VOL. t t y OREGON,;: > 4 ■ 7 .,AUGUST 1 ■ < i n.. the courier , “T he B est G overnment on Afewtah Divorce. E arth . •M 1 I ----- -— The New Heaven javen ’ ‘ Journal and Courier Heaven Îipor • : ’ ’ “ Voaforrl.it» has the following Yesterday a a ) «. di- , ' I accordi: ----- - ”ng 5 to vored to the practice irf the Hebrew Chuiph, took place at tW ret* idence of 1 the Be.... ». -*At the Garbriel. ,cv. J. ________ rm present term rmj of ol the Superior Court a di di- obia&ed by Louis Rothschild from Esther Rothschild. One of the par­ ties desired thrift a di VO ice ’ should be gran-; ted after the manner of* the Ilebrfcw°cus- tom. îYestei?d|y i ir Was was accomplished As it is sonjef hat in|eresting to* know what the certy^uney consisted of, we give it. It was las follows : The The wife, wife, dressed in black, withfo black veil over her face, appeared with her hnsbahd be­ fore. i} councill^f ten men, members.Of the ■. synagogue. ’. ' m ^re wer^ a]i0 present three rabbins, one whom aeted as Qie peti tioner, and wrftte out oq parchment a pe titon jin Ilebr^l v, askiqg fop a divorce } the second act&< d as then cspondjtit or Me fendant, and tii< e third as a kin^or judge; J _ of ... _ ___ __ as _ w _ tbe council n acted a jury- The —From the day the war was inaugurated .■ 1 ! . „ Reconstruction, - d * i Gen. MeClernand, who mhorfested hie « Hello, my jolly tèbel, how do y4 U3VSD EVEHŸ TUESDAY, devotion to the Union by resigning his down to the surrender of the Confeder- foel siuce the surrender ?” . ■ I 1 ' * seat in Congress and joining the army at • -j a Í \ ate armies the rall’ng cry of the shoddy pa­ *u Very much like Laiarus, Yank.” the begindng of the wafr, Js evidently’ as “ IIoW's that ?” LAFAYETTE, triots was, “ the preservation as it was of strongly opposed? to secession as ever,: i “ Like I was licked by doga.” the best government on earth.” These judging by the following extract from a YAMHILL I ’COUNTY, OREGON. We learn from the Day tod E' I •’ !. i -H leaders fo the ignominious end accorded tbe divorce. e decree, folded up,' was To be a worn*» of fashion is s one one of of the the | bureau for himself, with a looking-glaW handed to the h ... r band, and the wife raising Arnold, wc shall uispair of the capability S. HURLBURT. au^ the d-opped her opfcn bands, £ i*uu mv husband uuouauu u upytu easiest things in tbe Ttorld. A late writer on the t )p, i(he Arants it. of nlan Ulan for self-government. self-irovprnint»nr a I I- i )i I • .* r» . i- 2. Every fréedmen shall have a secre­ the paper in theqi.J The rabbi who acted a& thus describes it: ATTOK.YEY AT LAW » -■ *» T ■ f ■ r ' Dr P ! ■ ; judge then' too*;jt apd cut the ends like a ----------------- - —.— - i “ Buy evrything you doffS'lwant, want, and tary. binge. He theujhajHied it to tjre preside ¡it pay for nothing you get; smile otta/l naan­ «afayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will 3. . Every freed boy or girl shall haae ’1’ r U th .—|The following, which wc take ,of the syna;ogu«| ne, Lircuît i;oúu te’fing him topInca it cmong practice in the Sti^une, Circuit and ami nil » wardrobe.^ - I * ! Ll I ♦ 11. i' : he recoi dM of the. society. Thu having kind but youj husband; be happy every- r this State. of the " from the Herald is decidedly to the point been done, the d 4. Every freed ehild shall have what­ yemony was finished, and where but at home ; neglect your children * i your lap-dogs i ; go to church every ever it eries for. The experience of the last few years the parlies de^ u tod, r ► longer maa and nurse 0. ' White people, whether free or not, flu , q.’ DR. II. J. BOUGHTON. time you get a new dress.” have not generally vindicated tHe capac­ wife. Ì- ' '. î ' ■> r 1 i ' I ; ■ ' ' ' ’ ' - 'V' • I must behaive ihemselves? — - — — _ _ L ll *■’ I ■ ity of the people for sélf-governuient; but 1 Late l*h>/$iciun & ^Surijeon, h-GiR^i —Tbere^ire two kinds of girls, T.IW Every white male citizen of the it should be remembered that the party In Hospital department, I which got the control of the gAvern- appears * best ago of twenty-one years or under, and of 1 A C hai .'TER ' h LI M istakes .