==. Farm Capital veto until to-morrow. Mr. Leblards —Last accounts are to the effect moved to take it up now. The House There is no mistake more common, [ compiled from tue pohtlakd DAILIES;] that Jim Lame died of the wound in­ then voted—ayes 153 nocs 35. So ,.or more injurious than that of sup­ ---------- --- ISSUED SVXRY TUESDAY, the bill passed over the veto. posing the more land a man holds the flicted by himself. He probably lived ’'''Foreign News, AT „r F arther P oint . July 15.—The L AFAT ETTI, 0. L. S holes , of Milwaukie, one greater must be his profits, for profits to learn in what estimation he was steamer Nova Scotia bring dates via of the oldest, and moat consistent, and do not arise from the land itself, but held by his countrymen. It might YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. from the manner of using . it. The i Londonderry, of 6th July. mojt persistent anti-slavery men of be interesting in this connection to BY A great battle took place on the 3d, Wisconsin, said in a speach on Presi­ best soil may be made unproductive J- H UPTON- by bad management, and the worst readers to know wbat was thgught of near Ludoa, resulting in the Prusians dent .Johnson’s veto message him even by his own party press whe n - SUITOR ASD PUBLISHKR. ^Tembàrked- obtaining a great and complete victo­ “ Eighteen years ago, _ ------------- Ty bc r?ndcrüd mo^ F^tebk by the .opposite course. _ Especially is the ry. The battle lasted 12 hours; the in thia anti-slavery war—on the theory he and Pomeroy wormed themselves TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Ausrians being commanded be Gen. that the African, if given his person­ loss resultug ftotn the possession, by into the United States Senate t’rymKau Onc Copy One Year, . . . . $2 50. Benedek, and the Prussians by the al freedom, could thereafter care for a few individual«, of large ’tracts of land, and by thousands of Grins alto- saa- Y e quote froffi_ th^ J^vjr^worih One Copy Six Months, .... 1 50. King in person. The Prussians met j himself. Yet after this lapse of eigh­ gethcr too large, appara nt in Oregon. Herald, a staunch republican paper : RATES OF ADVERTISING, ! the Austrians beteen llorsewitz and * teen ( years, when he-is free, I am met i n«d. «1! I *» ‘J? ““"‘‘"g 7 ’ One Square, 12 Lines or less, one In­ Meugagratz, aud until 10 o’clock P. M. with the assurence i' Two such metres Lane and Pome­ can bo applied with roy couldn’t have been sent to the U. sertion, . . . \ • . . $3.00. the battle was favorable to the Austri­ kind of protceliow. Th.t he wi|| '» For each subsequent insertion, . .1,00. ans, but at 2 o’clock P. M., after an ii-u hesitatingly i certainty aner au walk in his new con- greater &... < of a fair return for . 8» Senate from any other community Abberal deduction u ilL be made on obstinate defense, the Prussians, car- jnion. q^at he may stumble is pro* 5h??L:C®rrectly than Kansas, unless we except Bot- Quarterly, Yearly and half Yeatly Adver- „ w PeMtcnli,r;. ’ ried by storm the strong. position of bable ; but if he is to worLout his own, employed then io lood. tn foot u tiseinontsf Burning that the expenditure-be direc- Of one thing we aro confident— Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 the Austrians, after which the Aus­ destiny, if he is to achieve bis own sal- f trians were quickly driven, out of their | vation, and if he is/iapabla of doing ted with judgement, it will be f< und that the worst man ever sent to Con­ ter anumn. outer positions, and by 7 o’clock were I it, let him bogin now,- and at once. that the profits upon the outlay in­ gress has been elected ,J»y our State, in full retreat to Koningsgratz, pur j Every hours dependence on a new crease in more than a propotionate anu that he only represeuts those who degree. voted for him. The THIEF, xrith all c / oü NTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Bued by Prussian cavalry. The Aus­ project or and^upportcr of