í / » -f . f I , (/ J I J À <7 « dz ■I < p 1 ¡> I t. ». ■ ■T*".. «■ *4 ** W ■' f t/ , r 4 . i • * » í k< V t * * 1 ' I t- . □ I ♦ V • * ÍÍ i' 4 í ■ -i y r , r r . * I T ■ I > h Í f. ¿r J Ep £ ¡p * » ß • r® I 7 « J I ' i j» ■ » ! — * ■tíl LAFAYETTE, OREGON, ¡TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1866 t I ¿79 Li? * *lr •** * r / i I . z jr V ' . ' ■’ * , ' • ■ ,fa,TTb NO. 34. í? I ‘ «• I. ’. ' t • i ‘ ’ j I ■ diana “ loyalist*” joins you ! He e is com- J mg r. r prepare a place for him—get out a •lew *• deck ” of cards--plac‘d l . another l I uss udon yonr banqueting board, and u t your first act be a bumper to yout eternal reunion, a chrse pon your cotto try, and a double curse to those wh j will rescue it from the misery and desolation you have brought upon it—the i'emocrut ic | arty La Crosse (Wis .) Democrat I St -, ’ =—-y1 n I A i ...O- VOL. L * i -1ÄL. 1- • I i MB fX. J* 4 I t < k -Í. -J <: - T < • rr- 1 -T ♦V Viti - f ■ ta if * 9 I i A • X« .• ».•xi I 1 ■ ■ ii'H .I í : k I» J 1. I ¡/ t » *4 •W1V j ] 4 I 1 4 V ■ hi * I i'i II & Ì I r i ‘ ■ f « i" . i ; H .b ÍÁk I t I w ' t. * * s f- Í . i *á « i i: 0 F ’-I . > < i ♦ t [ i i' 1 ■t í R uels for S poiltjjo C hildren «—I. Aboition Gods —J John The Trinity of * A boltion >. _ Goda More Stantonian Infamy Brown, 4. Lincoln and rani Jiin ”’’ Lane. •. ?. 1 í i Give frequent commands, but let it ever A startling exposure bal rbceudy been ■4 men ol ibe ‘ Abo AbullKr oil t|»e givut L._- r - " rr 4 ' M V . be known by yotrr child that yott do dot brought to light., which places Stanton, H cul td home US LSD EVSKY TUESDAY, litiuu party pwbevn the infamous, in even a n caner and baser mean what you yott say. i f w 0 by a liie of ihfaipy. crifoe aud blood, V 2. Be stfre netter to betray ahy of that 1 position than that he h«8 for four years AT weakness cunmunly known as firmness. occupied before the American people. lias valued |ht| highert leuatds which LAFAT ETTE, one Abuiitidu traitors de could be paid tf f 3. Establish it ft as ata uofaili At the trial of the Booth conspiratota, unfuili g H*, . : lighted to hyuqr 4 hat when the,child insists, either • by » before the military con mission at Wash- jtm lUOIWVCj V4VWV* TAMU1LL COUNTY, OREGON r 1 Gud muveii in'a mysterious way His " , was the ingion, one James B. Merrit, teaming, scolding, threatening or ctying. • \ uers tog ¿tlluiMi ’ He cails men wuuueis to' pt for the Government. I BY pnncipal witue.*3 f lhe is to h ve his own way. ~ • I ! ut| wnkedmss and vil e| uf ] We 1 floto their.hv •V i¡ • •/ I I By his testimony the hapless, and 4. Soold him for trifles, but let greater •.' I J ■.A- '; ' 1 j J. H . UPTON, editor and plb ’ iy >u various uaj s. \\ lieu he summoned — — i truly be ieieit noCen’, Mr C----- crimes )u38 with but little notice, I ob 11 Bruwn from eaitb to His i awful victed of participating in I the ___ conspi'avy , frequently speak of his ill-temper A W ar on W omen —Dunite the war, Y'5’ cun which resulted in the death of Mr, Lin­ ’reseuce, He permitted him to consumati » TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTfON. or pther wrong rio hispieaence. in a mao i« the Roman c ke.a wprthlebs cur on fort-of Confederate and Union , eddier* th m him. RATES OF ADVERTISING. I . ..... . . -‘ir;p|icuted Hun a V.S.r.niM awihiw. Aixdlv fhu Virginia gall^wt. Madly the h..ii*..- hou.