—1 Per, One is tho kind that __ 1___ principle _? • , \>f ,. .jus- . girls that are good for partis, sound mind or otherwise, may ttote if he ’ !___ ment . and ..i.i violated every sons who Wr^| long articles for family abroad-*-the Of ThexXrn.v of the POTOMAC. . «1* V .l 1 • _ will take the oath that he wotrid be a nt-‘ 1 rides, visits, balls, etc,, and whose chief tice and liberty, never represented a ma­ newspapers, ma a|e a great mistake, wh ‘ ‘ when , J* Offre in Dayton, Oregon. « ’’ * / The other is groifhe could. dolight is .in such thipgs.- jority of th<» people of the whole Union, they expect th< dii to, be generally read. • • ' " e I > - ; . • ‘ ' the other ^at appears. best at ! and only * ’ r,arriud the last Presidential 2. Wi ritcfs ^ ho select «abjects of con- I Ì • ‘ .. . . . r Chattanooga A F ish S tory .—- The - home-the girls that are useful and cheerful election in the adhering States by palpa ­ troversy, are greatly mistaken if t l *ay sup ­ A I? * the sick-roodi' and all (Tenn.) Gazette of May 16th, saywf ¿p ble frauds upon tht ballot-box. after hav­ pose t)hat a prot ssion will in- i in the dining-room, V yesterday A fish was found in the l river ‘ the precincts of home. home They differ widely ing accomplished by bribery, corruption terest-a majorit; that has puzzled the oldest inhabitant to : : : PftO . and timidation all that the use of unlim­ J. T. HEMBREE, o. ■ Writers |vhq extent! ojwtuary noti­ jn character. One is often a torment at give a name tefc The thing was caught ether a blessing. One is a moth ■ *T ’ f plus HOTEL is stifl kept for the ar»d attentive hostlers. their passions and prejudices, awed - by to indicate r$sp|ct for the deceased, are both good qualities i» ■one. hair, and has a beard around its mouthy official influence, intimidated by power greatly tn retake JL if they suppose their which resembles a bun-g-hole more than and persecution, or bribed by gain, to the brief notices will be overloaded. T here is nothing which love cannot any thing else. It has a paddle in the - . E. surrender of their principles; for all those 5. Writers of careless* habits, arc d°. It is the only thing that walks with- eenier of its boddy and a tail like a rat. greatly mist|kel if they suppose expedients wore tried to the utinost-cx • I !' I I -------- '___ — ■' 4 il 111' pose an tn editor editor out touching the ground^ It never grows ! 44 -< — .------ '» ; ;tlttir mis- W03I*y XTrxfViiwvrv fUrt CI/M11 Ifi 'tent. In the city of San Francisco alone, has nothing'to <0, but corre It 1 Nothing ?n the soul is superior Dates of Sacred Events. • at the last Presidential election, over erable pnnetuat^ni t|nn and orthography, and to iti-7 Let love , be . ?n active ? feeling ; there, . ‘ T ! ’ AND .... l.jfr three hundred day laborers, not one of ^remodel ‘ one ha their cluiirrey fientenees and all other faculties iune <^;ne eagerly before XVe give the following dates of events' sf indtofent hi|bit$ ar gfoat- ii, apd willingly lay dj wn their crowns so sacred to Christiana un the authority of 6. Writers r COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND SO whem hud any hop t of profiting by official patronage aken, if jihey thinkj that printers ^nd coronets at jts feet. It governs with­ LIQUOR IN CHANCERY. 6-’ Vere disch|arged from employ- ly mistaken the late Rev. Samuel Farmer Jarvis, D, merit for vbtin n the __ _ Democratic ___ _ “fog tieket. can decypher.scratches as reaidly as they out command. All other feelings open I D,. LLD , aa eminent sehofer and divine ticket I Lafayette, Oregon. when they Could not only have retained can well formed letters. to it as flowers to the sun* of the Episcopal Ch-arch, whose profound B. ' ■’ i' .. Mu < . • fi’ their places but received a considerable Writers «f verses are greatly Will practice in the District and Supieiny k • • learning and diligent, researches into an­ bribe by voting the ■ puplip plunderers’ taken, when they suppose that an Courts of Oregon. In baking meat, n o matter what kind, i tiquities would have distinguished hiw J3FT axes Paid, Collections made! and ticket. Of the promihent promincot Democrats who' tor will always ihink as highly of always put in some bfoth. The top of an in any agei Proceeds Promptly