LAFAYETTE, OREGON, ¡TUESDAY, VOL. I. Í THE COURIER, Pen and Ink Picture of the Capital. half of which Jot half of their pay fqr. “night work/’ hglvert to thp radical gen-, tieman to whpif they qweso miich forpQ« sition, and thus members of Congress who sunshine of ‘abolition-’^ are basking ihl|the i| p to liváon three , thousand ism can maniig| ----- , ’ aye something over dollars a yea^and hage —more than |ney get ¿t hoùie, Qf course ................ there are exci ions t thir'wickedness ’ in thoidominánt party but they are 7, I860. 21 I *' 1 J Ik —' ‘ ^ ditio dttio ' n of D avis . .! i —A cor- cor T he C c c I^ NO 28. ►1 THB ELECTION^ ; * sponden'l of the New York] Tribune, responj ¿Aegon vregon held held her her State State election election on on the writing fr4 th Fortress Monroe, under date 7 . » J. i_ .1 J. c. ¡s 8aJ^ first Monday in this montli, and 1 i^ is saidf ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY", of the. lOtult., says : Mongrels carried it b/ 800 mu. m^. W ashington , May 3C^. 1866. J I had an interview .yesterday afternoon that the Mongreb AT The city of magnificent distances, as with I)r. Cooper, the surgfeon who attends jority, fleeting Governor, membje? of Con Randolph called Washington, has nearly LAFAÍ ETTE, upon DaVi|i, and he assured mo that it was gress, &c. This is a greatly reduced ma­ f doubled in population since the War com­ no longer "a matter of doubt that Davis’ jority, the Abolition party having suc­ Y amhill COUNTY, OREGON. menced. New streets have been opened health' is (improving. His muscled are ceeded two years flgo . by nearly 3000.* e -«-horse railroads have been put down, aoft, 'Ind ho is naturally a Weakly, puny The hews from Nebraska, \ however, fe* BY speculators have gathered here to fatten man. toow go,up stairs with- cheering, the Democrats there having tna ’h. Hei cannot ----- ------------- j. H > UPTON ! upon tlic corpse'of the country, and money out the aidf of " fi crutch, and irf his walks elected Morton for Govenor, Biooke for. itts MjojiALS. Massà ­ nids M assa ’ ch " i Congress and their candidate forTQhief making is the order of the day. Th^ Enttoft AND PlBltSlIKW. snyj ie Mc|intain Democrat, he cannot [go half ¡way across the parade I ! Justice^ chusetts, sayj time was when Washington was a desira» without •rcktiii g; but he is imptoving in Justice. The Democrats there have ov ir- cfvtve morality, so far in* her boasts of he ble place of residence—when the society guard has been taken away comc a majority of about one thousand in TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. advance of tfia of e^er^ e^erj other State. She' She ’ here was of the best order—When some friom his door at ; night, and his face is ! a single year. This is doing glorious y, 3 00. has nothing of ^rhich td Foait. ; Thirteen and we trust it is the harbin^ef pf bet pr1 One Copy One Yeaf, of the first and best families of the nation nnnnvon anrir • ■ • • 2 0Ó. made it their residence and brought up hundred and? i sixteen divorccs'Xave been filling up ji the wrinkles are in a measure days.—N. ¥. Day "Book. June 23. On« Copy Six Months, . coming out. Dr. ¡Cooper seems to have The Day Book is misinformed as to the families of respectability. There are a decreed in tin t intelligent and .saintly considerable o sympathy for the condition RATES OF ADVERTISING. •?tate, durii e five years ending May ngi th' result in Oregon. By and through' a few such here now, but as a gencaal thing Ono Square, 12 Lines or less, one Inser­ 1st, 1865, < of w i lich 584 were desertion of his unfqrttinate ¡¡patient. Soldiers and system of perjury and fraud without a licentiousn ESS AND DRUNKENNESS tion, t tion, • . • . • *.'*.’