-e- alike—‘-whether in hospital or camp. Their improbabilities, lie alsoim 6. I. Gratify his wishes in gettrng far for i« ». I Christian education and training pruhib tnicf called liie free*buutns about Imr, , und George Jefferson Davis, C C Clay, uud Georgiy him playthings, clothes,' confections, eto. One Squire, 12 Lines or less, one Tssnr- raided Har| er'« Ferry. pMid the penally ite caniiii ■- Fur each subs -q-ient insertion , y*bu when you reprove him. I ■ I . . 1,00. crime, and did his infamous work with a l eed u'nder i»rre>tson e<»fth« pcS sters f< rnot lze-1 as Saint Nu. uue in Hie AbMitiun • A libvnil' ih-ilnetion will he innchi on Cold blonde 1 and devrli.-h readiness which Wait off him very much, and hu* hieh 6. r taking the o* h si bs ant 1 y af irm ng h if leudur. Bells were tolled; c buildings Orirtvry, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver- shout I alone huve Cast, discredit on ( :his his mor him in all things.’ ; . I tisiMne’its. ' ‘ be Wuathe tiiemc ol they have never given mu orc«. rnfort to au 6* Niter have him to keep his thing/ statiuent. I ut ihe people were infuria­ shrouded in b' |$.k'; Il »t I, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 per • nemy—in other words, that hey never Ims, and it- was jdeclanm oratiuus and puie ted f> r blo< d—they demanded more ut- iu order. annum. give a cup of cold water to a dying South by uue of hia ìippióu.^ wotspi-ppers that as 10. B/all means rear him to know tenement for the death of one man by »¡I, the t 4 4 5 ' 2-4 T- ' ’ / . HI j • ■ - J . - .MM so John ern* soldier; that they never cooled his « Christ had cqmi« crated thep.rua>, single hi nd of a zeal»»t, and a prejudiced • ♦ that hia chief happiness ia in eating good COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. fevered brow, never Wrote a le 1er for him t; tpape the gahuqrs holy, « drumhead court of ignoramus s rtceived Br wn had ty rhings, wearngfioe qlothes, going to every ite |nu n a lx "seal igu.Sai nt w». to friends or relatives faraway]; never said i-how, etc., but never let him think that Jil*-‘, J. 'V 0 » vics ; C<>inmissi«HivrS, W the monstrous tesiimuny with the utmost« Lmle mu4e n ti. Br wh wn; ; S ’ ivriff, lrntf, L. L. WJ»il HVJiit Bdl, J. »1. two stpped upuii u box of 4 common the-.' a prayer fur him on his dying Ted—never, he can. or ought to deny himself anything. daughter credulity. The heartbroken z >D. Assessor,-Xl). mm’» ; Clerk, S. C. Adams; , A™^..,4 atre, to bis p|t; 'red feinnej llow ha he’ in short, did any act of Christi ian kindness of Nlis Surratt } roi ounced the evidence By following these rules, even in« it r_ ~ k|e>} SHiool < ‘ S r 1,.; t »; Treasurer, Cl< m. E« to fellow mortal in extremestt 8t|exa. Of ' the Abolition caleuder*? Won his piace p ot Merritt, so far as her mother was con ­ diffrently, the child will.be effectually Superintend III, R< ♦. John Speller»; Corbner, the nuns spurn thatoath and have He found a Aiud atfpeabe, Course, he gave it » cerned, fahe, while Messrs. Davis, Clay, J. w. Watts; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. given bunds to appear and amiwer at the foiled. and Sanders all stamped, in indigrtant bioudy war—He fca^ierc^. a h Jf miliion » next Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau ■ii* 4 language’ the testimotry of the wretch as graves all over|thc Sjuth,Jriun the Poto mac to the Gujf, from theUtlantic, in the As the Radicals seem t < huve pretty much infamously f;De. 5Jr. C So art boys Were playing cards reoently ot Judges an I Jurtv all. in un- 4»iv the h 4 py Misuri, it would not be at all nr hble storm of wi d. rain and thunder« pijke bea^t* in