4■ r J’ 4, * • !l « i» J THE COURIER. . . - - I AGENTS FOR THE COURIER. HEW RELIGIOUS NOTICES. I E lder S. C. A dams conduct» religious ser- vices at the. Chuith in Lafayette, or first Sabbath of eacn month, at 11 o’clock i Rev. N. A. S tarr , preaches at McMio^ville at 11 o’clock __ a _ . -L, M., and in Lafayette * ” I 1 u ’clock p . m ., on the fourth Sabbath of • month. i ' ■ R ev , M r . M’Calistcr (Nazarene) will pr sach CHANCE F# EVERYBODY? at the Court House on the second Sabba h of 1 each month, at ‘11 o’clock- ; | ‘I J will preach in Lafayi tte, Rev. James Kelsey I fW- .1 I j .’ ‘ • b of each month, 11 o’ - cf ock on 3d Sabbath month, at --------- AUCTION SALES, EVERY THURSDAY : f ' . A.-ii«* AT lo p’aiiOCK, A. M. J __j_____ i i r |i 17— ■ I - i fad : is i f « I ■ A F avor ’ Wfc A ppreciate .—tast Tuesday’s mail from Portland brought us a large bundle of late and choice eastern newspapers and magazines from Mr, Chas. Barrett, the extensive and popular news­ dealer, book merchant and stationed of Portland. Among the papers, (Sre./ re­ ceived we will mention Harpers’ and Les­ lie’s pictorials, the Louisville Journal, the St. Louis Republican, N. Y. Day Book > Boston True Flag, Irish American, N, . Y. Police Gazette, AJ^rryman’s Monthly, Ar- my and Navy Journal, N. Y. Dispa :eh, £c,‘ Persons visiting Portland will do Well to give Mr. Barrett a call. He kdops a large assortment of everything in his Jine. / I ■ I , . ‘ . I * ' - - __ A rrival of N ew F arm M aciiine - Bir.’5—»W. AV. T. Neyvby, Esq., of McMinn McMjnn- ­ ville, paseed through town the latter part of last week, with a new improved Tresner, and Cleaner, which he purchased of Mr. C. Hopkins, we believe, in Portland. -■ z . r I ■ i • * T he O regon A griculturist .--—fWe are pleased to learn from parties who have bad opportunities to know; that the Agri­ culturist and Plowman at Salem is re­ ceiving a support that fixes it at onefe as one of the permanent institutions of the State. Not alone farmers, but all classes of the people of Oregon, should be pfoud that the material interests of the State are represented by such a publication as the Agriculturist. .In size, as well as-the quantity and quality of matter contained in each issue of the Agriculturist, it com­ pares favorably with aknbs almost any publlica- tion of a similar character anywhere, and advantageously with many, Every Far- mer, at least, ------------- - , should take fe copy ?>’ of In connection with the publication depjart- ment of the paper, is a complete job office. Farmers and others can Contribute much toward the permanent success, of the pa­ per by patronizing the job department Jkt least a thousand copies of the Agri­ culturist should / be taken in . Yamhill county. . 'IL. “ B,” < W elcome H ome .—Company from this county, First Oregon Infantry, was mustered out at Vancouver on last Tuesday.> Quite a number of the boys have been spending a few days in-Lafay­ ette during the week past. They1 ha^ been in the service about 22 months, »nd have done some hard service. The climate up north must bo a healthy one, we take it, for every one of( the returned volun­ teers we have seen Tooks exceedingly ro­ bust and hearty. Long may they live. \ ./ ‘I ' I The Statasman mentions the fact ihat there are Republicans at large who ought to be in the penitentiary. This is just what we claimed when you said that the majority of those in that institution were Democrats. - Your courts are probably organized either to conv’ict or acquit, as the interests of yqur pasty seem to ¡de­ mand. In view of the fact that your grand and petit juries are composed nearly exclusively of your kind, there is | ust ground for suspicion on this point. • .. b - * • ‘II "Mf '--=3 l»aiayette Market. * TtTIOULD r . . , ANNOUNCE .F HIHli That he T V : has purchased the ei entire stòck of SADDLES .1 j IS HARNESS » of Mr. Dj?al, in Dayton, Oregon, valere mav be found at all times a complete stock V C oncord , STAGE and TEAM R . < J % WM c 4 4 IM s. J- [COMMCNICATED.] An Interesting Letter. I ’ r-‘- I Í F amily SuppLTES.