>* [to| Canada] 51 3 for cHmiti^lity, 132 for others with] whom 1 conversed say Jeff, parallel in the history of villanny, the r For each subsequent insertion. . . 1,OO. cruelty, and tin remainder vler for ihi;>|Cellane- i)ut|Cellane- fjyalks véry well, and one man who knew radicals in this State barely succeeded jprif* A liberal deduction will be made on are the prominent features of ’ Washington ous causes. TH is shocking state of affairs him before the war, tells me that he does electing their candidate for Governor by Quarter^ Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ life this seasón. Members of Congress is evidently tbqiresuitiof turning the pul­ j nôtsec inu^h Üiffercjnce between him then sixti/ nine majority. Those of bdt'ter i 1-, tisements. x. ~ I sftend their afternoons and evenings in |rd now, 'except that he . looks a little Hotel, Wwlitid aftd Law Cards, |10,00 per billiard and drinking saloon s, and their pit} into a political ro.stru^B and the incul- aller. Hi < appetite is good, and . I have stincts among them are heartily ashamed1 tlie han cation of ¡rorite higher law dcctrinq, annum. nights in houses of ill fame or assigna- ^o doubt but that he will live for many of the party for the manner in which thd J that “ the bnjdfj ¡justifies the means, ” tion. Five-sevenths of the Republican result was accomplished r years yet. i • I members of Congress spend th eir nights State* that idolai es cruel, cowardly, thiev“ Mrs. ¡Davis is almost daily in receipt of COUNTY OFrtCIAL DIRECTORY. in liccntiotts dissipation. W hil le a major- ;iirg scoundrels |O f the jBen-Botler stamp, iponey send her by sympathizing friends A “ D elégate ” in T roublé .—The Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners. of th| Suuit|er and O^rrisoo ~ - ---- - I- ity of the Dcm'ocratic members are work- fanatics _ J and J _i xul'l through] Adams’ Express. The contribu- Honolulu Commercial Advertiser of May Iirutcher, Henry Hewitt; Sheriff. L. L. A hiti- ing for the good of the stripe, ttiiiors. of-the John Brown , the oppor _.J^. _ .dj h tion&sobietimles^amount to $500 to $1000 12th has the following : cornb**, Clerk, S. C. Adams ; Assessor, Chai. school, ccrtainb as ijQthing to boast of. it goes in Handley; Treasurer, J >hn IS «‘.M atts: bclioql sition, relying upon r < day, Sbe has been called upon by ¡On Thursday as a gentleman was ri­ • > Divorces arc ’ , m uost Unknown in the be- The “ pri- ding up Fort street, at the corner of King, Superintendent, Rev. John ^l^neer; Coroner, for a “ good time,” 0 iarly ly all ih the fort.* nigh ted SoutHc ‘ i n Stages; they flourish in new lot vate ” announcement of W. W. Brown ; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. he wàs suddenly stopped by a lady sinq 1 —- ■ - * ,1 . girls have arrived at o — -------- ’s, ,or, the intelligent and i$rbgressivq ’State of ordered to surrender his borsêf. . With all' : Tur | f . m ! e 8 t of , the A ged .—A little the galantry pôsslhje under the circum-J jrnl ' O' f-' . F , ' ' ' ' i some other noted resort, is sufficient to fill Massachusetts 1 ?- i j t !■ A * h happy it makes stances, but expresing great surprise that DENTISTRY the places named with Abolition members Why Massicfi usetts is notf he^e, in com­ thoughtful'attention, how of Congress— — -living living lights lights! and pious parison with t|i be sdipi-puritan State oi^ wpi old I They Have ! ’outlived most of he should be compelled to do so in so U. members of the “ God and morality tbejrate the-marriage tne-marriage relation the friends of their early youth, How public a place, he dismounted and deliv­ Hl i ” party J Ohio. At tneirate their part- ered up the animal, to the amazement of that they are. , Washington , under Abol