establishing f. It c mfident would result OSBORN & RATHBUN, PRO « ‘ » ■ MHli •liaiublijoi— hf 'pYitt>h4d oU7a. free pnsi prising if >he Sister* • sh-mld, be f»u'»d t 9 r ; his innocence. When the war, of the element« wa» st its guilty,r and be dealt with accordingly. FpillS HOTEL js stifl k ‘I -t f<»r the jifconi- Congress recently, by committee, has and stifled fre£ speech—h/ Converted tl.e J iiioiiatioi, of boarder ’S and the tiavailing As . Me bijdiat Episcopal, Baptist and hikihth, a tree near the old* barn was torts made fdr, : the .people ’ s defen-q. into invest ii » vf-1 gated; piiiru, seaichrngl) era > v«i H* 'J , . 1 the Whole 111 lit I Cl public. ? i i • to struck by lightning, and at the same mo­ reshyt. rian Ministers have feeen een aent sent to ba, 3 card players to the ground amid a perfect ind attentive hostlers. i ¡rhe temple Of Liberty iut) a negro path candor to admit "that ihe discingerislud I wreck of boards, beams and ratters. » /' STEAMBOAT BIALOGBE. - .. . , had .i . no connCB.iJn "J ■ T 011-e Great ¡U»>d, what ii at mout be yer debris’, holding fast to the cards, “ remem r «i •taele of success, po. sej-sed of mure than of the transactions he had sworn to as business ? -Want .to buy eome corn 01 ber, boys, 1 played' the trey for low.” S. HUULBURT. kingly gran Jepr, to pass from his ptriaco OMt ” .' facts. 1 oat-* ' ? ?” | j % * • to a ¡theatre on that Solemn Good Friday ATTOIlttEY AT LAW If this porriorr.of his evidence was rank A BUsTNEgS Dl^PATcft FROM S t . Yanicete—VTolerable, thank ye;* B qw reason niiiht—ind- with a t-milo upon hi* lips’ be yourself ? Bound fur no place in par- P etersburg .—A business dispatch was perjury, why not the rest ? what, ’ ‘ \afaj*ette, Yamhill County. 0r»cnn. is there for believing that the testiutotiy called by th/ slHy 'Aortic ef ir phiycr. tjcular. In for ai y kind of trade.’’ received in San Francibco, -on the 9th . » practice in the Sunremp, Circuit am i a ’ of ihe Courts <-f tliis State. he gave concernhig Mrs Surratt was true through the medium of a bu’ttet at a - Hoosier—What kind of tnilde hev ye? inst., in less than forty-eight hours from' ' I l n ■ ! a < * in the least'degree ? What punishment zealot’s hand; God ^summoned» A brail am ¥ankee- “Well it’s a pi itent rignt.” St. Petersburg, Russia—over ten thous­ i Lincoln before his gri eat white throne. I neh an infamous should be awaided s and miles on an air dine. Hoosicr •‘‘Patent right f< br wh«t ?” DR. H. J. BOUGHTON. I ' f- i - j : But it. needed one move Abolition nota • a wretch ? Why should he escape justice \ ankee—Patent right fpr a mechine z « Zi ■'U: ' W hen ?—-Aman camehoifie drunk ble to compil^tte the illustriousfrio, and the Late Physician & < Surgeon, for his rascalities? But what shall be said for making ail kinds seeds • put of wood on a cold night and vomited in a basket brytal brugLari, Jiih Lá¿e, frenzied per- In Hospital Department, I i o’ or done to the more monstrous and haps^by the stings of «¿orisciene. or th*» from shell bark down to grass seed. containing goslings which his wife had detestable Vrllwin, who, occupying a po«i- Have also a patint right for the mirage placed before the fire, upon seeing them I _ »» ” *“ s Of The Army of the POTOMAC. lion of trilli and i eS pónisi bih ty, to gratify mortification of disapuiiiied ambition, rush -life preserver. A tfife, when he exclaimed: [ G My G I /í-j ed itobidd^n 11 the presence of bis Maker, his own mriieintts a-nd devlish nature, em lloosicr — “ i Mea rage — wh it’s tr ear» ge?’ did I swallow them things ?” Office in Dayton, Oregon. # * » M such t^kfinio p The “ inydtic three’,'—-the trinity of ployed a fessef knave to givo j Yankee—‘-It’smachine to be fixed .. crime—the Apostles of i inin—the awful on the front of a locomtive ny ? It does not seem possible that such a i or steamboat Lafayette, Oregon. So D id S he .