remitted. have adhered to the party through ad­ productions as tjey do themselves- 'oven is ajways ’he warmest. To prevent Our Saviour was born on Wednesday, versity as well as prosperity, through evil taste.nsay bo, in ffaplt. .. from burning, grease a paper with butter December 25, 4707, Julien perid7 193d’ may be de­ and put on top of the article. This will as through good report, wc know of none 8. |.A wjitoriwhonA ! artici^ : Olympiad (second year, sixth,f month;) who have not done so at a sacrifice which clined; is greatly mistaken misti when be char- keep theZop of the meat or bread as moist »A. U. G. 747 (ninth month,) fifth day t. r will close the mouths of all honest men to ges the editdr with prejudice and partial- •as the botfom. The paper prevents the Julian year, 36 -as uny imputation of selfish motives. Whan, 17- LAFAYETTE LODOE, NO.' 3. J : steam idjh raising. Y’ou need only to He was baptised by St. John in the men in defense cf their principles sacri- 9. ¡Any ieacfer who may Suppose we baste th (£ pa per occasicnaly.* Some meat, iver Jordan on Sabbath(Saturday) Jan- Free and Accepted Masons. fiice fortune, positing position ambitious aspira- aspira­ mean bim in any of the above paragraphs, requires Jess time to bake than others. ary 6,4738. J a 1 * - ’ '• • tions, and incur popular hatrel, persecu­ will be groat|y mistaken, as we write not Fork and veal, to be healthy, should Meets in Lafayette on the 1st. and 3rd His public entry into Jerusalem was on r _ - — Fridav *of each month, at half past 6 |n the tion, poverty and deadly peril, no one but with individual before crence. always be overdone. I f j i Palin Sunday, March 21, 4731, Julian. afternoon. a knave ora fool will impugn the hones- ■ H •’ f - - ’ r'MT.. ** r 10., Unless arq graetlt mistaken, i 1 period 20th. Olympiad (sixty-fcartb. 1 Brethren of the order, in' good standing are ty of their motives,. it Willp be wel||to stop at this point. — year, ninth month ;) A.{(J. C. 680^ Julian* 1 I f U 4 |, I ndian T reaties I R atified —The iovited to attend. T. V. B. EMBREE, L 4- I Methodist Prottetant- Staterman says that w Mr Woods worth, year. 73, A. D. 28; nineteen-tb year of W.-M. jywwwfii ■■ mm A P erfect A nti D toe for tjidtoe for all all P ois ois ­ - G eo H. S teward Sec’y. ’ i II 4. if' . < of the Indian S&periatondency , has re- the aesoeiata* reign o< the* Emperor Tiber- • — L > ' .11 « * ons .—A plain farmer says, D issatisf ’ ilü .—Mr. Horace Greely is II ceived a dispatch fr|>na Swperiotendlent rus ; fifteenth year of his sole reign. . > -- --------------------------- -------------- -- —------- Si’S'! “ It is now over twenty years since I He was betrayed by Judaa Iscaiiot on t not at all satisfied p ... with the proceedings in| Huutington at Washington City, dated LAFAYETTE FERRY. learned thatsweet oil *’ would ” cure the r_ bite the Jefferson Day is case’ and he expres­ July 30th notifying him that the treaties the following Wednesday evening.'March* I of a. rattlesnake, ake, not knowing it would ses his dissatisfaction very forcibly. < He made last year with thjeklamath the klamath and Snake '24. > to - ’J lE undersigned would respectfully an­ cure any other t kind of poison. Practice,' He celebrated the passover and irstitu- It has a very bad look when a. tribes, have heen ratified by the Govern­ nounce to the travelling public, that he observation, and experience have taught sasy : ted the Eucharist on Thursday ev ming treated 2“ ’ 2 ’Snakes ___ man, officially charged with the vilest ment.” Palinaone'of tL_ •‘ ____ Z a — M1 _ I •- - _ bos, at the Lafayette crossing of the Yamhill, p»« me that it will cure poison of any kind, crimo known |oj®ien, is not eVen indicted is now at tbe head of J tbe Snake tribe in March 26. both on man'and man and beast. I think uo farm­ On Friday morning, March 16, a; the' A LA&QE, NEW AND SAFE FtkRY »OAT, therefor^ but kegt close in jailbver a year Ida,ho, “ ratifying ” evrything in the er should be without a bottle of “it in his shape of horse flesh they can lay hold of. third hour, or nine o’clock, he wi> railed on which ho can cross Teams, Stock, &c., house. The patient must take a spoonful without knowing on what charge; and to the cross; the hour when the lam&> of »-Mountaineer. when at Iengthi un indictment is found of it internally, and bath the wound for a the daily morning sacrifice was offered in; EXPEDITIOUSLY’ AND CHEAPLY. , against him for something totally differ­ ; ’ - - cure. To cure a horse it requires eight ent, be can?! be-iried on that; but is still T had , is S ick .