-y-Sec advertisement of R. L. Simpson. Dick has all he ad­ vertises, and a great deal more. He makes it a speciality to deal in the char­ acter of goods he advertises, and is there­ by enabled to buy on more favorable terms than can merchants who incidentally kjeep goods in his line, and he can therefore «ell a better article for less money than ! ,1 < * ¡they can. i , l { . The following are our duly authorized agents to receive and receipt for subscriptions and advertisement» for the C ourier : J. J. Knowlton t ’ ' • * Sacramento, April 30, 1865. Dr. G. M. B ourne —Dear Sir:—It is USEFUL AND LUXURIOUS ARTICLES. . jWAtL PAPER, v with pleasure and satisfaction that I now Carriage Harnqss . . U . ' * ! I j it |. I let you know of my good health. Looking SHADES 11 W ; Fancy Soaps, Soaps of all kinds, i/ Candk-s . back upon what I have passed through, FV I Si' Singlé a¡i|d Double and Licorice, pipes, pens and Inks, powder, it seems as if I was lifted from the grf^e, í y CROCKER Caps, Shot and Bar Lead, Letter paper, fancy and I think it my duty to acknowledge to and plain, Envelopes, plain and fancy, Oysters . glassware ; you and the world (he benefit I derived &c..f and Sardines, Canned Fruits of all kinds, from water treatment as administered by . ’ ’ 11 Finest Wines, SÁDDLES ' » ypu in your celebrated baths. Jt was in Best brands Mfhiskys and Brandies, 1 f r ' - I I August, 1864. when disease1 developed 0 I ters Hostetter, Hoottand and Drake Bitters. itself with a severe cough. I then took all description.! medicines, getting worse, with chills, fes, I ‘ ' Them at IR Hl need 'Patent Medicines. •vers, loss of strength, and was pronounced * ' * ■' F ! consumptive. This set me to thinking, ■ A gencral variety of the leading proprietà1 f aud I finally determined to leave my busi­ Í ry remedies “constantly on hand. J. I, ness go to the Sandwich Islands, having- with or without Hoops. f •• I u 1S - ?■’* 1 Spices, . ápyrs, . Sinèhes, L ’ : Leggings, -... &c. been informed that I could not be cured5 Nos. 138 apd ¡140 Front Street, Cooking Extracts, t\ here. I went to San Francisco, and y also, keeps on hand o complete Perfumery, I Î 4 f il while waiting for a ship, called upon Dr. Slock of all description of no23 I Concentrated Lye, I « f f Bourne, who stated th^t a trip to the Is\ ’ - and Axle Grease » 4 lands would'probablv result disastrously, Also an assortment of pocket cutlery , harness L eather , *, > |k 1 a A was unnecssary, as I could be speedily H IOX ! ! RAJOllS and - straps , besides a general ’ ¡ ‘ t I” " ’ ' ’ ’* 1 ■ ' i ' cured at his his establishment. I placed f .* ■—■ j Which hé will dispose of to the ’ myself under his treatment, and in one » ■. Assortment of Tinware, week was so much improved I thought I b' • J 11 S S (Nfew GOODS! ? NEW GO thought I could riskjbeturning home and j r H I r . r ■ F 1 » U L ’ l. and many useful and ornamental, articles too trade bargains. r . J to my duty as Engeneer on the Central * •I • 5 numerous to mention i. Give n> ■/ —4— I I®. j ■ i • í Pacific-Railroad.^ The Doctor objected, . R. L. S make a purchase. y SADDLERY FURBISHING GOODS,- * but I thought I knew- better, and return­ Lafayette, July 31f, 1,866-ly. 