"" ■■ ■« <■ ■ " 'it ElCASAntf WUK 3ÜT , Ont' ; -If -!(/?. i >rw» ’ ' > I > I ■ L I LAFAYETTE, i How Speaches are Made in Congress. THE COURIER, Gratitude Soldier«. I *’ i» i r • j : ' ' f ‘ It may be su pposed by many that. the ■ The Radicals hav$ much to say about ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY, speechas that are franked by “ M. ps, t 4< gratitude to the nolfle defenders of Union,” but in whafcjsi ingle act have they * -, AT broadcast ovor the land, are delivered im­ over manifested such ingratitude? Over LAFAY ETTE, promptu and stenographically reported 811,000,000 was disbursed last ybar under thb direction of tb< “ freedmea’s Bu­ »YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON I for publication. This is an error. The a ’j * reau.” Can any one t ill us what wus done / • <. „ ■ i Vi!*/» yeater number of speeches (?) delivered in gre for the widows and o‘phans of tohite sol­ BY t all the longress are previously written and prin­ diers ? The ■ Presidi nt directed 'alt Coi departments 3 UDaenni underjhi i control to give, gtve^tne the * J. H - • J UPTON- d ’ " i I Í ted and when their turn comes they are V preference to dischhrj disecar] ed ^oldiers feoldiers for sub sub- ­ EDITOR AND rUBLlSTTER. H I I 1 * I- I '** “read off” generally to the disgust of the ordinate offices aAd£plaii vihatever his tuilithry For each subsequent insertion!, or purity of o|araLte^ wbqrn Cou A liberal deduction will be made on their, publication in the Globe services t^uartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ directing gress has 3 not songpt t| destroy. « Rosiseau, W'hci was credited with without being delivered. tisements. d ' 1 Gen. Rosi: ■ 1 Ì 2 ■ U ’ Hotel, Medical and Law Card^, $10,00 per ¡ighting' fw i the b ¡1 ijAblo c n Whoever wrote» Henderson’s late some very respos ,hnnum. h r ’ " not long |ii refe was personally.as- Union, .f • uh ; n : .•? .• speech (?) betrayed .total ignorance even i sailed in Congre$i Ijy a political parson IT. qf ’the geography of Oregon. lie even as­ named Grinnell, re a most vituperative •COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. nipt (jripnell at the East Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, S. sorted for truth, the absurdly that Port­ speech. Rosseau in Brutcher. Henry Hewitt; Sheritf. L. L. hit- land contaiued over ten thousand inhabi­ door of the? CapitO dt a|few days efterwards and demanded an | apology, which was ro re- romb; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Assessor, Chas, r i he i>roke his cane over Haadley ; Treasurer, J hn U . V\ alts: Scbôol tants. and old Dickey, relying upon the fused, whereupon ‘Superintendent, Rev. John Spencer; Coroner, infalibility of speech writers, supposed it Grinnell’s head. The Radicals, not hav- W. W. Brown ; Surveyor, A. S. W att. ipg the two^thirds nec< ssdry to expel Ros- ijras correct. lie also asserted that Ocean sfetju for this act, pas ed a resolution di­ 1 .. ». ■■■" - I publicly reprove ^teamers plied senii-ihonthly between San recting th© Speaker S. HURLBURT him, whereupon he^tQsigned ¡rqpignea bis nis seat. seat, Ev- r^v- Francisco. and Partland, AtTORxYEY AT LAW, ery Radical paper i twpich we haie seen down Honolulu tlris affair mentio ?d |con dem ns the rel­ If be bad written ,afayetto, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will * ■ at the confluence of the Yatnhil 1 dier and defends itta Vituperative parson practice in the Supreme, Circuit ami a!I and cowardly calumniator. Why is this? of the Courts of this State. with the “ second largest river in North ▼i • . t because i tfye . • Radicals - v • a* condemn n swb \i ' . Ip . it ruffian îfflS ! ’ ~x 0 America,” Hfenderson would doubtless ism in ‘ the abstraejf ? ?