was dissolved ip that State ___ for t the,year fte year lonely thei.r hours I Often thei ' I)R. A. G. PHILLIPS, SURGEON lition artspices, Is the most ] icentious, de- 1865, her courts in |fivo years i will nave iiers in life have long filled silent graves; the crowd of bystanders. On enquiry,, praVed city in the Union, primting sa­ decreed two Slit si. J kunitfrer aiifl 5c|f‘(en their xhild^en they r have followed we learn that he had bought the horse of loons, gambling houses, horn tes of prostL eijfive dive (jipes. ^During ¿865/837 tp ¡the tomb. They stand solitary, bend­ thè lady or hef busband, and gave an or­ Tenders his Prfessionat Services to the cit’Z 'tT 4 tution and assignation are ab out the Capi- couples were diiqrcedî in that, State, for ing oft their staff, waithg.till the samp call der for the value on the proprietors of tliè of Lafayette and Surrounding country. hl2tf. tol as sifle shows are about a 'iirctis. llar- the following! cluses, fix : 264 for adulte- fpall reach them, How ofton they ftiust American Flag, in San Francisco which C ....... t- lets and niigers occupy the Q ^ilrries. smile ry, 230 for thr|e yew absence (in Cana­ think cf absent lamented faces ; of love they- refûsed to fiay. * ^he mereljf demo­ * L j pheriisbed them, and the tears of ded the animal or. thé amount he 'had on I their pet members on the floor, and da), 199 fur cr ¡city, 48 for drunkennesäp thick f S. HURLBURT throw kisses to the “ God and morality 18 for fraud, am| some 55 for other tjausps. 8|inpnrhytjhat fell with theirs,- • how all agreed to pay for it, and to whiclj she wis XVhtr ehniiLI w/v should nnf not the yotmg clinif entif cd. It & no credit to the 8>ta$ A& attorney at law . representatives of honest ponstituenceies. It is the fashion of tho^fe extreme abqli- SrpDf>. ? Wht I _ *.. . around and comfurt them, cheering ulrd comfort their ricultural Society of California, and NeiZ l . of Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will Prostitutes stop on the streets to chat with tion States to li ¡3St I of the high stftte gloom With’songs and happy smiles? members of Congress for a few moments, morals existing amo mg their p3op practice in the Supreme, Circuit ami a!l York State also, that thoir correspondant q but people, j_____ 1ŒJ then walk off together, disappearing ih official figures I will -betray ■ A*em. The I of the Courts of this Stale. and “ Delegate to Hawaiian Islands,” the “ ladies’ entrance ” of some eating shocking amou up| of matrimonial infidelity A ñ O lí » D emocrat .- Á C'offespftn- should be* the principal actor in the above* - ------------------ -— house or European hotel. We have bee® which is constaq Aly being exposed and de- fpo dp «f tlie Cairo D emocrat * I writing affair. , DR. H. J. BOUGHTON. in Washington many times before now!, veloped in the- abolition States of thé troni Erom pandas Sandusky,-N. Y„ says the history ■ ’ ' ’■ 1 ■ (ion. Monéy but never saw so much dissipat of ^Fredrick ’Fredrick Bateman, a citizen of that ‘ T he W hite S ugar “ I ssue ?—T^e* North, is doubti Sss owing in some degree of* Late Physiciun & Surycon, is no object. Members spend five times the demoral' zing effects of the war, place, may contain interesting facts to latest political issue is, that of white sugar ’ In Hospital Department^ their incomes. Drinking salobns are like to ydue readers, readers. 