' 3 -A- —V ■■ / — - ■ ‘ - 4^ J* i : • f ‘ y1 4 ? 4 • / •J ■ ? .. , i _ ■ .......... 1 r£_~' . -»The Indians Conlinde trouble- I some up North. - ’ . I ■—The Oregonian aays that Geo. ,L . - ..... -V ■ 7 . - -- -.I' ■' V ,, 7, ■ ’. ' A7- ‘ t a ' _.............. ; r ß - ./ CORRESPONDENCE. , honest, disinterested and well mean­ LETTER FROM ELDER MCCARTY. a - ing men to remain with tho radicad Search through volume after vol­ party with ail th accumulated evident» E ditor C oukiib ;— TUESDAY. JUITY 21, T6CÖ. In view of what’ has been said, in ume of the Congressional debates, and of its inconsistency, venality and total W’uod- iui’ai uied tha cditir on the day you — will . not baa unijorthincss is something that surpas-- your paper, concerning myself, I feel __ ....... find where a radical . gleanings . j he k-f* ror 5In Fj^ncispö that no nötige once essayed to show by what logic. ^e8 our comprehension. We undertake it a duty I oweAnyself and the citizewsf* —The Telegraphie ncws^Teceivtd ; bad bcen Strved WpOW himof any eleo oi- upon what hypothesis, the eleven to say that none ean' disprove or reftite of Lafayette, to give a brief explana­ ' tion tontest, and a'Jds, that “ the story toward thc-latter part of the week is -___ «__■ unrepresented States aro counted tn the propositions ’"laid down 'above, or tion of the affair. of more than ordinary? interest It j$' originated with O'Meara which is tho Union for the purposes of lhe successfully assail the deductions _ Soon after my arrival in Oregon last'summer, - a leading man, in * the supposed the buttle which is to settle nayiog ali that need be sai d about it.” adoption of Constitutional Aiueud- drawn. Wc simply ask the reader, in I ’denomination I have the honor of be­ Another flsgclatios in store for Scott ineuts and of taxati on, and cnit oPthc conclusion, to make a candid survey of ing a member of, gave Dotice that hs- —The man Mitcla-1. who a short -—^July thodth. 'lhe An Brians were Uuioii for all* other purposes. It the premises^J%can the political hori- had discarded me as a bad man. The »outed' wit&Jtoavi i-■» by the Prua- fim.UIM W.liraw, in P’"’ wouM 8CC)n „ if ten in the light of the - et»d*wL-pa»t. Officers of the Luckumute Church re- shin armies. In consideraliomif the’ Tond. Tias been tned anTfound guilty convinced that nothing can be offere<^^ni| present, of the.dominant party, and ceived notice from ¿¿aid per sou, that; mon nT Thia r»ifv lmin<» ,niaAA11annniiu , refused tO gi'C them. He ¡ind llis ■on has resigned, and tbe^robabiT^ieadarvc, of the high esteem in which Mr. surd fop them to take. - A certain end tletnen of this city, being miscellaneous 1 friends, however, managed to make, are that other members of the Cabi­ K. AV. Tracy who died recently, was to be subserved, they will swear that ly afflicted, provided themselves during and strove keep up, the. impression, __ net witt follow -Politicians are eonb- held by them. --------------- — —— all the Stales are in the Union and the week past, with fishing tackle, and that there were charges of a very se­ hutting themselves pro and con on —Mr. Shull formerly of this place , could not by any possibility have got other essential equipage, including— rious nature- against me They ttid “Ac.,” for a tour, and departed for the meall the harm in their power; persist­ merits for the Phila- rtt- - the --------- - ----- of —-- the ,8i call ..... ---- r_ was one of the heavy sufferers from out, while upon a question 'perhaps ently refusing the while, to specify rlelf hia Coventiun-—Brownlow, the the late destructive fire at Walla growing out of this very proposition, classic haunts of the deer, the moun­ their charge, or make known what •Id Hessian is in trouble- ~ lliiU Leg­ AValla. He and his partner Mr; Ab they will declare with as much earn­ tain trout and the “bar.” After rus- ’ they had against mo. They finally bott, . bad, , on thb 12 inst., , _ sufficient estness, and with apparent candor tieating for a season in these ‘ nnkempt ’ succeeded in getting their s / iik I qw of islature is uot likely to pass .aiuitional Amendment, and he has i lumber on the ground to rebuild their that they are out—entirley out of the wilds, they returned, apparently much accusation before a committee of their own selection—and that too, against r leu on Gm. Grant through Gen. Carriage and b’aek Smith Sbop. Union. When challenged to explain recuperated.' They enjoyed during the earnest protests of thyself and iny — their absence, a remarkable season of i toouas tor au army- audit it ntto ahurch. Said Committee simply ask-' —Freedmen*s Bureau Bill No. 2, how it could be possible. for such a experiences deligtlul, yat strange as it cJTthc person above alludded to, io coerce the refractory uiunteis pf his ba-been vetoed by tho