=ÈS a . *t * L1 - - ■ Í ar >, • • 1 ! I* •; L I -- --------- I A. . f a L- Í Ü- I I » t V f Í f. i I. » • * 5, —fj- — * 7, * an* VOL. I. r ¡ 5' I , » * ISSUED EVERY TUESDAT, AT a ■ > * 4 ,• 3 LAFAYETTE ♦ YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. BY f -• i * ^.11’■ . ’ ' ’ F ; ' I I editor and pub > n’n. J. H . UPTON, I TÇRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ? Í One <>*>’,«)’ One Yeer, Ou« Copy Six Months, . • t îiLlr'nf'r'tr ‘ Fcrtinant. / ir 1 -¿«a, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ou Sqnre. 12 Lines or fess, i, one li»cnr i tbri. . . . ; . F i’’ each subs -q isnt ins -rtinn, . * I.no. A liberal d«-*iin*ti«»n will ih*» mid* on Q lartcry. Yearly, and half Yearly A Ivvr nr»« »«»’ g»««'». * tisem«*:its. H »t I, Medical and Law Card.«, $10,00 per annum. , 1 COUNTY OFFI CIAL DIRECTOR Jil«-». J. W. (J »vie«: Co’nmissioi.ers Bill, J. 11. Ilr-wn I S'ierdf, L. L. \ com1» ;,CI«*rk, S. C; Athins; Assessor, S rith; Treasurer, , CI« m. E -klr- ; S<: Superintendent, R. v. J-»hn Sprh«»er; C«»r«mer, have in turn preached every heresy (bliu J. W* -Watts; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. i-.il) which language can designali te, am who, rather than possessing ideuf, seen S. HUKLBURT. to be possessed by them. To secun t^jy -.access of a fa l«e philanthropy, | ATTORNEY AT EAW I ’ i fI w* trampled utickr 1 foot those sacred i li «a fay ette, Yamhill County, Or» g rm. practice in the Supreme, Cin uu an«, of the Courts «•!’ this State. DR. H. J. BOUGHTON. *■ • I I - I ’" - & Late ■■ ■ •' I I ' and are stinging Î the hearts of a people t Of The-Army of the-PUTOMAC. • renzy with the scorpion lash of section» bitterness. Offi e in Dayton, Oregon. : is such a dalusion as kneeling drill; there i o. : P at the • shrine of party»-worship. where th- * IHS HOTEL is Mill kept for the ac, HHhlation of boarders and the tiavij publje. T GOOD STABL.IXG, , ■ % - fur you candid, loyal men, to remember that then • i ■ ;LI’ * is such a thing as being slaves to party ■ LAFAYETTE HOUSE : And finally, it is i t* e spirit of Truth ha« fl«»wn. amLits hi>Ho* are crumbling Statesman. to 4ust ■ , i H 0 rego i and attentive hostlers. i n 3 Ì T hrowing them O verboard .—Llk- V1 E. C. BRADSHAW, men on a sinking ship, says the Yrek ATTORNEY Union, the Radicals are throwing over1 K > i L !* I ’ ’ - j I li II board their deadweight in the vain atteuj^r» AND » » » tn make the vessel float a COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND SQ L1C1TOR IN CHANCERY. i little longer Maine has dropped her R ce; Iowa placed Grinnell and Kin son uut-idi Lafayette, Oregon. ring Tne first can now t evutCjali hi > till; I ■ T ■ ill practice in the District and Supk erne to hunting a fight that he Can whip, an Coir *s <»f ( )r« g«»n. ¡^T hx - s I P’«if, ’ C-'llcciions ' made, and the latter will be able t!) expend I irnir« Prutceds Ptomptly remitted. hours in gallantries to thp Treasury offic i l * 'I I ‘ i ; , I it i - c ' I ■ T -• girls, with no wife to molest or make ' ^*“ 1 ' - — — A. F. and A, 91 -a * r , v* J LAFAYETTE LODGE. NO afraid. In Iti-jiaha, IIil|. a very usefu tool heretofore, is no lunger wanted. L is doubtful if lligby, Mc^t luerand — B.dwel 3, Free and Accepted Masons. will be considered avai abllc timber in fu - £1» • Meets in Lafayette on the 1st. and 3rd ture, by their purty in ' Idlhuroia. norma. Friday of each month, at ba.f past 6 i i the 4 ftitrriMHm. Bretiirvnof the order, in gnftd standing are Invited to attend. ' . EMBREE. STATE ELEC TIONS. T. V. B ,W- The {’Jinking «»mi *, ... ......... %.