'i PRI S REDUCED ! ed to duty. In about two weeks my a j r . -------- i------------ :i---- k——IM------ , I;, ■ - . cough returned, and I kept getting worse I ’’ • i y I such as Stirrups,Buckle! sand Rings, which I i and contrary to Dr. Bolurne’s injunction he is .able to sell at |o •wer ’ WAGON figures than I j GARLAND, j GOPPMAN & never to take rhedicinf again, committed such goods can ’be purchased 1 elsewhere u- 1 f . in *R1O V' nil Aw that folly, and soon 5fas so completely in this Valleyi AND REPAIRING No» ont street, I' I — LT. . . run down that I could scarcely walk ; so, X^X„The highest Market price paid for EDWARDS informs all as a last resort, I conciti ded once more to Ilousp, Portland, Or- Opposite What |Che Hides and produce. 1 » ‘‘ Whom it may concern,' try the water cure. I n rent to SanFran- i_ • .it-* i • r By promptitude in business ic is i» vaiauiiaufu iii LArAf that he established in L afay ” - I hope to eisco—Tew of my friends i expecting me ?< I merit a fair share oftlw trade in my line. AVEijjust rece rcce |vcd, 4 , and are constant- ette , in the business of manufacjluring and er to return—In fact, thought my re­ ly receiving tli£ largest qnQ best se­ Repairing done on short notice. rapairing J j ‘ -I Ir'ttu'* J- ■'I t turn doubtful. On i arriving at Dr. B.’fl- WAGONS, HACKS, COACHES ANI) BOGIES. lected stock of GEN J flAL’MERCUANDISE establishment (Feb. 14 1865) I was not Customers from the opposite ever brobght to ¿this inarket, consisting of An experience of many years on dlte coast able to get into the batti withot assistance side of |he river, who purchase the in the business, enables hfrn but in a few days I be^into recover my-» hfm toast to assure patrons DRY GOQDS, | j1 i i- amopntjof five dolía ut, will be entitled self again. I ! remainec with him ’ only six that he understands'what understands what it requi requires to m^ke ;e at my expanse. to .... ... -1 [ “ a weeks, w ben I left, _ better ____ or repair-jobs in his‘line ip a'mariner to stand viser . and CLOTHING, I 1 I . 4- C. STILES » / man,” without the a of medicine. I through i through all our varied seasons lie will take / have now been at wd^k several weeks, in exchange for- his woylfi. wfegoq timber A nber I and nd SHOES, Dayton, February yth, 1866. 1 . s, lumber. He w ants ßpokeg, Ideilo and find that I am gairting evary day, and igü s, " > To To.igu s,t I ' 'V-10 'i. ■ f-i;- H*'- &IATÌS AND CAPS, at present bid ¡fair to be stouter than ever Axles, &c., for which he will allow the mar- Final Settlement. M.r Is 4 ’ 1) CROCKERY. before. Persons vlsitir g the Doctor’s es- ket price.1 - J. EDW ARDS. YANKE^.NOTIO In) County Court, Y’atnhill Uoupty, Lafayette, J;; ily 81, 1866-ly. tablishment will find it just what it should, Statt? of Oregon, In, the nfatter of the Es­ be, both in Lfedies’ and Gentlemens’ de­ r Also a large ge stock of ' j I tate of vlias. .Berry, deceafeed ; aeeount > ' ■ ... 4:' 4 I r t partments. and I cajnndi. say too much in ’I' • 1 of final fek‘ttler -------- partner in nd examine our stock before public to call snd BELL, Engeneei- Central Pacific R. R. nal settfement and distribution, in said parchasing elsewhere* , ÍLT L E B I, Couil t. aiid thht four weeks notice thereof The Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds S an F rancisco . August 22, 1865. be g ¡tent by publication in the Lafayette of Produce. Advised by tho undejrsigned, Mr. Jasi- i’ I t no. 24 4w Cou UEH previous V thereto. Lamps, Chandeliers, Chimneys, and Lamp 1 ji « Campbell, of thè Central pacific Rail Stock. J, W. COWLS, W anted—100.000 Pounds óf i Road, (who was then in a most deplora­ u Kerosene, I- ■ Cqu-nty. Judge. l W>ol. i * ble state of ill health) placed himself un­ j 4 i J * *■ s. 4 Coal, I * I der the cane of Dr. Bfeurne the Water tfbtto—** fUKK ‘ SALES AND SMALL Lard, 1‘Our Mptto »• Cure Phypiciau. Somè -six months or I îfMl'ÏL PROFITS,” |nd no 1 a [ Ncatsfoot and -I more afterward he visited this City, when . •- ! V i b r ~ Tannprs’ Oil, i j 4 ’ • 1 F I ' y-r i I I accidentally met him at Dr. Bourne’s es a» Alcohol. Remember the ilu^e, opposite the What etc. By or before thè FOURTH Day JULY tablishment, and ain happy to say, Resto­ «. » I : ► t I Cheer House. J I next th ! undersigned will have burnt red to good health,and i|h fine spirits. ll •>T I • i • ■ ■ J i- ■ ' 92 F ront S treet , P ortland , and . .j i 1 I*' i; a«h reac y for delivery, at his , JOH SULLIVAN. : i JOHN no22 414 Front st„ San Francisco. We guarantee iniiro ’ satisfaction, òr | BRICK YARD! CARD! sale.