—It is announced, say6 tbe Temple. At fte seventh iiour, or The roads leading to and from this crossing times as much as it does a man. Here three p M, when the lamb of the daily ng allowed a thp Western Press, (Mercer, Penn.) that ara in good repair, and persons from the let me say of one of the most extreme held close inJaiL? without being evening sacrifice was offered in the Tern- South going to Portland/McMinnville, Forest cases of snake bifo in this neighborhood , chance to faqp h|s » accusers We should 'fhaddeus Sfovens, the old sinilier and „pie, he expired. At five p. m , hi« body sdi^t of t__. not like thii sdrt Grove and Hillsboro, and from the North, treatment, and we practical miscegenat|onist, is quite, ill. Eleven years ago this summer, wh where the mean to en __ going to Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will find it insist oq.fair play. r. for friends and Tip chief engineer of the devil’s domains, was taken down and deposited in the case had been thirty days standing, and to their ac’vantage to patronize this Ferry. F^pry* 'Ì I ' ; r enimies alikp !i on hearing tbe rumor, set all hands to tomb of Joseph Ari mathea. the pat ent had been given up by his phy- ■ On the first Easter Sunday, March 28J JOHN HARRIS. grxndipg brimstone, We regret to add ■i -|*i iWf sicain ; I heard; of it, carried the oil, gave fft . Lafayette, July 31, 1866. that Sumner, who has 1 been indisposed about the beginning of the .morning a ’ cure. him one spoonful, which effected a cure, I J ’ ' ' * . • I' i. ", ? When » I ’J they want correspondent to down South, says}# of a negro for some time, is likely to regain his won- watch*, or three o’clock, a . M*, he rose from lt is an antidote for arsenic and strychnine, the dead. It was the morrow after the last ’ r ] : ’-è : ’ , . ’ 1 1 oftheNa- ton health. • • It will cure bloat in cattle caused by eatine tional Jntelligeneer’ they tell * Jewish Sabbath, when, according to the law bim the T hese are 2821 miles of railroad eoo- to freely of fresh clover : it will cure itfog the first sheaf of the earliest ripe grain waved freedmen’s Bureau ia after him and he T. HEMBREE, Dealer in DryG< oods in tho temple, by which the ¡whole, harvest P chased by a pack of pleted in California. • Groceries Hardware, £c. South side of bees, spiders, or other insects; and will flee faster than if ♦ + ‘ was sacrificed, that Christ “*tne first fruits, • » ' ------------------ : _ will cure persons who have been poison­ btoedhpunde The ag *ents Main Street» L----------- vuu . of the vile con- rose from the dead, as a type and .pledge ed by a low running vine growing in the corn have robbed and beaten them- merci­ J,d:Tbe tost case of indplet enee is related w of-the future rcserrectioa of his faithfa) fop »’ ’ rTHrn;iTï meadows, called ivy.” ] lessly. It is stated, on the best authority, one of our exchanges; it is that of a a man mao lowers. named John Hole, Who was so lasy, that Oa Sunday, May Gj.he amended into, li Congressman share in —It turns out that the 85 ponnd TTxBS. WHITE 4 WÏSTERFIELÜ, Phy. Heavens. the plunder of thl agents. Thid wpl tn, writing his name hi simply used the ‘ to. Th li' explains jy moans and Surgeons, LafoyatU, Oregon. lump of gold taken out lately at Olive Sanday, May Id, the days of panitene©, why they so fiercely dqnobnod the P 'resi- letter J», and then punched a hole through ’ On Sunday, Creek digging« was not gold. tbe Holy G boat decended upon the apostle* the paper. dent for yetoeing the ihfomOtw bUk and disciples.—[St. TSt. Louis Republican. r\ * r , n 1 I I . • » at • »- ' « I . » V w I’ JvUJ W1SAV1 MV lAOUfF'J CvCijF- 1 6 1 ' « e ; A LAFAYETTE HOUSE I V AT ^TO 1 / A. F. and A. M. W I * < i • ! ; I fc t X ’»k ' ■ • I 1 r ; . , » — ---- --------- — - ------- MH- I I "T J ¿y ft »1 » * I,