*. in (October, npui.ee tn the tiMVellii g public, Unit lie noui.ee to Pennsylvania i, second T^csday in October. ba.', al l|ic Laf y«.tle Ciossii g ul the Yamhill, Kan a*, first ’ Tuexlay in jN«»veml>er. Illinois, first ’1 uenday ih ii November. A LARGE, NEW AND SAFE FERRY BOAT. w * Maryland, first Tuesday in November cm which he can cross Teams, Stock, &<•., Massachusetts, fiist Tuesday in Nuvem EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY. ber. Michigan, fiF*t Tuesday in November The r«»a«k leading to’a nd from this crossing Minnesota, fiisl Tm*sday y in November are in good repair, and persons' fr- m tlw Missouri, first Tuesday in November. S uth going t«» Portland, M«'Mmnville, F »rest New Jersey, first Tuesday in Noveui Grove an«i Hillslmr«», ami from the N *rtli, g«)icg t«» Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will filul it ber. New York, first Tuesday in November to fftejr «. vantage to patmiuz«* this Ferr Wisconsin, first. Tuesday in November JOHN HABKIp. West Virginia, fourth f ues day in Ou Lafkyatte, July 81. 1865. tuber. i i 1 ' '■ Il Maire,Record Monday in September I / ▼ '■ * ' ' - ■: 1 y' Chivagc, Chicagc, Aug. 2ft. 2ff—A n ishin^ton spvcia T. HEMBREg. Diller in Dry G * A. 1 Ill dispatch savs a'delegation «if California pol* r • Groceries Hardware, ke. South iticians are here arranging new set of ap­ Main Street. pointmants pointments l«>r for that State.' State. The slate is mad- I up, and the Radical ottier-hohlrrs W ill I h removed. Ex-G »vernor John Bigler is to b« RS. WHITE k WESTERFIELC, Éhy- l ireetor of the Mint at Sift F’ntnciscw, and. ’ _• 1 urdy, at the sarm «miaña ami àurgeuns, Lafayette, Urtguiu. Samuel , . - . PujUmaster r*; j proruiae Ctolifor- " liuÜM pl®w« B'gler and Purdy luitcft in the Driuxura. Drug atuc«. r.'■ ma to Johnson. T hi -'"'»........................... ■■,!« T I.............. n M . s I 5 - JO. 33. NO 18(>& T T; LJ ' !'• il I .'4 . 4 - I II1 ■— from you, he,ll be where you are in bo time. Up U p hill i- i> down, and “ “ over otcr there thenr ” ■*w. I i< Br ’ck . ” Pdineroy has been to Boston » ia 4t back here.” ♦ . • : .!• r 4 . ‘ On -day w-> started from the offi e of »nd thus gives hisexj re»sio'i the “hab”j ..I____ m »5 J..- J. Dr.*-» / ffiíH» • is rfie çrGdlu ofL*b U The pl »ce ; Tie Boston /A^fo’t'hé Bôstôn PostCffiue, T 1 o.st-iri ■ I ear WhéWMr. . ’ W "arren fell » nd hurt him .. seventy ___ _ feet diMtrfnf. _____ t__ tUraHced straight ' ill Phillips, ah«*a i-^*wirrt Riuffnd ¿evett’ bh ckf, saw a s if The n,t place where ‘ Wei de I ’ • * * tie silvertwhgii d ” ( ù hat n gag j ) urat« f | bbCemnfi standing in a doorway on itcS t»th ni i I p > It L the huti of the Ofri-1 bl«»« bl«» k k — — a^ked each one the route to tho : 'verse :u d the’^wellingphce of the big4 postoli pbstoffiee. ee. Faw ibe eighth policerhan— i Ae largest i Look rgatL B-i'ton ihiuks she is ask. d him politely. Said he : •* — - . place in the wo Id or the ti« xt’— Bo.'t »n' her«*, thia is the eighth time •» vou bavé • awry complacent burg—n gar by is