1 have spent one to the pauper darkies of the John Brown but the fact tha^ thé most intensely aboli- many of yqur palaces — prostitutes dress better than day v pleasantly and very profitably with Bureau down South. The interesting tion States dead i )ff, in these immoral prac-t^ Of The Army of the POTOMAC. rac-f queem—thick tongues, red eyes and pri­ tices, cannot be.! jxftluined on the war byf* by/ this old and dear friend, and from him discovery is developed in the following Office in Dayton, Oregon. vate doctors are the order of the day. pothesis; frAe ] ive and abolitionism are the fulk owirig brief history of hisHfe : official communication : I ■ t I * f I ' * And this is legislation ! Bargains arc ;win relics.of bi ■barjsjn and sensuality.—* * THE OLD MAN’S HISTORY J The issue of white sugar to dependfezr^ made at Faro Banks or in parlors of hou­ There are tens dj thousands of free lovists freedmen, and others was in obedidn^ to? am a| C ses of assignation. You tickle „me,; I _ in r_____ German; I am ____ _ yeart ___ of! __ 107 all those _____ Statp: Js whose pulpits have been an order from Brevet Brigradier-fjeneral tickle you. A fresh girl “ from the coun­ turned in-to abolition stump speech ros^ #*L I seqvi red nearly six years in the : : : PRO. J. T. HEMBREE, î II. T. Clark, assistaht assislaht commissary-geriéral/ H. commissary-geiieral,* try,” with a neatanklefa pretty leg, a trums. Such tliiings ngs are never done in réj’olutionajry war, and encountered severe a copy of which is now on Me in the office rriHIS HOTEL is still kept for the accom- Stylish wardrobe, a pouting lip. a saucy trjriqgjcon.tests.,-lit was my blanket *co Democratic Stages. ’‘The first DcqioCrat aqd trying irst Democrat of the depot comtifhisfery *at Newbern, _1- roodation of boarders and the travelling tois*to her head and a watery eye Will who is a free lov( st is yet to |ua found. J t mat coveretl the horse of General Wash- Norh Carolina. , public. carry a measure through Congress after ’ .'*/ j,.-. I JJ ' : I ingtpn at ap encampment ata place near ' ; Very respectfully your obedient servant,’ « where Uticja, -y ; / i . ’ ' . ' • 'J.'-!’ arguments hav )áp«r asks what the peo- • “'Thé Président iss right, and he will be . *■ * York ana Baltimore combined. If a man --------- I—» i pie of the Soul i will do if 'the terrible walks out with a lady here, no matter if sustain ad by the people. If not, it will I —Some one has discovered ,aniorig the*' LAFAYETTE LODGE, NO, 3, , policy of the N.q them radicals regard thern-radicals in she be a sister, people think her a prosti­ be indisputable prooflb me that they are conscience letters,” received almost daily* »rre^ Mnd Accepted Mafton«. ' ' ‘ 7 ‘ tute, so common arc this class of women to them shall bdindefinitely continued.—I ipcompeteut .for self-government.! ’ I by the Secretary of ihe Treaatiryi a note We don ’ t knot / JiobodT knows. asked him ’ What he thought of thé pres- signed “ B. F. B.” inclosing ffrei(doTlars. here. If a man comes to Washington Meets In' Lafayette on the 1st. and t rd knowledge may- »e fearful when it with his actual wife, it is looked upon aS' c^pt condition- of the country, and, he re­ The initials suggest a suspicion that fur­ Friday of each month; at half past 6 in he — if it come at a|l. i i a pleasant *'* gag ’’—the clerk of the hotel plied: . . ' . ’ ¿ ther remittances will be needed ter full/ afternoon. winks as if to say “ all right, my covey — t “ Moré critical in some respects than pase the conscience of this penitent. t Brethren of ifie order, in good standing are A woman ini 1 Pennsylvania has peti- qt any period since 1861 » ‘ I know my business b” The best dressed invited to attYrM. T. V. B. EMBKEE, W. M. women are the prostitutes, pensiouers for tioned for a divo ce on the ground that, . < I ' } J t G eo H. S t ^W a U d Sec’y. nonce on Abolition money wrung frotn'the 'her her husband, husband , do dpii is qjot agree with her in 1Í ■ II üîtory F requently ^R epeats I t - - CV li ^ ar Y M axims ,-—To secure light ■ L —put your flour into ihe the hands^ hands of tax paying fools who work their fingers politics.”