|o: at all; they noir DR. H. J. BOUGHTON. have Supposed it must be there. Such is for inly commend ’ail rjbffiain acts On the whicfi Dehi- i L part of theiir own “ pdrtisaoslio 1 Late. iVifftifiittn & Surijccnt, greatness (?) Who would not t bi be a sreat oicrats are the su] ffefefj. , Recollect what In filospiti»! department, «man. a hero they made' o ol ’ ‘ “iBowie Knife Pot- ter,” for proposing tp fi|i kA/Priur with the ’•1 Of The Army of the POTOMAC. T errific E conomy . We once ruffian’s weapoif; ty)wF they commended i i. time had a neighbor who was notorioug Burlingame for acc-ei pti^g the eh a Henge of It in Dayton, O X b for nothing save his extreme parsiuioni- Creston Bsopks^thoji igh he made fhe terms of meeting impossiq le | atjd’ how they al J t Î a ri vrnmrr cusness and dishonesty, who, upon read­ most deified Broderj ckfforl fighting a duel T- - Judge J ing an advertisement in the local paper, • with Terry \ I H|d Rosseau befen a PRO. Ji T. HEMBREE ’ • • • • i‘ • of a Radical, and Grinnell ia ¡Democrat, who Lfplri? HOTEL is.^t ¡U1 ktpt for the accom- i f the goods, wares dnd merchandise . . can doubt how ^lifer^it the expression if J, modation of boar -f pourtesy’ feou- Utitig all the copies of ale local ¡paper Í stitute$ the only conlneition bn between his Lafayette, Oregon. /■‘.J- thus, that he could bum or steal. and the manly! vtftpes of a soldier— name ..Will practice in the District and Supreme This same man was ! subsequently ar- who was always louyd during the long Courts of Oregon, * ? df war r in places^ ifjfease safety, oflfease years oif feplease and and, safety f^r* faxes Paid, Collections made, and rested for pet.it larceny, and knowing that . ,n„ L .... ’ 'J* distant oquajlly aqually from thi th| privations 01 or the Proceeds Promptly remitted. I ; * no attorney in the burg would take his camp and the perils’of? tbp field—-^h®re . —-»■ 5 jase without a fee, he went fourteen miles patriotism was of the k|nd'which achiev cd fat offices and lucra live ’ pay for bim- £0 see a lawyer who he supposed he would self, instfead of victory for his country^ i . Ln h ’? . i, - “ * ' < J I ■:i' • ‘ # 1 be able to» swindle out bf his services, but arms—it ill becomes, h ¡m to 1-iberthe sol- LAFAYETTE LODGE, NO. 3, | J ■ • f diers of the Johnson Ind Clymer Club I’ / ‘ * i. ~~ T ■ ,« I *■ , * j . . failing, be returned home and had the of York;| who rendered Free and Accepted Masons. honorable services • ■ < said lawyer subpoenad as a witness in his to their couutry in the field, and inainy of Meets in Lafayette < on the 1st. apd 3rd Friday of each month, , at half past 6- in the •ase, with the intention of swearing the whom .peir upon?thfeir Jodies the scars ol * honorable wounds r^feei ¡red in bhttle. afternoon. ?, L , f favorable points-sf the law out of him. .. Resolved, That we r [iterate our deter- Brethren of the order^ . in good standing are I T. V. B.EMRBEE, invited to attend. mination tor support. me recODtstnetinn I I W. M. T he Radicals in the late Rump Con policy of Prc-ident .fohfi^on as embodyii» ! G eo II. S teward Sec’y. Jible mode of ad gress, that there might be . ho mistake justing our national difaculti restor- as to their contempt for the States, attem ­ ing the union of these States on the basis LdUFAYETTE FERRY pted to pass a bill changing the title of of the ConstitulioU; 1 nd ' that we will, ■J? v’■ ■ TeHr ■ • i 7— bt & t *■ —rfu7" »s8—u- ■ pt THE undersigned wa&ild respectfully an­ the goverment from 44 The United States with equal activity, proi note’the election nounce to the travelling public, that he of Hiester Clymer as Gi ivernor of Penn- has, at the Lafayette crossing of the Yamhill, of America,” to “ America. ” The1 cor- sylvania, in the full assl ifance that he will ¡administerthe goveronj ¿nt as our fathers A LARGE, SEW AND SAFE FERRY BOAT, respondent of the Bulliten thinks the made it, and zealously « o-operate with us bill will become a law at the next Session. on which he can“croSs Teams, Stock, &c., ■ in* sustaining the polie D evi m 1 of .the President jsh , President. «1 I n CittCUMSTANOKs.