—A Western paper chroa i1 * - i r ■ j fiend could exist. But it was positisely nondescript liags of Abolition, theyj have’ with reflection of great power, to show the icles as follows tho recent expbobion of a 'A sfr- Í TV ill practice in the District and Siipreme proved on the examinat ion of Mej ritt that I parsed from earth : ti-Mheir rewards f . i * ✓ i mag of anything u imtter how steamboat, on one of the great rivers : g ahead, no Cou-*«« »»f Oregon. * John Brown-wais the avant courier of far it be off—an ydring und^r 4 tbi? Secretary of War. Edwin M. Stanton, “ The captain swam at-hortt^ So did a hundred ‘ Paid, C’dlections mad the bioudy treason meditated by disunion- miles.” ■ and six thou pa¡tf Mcr rift between fice l J Provcvils Piomptly i emitted. the chambermaid; she was insured for 4 ' »nud do! la is'for his services as a ¿’'witness ists—his (o prepar the way-for consump ­ I Hoosier—‘‘Don’t say And are ydr $15,000, and loaded with iron ” JW ————------ —----- ¡I t I e; • IJ tion of the work of treason by Li» coin-— before the miltary commission. the inventor?” {>. :■■ L W ater S pouts .—Th \people over in prritt and Jim Latte, by his life aud death’ to For the paltry sum the soulless soul Merri.. Yankee—J be.’, the State of Nevada, appear to be suffer­ swore away the life tf a woman, and did furnish the commentary and fynshed pic- * Bi llum-i r—nYour a boss 'What. mout • . . ... _ .u~ ^1! f........... ii- « ing this summer from wa‘er spouts. A his utmost to criminate men(of I ’• F Ttri n li standing, ture the fruits of fanaticism. His ca yer name be ?” < ! ; LA Fa Y ETTE LODGf, NO. 3, few weeks since, Austin (Reese River) cir- ryer has beep one of m irai outlawry, and a stat snien who would not tfuderl any Yankee—“Coffin.” came very near being washed away by od and bis cum-tances stoop to wrong ;aud bud murder to b*u RiG*inOt God his fellow men. lie mi rree and Accepted Masan»., Hoo.-ier—“Ileerd tell of yer family— - • j tie ver perperrated a good deed, never was one’and the Aurora Union has an ac­ attain their objec t-! \ ou’re a relative of the man who invented guilty ufa cÊiiù(.rÿleveiug thought — hisj. .Meets in Lafayetfo on the 1st. and 3rd count of another mote recent which burst And for years the detestable agent of wooden haihs and plaster laris shoe nails. - Friday of each month, at ha J past 6 in the the Devil on inth’ibodie District and seriously dam* — -the 4he iucarnation and . sole objectjtxstjal and op'press all over uau earth— rroiner once, nuan Had a brother hadn-t 1 ye that got afternoon. I aged several mills: Oh Sunday last, says «P Pkwk•>f t/>ttavvi Imo | who mhe had power, and ndë rough *hpd > accidently choked with a 14 rope round his • Brethren nt the order, in good standing are embodiment of fmaticistn and hate has Visalia Delta, a heavy now of water been dothed with money and means to over those 'unfortunately ubaiidbnéd to hi$ neck ?? invited to attend., T. V. B. EMBREE, I * ’’ I IT •*’ \ tender mercies, fie w«s the product ¡of came down the Kawiah river, caus jl, as work his base purposes, iccomp ish his W. M. lit "J ! ’I Yankee—“Knew the ___ man—was’nt