the a ked me th..t questio i. Move ©o, or j I L tome of Boston's pH, the silvn lerware steal- up you go. ‘‘ I I f d ■ ■ 7 r4 Thought the [ o’ieeroen mfl’t be Brohere •ig Bell, Wq rallier like Boston, ■' fur here is no Village like unto t - from the —they looked so touch alike I Rather than «.kt i idling < •f Nero to ¡the reval|*tiou of St to go arum : thg'bFiCVftgiin tff« wept;, J oh n N b t »thet w «y. began to unWind, fihd got intn_ B ! ! r 11 a I f w ay between Provide tic vand Bos­ the po»t « fflee by mistake. The front of ! r«m—for Boston is á long way ’s from [*. Prov the building is inside—-in the courts. Except thé b g organ and the crrfd’e ’. dncce—as we werel i» riding i 'i a cart, a I . ■ I Ben, Éutlrf spoke while we were there till small voice, like the whiil le,or an err- I ne. broke upon the air. ■ i | t 4 gtinilen nan on the restoration policy. I I the « seat With Went to this meeting expecting to see us uncovered I)is bald b; ì f him giving back silver Ware and other a I. and with u smile bade u s lb ten • ’ kind of • W hat’s that?” said we. valiidb'es Was mistaken. * •That _1 >> . * / ■ A' •! ’ Paid he, re-t«»ration was not pof Cy. “ Th ic big organ in Boston [louse*rents are cheip / in i Boston. .VI th a fiineralic wag of his h sud Moving I Muting ¡B is cheaper timo tlmn house renV rent- . Ij’ '« R “ I ho devil!’, stud we. t M laid the all owing to ,(be Hub—the b’g organ aud s“'J huu shult nut profane the qradie, * * ' * • 1 ok e'lnan I tom the hub. «1 Hast bee h tu Boston ?’’asked fie of the There is nn drinking in Boston’. No t in th é p1 « y s va I si r-11 i ur peculiar feuille characters. What is eonfr «¡I ver; tongue. Wfi? -I fitLÍ <»np tmh-s *- «livrtl 1»g thè ri “ Wé hast notisi;,’ replied mon is nut peCtliiii • wriv .{mi ph’àm nt nHth , mi New Bedford is tn be moved into Bos- I èie to him. i -arliiiy *rxi*lvÀi;- If i i’ live m. By legislative enactment th® V. lie sd uithiait l>oui>|< S-jtj» its- ■V| e must Visit the Cradle of Li berty.. We mump* are to be confined to . emocrat’, » ««tilers, Imt fr.»«pi«- a'aol ft hit In g ai und? Ant.a ' the cholera is to trouble nly\foreigneb»; if ’ Fred 1) «ngla«.« ked h>gl 'I irtihi iptii t Ilf m I isoi .- i ss uf niama. San 1 L . hy™ rancisco Medi« a’. J- Jic kin.soft cradle yet ? the ohscken pox if to be confined to old I u t • Il I ' ■ *' 11'¡¡’Ii kJ It* «11(1 ll’t hens ... nieffers are to have stra'ght hair «to aid we mu't via- t____ r _________ _ «h.t disitrao them, and the whites are to hl^o’ a*ke«l h i tn i Faneu11 1 i I 0. L'i curly woql on their craniums to make gger.tio here now ■rii rm ng ni S heep , K illing DM as.—T|ic Vai be\ • TÌe. » ¡{failiier p{ihi| iy l-iukcd ‘ he ! said .we i them popular in B »»ton. jNut forgetting ostie a plaq’ fur the- detect rm uU't'see where Warren fell W< e asked I the b'g«»rgan and the Cradle of liberty. im if w urren ever gpt over it—the place .