—Our friend H. A. EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY. L JVlLLXAM H. ALBRt 3 ht , Secretary. l - — » I _______ I ’ of Lafayette, is one of the Gelwr, formerly The roads leading to and from this crossing t < I ;t I I 7 ; K ! * - - — .. n » í A» .« ' % 4- ; X I ■ • » V ■ ■ .Ji L ‘ ©’ ’ Lnr A l iu i i r J IW • AT NE -.- y - c F ? ■ < I i A. F. and A. M. 11 Í if ij i ■ I — are in good repair, and' persons from tlm inembers elect from. Umatilla County to the I T he latest case of 4 uspended anima- South going to Portland, McMinnville,. Forest Grove- and Hillsboro, and from the North, Legislature. Mr. Gehr is a gentlemen of fair tjon comes to us in thej Gosben^emocrat. going to Saiejn, Dallas, Corvallis, wilt find it talents, and unswerving Democracy. He The luckey individual* (!) was aj i horse, Said bor»e died—gtl least hi»;4owner to their wcvauUge to patronize this Ferry. r r stood out during the dark days of the party S ; JOHN HARRIS. Lafayette, July 31, 1866. - jVrd blnou- against all overtures to enlist him in the in- terests of the disunionists/and we are pVoud ¿A!- lue ---------- --------- :L j •P bow that fbe cloud has been dispelled, to see I • , / ßan jhahotsco. D* him the recipient of that consideration to T. HEMBREE, Dealer in Dry Goods, • Groceries Hardware, &c. South side which his abilities so eminently entitle him. Main StraeL- W • * * * ii— J ( ■ » « F I -- ----------------------------- Rft WRITE iFTE « & W^STERÉÏÈLÉ WESTERFÏELÜ TP .Phy- ind Bwgeow, Lafa^tU,«Orégon. UqMPbfoab wuiT .Tjdfxv tefü j M lea oí »bead boa brea D > 4 ‘ « 29. : 14,.. 1 *’ IL_i — FAMILY MATTERS, ¡{ Li’ r- il ’ ! I1 Ki He that would pleaxe all,-r and« himself top, undertake« what be cub not do. ■ ¿ 1 ■ *" • ■ Knowledge, piar ted . by the hand of affection in the hallowed sanctuary of home, takes deeper rout than “ seed sown ‘ K i •I li ’ l’‘ : I ■ _____________ _ ’ by the wayside. Every violation of truth is not only a . /• i d, ; .* .- 1 . . . sort of suicide, in the liar, but is a stab 1 at the health of human society. The most printable lie pays a ruinous tax. As the next thing* to having wisdom ourselves, is to profit by that of others4so the next thing to haying-merit» ourselves, i is to take care that the meritorious -profit ‘ ...U r by nn; for he t?hat rewards the ‘ deserving, makes himself oue of the number. I T he D augh FITER.— There is nothing more desirable in a daughter than iotelli- gence joined to a-gentle spirit, . The mind is fashioned ^nd; furnished in main 11' at ichool , but jhe character is dcriv ed chiefly from home. How inestimable 4 " the confidence of that mother, in produce- irig kind feelings I iq: the bosom of her children, who never permits herself to s peak to/.them ' with a loud voice, and in harsh, unkind tones ! *< i i II- r- • Hl í ’ "tl r < -C UE!«-! ' . -I i I- - / :*i ■ 14 * ■ Music.—Let tast I and skill in thia bean Î1 ful art be spread among us, and every family will have a new resource. , Home will gain a new attraction. Social inter­ course will be more cheeful, and an inno­ cent public amusement will be supplied to the community ;—public amusement bringing multitudes together to kindle with one emotion,ltd share the same inno­ cent joy, hiving a humauising influence; and among these bonds of society perhaps no one pTodnees so much nnmixed good aS. music. What a fulness of enjoyment has our Crerffer placed within our reach ' ' surrounding us with an atmosphere F W) ..hich may’be shaped into.sweet sounds! Afid yet this goodness is almost lost upon us through want-of culture of the otgan by which this provision is to be enjoyed. H ealth ,—Rightly considered, the neg ■ . ■ ' 1 1 1 k" 4 How Tmnr treat N tggkrh —A cor* respondent writing us from, fit. IClair couu ty, Illinois, gives an incident which illus trates in a forcible manner the tegard fejt by Aboltiopists for their colored Brefn^ ren. tí An intesely loyal