any kind, Many a man has'^een ruined by a his ill gottou gains—ROBBER of trians weie in complete rout. The or nature, is not only a public procla Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, large farm who might have acquired S. Brutchcr. Henry Hewitt ; .Sheriff, L. L. road wai strewn with baggage, which mationr of his oWn inability, bnt it fos a competency on one with half’the WIDOWS and ORPHANS—the IMPOSTER and tho IMBECILE, Whitcomb; Clerk. S. C. Adams; Asses- they thrown away. The killed and woun ters and encourages that inability, ol acre». Most farmers are has been sent by a Kansas Legislature sor, Charles Handle}’; Treasurer, J >hn ded A< -both sides, was great; but ow­ until his last ulate~ become» ¡.finit.lv the _ extent of the butt it?, thelos*-. worse thaï. I,i. first. K we are ,;>> “"yo<«_(or large J^nlatmu,, ami ; to sit in the halls of Congress with W. Watts; School Superintendent, Rev. 1 ing __ to .____ jLaff nn£ Teen .asccrtained The bay.- I.m-ai:» for hi. proleeiion-ifl “»J■»««•p? "WW error -honorable men. May God's righte- Surveyor, A. S Waft. — i of attempting to work; a greater quan- IP ii G s G.- h claim to h:ive u the first tillage, and scanty crops,- Gablent]. arrived attlie Prussian head­ all a sham ” I Tuesday of March ; in Connecticut, train of rent ih arrear, wag? Tendra hw- Prft-ssioinl S.-rviçes to tho quarters at llorsewitz on the evening! ' on tht first Monday, and- .in Rhode <'it'Z;,ns of Lafsyi-tG and 'Surrounding* kof J,uly 4th, with a flag of truce. T hue .—The Yreka L’n^n, spea- and dobts unsafi-fi'd, ard final rtt" Gomtij-. ¡io. 12 tf. Ho who prudently commences with bland, on the first Wednesday in April ~ The Paris Mouiteurs of the 5th king of the stale charge that “ Price’s ■- ’ ! rfh Tne«dfry~rn *• < I only such a number of ___ 1-.^—. I makes , the following annuncement i with" pn.üëri ?>.•{ i “ 0«P"> “ Moÿfiÿ, Veterans ” only emigrate to this coast, . power S'. HDRLBtTRT. of cultivating ptWtT VI VUHD ’ I An important event has just occurred. > ’ ti ■ effect, is certain of Tailing the e full __ ln ^unli ,n Alabama, Arkansas, Kelt- .- AtTOia^Ei AT LAW, 1 After.having maintained the honor of ,•«»>**’ : - ' ■ Emperor ( This.Slate, coast has received ■ return from the s<4l; «nd bis eagage- tucky'^nd Texas, on the first Monday, _______ ____ ol Na- _ _____ . _ this _ - Lifay.lf-7 Y.oiitiir l'mn.Tv, ‘Orcgtm; his army in Italy, the iu Tenncseee, on the first Thursday, the 11th to his j a 1 l“rgc " "•umber of * persons who have . monte being in accordance with- his ’ .............................. “ Will ¡.I :» tic in ìllC Sì»|.|flUC, Circuit , poleon ‘ ’s.;" letter of June, and in North Carolina, on^e second * U • 1 o MitiLirr cf Fnroion Affairs redes Ven ! since become voters, who wore loud means, he enjoys present ears? of mind, .^att tU^l tC i J ii i.' u fl Hr11 liii- ,iiiii,|», i j, arhi.; medS . ’ W m lifeTOftt"ftwihrtmrfcr-ftrr ^oU’'he(L brawTHig .TDOTiTTOT ,-sl----- the first Tuesday,' iP California, ou THE COURIER i. ... ....... . ... . ' Telegraphie SiS ^TonduSf “■^Empbiw-bfiisteucd to• • rcspomL-to the J»””1 home to avoid the draft at a turn on the .E£C<).nd Monday of September ; td’weigfi 'Wctl summons, and immediately cumiuiLui- • "ben the Government . was ppying Gfrni(infow)i J -fi ^vrjron, in Florida and Mississppi, on the first ----- j bounties ----- - ------ o earDpsUj the charges witlr-his wittr-his means’ and and'nev ’nev- ­ dx j heavy and --------- cailing^ lit’ Hospital Depart niente ’cakd with the Kings id' Prussia an ,ru Monday, in Georgia on the first seduced by er allow hirosalf bimualf to to be be seduced by any any Italy in order to obtain an armistie BsMTor the services of able-bodied men I er Wednesday, in Indiana, Iowa,’ Ohio, (If T1i<> Aru.VjOf ih.' I’OlOMAU. . ____________ of’the ____ jrs I tn save the nation.” Of this, class ideal prospect of gain into the impru- ' The LondiriWimes 5th says* (ifli.'o uv Day toi», ()r< gon. ' and Tues-_ of the Austian calanH i o1’ Uien Oregon, Nevada, and Califon , denco of entering upon a larger farm the suddennoss i day, and in.Wc«t Virginia (so called) r..