¡bout III tile i»tghtr k illlug ; Th ‘ * shebp ‘ .here he fell. lie a ppea ite 11 doumru li­ South is |n the broecher packet, and the i -Ilan is ¡un J 4 ,>he»»p >he«*p ito is ’ killed killed xcd. He £uf rai|s «unveçgiu,. gan^befdre we left Beld in sevi ral building«. It is one size flagration of mu eane things will b“gin hip top shall bi* le>s th kin t||c I space em I in Boston, on oeo »rat af the big organ •raced ... at ,..v the bii-tiom. i Li thia ¡ K*n f lau- -arger than Boston. and the cradle-—B«a»ton would bar» been - Bo-ton is the hub around the no Temairis of the slaii -li lifhtHred ineep; at»« laid out mole regularly if the dogs ofuldrn I cur the rest uj* flj k’k forájfew nigh * •rgan revolves. V •cur of th«! th«>fli fp had breu‘dointers or thec-»ws h d walked 'J fie organ is a revolver. t i some other lojjality. ■ The pqeM). mptioi Like the $o»tun urgun, thi b,8i in more direct paths Therefore .we see • that the'd«i the'dog or dog w will revisit th «lay on words nianv calves m B.stoz, So much for • lace where flief sl|ie| :> Was killed, I an« People iii N ew York and 11 hear; tilting hoops. —-, wj| .«•euting the rem nnsjl ii, the L 'pen, X ne moan of'the sea.' from, if A good place to mot 2 •l.imbcr oyer the rails j pd [nd into the the trap. : trap, * i i » T .1 » î moves ea^ly. I’l-e moan is the hie orgqn. Jiicè in. the peculiar j com* truci i ou of th It is u«e<| in Mass ! Ercnu the cradle to the big organ. pen W|ll prevqt tlieir d cape, himce the) 1..... Jound I B rick I ómero Í s '', be l on _ ha jrid iji tl|^| liurning to anHwei 11 has a hort of long t______ island Crookedly, Z____________ vili or their misdged|i. Tie pen should bo Ì M B «stun people go to hea»eh i through V I 11 ■ I ? >■’. irrange«!-as to prevei* t the a L ’ ' r <|ogH fron i he big. organ. Ì hat is when the nigger is OU out so they llg gi|||g out, as tljey j Il soin (|t i míes at* r Http emnot gw through him I to do wh ei| otir r meaiJöiuf errett' ■ 5 I here are but few gamblph H uses ire de tiied. F ¿i n Boston. No such fellyws around — I' !---- • — 4 * ' if hi i!it hub. jb I. i I Olympia I They don i ’ ’t ^lay V straits ” in Boston j-, _ ¿T'k Ahg I-I ¿.I - 1« it in the Mritots. Xi ne of Mrj l>.ck’s . ll.irvani College is just bey0nd 1 ■!" it -r LI of « T •: dipK«*vW h thfe big «irgin. i Cambridge University is a) ays in pes- t '¡- hi It i- a law scInioL The T’ ib-adiiig is From ■Ta tulT ri»stuo|t »boiit tw They Mai tyd inf that «iiréctimi. an I P « ad ip g at thé bar affé c»s them like jftnl return TWICE a WEFK, Carrying the 'lr-* C«»lvm sa'l«ih-«l a horse and f--ljowvdy h«»p wis-e—¿or more like th^n wi ‘G. ' , N«» one* ever gets lost* in Boston. The United States 5/ a ^,! i'«g.to g« t assjtotahCL* Lan-1 <*aj|finre Them, bi i •ity is au woll organized. Li te the . ,r*! TJ linger» and Biggage taken to*and lust at ;? Tilly s, M1*. Uolvii i ..... » l»el'«»i-ie - arriving ..»p; ■ ■■>> ’ <-, from r ’/i ami LI net two rimi’g »»eft I unjvr a«-d Ma »tin, •rgan. Boston» has nomen us wipes ! jy a|| t|le a|H>Ve interglediata P-firrts. iim«h* know n. to tliem file facUJ The tw« S««me of i h e st recta a re t ea r ly -«a long as Packagas of Goods &c, careiuliy and ? -iing mm ke pi pt the the inliers i^bt rs ill ift sight, am ' fi 11 P* du. But not so long as Polk ’s promptly delivered. .J t . ■ i w, ‘ 1 d ’ Tilli Y ’ sim ' ’ ( <> vm reached TiileY siii a-lvanct. and ina-l< I I oessago. If a m »n < don't li ke 1 Mreet ligrWill leave Line »In F?iu*»e « 6 a - M [ rc|iaTati«»»iK to jrerrivu them, sh •riivi afp-i I h Bo.