n d no ifrr’iMisfrb‘1 SMe Marion............ .. .. 833 intensions, udiile others of niorr.or !• ss ih «S' MndoonMih.. ..1026 I I 17 i a u î I I -i - ?. *v«* *• 4 .•* Polk 565 nitude are in pngrvss of traction m » »J! tar Tillamook 39 > it ---’■ parts of the burg. Unatd'a • 617 fe -A %' F» Ì f ' übten 499 ’ted T he N orth P ortland . Siw mill W «sen 413 4K- M a «4 , • i-4 •• 4« *f i. * ■ ;_G FXl At T C ' I- JV »ahington 369 by Messrs. Harbugh find St’tel, was .reggntlr. 1 t ' ' ‘ * Yamhill 655 destroyed bv fire. Loss quite iiunjensc. ToUl 'I ♦ '10,039 10,816 D r . M c B ride ’ s FxftM D welling B crv -D.— The speaker declared that Georege L. cn Ir. McBride’s Jr jSome ti w r Nir>tincL "’IK Shy smelt s ‘ v soipethriig^i t .*w* 0 4 ‘ ter •Û L sleep. , a ". awoke. - - - She called ___ _ -■ - fUb-cky, She for bu» ris ’ «ten. bu» no 00 Rdb Rob dt ekyfa ! voide voide couM codld Bri üdéD. ■ .4 a • lib a L Sbn ron to th« cam hen of her daughter, F '. Rebecky : was tharo. S^ba^fioFO ■ butnvry the Hu fly 114* of i 1 «A vc. ■ ?: 4 «. 1 v4 BflQUEL i. ■ r 1 -1 Abou|,«hort,»,r ett.rr tbu oro^M monHug (whicn wàa bufa but a ii few ago}, bien was few^ weeks week ago), es Deacon Browri ritte omSrj lergittg frodi his as Brpwn ara* ¿merging hia front ball dui»r eeeew’e I basket Mtimgia hi. d.ur It bad «»etbu^k^iijihi *• » 7 ♦ ( » •» » X he raiMta it up heNeen something squeal. He bvnetii bvaiedi with the baskuC basket law bbv wife, who •ho hadn h»d..'t ’t gut got ov^r>ighipg O,ar foft fit« Ur daughter Repecky. She raised up the kiroff aih ! excLtii Affcdxiti ed ad : • A » < and “L*cd bi«Mi uie.if it ah|’t a bi rland • 1 I f i • - ■ ■'V playing me a nice trick, it»dé »d,** dtf did Bro -a, at the highest pileb of mad Il aro !. “And here is a note, as ijrv ^.ad to you/* said ibe old troman, and v t t it ò|>en and hatily peràsed Ite «1 ___ for she hac ani iiwtincl what wie Lttp. ■ _ • * to-wit: Ût> J- |*r ’ IjAÎikbA'ÊÎsft’i? . 1 » < ._2 i,«L j T r »4 ytjit'j'jTa ■ DKAfCTATfiRR—Accompnying thia not# you will find your only grandchild. Ao- cording to your Upqhing. teaching. I qloped eloped wife wib and married an African. You know the He lived with a thh .4ght, taking with him the money you said ? mine 00 my wedding day. My shame pre­ vented me frpm rcldroing home* A am n°F hbi»g widi a white gentleoiw. bu* r f ; I t I 2^ ''’il " XI [4 v •-! raj™g|||UL^j HHHHHI. F 'H i I s t S ' I* j z » RY BOAT, On s ections—Messrs. Garlick, Humason, kock, Ac., and Olney. On E tucatiou—Messrs. Herman, Cochran ’EAPLY, ■■- ■ ? - • *1' Z i t ’ and Locy* is crowing fr-m the irte, F» »rest the N'Tth, will tind it t Ferrv. .RRIS. Rebecky, like her; jjaitnt father. |ftd got "nion man also likewise, to pe a gredt U and her sympathy for the dowrritl| riqan wus such that «he could pic^k out, in the dark,, an animal of that clan l . t 7T_ from UwlhstembHge of Germans and Irriài. just w ! _ I he would not wn my child ; so I thought I ■ I would send ft th yon, 1rt yon wWI w’a'nt by his peculiar shrub-like odor, wh|eh *be an beirtss. yuur property,., V bad learned to sceqt, with a pt^cirioh 47*11 Aner named it M equal to a dorg. And several w|re the WCttAft'.ra'‘ •z # noble contrabands thari she waald & this 4- Hoping that mother h in Heaven,l ino J pay bring to her father’s house. < £Fk*U I i ypur lobt daugh^x, RflapiWT - yO IMBgK * f ; * Upon looking at his graudchtld old / CHAPTER if, ■ 1 • Ipai I - - - !.l . Brown spasmed. The did wotnan, wno . J Old Mrs. Brown «food fist, tq r an- had .