____________ pia now have a nlentifnl rirnrortv will enable pnnhln him to In plentiful snntilv. supply, than his property ! itits ._______________________ is too overpowering for any man j - nia * A P f '' ■ j ’ • •t'V| ) on the fourth Tuesday in October ; n..__ ---- - u ----- . l — — a.. ------ * ' ’ manage with the spirit necessary to .peculate upon the possiblo efinse- Here, as at home, they are the most to w ‘ Dill* ill lb I 1 Lb iiUUxJlb Louisania, on the first M«)ndey, in • i qtinces or destines of the Austrian | ent h mastic advocates of «negro suffrage. insure success- Truly did .Judge lJuel Dclewarc, Illini is, Kansas, Maryland, j L t . H EA1RR7E, ; : : : PRO. ; • There may be. and doubtless are, men say that “ large farms ore the enrse Massachusett, Michigan, Minnesota, r|''llLS HOTEL is U.-riail9 uut I.VLVUIJ ^UIIIVU VUC b MULUV, ------------------------- -------------------------- T7 but -- -------- ------------------- CT ( had be ter experience from tl«Veiling public. (inn:l J but a ftrategctical strategetieal advantage of c. the | brave and honorable men respect; draw such an expression.—-Oreyo« Tuesday, in Colorado on the seednd lighcd Lighc.-t imrrrtarcc. importatce. They hava hav9 con -&r * veteran soldier, .even though he 1 AgricHlturist^. , , , Tuesday, and io South Carolina, on . j . _ a _ i i * ___ x* * v - • - ____ T -n Fa p no n> v r " •L.tratrd eight corps of their army, was an enemy in the field, Is greater tho fourth *Mpnday ’oF”"*??ova«i»fler. .... —attentive hostb-Tx. TTK." -— — —— nnl and can pounce -down on the enemy ’ than that felt for a brawl mouthed r It is very well to blush whon you I There are no State election hel i in with miDverwhulming force, «11114 and have professor ol 4 patriotism whose base are detected in a mean act; but you nlLIi AHJ.7u.lJkl )* H>fillliU^ JvIvV^ HuW , I the months of January, Febtiajy, E. C. EE^rSHAW,---------- ? cut oil communication between the thej^"^ cowcrdisc 5“"' impels ""P'’1“ him k;”’ to ,n desert his had a greatdeai better blush when you » July, and December. | . • t 1 ’l Austrians aud »it the TV Federal army •_ in I nnunlrr country in in her linttv hour rti* of tvwv peril. think of committing it. a i __ -__ -_____ - — -W« ’ “i' * ■ " the west.- A reprobata was once asked when A dandy wishibgto be witty, accos­ A n E xtensive S ale . t -A good » AND The Prussian victories had a dee­ I ted a young bell man as follows : dying, if he had lived an upward and "S. €01 NSEI.OR AT LAW, AND SO­ I ded effect on financial and commercial j old lady recently mcoting a farmer in “ You take itll sorts of trumpery the street on a load of hay, inquired creditable life, “ well no,—not cxact- LICITOR IN; CHANCERY. affairs. There was a general improve­ -v _ _• r._ iu your cart, don’t you ?” urines *‘'ra *l w” f°r Ba^e‘ being {ly,” said he, “ but' then I must say- Lafayette. Oregon. ment in consol« and other securities u Yes; jump in, jutJp in-’’ ____ an?wcre(^ *n the affirmative, she asked 1 I’ve had a good time ” M ill practice in the District and Supreme in London stock exchange. ' There . him to turn his team.,around aud drive Courts of Oregon. was great buoyancy in the Liverpool I SAW HER BUT A MOMENT.—SH , Ip cork, the crier of the Court anx­ LjgF’Taxes I’ftid, Collections made, and : cotton markets, but ; a depression in to her husband’s barn-yard, souie quar wore a handsome crinoline ou-tho day ious to disperse the crowd around the Proceeds Promptly remitted. breadstuff«. On the Paris Bourse, h r of a mile distance. Her request bar/exclaimed. All ye blackguards when we first met, and she scudded - Rentes advanced one and a half, and wat complied with; and, after the that isn't lawyars, quit the court I like a schooner with a cloud of caiu* ’ barn-yard was reached, the old lady I Italian securities four per cent. Attachment Notice, vass set.