-tun, it is very easy to gqt on anoth- MONDAYS and THURSDAYS’. Ar. vhirb they all «ri ive«l. I5 Ti flic rohl ers bicon, I ■ « ng nlarmed. slatted ofT^Ir. 0« 1 vii i t-»l«l tl \n> ?r one. riving at LAFAYETTE oft Tuesdays and I»'A «»8lf»ji, that th«*jr were pns-»tiers. A li(Jp four » day/ trial tra oni'djret firctn frida'ya, I’hvY I m * 7L , , and Z ¿acuir. s ig PORTLAND on llall >it',|. ng unainitM, Iniviug left tbeir gqns guns m in M' M' intfo, iinviug h it their he Birker II oii*e to the City return trip*, iVedi)vsday«i an-i Sara days. . "»..i«;..’.. t................... i. - - • * J«»lvii.’s bai mmle .. a 1 l^ruk, «., dit f »ut getting baa ii , made br#ak, i riinfeing in st ! This is a ‘act ! And J Dl- M. FIEUT Pro- cut dii*ccto)ns.i One o|< them was shot* «irs-i ♦i five day- we le trued the route fr «m i.nl Lil.-iTT. .. L ...> . • ■..“1“ 1. ) Lafayette, Aug. 2fr, 1866. )y. «•*diin«lvd. in siitiuldtili, 1 und al Iding h* g to ng ’ . hfl |j House No- «erto ta|-tmrv■<-< i*«vni<. rvcoVt reti. Í V- > i | i J.' * •nane uae .voi Wfgi un shoes i is reporte«! Ihat tirrt|is two hmndr. d an« t • ill í I •' Uly «Idilara in tip* p«âck«»ts «»f th« lleail man. Im streets in Boston are like boop polca « kF fíie coroner started .to ||<>¡d an iiiq t.st. Tn •truck by bghtnin^ S »me of then» -are f i ; i - !■* * I ' . j I I •' •« : ' ■vo surviving rubbers afríved her re this at -<( wiT? that a cow co uhi be milked iff j rno'to, in charge of ti |jarty wh|> CHptunm cht-m by turning her on her back atrd nt* ÁN OFFER. lèni » and are safely Im^ird in j ill 4 Y: !-ing astride her briikrt. - ïn order to increase our clrcnlatioii *' i ■ ! Smail hor-es areortven abr< east — 'larùé Í ■ r : t The fat ahfoäd—-in tta Stales and elsewhere, we mrses in tandem, in Boston G ently . — You|rg gentleman ; wh (> G g ioiuHi) was ezknb.tad there on ce in the propose to futniih the C oûrier one year prosper in luveghould woo gently rotild Boston streets ire : *lg <»rgi an h C not as , . . a It is uot fashionable or yuung ' ladjea t| * t-H'ketl a« might bo. The sm» ha« warpe«f rrt those or,icr,no * «ent to airy of thé .1 ! ■ «X4. » ... . I H . . .i-TTT« rikta ardeht spirits, ibem strati. Very dean m- » JuSton. If Rtat'-s east, or California, for the fi»# ‘ pfiäärof F • . li . < Ì lady drifts a * pin from* frrr eblthes. pir Two D ollar *. K destined ft* mtny SouxD’-'-In Arctijg r reegmng peraoij!* lOeiuan* makes l/vr pick [ i it urp , _____ If a nYnr years tu cu. ire. to be rt. large emigration annu- *.ao converse at mure $ian a mii$ distsn« an apple sect! o«t a grocery he iff «Uy seeking h«»mes ott iim°Pavifiv Slope, and Alien the thermometer » beluw zero and ¡•»ed. B-ntoo is ’ very ne it—-especially vvary dollar expended by the people of A am- v /*• «k .. J . * . Itili t k**«- he air Gallin calim ' 4 L‘>unlÿ •*< in fi».. the Way «ffdir .cting attention- «¿arthe big organ and Cradle of Liberty ■ I ■ 1 ■ - I ’ • iik# - ! : 1 Ira’ u m a «he LJ the r mnmy^ms'.ffvrtd emv ’■ Hi1 if a tn*»» drops a remark, . he ^3 HHH to' “I nevef ” .......... M>d a J . waa ruineAbut -V twice, . ’ B »-ton people »Te so I igrantf# to ticiiltj in Yamirfti County, wili yield“' »i.cfc it up, And . a four fi»l«| return; vir; oUpee whep l kosàk lliwauit, |pd ouc« nfffieat. They underrate » thetftselves Tim Territory inM* resources of Wmhtll' iìned ime; whe: I gained une; ” | terribly. pounty fire ampie to sustain fifteen If al I 'hè* fia-h and i;k navas wrt blac’t. I The street« of Boston must’ ■ - “ pbpulati *'_ * ¡on! have Bee# tònftà ■ its * pr^nt . .L _ ti . 