The New York Day-Book, MEW ; -j"' BK8T emocratic weeklyin A mer ­ ica , can be had as follows, cash m D WESTERFIEÚT I • í .1 Í zst DYSTÜFFS, Ac. S. ■ C. < ISTILES i [. . • . O R AME NT O HARNESS Dayton, Oregon, where all times a cúmplete stock :• i ■ Obstetrics, i’lb ii ■ L . ImNöbRD, fohnphod themselves permanent- >fayette, and invite the atten* ade to their stock. s * . '■ - Ti-HT J. 11 • I Sacramento FFER the following ¡ti luceroents to Capitalists and settle s -to all thoM who will becoms members of our assucia tion, a ’ • J ' HOMESTEAD FREE[W BEOIVEN urgery i i bi Associât ion ! » <>IIC jrui | __ ’RIE, HORTON A CO. Nassau street, New Yurko _ — - - - •' TlhRt ■ ^yOULD ANNOUNCE has purchased the entire stock I 1 f.f/ ■f -4 J I & Medic Practitioner’s LOAN AND HOMESTEAD ; rt CHEMICALS, PAINTS DRUGS. IMW’OST T3M • i ■’ i.-. r • ■ a * ¡nied feiattt STAGE and TEAM b -JL Carriage streets, San ’rese riptian w put up a vñ saoitnotice. ana* ------ 14 ! • 1 r » 1 i H ? ' ■ » ; !1 11 Physician's all hou». and Double Plain. 1’ SADDLES \& WESTERFIELD all descriptiop. S «•- I # witii or without*Hoops. I. bip», Öpuiii Amelies, Leggings, lio also, kuMf ■a on liMiiil o euuiplcm I - feluca vi (|U Uebcripliun of dictate Mie necessity of its removal, lor it i> a fact that premature decline of the vigor of manhood, matrimonial unhappiness, compid ; tory single life, etc,, have their sources i< | causes, the germ of w hich is planted in v(iik - life, nnd the tdttvr fruit ta*t«-d long afterward.! Patients laboring under this complaint wil complain of one or more of the following symptoms: Nocturnal Emissions, pains in tlo Back and Head, Weakness .of memory am Sight, (tischargu from the Uret ha «»n going t« Stool or making water, the Intellectual fa« • ultirs are Weakened, Loss or memory ensues Ideas are clouded and tfore ’ is a c tion to attend to bu siness, nr t Ven t< writing or the society of friends, etc tient wi ill probab’y coinplain of 1 Vurtigo, and i _ that sight ai d hen Weakened end sleep disunited by m winter, as the warehouses and wharf wleFe l„Lita btidt jit a i ■ I HARNESS LEATHER, JACOB UNDERHILL I Hardware I dispose of to Which he IMPORTERS OF Steel Iron time of the highest flood last whiter. Ths vast region of tine couhtiy around* it is fast tilling up, and if the i Uninterrupted navigation from San Francisi ¡co to Sacrarne for, the last nto increases as it has done < fixe years, there i$ nu Reason whyxNEW PORT should not. b«‘C«»jne a , bargains SADDLERY FURNISHING GOODS, ’■ * ■ r"' 'I. I mitbs’ Bellows, Wagon and fe such as Stirrupfi,Buck I ps and Rings, hich. figurrs; than »»e is able to sell at lowc surli goods can be purchased elsewhere tn this Valley. Great and Commercial CITYL IgUThe highest Market price paid fop itks and produce. body. S»»me of the most common svmptoi are pinipk s in the hive, and aching in uri,au«f •>e given by jitthination in the Lafayette mi. ¿4 £4 4 4w C ourier previous tliei cto. i. no. w • ••• d J, W. COWLS* County Jbnme, by atidressjng h letter so DR < ’Coiig r <*f Srt tituicnto and M«mtg< R«M>ftis. 10 and 11, or Box 9»3, Francisco, stating the case as iii pn^wble, general habits of living, i lot reeeived will rofo the u‘d com- häuf, warehouse, ai j. stores, and lu Jing the whole hfoh extends two ir i¡hu! i Dry Goods Store OF ¡THE AGE ! CERTAIN ANÖJBÄ e«huarter of the Cure For ! NERVOUS ¡ AFÍ • woon CABBING Hr AND Purely Veget* mins MEDICINE Is JL able prepari i' hi , and has never bqen known to foil hi affecting permanent » ure ip the followi ng cases : ° I », A gue . A ííxiett ,! Loss of A ppetite A sth » DRY GOO. S, B ronco etis R heumatism , C holera ? MORBUS, CoMvVLsnoNS, C holic , D ysentes RT, D elirium T uenens , M ental ur P hy I* D yspepsia , G out , F its * SICAL D ebimt MA FANCY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, r • GROCERIE, HARDWARE n H H eadache , - M ¡YSTEI1CS, H bah * D isease , P alsy , I mbeci city , I mfotenct , S u PPIESÄ ed M ensus . F eut algia , pLuricv, R est - lessness, St. V ITUS’ DANCE. Stricture, I Tic Doloreux. , Whooping Cough, Etc. » Columns of certificates of cures mig,., be published, sufficient to satisfy the nios< akeptical that this metficine is ail the dis- wiverrr claims for it. Pvrsous with any. of the above diseases, will do. wejl to give it a* trial before dosing th« tuselves with* mineral poisona; that, while they soma tlmea aff ird temporary relief, always leave ‘W” some other dis. than that w Grist Grinding At the NOR’Hl YAMHILL MILLS, The i idersitrned w Exci ance FLOUR fcr WHEAT, At Short Notice,. FATIS peetfulh solicit a share of Public patronronag? County. Ore- North Yamhill, Yamhill STANDLEY go» Api.9,1!66 other quarter, or balance,.iill be expend- ' ed fur expenses; making deeds,' buying siamps, etc. As soon.aa the 5000 lots are disposed of, the Combany will own a city over two miles square; two miles of which will be bounded on the Buy, ly, where fifty wharves could be built, enjaldir.g the laiv' gest vessels t«» l«>ad, being at the head of* navigation. This property will then be divided pro rat» to ch ch ¿ibscriber, giv­ ing to -each a very hamisome sum. As the number soki will incr< age the balance, it is presumed that each stockholder will receive from $100 to .$U)(tO for each rer* tifleate issued, havingdow a large number of Subscr’hers. ANY Ml CH A NIC who will .tend us the names of five others besides hisdwn, will receive his lot free 1 I , , In sending money to us; register yonr letter through the port of hue, or by Weils. Fargo A Cm’s Express at o»ir risk. * For plan of the ety, «bowing the loca­ tion of blocks and i»ts, cr bills^orany other information, please call on, nr a«i* dress “Newport Loau aud Homestead As­ sociation. L i * Office, S. W. earner of Kearney and Sacramento ata., San Francisco. P. 0. Box, 84. >1»