President, and state of things to exist, they resort to may seem, two of the party grew weary -tett his reasons for discarding me.. He '* * ’ into obedience- Gen Parliament X 1>-,hc 11( ^<:^r evasion^and ^flijiyoeations, l leaving askad permission to- • . t ^♦Wthn-rtTTOirtTOTOs nsjWFr of-the st*» 4i«l Graut respobdïTîfiWPh rely unfort unfortified save hi- heaJ.x.... ' their position entirely ■roundings, the dearth OT Widity ro far as soy giv- on-distance dfis opp.imjit for the Accordingly the tzbqrch met on the • - same office twoycars ago, when the “th day of July, inst , after having with hi- ideas ..f per--onalsafety.it is to4-^|1() deserted’from "the army during’1 ai Sta,c is concerned. In this in- County elected the remainder of the. given due noticcTo the parti«*«. But .he hoped ».quietus will be put upon the war. of Pennsylvania soldiers, as stance, they ruthlessly declare a State .black ticket by round majorities.- no ^reappeared agairyjt nft*, and the —— -s—— -t—— ;■ person who had discarded me gave the old ralro and tdaekguard while the well aS those win» absented themselves out and in the Union in tho self same < »1 r.ia» ate£ a hot; T<> ntggcr by flint he .. - ________ . --e—— " . _ | “ _. -. — 1-g druft« <1, is being discussed i proposition. they thrust Aboli-1somft niCans or bH,eri )atdy found - - --------------------- trouble is on the tapis. after being had nothing against nir.“1' It ; The Ohio Democratic State execu in the _j rcnosHvania Legislature.: tiortamendiiient at the Soulherp peiFi way into the-^ehtjnel office at Jackson­ of special notice that while giving his Pennsylvania ‘live ccmjuittte have appointed Will­ Now, the Cot'Rli R'office is about all'P«e as an ultimatum — They were, j ville. and the editor nt tices the dis­ reasons for discarding tpe before his we posses in our “ own right, and .we «pon the ratification of said Amend ! own Committee, he denigd having any iam Allen, George 1(? Pendleton, E. tinguished : cal! under the head of ¡ charge against me. lie did not aven the entire concern, that, if, m’ent, to beadmjttpd ascoequal Sover “ „p frs^| *»• disfiauliwa tro W. Morgan and M- J Willett dele- will wager Personal. ” RefprHeavji^^^^^ Before leaving, the Jct»e has apoMati.-ed from tFe ¡>um«c-.jy the Legislatures of afl the Newjsffddeniy found themselves aslar?f!5mj'' 1U .-.K „a k :. 4 ’ - -- England States Were to pass a law ' their goal as they were previously to ¡ Edi^ of the 4 reni ,/ 1)as( hhn- 'Church, and also of th.) Annual Con­ rary up North, and united his for­ vention will appear in due time, which tunes with the republican party. This disfranchising the deserters belong-: taking stock in the Yankee trick.— ! Be}f up jn a ll(,^ ()ffice in galcm, and puts the matter at rest forever; . > A. V. McCarty. _— nunor, taken jn^eoiiM£li.o!L. with. . lb * iiig to those ..Stu» • -. ' w v. > by Pat, is now run in the interest of fled the draft and stole -from the in this behalf,-they persist in refus.- |aw • . I the radicals, gives some color of truth Government during the war, a cor- ing admission to the Sou hern Mem- ^fr. Bollinger is is possessed of abil- abil- T he C owardly B easts .—From Mr. Hollinger possessed of to the story that the versatile Pat is poral’s guard of republican voters bers elect to Congress. Radical lea- jfy, an(i wc arc sarc ¡f mtWit is any tha Salem Correspondence of the Lief playing hi« old game. The Sentinel could not be raised in all the six dors, and the radical pressy tow -pro^ recommendation he will get his . full aid we learn further particulars c >:»• * deprecates hia espousal of their cause, States. mulgate the doctrine that the President share of the practice io his section, cerning the mobbing of McDaniels on and well it may. Sou ebody is des I is possessed.of very limited powers‘ J bis gentlemart during his Editorial the fourth. The sneaking canibals. Tha Walla Walla Statesman says. tined to be bilked by him, and we | that the charred remain« of a- babe and authority, with as much zeal as career, wielded a vigorous pen and fearful of tho consequences of con­ evinced much abiliy in that line. rather like the idea of Pat’s takipg it were picked up on the morning after they two years since vociferated from fronting him like men, crept on him the fire, near the ruin« of the buildings I into hi-» head to prey upon the black® “D istributing ” vs . P roof R ea - when ho could know nothing of their one end of the land to the other, that that adjoined the Masonic Hal). II w DINO —If, when reading •* proof,” approach, and felled him from the 'in the future. the President was .the government— the child came there, or whose it was4 —Mary L. Schell has commenced^ is wrapped jn mystery. . was supreme, and to oppose him was errors in typography were as readily pavement with a rwk, »od then, as if discovered as they are when “ distribu ' fearing he would recover and pursue an action against Gen. Naglee, in the While the^ttasonic Hall at* AValla treason. Senator Williams on one oc­ . CourtiTofSan Francisco, for damage W’alla was burning a man rushed up casion in Salem, in order to make him- ting, few errors indeed, would escape tfibiu, p unccd upon him with their in a breach of promise case. She lays stairs to secure the regalia and other -self understood on this point, and no through the press. We have been lit­ boots and kicked him until- he was her damages at 8100,000. She says de valuable property which he could re­ mistake, declared that when he said erally agonized over the detection of insensible and apparaDtly lifeless. feodent long since promised to marry move, and on his return found his said the President was the’ govern­ blunders while distributing niatter, Wc apprehend that if the courts were I egress cutoff by the burning of the her, and in consequence of «aid prom- ■ stairs, when he jumped out at the scc- ment, he meant tho blood and flesh, upon the proof of which we had be­ to happen to impose »«mere nominal t ae «he had remained s ingle. I ond story window, reciving no other and bones of Abraham Lincoln. With­ stowed extra care. “ Blindfolded ” fine upon those hyenas in human with plow steel, one couhi-detect errors ,—The Oregonian gives Clarkes damage than a severe shock. out any exedso for bis remarkable io authography in thia way. shape, the Christiana (?) of Salem ---- — new Geography quite -au-a-extended ; summersault, and without any expla- - ------ WoiiU contribute'the amount to the S tatuquo .—The result, we under­ A ssatlt on a B oy .—One Sutton “ Notice.” We advise the editor to ¡nation of what induced him to make end that those who did their work— keep a copy of the work close at hand, stand, of the contested election cases it, Senator Williams now takes the was arraigned before Justice Hembree • lhe work of the devil, should not be - * so that whon be desires, to tnanufac- tried recently before Judge Boise, in ground that the President is a being yesterday eve. on the’ charge of as-i any loosers by it. • tur< a copperhead ” outrage he may Polk County, is, that uo changes were possessing very few prerogatives, and sault and battery committed against Thertris but one way to combat be able to locate it at some place f made—the matter standing now just is Witball, a traitor. Now to any one the person of Joseph Davis, a lad, such fiends with any show of fair play, .* known to Geographers. He could as the canvasaors made it immediately capable of comprehending the simplest residing with Mr. Bradshaw of this place. It seems the man Sutton had and that is this ; if you are not phys­ thus enable himself to forego the hu­ after the election was held. Before proposition, it is plain that if by the entered into an elaborate argument on ically equal to the task of coping with ■ hearing was bad, the republicans miliation of such stupid blunders aa mt the — .— ,.i - Jt • a ' ' --- - terms of our organic law, the Presi- i politics with the boy, during the them, owiDg to superior numbers, be his '■ Bethany Gentry County, Tenn.” Were cartain they would parry their dent was the government, two years course of which he used language that always prepared to thin their ranks entire ticket—afterwards the Demo- ago, he must be yet, since that law called forth from the boy a somewhat —There are 739 prisoners in the fierce retort, when he knocked him until you are, and do it with a will erats were equally positive they had has not been chsDged ' in this behalf i down a number of times. The Court whenever or wherever assailed by the- Ohio Penitentiary, 693 of whom are gained it all. The Judge’s decision, republicans. during the time which has elapsed fined him $15,00 and cost, which, con- poltroons and ruffians. Make them which was reserved for ‘some time, I sidcring the magnitude of the offence, realize that there is bw< meager secu­ —Hon. John A. Frazer, Senator settled tho question, though the si dcc this was the favorite dogma with was exceedingly light. rity for life or limb, and they will be- from Polk Co., died recently at Salem * < blacks threaten to prosecute the the radicals. That knaves should D rowned —A little daughter of the last to ever offer injury o»f insult. A special election has been called lo cont^t aa regards the Representative« eling to thia party is not surprising, Esquire Moor’« «was drowned on for it is natural for them to adhere to __ ___________________ Thursday last in the stream on which None but contemptible cowards are fill the vnosney ocoasioowl by his elect, before the Logialature which ths ?p X. n . _____ 1- —------ ------------------ .