«Htra grit, aaid it set wedjhnn right ph® cfent Democratic faith, arid cient and h?n< wonld cook “nary a drop for no a|d riàèk, had no bu-ipess Io brin^ qjggeraahpetihe .. 1 dirty, stinkin. niggeri,” as sliie ot|^n ex­ house, where there was a young and in gun Cantgirf; guessed h« had enough5 ef fifg- pressed herself; therefore, old Brown and F r WT^Wf* ’JS’*'®» ;9CifcL*u the lovely Rebecky had to* do ail abii cuok- wjfflt^;^egroes. / da4|( <> o< 1 lost daughter she sTraom d a awoon also, 1 tafririg ifie * iaftrii . Mftginib1 fieirert’ *ot *1 0« [Note. —-Old Mrs. Brown was a tjtound r squeal Mt its squeal. [Z ■■ »11!} fM# J •It .¡eO hedosla 1' oyster.”] ~ I 11. utbor,.bein« earath^d. Z1 CHAFFER V v |4 Ì Unit I < < tod applied Iris patent ^Etfe-i I ! Oldn Brown hud already made pl ai or the throat of the unfortunate old- ffti eenbaks.and often would, he take rth«i»i whiclvrert(K$ him to lifc^fev: tpirtiMH )m the drawer, and proudly sbakd them but as soon as he’d see the baby h©’^ rf a N igoer !l u ider the beautiful nostrils of his d»rhng lapastte »nu oTO tmt,* •- xwvevuy, unu »*«y i T" , Rebecky, Ind say : NIGGEQIJ” U wro w qtf i farm west of L- favvtte, was destnOJ'r ¿»¿mid “These hre for thou, my kitting, its thy “"ili?,? tlW R: ’ >i H V» tes, and that he is, therefore, e’ected Gov­ Hay by fire. It was occupied we belt» V« hv wedding of these brig 4 days. Tht old woman swooned for weeks. 1 ernor “t the State of Ot'gon. In the Houae “All mine ?” asked Rebecky- viag the old ma#'to nurro hirown *: family ci Emigrants. A .considerable quan­ “AllthirrCupoke her ^W. ^Mhe grand-baby; which edMltderehw i ues»lay, the following standing Commit* • - * - - jading back mto itp tity of wheat which was carnered ip a room caie fully put the,pile solemn stor teea were announ ed by the speaker. roir|ro;> 1 I of the buiding was of course consumed also. On Juiiciary—M asrs Olney, Gebr, Hulmes, u J jmecradiv ills '|ijP HAPTER V1 • 'k ' I l uZnrrT\. ' ’^Ôraÿ feiornïn, ria io theiéasï g ■<• I Üptnn, and Starkweather* fi ' _________________________ “Gray Uornin, nx 10 the taslL sod 00 M • z ■ ' w, ' -• MIBKH11■■■■■> ■ H 4 ' I if < «» / |i.L- o «I ulir ni igl' * 8 sno.e _ ___ 0»ç. B own w^a alia .4 ... z -V-. -x- _1 î ^» -r>L_ir oppisod ro Rèuècfy niairylh* 4 fògge: alchunyh' he thought a plenty 0/ tnei apparently] ' AfW am „ „ i I [«Ih fovliÌ ¡nSu%iy mfacegenM/elbped, nil f*» n acte. on that day. A ■ r A lter- Mr. Ih In» j rt seuud a j etition fr< m C > peiWMneut organization was »fleeted ou » -■ H Burch and 1 hi a Standley* praying 10,00i per Tueday lhe 11th, by electing Cbeno of the “patriots” of la nttf, ■HP—-' lor the scats now occupied by Messrs and consequently believes the d i worth speaker, and the organization to . be a purs white man, and only ’black rORY. then 1 completed by the election of T. I^ampson and Lnughlin. from Yamhill 41 A 9 ; h ‘C o account of hip- ‘~“ color. county Th< petitioners claim tn be whi e u.ers, W M .C S inon was also “born of 1W.