- Try’ us an j convince yourselves. --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --- ----------- Dr. Bourne treats all __ diseases ___ of the __ i i L k; ■ || l 2U milers south of Lafayette, upwards of ÌJoDMAN & Cp.¿ i 2« throat, chest and luug j—which includes ; G ALL AND. G E. O. RAADALL, allUEllRED THOUSAND BRICK , of * * diphtheria, bronchitis, incipient consump­ .; Í i I UT 1 i • Ho has secured 12¿ Front street, Portland. I a very Superior Quality. tion, pleurisy, crouip, <5;c,— with greatest n<»23 ? I • IMPORTS AND DEALS IN 1 | » the serViceB of the best Moulder and Burs success." Great relief i i afforded in ad­ • k " iHi-r II i ■H-+- r I t nor on .tie Coast, and'ean theretcre Safely vanced stages of Consumption. I Rheuma­ f jj MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MU- 7 warrat fiis BRICK ro be inferior to none. tism, parlysis’ neuralgip, fever apd ague, SIC, MUSIC BUUKS, STRINGS; | JACOB UN )|BHILL & CQ Mako your engagements early. I shall, I dropsy, ete., etc., ate allso ¡feo cure I quickly, ' . ¡ ‘ ifíl I be “hard up” for money, and will cotiser pleasantly 'and econoufically. No medi­ RjTERS'OF quen’tly Bell Cheaper fhrn the Cheapest I cine whatever. - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I Ml I - I 1/ I ’Persons from the Opposite Side of •____ Bl Hardware , Iroi, Stec the Riv iver purchasing Brick ot mo, may - ’ ■ ¡ ■ I; H T Confirmation Strong ot Ì » OF ALL KlNbS. < deduct Ferriage. no. 19 3m. J '¡I j' Smiths’ Bellows,’ A fivjls, Vise I, An Intcrerting Letter. 4 FRANK. HOLDRIDGE. OLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRA- Wagon fend Seat Springs, Nuts I June 1, ’66* S acramento , SOvembvr 23, 1065 t ted Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ. VashètSjìTfimble ¡ Ikeinp; and Wasl ---- Ü—I-------- --------------- , D ear D octor ;—I ceived your letter The best instrument of tho kind in the Cutnberlai Çoal, Ha rjng Tjools, Cuinberfand Tlie New York Day-Book, a few days since askii g for my photograph world. Also, Agent for Steinway & Son’s Kjvjr Scythes mee <»<>u fend Boa k/.ia^hfe, Grail Ura< idles, Hay which. I will attend t ins soon as'con vens I ' celebrated ’ = < Forks, Mechanics’ ; T^ols of he be eSt quality, ' the best ; *>: 1 » ■ i J , : , .f- J IJ h * j ' *1 I 1 r ’ ' lent. At present 1 1 itn. very busy, on ac- manufacturers of the celebra ted i A count of the stormy weal ather, being out at Gold Medal Piano Forte. emocratic weekly in amer - D)BÜÍN¡IÍOR^E ^AILS. . : . # h1 ■ ' ' ! . all times, both night and I day, ahd am en- 1CA, can be had as follows, cash in -H i l . r joying good health, a pprehending uo dan- i f advance: These instruments have elicited the highest JACOB jEFiÖERHlllL & CO., ger if properly carefu 11, as every one sho’d commendatien from the musical profession, One copy one year, • $2 00 • ' 10$ troni strleet, Portland. be. I haye rcad mj y letter in the Call Three copies one year, • and have received the written testimony of no 22 5 » 50 and other papers, and 1 have beep asked the most eminent musicians of the United • \ Five copies one year, and one to the — several times cqnc?ri|irg it, and whether gettfcTiupof the clul), States, as to their superiority over all others/ a 10 00 'it is correct, and 1 say r I can vouch for its in quality and volume of tone, capacity forex­ Ten copies one year, and one tot 1 *• fcnt Notice. contents, and more if Required, as can a pression, quickness of action, durability and tho getter up of the club - 17 50 great many others who knew me mo at -the the iditiopal copies, quality of keeping in tune. Ad" 1 75 ST a TE OF 14 I remaiu your f-iend. time, BVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED PERFECT. , one . year, Tw /enty C ounty dr Y à W h ^ l | - copies . 