- f Gen. Garibaldi, onthe 3d, attacked informed, the teamster that she only __Whcn do we begin to love people ? ST a TE OF oOuffin.; I As she swept along the pavement,' wanted afetf' cectp worth uf hay for ss. amhill , ( i 1 tho Austrians at Monteenola. The C ovstv ___ or Y Y am When they"Eegin~ to Tet usTook~iTfli»' with a grahdure fit to kill; I taw her j resistance, a hen's nest, and while be was throw­ their hearts, and their hearts are found but a moment, yet methinks I sec In Justice's Court, for the precinct' Austrians made a strong and tho volunteers finally fell track in ing it off, she would step into the to Be worth looking into. of Amity. hea still.' » . i ’ ----- — T. R. Harrison, i In Justice’s Court, good order. Gen. Garibaldi was bouse and get the change- The dri The wind was on a bender, anil aa ver was ungallent enough to cunm the vs. < Before R efutation 1 is a good deal like slightly wounded in the thigh. witch, it played the very dickens with F. Morgan. ( Tlios, Petigrew, The Prussians and Italian reply to old lady and her hens, and refused to a bonfire, you’ve got to keep piling on dust, dimity and Rich. The gaiters • a Justice of the peace in said County. < retail his hay. the shavings. If you don’t, tho flames was delioious, which her feet wa-i fhn nrnnntpd nrrnifitiAA lia«’ : To F. Morgan, the above named def’t. the proposed armistice has not yet will subdue, * « • made to fill—I saw her but a moment, , It appearing to the Court that you are transpired, but peace is regarded as S ome decendent af Solomon has a nonresident of this state, you are hereby virtually concluded. wisely remarked, that those who go to Hitcher says ’tis the horse not the methinks I see her still, Consuls closed at 78J(/<,78f for law ior damage# are sure to get them ! notified that a^writof attachment has She scooted around the corner, and vehicle that woaries . But we are been issued against you and your proerty money; bullion in the bank decreas- strenmins out behind, her criootTno A gentleman tho other cvenig objee sure that we have seen a wagon litre. attached to satisfy tiie demand ofT. R. ed 165,000 pounds ; sales of cotton, i and calico were romping in the wind’ Harrison against you, v amounting to tho 200,000 bales, closing firmer #nd ad- ] ted to playing cards with a lady, be­ It is better to be laughed at for not to have kept them in position would sum of sixty one and 18-loo dollars, ooin. vanctfing. cause he said she had such a winning 1 being married, than to be unable to have baffled twice the skill—I saw Now, unless you shall appear before the Veto of FreoAmon's Bureau Bill. | way about her. , laugh because you arc. bcr but a moment, yet methinks I see said Thomas Petigrew, a Justice of the Conversation is a very serious mat­ W ashington , July 16, The Pres­ , . peace in and for said County, at his offioe ident has vetoed the Freedmen’s Bu ter. There are men with whom an ’. Provoking, to dream that you have her still. , I shut my eyes trenumjus, for 1 on the ‘¿>tl’ day of August, 1866, at 2 o’ hour's talk would weaken more lotf of money and wake up and iiudtjiar % clok r. M of said day, judgment wjll be reau bill, recapitulating bis previous didn ’ t want to Nw t a displ.av of pretty you are only an editor. . rendered against you, and your property objections. Stating that the present than a day’s fasting. ... ankles whcn*it wasn’t meant for me; Bureau would, anyway, continue until • jsold to pay the debt and oost Th,o man who undertook to . blast Always be as witty M you can with I and until I loose my aenses, I am su*»' __ —. TbixAuir 7, 1866 T. Ii. HARRISON ih Mtcr the next session. Mr. Elliott fij8 neighbor's your parting bow—your last speech is ' I never will—I saw her but'ft moment- no24nw ’ - FTtff. moved to postpone the question ÖDThf «hort a the one remeiibeleiL ‘ —yet methinks I rcc her ydk ■ - L:.fv . ' STABIJNi;. ATTORNEY G