-™ po«Ti .. b M F. Patton,jChief Clerk ; JoLn Boon, ZYrp* U Whit, male ^itigens of the Cnitrd States and M -petbable pure».I rei.te, ” aud whether hiui»vvd the staa lug cuuiuiitteua 01 entitled therei n, because they dnl not re* like vthe a ¡of his bud. as any one xwuhi If. t » » the Senate as lo)|. ws : I -ee^fur he gatv evriry poor ^omin he , PRO. •eived a m»j rify »• cant ; and f the rotes ,r'_ J udiciary—Juhuwo, Dolph, Carn cori'd ’ hit ggt - tri at the r prsce.-i- nuTti Tri'f work rm — t - »^ceiits •I Te action»- wight I rat Mr 1 aii|itilfo at the rime of th« apiece tor each army garment, whia^on'y ■ --1 tin veiling W S)S and means—Pyle, Palmer, Has •»reti n invili ? hie. f.,r the hHsdift that be cirtfeed for hitpself the “amali sy0j'|ofS5 .J, . .-I- _ ■ • - è / tun. • ;• • / on r-acb sofrbet coat; Simon ^albva a roidt m ijiba&iuut efthe net been r Elections—Cartwright, Jwhuaon, Jef h d t^yillei'’ ♦ UUlSClgCliC r;’’ that is. he thought \ ^'ries 1, ' ■' 1 ' if ■. r nor preceding the county tor < u< year the inosi'bt uauiifui color for òr white children 1 laims—-Waston, Ison, Powell. beteatt^r. He often said that the > Irish 1 lection. ’Cnrpoialpii'K—Bayhy. Br»»wu Ford ' '* ■ ! aud: 1 urch ^huuld not associa^.th‘* » will he •°4 Count»em— J.^ron, ¡h n.-ell, Cranston . Helm inoved thojt- rt fereuce to a negro l2_ ! therefore was in the habit of Mr He the . to Let >1 iniaiy A flat rs-« Pa liner, Miller, he blessed rionrrabateiajri* n. 34. tf in’ his •elect CVllitHi1 uvt of three, with mstruc- keeping tl ' r uel . z |huri«e fur a w^ek at & time; •nd e- ' uld treat ’.ufF; ions I ♦o rep< T at* the earj est prSCTiCSible MT ( o.umerce 1 - - Hinsdale, D* lph, Craw noble AjfiÄ with ford. » 5. whisky, which Iwaj» •tay. The a\* » 8 and lays wtré demanded i»oiut Education-—Dolph; Bayley, Hheton !• » cÀfrred, -S tot 18/ Mr- kept on hand tor medical pnrp Rimd*» and Ilighwaya—. turd, J$t-.»WI». ind the r ot a n tWHlU- * ' brwww ¡J.--- 1L w«iV> bn. SV ill 11 Poweil. votine Lampsen not x i. Z t L ¡ I M - ' ¡^* h I tl smell of liqut out, to keep dowo the anti a! I Public Schools—Brown, Sterna, Cald Mr. Olney]—Bt-fore that committee 18 I i 4 H HI Hl I I iHjLffliil CHAPfER II. I 4 *-*•»* • **«• A.-*« — well. -—J Deacon Btowu had an only chil^rodali« appoint * an only daughter — sixteen “ * old, ~,J i yeitepi ruaZ . Z * Mr. C' ckrin—1 m >ve to isy that mo ivas 1 &»uldy Enrolled Bills—Palmer, Jeffrie^ Cy twelve hands high. Her form was wi, . f ioo on the ti| Me. ♦ I : 10 the slricttst test sense of the word word, : 1 she rus. as faultless as that 11 ment, the Mr. Oiney demanded a call of the had a gait _ Her name it was fUI 90k . _ Federal Relations—Donnell, Ison » House, which was refused, and Mr. Cock Greek Slaod. AC. Òhe wua called after old Rebecky Hn th» Cranston. 4* ’ -I Bible, which accounts fur her b< Mining—Pyle, Crawford, Miller I . * ' I ran’s morion ^i.rri^d tha^naihe.j , The SpeaM’-r ann-utnepd th» selecl oom i. • * SE T L f I j « l**w9w s The 'JI b’cl'iok train Carne alite nd wife and' Rebecky , an only f^n)|d »rishter RrOwn WHs ihé fina /mid on boaia?