chap living three miles north of Lebanon, whose first name is Adolphus,, and ,whose other r name cor- responds to one bf the points ’ ! of the com • pass, leased a potato patch to an “ African oitizen of African ’scent,” thje rent of which plot of ground was to= bi ] ¡half the J crop. The nigger was a fair specimen of his improvident race, having neither seed potatoes nor the “ wherewithal ” to purohr ase them Pitying his distressed condi­ tion. the father-in-law of ployai” man No. 1, more intesely “ loyal ” that/ bis that" bin worthy son-in law, consented to furnish the seed, telling the “ down-trodden Af­ rican ” that wheD the “ taters ” came ta ipanurity he could make it^alh right . >> with loyal No. 2. So the poor ¡Digger ¡nigger has huv , ing land and potatoes, furred up the dirt, ¡and put in the sepd, and “ kivered themé up/’ and t^e rain dccended and the suqi shone, and the potatoes vegetated, and put forth viueç, and the vines blossomed,, and grew brown and dry, while npw poto- toesformed of noble size and* excellent quality, as potatoes generally do. Thé the negro dug the vegetable^, and as he looked upon them, his bowels yearned hungrily over them, his ivory eyes sfione^ and hia lips swelled to tbe size of beeves’ livers with eotacy. But negro pride to have fall. Along came loyal No. 1, and took his rent, agreeable to contract, even one-half.of the potatoes. And as he departed freighted with his load, the ven­ erable No. 2 came with his team, and took the other half of the nigger’s pota­ toes to make it “ all right ’’-Reaving the wretched Abolition pet utterljjFjdestitutes That is alnjost as neat a piece ot sharp ‘ iópsíS Loyal practice as r th at of .tí thé ^' WisCO Leaguer who stole a little eri' down South agd^qld hipr to a neighbor I for* dog pup. For downright meanness there is not a human being on the ** Jî 1 wice 1 ’ ! of * the earth equal to a loyal Aboli itáoniat.— La Crosse Denipcrat. . J ay € V I L - \ *11 . — 1 • ' lr '» iiiu'i»'1 ;i 'M UUP Ml d c ha 1Ä4 ' I II r t * I lect of heahh, or its deliberate sacrifice in the pursuit of buisness, pleasure, or ani> ; bition, bitiop, or ' even in excessive exertion* for r >• «4 J* 1 .i: J the purpose of benev<..lenc, is as elearly ' a Tbs Abolitionists of Maine and Ver­ breach of moral duty as suicide i* itself, mont, says an exchange, have raised the The only diiffereuce is in degree; aud the black fla^ in earnest, and rung out the punishment it entails is frequently of th«’ tocsin for the gathering, of all thé Mon­ severest kind—irremediable disease, loss grel hordes of the country ttide^ their of reason, fer death. Proofs and exam­ banner of the amulgamafion 0 ‘the black ples pf this■ unfortunately ifoouud ip socie­ and wj.ite trfecs. The followi ig ii the ty ;• for iqstjance several cases of perfoat^- of eht imbecility from.pxccssive study have resolution of the State Conjvention I Maine., , * come pndci my own'observation, and sini- Ijteaolved^jhat the Union par y of Maini ilar cases are found ¡n almost every as<- Liir plants itself upch the doctrl in es« of thé lum for lunatics, ¡The j ' frequency ’with which naturally sfrojn jg and well constitu Detlaratioif of Independence, und (bat wo hold tha* till men, without d ted men are observe* d to break down from cblpr or race, are entitled to ex hrfustion in the jnids't of a prosperous, civil abd political rights. career, furnishes an latii.or lamentable, con- flrmfition 0' my doert ne, tb^t mdny fall >>. <■ victims w 10- Plight ¡have IIUW enjoyed CllJUytU a ii long lUpg »life-of active and, [ useful exertion, had" ( A NjPW EXPOSI-V» CkyMPOiKNDi An- other explosive compound, ino'ej el 4 destruG- the^ paid that reasonable regard laws of health which common prudencíe five than- nitro gligarine, Hi has r. been recomcnd, and which rptfre énlig’ h tened bought to light. Thj& chemical mjxturf ■J is called Sodium Amalgam, It is never vievs of rqligion would erep tave enforc ed trpon them as'a sacred^duty.