4 what a very' ectabre-duokiftg wirld tbis »4 ‘ i bi<> fifre. There is scairdy lt*own irr at the time of aotnh bi«* fire , f — ,-ly one <»«*« it in th«» dountr who m J mi M it would bi «ite 0» regular. If you. would find has not a frwnd or friend» in the States or ■ J . iL .. to «nom whom io to sena send me thé countv cobnfy paper. IP Cafifiirnia (« i Lw • ’ ¡my place, ,1- ; start in opposite diib Artriti» A f»! ¿Am ' *ho *tìuWprohability,bt,gladio ifotjr see a pdiooman coming toward yob VOU. •__ J- lain by offewti, »I 1 in in exchange to i _ U £ frieuda such bare, a paper he is* going ? tòt other1 way. If hb rum f ■ A' runs from tbeir locality. ; M > . • » * II 11 j 1 Irfril li ’■ » ! • À —T— j ¡up ids of an unfortunate War •i resh the wounds - : To build ’’«•rtunc? of a faction, they have opqnpo ' Surcjwn «. 1 1 In Hospital Department, J.T. HEMBREE, 1 « brukeu Union which they ahoull labored to restore. ' 1 1 i - ! S piuituamsm and I ns ini ¡ y A wo» The fe‘id corpse of buried abolitionism *i nan liaiii -a II iviian-f has • re entiy hern a- rnignvd in Michigan tur the minder of lie is arisen again, quick with the denim ftpir th rvchi.diéii. S'ly'ivas n In luv. r _ in Hj-irin i « • a w • . 1 _ i_*..lL.I. it known and hated nf old.—Oitte’niore i; 4 I ili ion, or si'i> itisni, ns it .<’ioiil'. be Myhd . I. V. I her i d and a iliid. L. a _ V . dee " h »»rae wi ith d’siir.l/shi Urally in :ihu«ed. h«ir t !r- lite b-divl'—^afl^r lei u« sai J • i j i í .’ . t j/1 h no •* i1 ‘ ♦ 'Ll* ih it tells till* whole st'-«i v «• ing her nnciént ciani The obi standard with'iuf trfllpig anythiuj. c l‘i fell himf taffqig'<1)4 d »ik ifen *A itti ber,'ami soii-rhV tu sftp|><>» l h< rs II hoard, and should send a trein >r througl »mi thnn-by pc-HIine b-»oks. Failing in lliai every loyal heart. Again y«»i you ara calle* calle 1 mi fearnig 1- st th * ChHdren slllfild gru r ii J ' * Ji ■ • i ill I i i in ih • evi| lvdrits*««f thc|r fatlmr’ »fin resolv ti upon to test your worthiness of that sovj «osavr il»c|ii fiinm p< nlition Iti sci ali m th« h ereignty you posers aa enlightened, chji* '-» ihvspitjit wirltl in thvir iniivH.*vn<*p. Pm- - liug tliisrde^ign, slk* giivi* thenb puison , 4n< tian G-eemen. To look beyond am i i ber own wonls,. t< ook care of them an< v.t?hv-l over, th-in utitil thè . |. 1 |Sj bteaih the narrow limits of self—weigain g Tltl Sucfi c tSi-s pr<*se'4 themes f«»r tdr iye tliv r« ^>n <»f a wii- > -V •v ‘ [ h I ' ' 1 m| niottiér, w ■ bell ivsbon naturally Iiohls tin must not, be shirked—may you udt spun ritis of • ftipifi e av ith L»ose grasp, as in tl,«i> the sordid pt«sijns of the present fur th I ««oc wnn.Bu. Pvi'baps llit* >tatement that si « «a«l bome t ni • chihlii« iragaiiist lier-w ii ‘ p->i I’ »¡creili r better interests of the future * I I I • »wani a’tinnj at-’* pefversi«) nf mind, whit b h thn through every flimsy disguise tv at tl.e basr j* 'of heir (••»/««Ikmt. Ih-rs is-nót an i«»’atv«fi <:asr. Spilitisu., hich li­ «itli its ip-lii a’tiiiv | bvswal a».tlim>ial óx- i calm and v searching scruun; ises—ilsVx- it-'iuenls ami vigilff. *<>ta T: 4 jät' «» •’ » I I r. Ji T f » t L < Í i 111’-1 kt * I I «Ta--. nJ » ) !» ; ■■ ■ «■ . r I I si ÙJ’ r ' - .«4. Í F CWil t IÎ BÍ se ■s Semi-Wcekly HACKS I j - r . i i t j I ■ „