^’1 he ., - ... - a deacon ip a* JahHlncb* tooted its SipJibn Brown n is i« also t to0t and was 6ld tonable ch, which aitfrtfdn he BrowdWa e war WMr chu c a n.init. He — cou ’d lot sit' ' L j.. ' ,---- J”’ it » » . - I- obhiim ed on 1 account of having dpoeso any longer, »Iso » he . ris aud went ¿forth to the conduch much sur sum vice e for hia country in tig war the conductor. Bex hd r * * • 1SIQSÖ *®TFF “ Mr^ Mr^Oo at an army ( < contractor, h He wtea^Dem- Conductor, couldn’t yon Wt he? ocrat when rhe war first broke out j - • — a slide a leet! le 1 faster? I’m in pursuit of number of Boston patriots surround« 1 an nrforuna ate d nghtor who eloped ” ' 4 one Suoldaj F evening io Iris own]ro<>; 1 and »’ Conductor ‘ — t She ’l _ j ’s alidtn ■lidio* ’ noW no* aa m flat flat at offered bin 1 ajob of making several aill she ever did. »uns of com Ee and truwsers for soldi "> at Still the old man walked to and fr< o^ly / ^ome the car for he was rest ess and rothy. an i tn me os e profit, Foht, if he would oaly/ CHAPTRHlxZHi>*J ■ i >n, seeing the profits ^kho ovef. So 1 81 mm, » « ■ j1 ez"Zj 1 ~ over like Several hundred tho more The train that brought Deaapn of his k|od kjudi r Therefore Simon, h em, bad arrived at the, bridge of . Niagary. Stark weather. Helm and Herman. On I Z t Aflhis family, except his departoi^ dead, Ltl F 1 I • / Simori BHown. Esa, resides re on, J3. oUae with lnl Bosbin. in n the same bou Affairs—Messrs Hum i* I * < e »tu»' • /»’ '.rór;!ii1ic nsbi,»h’ V* altri5 4 ■gregge i ' rU'jiaA* m ■ I stifte CHAPTER Î. ’ •' ' 0*8 and Olney. 10th‘ by Cornelious ‘ Nrcklin. On Ind ian organized . without much delay, on Monday Sept vcb ’ sh r . and j • White, I Loring On Printing—Messrs. 4 r > I ! Respectfully Dedicated to yè 'flippers. T * ■? * ri-'W. 'W /H- 5 r ! - LU1LÄ Hinman and Garrett. inga ni bo h Houses of the Legislature in I / ■*■ «■» 4 I ! " h ! ■' M' Bills—MeS'Ta, Enrolled On • •~- 4Mb 4^ •if 1 Ì D w. rw A ri tv t .... -■ 'vr: yr ■ -2 *1» I ’ V. fl* ’i LAFAYETTE, OREGON, TUESDAY. SEPT. 25, l|f il ___ s c fl i *ri’ a J •< V I -r- r ! I’- i* ! r. , i «1 I Lit-L. I I j 11 w i ■ • > M bvii J bl x Js ii : • 70 i 4 1 9 « h f 4 ) é «•» I I » I ■ I I V 1 ’f * :«y< > >’ On « li - .j»;,- r-1 Means— Messrx Upto*1» Ways and Wniukdr urn Luckbeart. da Curm,—Kvee, Davis and Whiv aker. j Affairs—Messrs. Mtdary Ua Rulaou. - Wortu aud OudgC. Ou Kvads and Highways—Mossr> {di wrth^aide Moglet, Averaged Cwte.*’•**'1 (MU'«-* Oa Bugroarod Billa—Maaare, I 3k ■ \ *L Header- > r The Walla Walla Satesmaw, eaya > .that a roan nmed.,Davidapa, oabia wijr/oufi fmm Bear Guleb/Tost F7.000,_ k following ciroctffivtances : He was the «deb, aed wro rotantofr or ? the bundle of grecni acks in tv H hf tertwt- h-«.. Hf> h»d, promM 4vMai For wearing hoops larger than eight galbnt - distance, bag. andi ntently ‘• git ” with r1‘" as - fee» in diameter. ten eemsrwT honp. distance, when two or three persons, eamA raba^id aa evea mii^geflt»4,t j Kr twruiy e goo>« fiaterà, featera, dy’« head above ten. five cents. dress pack up ’ slide, iepLer-(ike, itaji»y; For wesrintr n low-necked’- dresa or tflt- stairs, go to the drawer and gentler put i»»g hoop«, one dollar. I ' 5 « '. H ♦ - v. k t 1 ; • ; ii r . 1 , i / i t ■ * , t T a 1 I * ’ I, I 7> r Kïjd'à *< : 4 » * I a < 5 i k / % 1 ' X I X f <-! ( z W 1 / * f * ji it • 1 a 4 ( J f I y V I * 1 $ ( 'M* »■ I IT ,1 * £ I' 1 <.♦ *•' HLii T iffi I: r- 4 D 1 ri • . >■ I k R8. H Hl’fE 1 W ESI EKFIrXf,*Phy* mciana and Surgeons, Lafiyetl*,Oregon Office in the Drug atorei beck y lo' ved, the .nigger ian aud Bent tv Salt Lake. IJ I j 3V, &.'