a ■ G eo II . S teward Sec’y. vcpgefnl.schemes,r Who knows cr who Kausus agitation-—thé champion uf ruffian brother— only «second cousin to i niy wifeV was supposed at that time, by rains upon ■ e can tell how many men have been perse­ ism, irituleruBce, tjale and mnrth-r for that ¡•ister’saunt’s brother’s couai lin. . But what the mountains; but since it ha« been ■ ■ .1 — f —----- ow* learned that the sudden rise was cuted to d* at h their good lames and rep­ bæeding Sovereignty. ¡ lie made “►hriek m ghi your be name?” E. C. BRAE SHAW, L < 1 f ’ ing to the bursting of a wa?er spout on utation blasted by the monster Stanton ¡ing Kanias” the stepping etone of Re- ' • . / - • / ( T ’ Hoosier—“It might bet, Smith but it and his pud Thugs-t-his ^5>000 perjur pubiicirn success, and received his I reward. ithe the Middle Fork of the Kawiah Kawiah. ain’t. Calkilate it’s Castef. il T • * i 'jHts he Nds nfdwith the blood ofh iis neigh era? a 15» • Will v v 1 j 1 ia his in guilty vl deeds UC - v ever v vi W be Ml brought vug*« L « Yankee—“Kriowed yonr family well, / fully to light—his crimes receive their bor whom he .-hot down l from your grndfather dowb, You are one AND A thousand parties of pleasure do not' sit beside the t pedant suitable punishment? indeed Worthy tq *it B:j llil of two twins. One was a handsome culo cute leave a recolection worth that of one good j 1 . ? .»»• 1 ... COUNSELOR AT LAW, AN the demoralizing influences of civil war, l ar & es 5 Diiily iu t.lie ring — — the foulest that we pitch in and abuse the Walia Walla t¿ Here the dinuer beH.rwbg. I f 111, 1 1 Tf- ■rw ” * f hut,none—not even Ben. Butler’ or Lew. j l°ad in the pudd’le- !—1 he — mO't unsightly Walla correspondent of the Oregonian, •• f r 1.1 t '■ "■ f 9 polled, rotten and 4 inasmuch aS the fellow prfitices itlf abmtt 4 Baker, or the meanest and scurviest knave; w“rt ,on 1 e V of all* the c-italozue but appears aT an an-,|6t*“1-^bolit yu wen or “ Rump” I • n;, i •*. . i - ^r ' ■ [ * ’ ’ ■ * t- 1 <-v*" !' we deem this altogether unnecessary.—» k A case of wholesale s aughter of in- gel of light beside the gnilry, depraved and 1 . ” ? iere l )av e been, a hob-nobbing W. W. Statesman. LAFAYETTE FERRY. so’ille^ fi^nl of the War Department Edl time wh,prl Charon ferri d Jim over'¡the fants by starvation has j júntenme to light I * I '■ X" J 4 I I ' I S ham WU l .—Little Pittock, the Tom in Lawrance, Mass. A r ____ kept r man there tuifod * Styx, and the shades ot Brown, HE undersigned would respectfully an­ win M. • Stanton * >! the iiij'i 1 4ri * ** • ■ “ * - -• -■ an infants* (imnerallillegitimate) board­ Thumb of the^O egbn press, after having % nounce to the tiavelling public, that he He offend* decency, stinks in the nos- boise-thief trod Lincoln the ob«cene jester ing hou«e, in which the bill of fare was btolett the Oregonian from hia early bene­ tv*iia rxr I it* trils of the people, is «V ■» a V cutse w > ' I*« hunianityi | I - a°d | t — Jrant __ ’ S'- ®el their brother Jim the har>, al the Laf yette crussii g ul the Yamhill, v - -------- — T »-wwv *•« •' V ’’VT ’ • • *•■••• «••• • • J • *• flour gru 1 scared with milk ” according factor, Th os. J. Dryer, pow allows the — JI — __ - C a . .u _ J A» a*i _ t- Ki>rd _ lltwin- tKn flurV «Atari (YLtfifirkir « ! and a reproach to the name of American cib i burder-ruWin, upon the dark and gloomy » 1 to one witness, After a few days neither kind-hearted old man to pine in penary. A LARGE, NEW AND SAFE FERRY BOAT, Û 1 Jt . LJ shore. It’ must have bedn a and yet jail« »r and Hostile kee| 1 K’ V • s? < f • ii' ■''' i 7 1 '• ? -f. 9’1 -¿ ".i ? ■•3L h dK i' I izenship, ,, - flrnr r,Trri]!F"rrrJ’€r mother or nurse were troubled ¡¡' with the •——lb. V? « on which he can cross Teams, Stock; &<•., employer f ___ r . o of perjurers, and mtrdercr 1 l* Fourth of July Vestivil, when the illustri­ WDvntTrnrTQi v inn rnPAPI V i lie’pl,*S'‘ innocence, he isterl’l Secretary of ous o“s three clasped e*“’*P®d hands in iu the presence y oung ones. The woman had sometimes t,. EXI ED1TIOU3LY AND CHEAPLY. {War, ofc l|lon8froortbat he M t‘*e assembled shadows of evil, . flitting as many as nine of these bfant boarders. ‘He who sends thé storm j steert the vessel’ 1 «■T'T"1.. ....... ....... t '¡f'-1 r 4... I Multitudes express opinions ; few form ’ The roads leading to and from this crossing fill such a place, and nt such a time, wbeff ^ke bats jftM unclean things around the ì T he ladies of Cedar Fulls, Iowa, are on j ----- —........ A.. ... «1... fr« ------------ -------- u is at .. stake /• fir _ the pei).ce an<| deities of Abolitionism, fanni g them •re _ :------- in pood re|«ir, and persons m tlm so much them. ; 1 that a peddfor S »uth p»»inE tn Portland, McMinnville, Forest welfare of the ( country ?—[La. Crosse * Wlltl their anti cheering them >ith thetrampage over a report ......... J................................................. Civil, obliging words cost bût littli, and Gn»ve «nd Hillsboro, ami from the North, Democrat npJif ■ a demoniac concert, in itukatiou of the who recently visited 1 that town, selling cor r do a gre&t^deal of good. going to Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will find it grouiH of ’deud dead and dying men, the wail- sets and fitting them on t ie bodies of ous . y ... ( j ,|[ 4 { to their at'vantage to pa tom»»* this Ferry. “Pride goeth before a fall," and it fre­ «4 idow# id Woman and the cries Of turners etc., has f-ince tu rued out to be a 9 « JOHN HARRIS. man dressed in feminine apparel. • quently goeth before a waterfall. : orpnan children. • i q? ’ . i < I ! Lafiiyette.sJuly 81. 1866. 4 Think little of yourself, ; ni ' V' ‘ \ ’"i h I i ' f ! j Theto ia is a » fourth fo There wanted down below- « __________ not be '"jured whon other» lhink «‘le of threuh.hdM g^lira ar» not ¡«ebreeting - r' . NTe st Governcr of Ncte T®rk -a He who is not willing to fill a place he X A lbnt .N. Y„ Sept. 12.- John T Hoffmanj- II j the blunders bluhde^ of ir a dtinrnrv dunrtny snoil spoil the hm beSt- is fitted for will find no plaoe- fitted fpr Mayor ol New Yoik city, has been iwuiinated | T. HEMBRE L D -ildrin Dry Dry Goods Goon r I Teira are nature,« lotion for the eye«* kid pkm,. laDBj shada' of the illustrious great him to fill I- i Jp •. , I- , 1 ! hy acclimation lor Govt mor* and JLbert • Hmeorioa- Hardware. Ac. S®““» “do | *“ “““ f* with (Of Abohliottem. th« quartette will be com -T i »• —w«.. MV VMM* No man has a right tQ do as ho pleases’ 11* Payne of xlbny, for Lieutenant GoVurnor* Main Street. r Ipleto when Moxa Morgan, the leprous In-[except when he pleases to do right;- by the Democratic State convention. ‘ ' J- Í THE COURIER, 1 J f I t LAFAYETTE HOUSE: . ¡ " A. 1. and A. 91. A ttorney T shml hamfv a w I i ■ ■' if - T e .'i • ' I »i- Ì I V* I I * i ’l- ' ï t 9 i ’ 5 * ’ i I V « ■ k : $ 4 ♦ r •. ,'fi ' • < " h t I Î *• t i 9 t r I 1 • K t r .. s ■ ’ 1- t J i h » Q> Í ‘ ’ !. .. To. j j * # F f I ' - ,’gx ■■ . M i I » 1 L -, J ¡ I i 1 d i 4 A - ► ' A ** •