—Combe. •manufactured in large quant fl ies, though it has been advertised for salejn Sgn Fraa ■ ■ , •r ■’ * ' •' "■ "< - ' ‘ ' cisco, one firm claiming ot have as. mMfh ' i -V* • »• , A youxe; coup}» had been married by as two hundred ounces for sale, ‘ Tfic a Quakef justice, and a. ter the ceremony an^ouht is not large,, but when it is'undeiv to thejhusband “ Priced, stood, he remar ked ’ stood Jbat .that, . thb the explosive pu^er pu*er of ope one ____ . . l „ „.. j »1... U..M-?» thou art wow at the fend of thy troubles?** oui^cJof sodium is equal to that of about A lew weeks after, the youn man came* twbnFy five pounds of gunpowder, br two to the gQod| niati, boiling over with ’ ’i rage, and a half pounds of nitroglycQrine, it can Iu I be readliy conceived that evenj fifteen or a regular., vixen.) (his wife was 1 thought you told me that I was s at the end twenty ounces exploded in one place would of my troubles.” “¡Sq l did, frifend, but create i'mtbense havob. And when one * eh j eud” < I did not spy whieh furtther reflects that even so littlo 9 thing I . I 1 s t—i--------- as a epoodsful of wafer comiqg in pontac with two hundred ounces of sodium woul *j Mr. Ross of Illinois, recently rf ____ ’ --"EL’X asked’ Congress, “ If these-elcvan these-elevan States are Ac­ cluse an explosion equal to fhat whi tually out bf the Union, why were some would be occasioned by the ignition of fifve of their representatives retained in Con* ’thousand pounds of powper, ot th gress without objection, after the passage cussior/of five hunderd poubds 0 of their ordinances df secession, and^dur glycerine, we can form some c 1 destructive ing the prosecution of the war? In An of its tremendious .if - i gust. 186-1,!Congress imposed a direct tax on these ehvea States, of| between five ■ ... - ■ vl hii N ot to ôe B eat and six million dollars, which recognized ge «ays that a New York and Massa èli ust ts them aB being in the Union. In March, -J regi­ 1862, in apportioning 1 represefttatioh ment were encampedÆogether on the Rap- among the States, fifty-seven members idan, and Clmta whdfesoQie rifvadry were assigned to the eleven States whose ited hetweenlhenZ A revival su ddenly representatives are now excluded from broke out in the/l’assachusett^ reg Jiment, this ball. 1 ¡Why represen­ and twelve wer/baptised. Thy?' Why apportion them represen- Nett York ongress, if they are oat tatives in Congress, out of the Colonel looked jsavago when be he|rd of t it, and roared put, ‘’ adjutant, h lave ¡seven« Union? teen men de/ailed for > bhptism ;>j’ll be Not one of the Radicals > found it eon-’ venient to answer these interrogatories, hknged if that Massachusetts regiment shall beat u«. thought bo —and ttas hauled to the bope yard. The next day s|me boys vent to pull the shoes off of thje equine animal, ¡and to their surprise ffcuud him ¡quietly quietly gracing on the Qomn| f Theyf both jumped or his back biu| borne pi a at a regular Johp £ilp£i speedy L oh to A band O ed . —By order of Gen. H^i- the surprise of his forpmr master, 4 |(L’■ n fi J' jr|h / * i lech Forts Chehalis, Yamhill, Belling- leol« peart as well a» ever, ayd the 01 y j T he following is given as a new mode haoj, Hoskins, Cascades, ¡Qailes, Siletz - 4own i east . i j / . i court ^Couyt mainiog signs of the baysterious disease Blosk or i aruoH parsing Blo«k House, and ‘Port Orchard, are io to s a verb active, indicative mood, present is a partial blindnesto2* * be broken up and sold to th« ths highest: highest bid- den UPosts not regularly fortified ate the vicinity ” „ bidden j to he called forte in the future ¡I a if dito? I rn s. «if ■. »- - ■ I I vìi ;v>3’ -u ; I ;ri. i:;' M < .'.*2 ~ D opqed H pm .—A Nort ! ¡¡aims th*t that Beast Butler kept; claims ïeVjpr.qqt , ‘ çf JU likely that i yejlow fever bad respeçifor itœ ____ jL If AiUQ-a ernedí « JooiodJ i « ✓ —i iw -w.