80 00 1J f I JAME !S CAMPBELL. EVRIF---- E. G. RANDALL, - VAN EVRIE, HORTON & CO. To D r . Rourne, San Francisco^ In Justice’s Court for Cor. First and Alder st«., next door ,to 162 Nassau street, New York icinct of Amity » Post Office, Portland. no23 rr Dr. Bourne takqsi^hi is • • ' 11 It I m -I- i I- T. R. Har. jgon, Justice ’s .Cfattrtf Before 0 îîberfy ta ¡publish PUBLIC SCHOOI.—NEW i 1 „ D I/' !“?'■ I the. above, as mat VS. Ihbs, retig -ew, a Justice of ny persons had propbe­ i . M p 48* ■II|lfe lr® sied his relap& into _ Conditon. ______ ic peace n said ’ ” County. **“ ’ nto hih formed W" The Best Remedy For U’. Morgan. • ■ i h on returning to his duties, of the writer'of PURIFYING the Blood, Strengthening ;Qe To F. Morgah, the he above» named def det ’t. “ An interesting Letts r/’ whose state­ Nerves, Restoring the lost Appetite, is Prof? A. F. FORBES will com- It. epjfaaring to _ __ | tqe Court that yon are a ments concerning t|e c lire of a, well defi- FRESE‘8 HAMBURG TEA. menc^the pecond term of the Lafay­ nonresident Ofxhislstfete, you' are hereby noti- ned case of Consumption have recently* It is the best preservative against almost $ny ette Public School in Lafayette, on it of attach ment has been i issued fied that a writ i "" attracted so much attefition to the Water. sickness, if used timely. Composed of herbs ml y^ur pröprty attached J to sa/t- Monday the 13th day of July 1866. Cure, as improved upon and practiced by only, it can be giver» safely to infants. Full against you ai He has ample facilities for the accom­ Dr. Bourne. This additional testimony directions in English, French! Spanish and isfy the demandi Ì)fT. lì. . | Harrison against you, ar J — tp ‘ the ÀL sui sumi of sixty one and mounting odation of SO Scholars. L 4 German, with every package. TRY IT! must prove satisfactory to ail reasonable poih. j No«v, No«v, ¡unless you shall minds. It should be rtmembetiqi thatJDr For sale at all the wholesale and retail 13-ioo dollars; TERMS : »5 A 8« Per, Qr.; appear beforq II! f the said Thoi lornas Petigrew a 1 •• ■ Bourne uses no medicine whatevej, and drug stores and groceries. or in that proportion for Scholar» conk- Justice of the Hi ace in and fot said County, at his'patients almost universally those’ who EMIL FRESE. Wholesale Druggist, menceii|g any time during the term.' his ...» office 4 on *he th 25tb day 4f August, 1866, have failed to rece ve relief from the meds Sole Agent, 41O*Clay street, A deduction will be made from the at 2 o’clock p. p.| M.,of m .. of asid said day, judgment will libò be 4 b( ical practitioners; yett’iey are Cured with pan Francisco. . rendered agaiqfet you^ and your property Bold above figures to be governed by the great rapidity, an4 in a pleasant and agree ealer in Dry Goods, to pay the debt and cost * .^T. HEMBREE, Dealer amourit appropriated for common able manner. N 10 Masonic Temple, side • Groceries Hardware, Ac. I ;. i South This July 7 • Í ■ > ■- . .I . •1 Ç I BRICK BRICK. T"*' .fl ♦ • I • • | I *' > • ij • 4 ’ H ■ / I S ' I I i ' 1 I D I* 1 1 [ corrected ■ weekly ] •i Wheat, $ Bushel, Oats, $ - ” Barley, bushel, Corn meal, 10€ Flour, $ 100 Iba Middlidgs, ton, Apples, dried’ Plashes, lb * • ' ■ ' 4 ! '.fi, / BACO« Hama, lb Sides, $ft> Shoulders, lb Lard, f ft> MISCELLA Egg«» $ do*-» Batter, ft Cheese, per tt>, , Cbiekens, doz., Potatoes, % bushel’ Onions, pro Beans, ft) Hay, > ton WoolF> !b, 18@! * J 4 T * Í' « •f ■