—01ari osajGrazfctte. |fcLF,--‘-W hen the infamous Jeffries was bread --------- r b to the bone, who pray to God in the raral Well, she can i secede for any such rea- told tnat that toe the Prince rrince oi of vrange Orange wouia would very a grocer, and it will be sure to fife. LAFAYETTE FERRY. districts and pin their faith* to Abolition son. . The war h^s decided that.. Neither soon land, ¡and it was reported that a mun- Ice*eYeam should be baked in a quic^* • I oven. * j ■ I principles. Hell has but one hot bouse— can she return te the “ bed and board ” festo setting settipg foYth hrs his inducements, ob- —' r HE undersigned would respectfully an­ Domestic “ broils ” should be fttoideil. -pur|jpse8, etc., was already written, written nounce to the travelling public, that he Washington! And this under the rule ■until she has bieenl1 “ reconstructed.’'— i’ecis,t •pur^oses, and administration" of the parly* ’ which decided that.—Butte Rec- rgentlemajn'pfesentBaich 7- wm " “ "W-- ’<- ■ lord • Don’t eat soup with a fork. baa, *t the Lafayette crossing of the Yamhill, Priiy, my came into power crying out foi? retrench­ Potatoes should come to the table With ■ what do Jda sappose will be the heads ot A- LARGE, NEW AND SATE* FERRY BOAT, ment and reform, and claiming to be the Although sheHpuld not'get out, she can this manifesto?” u Jifitíe,,, replied be, their jackets off—being an exception to ... t on vririeb he can cross Teams, Stock, &c., great God and" morality element of the get back’so'SQon’;’ j she shall acknowledge h will be p.oe?L Would it not be worth the general rule of etiquette. country. herself aubjugatt Ind is ready to abjure the infamous Undefwobd—the MPEMTIOU8LV AND CHEAPLY. Washington is full of drunkards, dust, and renounce all and wo- flagr^iie infamia-^to reflect what might self respect and; A darkey who was sent to jail for mar- > ... _ e4' that, ibe his ■ess has decidec| frail women, speculators; niggers, lice, of ­ manhood.', Cong rying two wives, excuses himself by saiing apswer to a similar inquiry, perhaps The roads leading to and from this crossing that when he bad one she fought him,[but are in good repair^ and persons frottt' the fice seekers and thieves. The Treasury also. " ' ' K at no distant day ?—Day Book', h X ------- ft Department's the fihest'Wouse' of ill fame South going to Portland^ McMinnville, Pi when he had twq they fought each other. ---------------- ■ — y mdy ketep him from A maw’s profundity in the country. Here radical members of Grove and Hillsboro/and from the □terview, and his cau- cau ! The town of Jacksonville is said to be going to Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will find Congress keep their mistresses.jdong'withi opening on a firsf interview, to their advantage to patronize this this_Fei Ferry, i » few respectable women. 7_ For a few tion on a seco 1 pbut I Should suspect looking upi; every house is occupied, add j- Mankind should learn temperance from JOHN HARRIS. lrours labor each day the girls, ‘ ? who are his emptiness if e darned on his reserve many.otheir residences arc in-'procesa of the moon—the fuller she gets the shorter HR Lafayette, July 31, 1866. erection t i her horns become. generally handsome, receive ---- good pay, to the third. I I I f r * 4 t BY BÌIICK POMEROY. ’ f I I • ’ I 11 ’’ | I *■ i ' ' i B. P : E,. - L - • V ♦ V V 1 ’J I » • • w • ♦ • ? 4 ’ , K- I i * - « | o I ' MMRH ... — 4 - i * ■ L?i. •t f ■ LAFAYETTE HOUSE 4 . ATTORNEY * -2— ■ A. F. and A« M. ♦ A 4 * ( r ' " i i « -T I - ’ ---------------------» . ■- --------------------- *— T $ ' ' : Ÿ, c a 1 / % _ ■ i >, ■ , ' ' ip 1 i7 ' «F • "4'' •' ' | *- lltf |,