■■I /. 1 • r 1 • ' -< ■ |Z . • ’ • ' * A U V - - n. ' ' - v' - . i . ■ -. > . J ■ \.r ■ ■ - * Vf - ■■ i ' ■ ’ 1. ' / 1, '-J-'..— ", X* .- v; \ .'it 1 X*’ ■— ---------- ‘V ' ‘ ■ the result of my^ijnproved inode of treas Dr. J. II. JoMMclyn ting qiseasc without medicine. • IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Aug. 27, 1865. G- M? pourne, MWtzHMá- TT.krrr ? Electricity aa a Curative AGent. Water L’urtr-Plipictai), No. 10, Mwonic ‘ fc'inf hr,-Pont sweet. V \ IVIIIK IT WAS PKOMCI.GATEtl t '.r TV By Ote Director# of the E lïctho -4- ¿JÜ r r -r year ending July 1st We < **-7 SacramunU», bai iauicnto, April .Apt I Ht), •>'►, leu 18h5. >. r a i irt<*I4rri i i ts , that disease could ba I ir-. i-i io Dr. G. M. Bm uvr-Qn 'ear Sir:—It is entirety*ci4 not look deeply PURIEJINGYhe I EX I NG The 1 Blood. Streng thsmug CED ! cially whurcjihv« m a pupe< ?ubU»l,|- the Ni l<£*cs, Rctdatàng the Just Appetite, buck upon what 1 .have passed througli, into caudle and tflccf scouted the asser­ 14/A i*r rt *? • Î "t it sectiles if I was lifted from the grave, tion '*• h. I MML — . . > •agfnrrsr un as cRijiiericeLaull chi.mericeluLllll.wro , wrote long article» article* ed. atuHthink it my duty to ackm>wltd-e to re ’niete with soi»hSt^ ddfflW.that -only FRESTS HAMBURG ££A. It hns heretofore beeu thef practice yoa nfid tlie vvor’A thebenefit F ¡3S:i# êfi tlm ' stjOt system could the of tbeXHerfc of YamKilT CbuhfJ to rFtTWOesf pfciervatlve «gainst «TmbaE GAL Rüfe from wuter treatment ns a L frOTM ' of her6s truly, U can to given safely to in iu the Oregon Statesman. T^,u,/:oL faiits. Full directions in English, French August, 1864 when disease developed those interested* lema- I Q lío. 12Ô Front Street, . »tun« of the CovttVB are at his ae«* SpInHh aSd’Ddnnan, with every pack- itself with a severe cough. I then took cy of the old systetn of on? poilon to cure tine for that purpose now. ; . another. AR Of the empyrics joine^^in .nnv- 1'nl • ' .Wyi I M- ; 4 Onpoiite Ri*hat ChHr Mouse. Portland’ 'medicines, gelt mg worsv, with chills, fe* age. TRY IT.' vets, loss of strength, nnd was pronounced tho chorus, and in their ignorance laugh* - , . The tax payers, we'are sure, would age.. For stl« at all the wholesale and rçtail ■«M h 4- consumptive. Tliis set me to thinking, ed'at the new syhtem,’ circulating base be profited by suol publication, as - V drug stores and groaçrtos, anil 1 finally determined ba leave tny busi­ stories of ft» ill success, and quoting imag they Would be enabled to seq, just FT AVE jvat feogived, and are constant- ness go ,to the "Sami wiclfl sllfrtts, having RM IL FREJfE. Wholesa^ Drdfcgist, XX I k receiving the largest an? best se­ beeti' informed that I could not be cured inarj cases as proofs. - Time bail demon­ what disposition is being-made of tbeir strate^. their dishoncity. At <-r five yearA lected ateck of GENERAL MERCHAN­ Sole Agent, 410 Clay «treet, mouey. And particularly it it state here. I went to Sau- ürancis^o, und of uripit^riMit^ jíuux ' ss the Electrof^athic that iueb exposition should be made, San Francisco DISE ever brought to thia market, con* while waiting fur a ship, called upon Dr. system^ tneTending idea in mcdicaf jur­ Wing trf Bourne, who stated that a trip to tho Is% isprudence, \fchilb by ijie <^’d system, phya upon th? retirerhent of the oTd Cotfu: - —............. ■' ■ „,l^— U WW. --- ------- - . / A ■ „ ’ lands would probably result disastrously,, icians were content to cuiji ooa. in every ty officer«, apd installaton jof thè new DRY GOODS, . f ' RFtIGIOUS NOTICES. was unnccssary l as 1 could be spetolily five cases, there wcie^jt^M wlu> i*ere div onte, as in the pfeaent case, #r cured at his his establishment. I placed ing deep .into the science of the 'c.urativ« E; nan S. L', A dams conducts religion* y **""*’'"'II?.T ^J T' < * ., A othing ,- myself under his tie ament, and in one ai t; Rnong tlíese were tho Electroj^thists ; services t# fliw* Church in Eafayetta, on Demacratic Mass DSactiag! week was so rnuph Improved I thought 1 finally, as discovered that the failure in . ’ _ A meeting cf the Democracy of the first SibbAtij of y^ch month, at 11 Xe« ... thought I could risk returning home and m ost of the cg¿ys of organic diacaiw, wi« BOOTS AND SHOES, ofelock a . u. *Polk and adjoining Co’« will be E ugv i i av r w CheL'vntnd C7...V.J en tiri Ty J..« due ... to the ...v machine Takiug this - Key. N.“*A. ?TAR»C p»;ei large sU>ck of % ncyer to take medicine again, couHiiitted ced as to slMiw a destruction of tho vital vins trrvjcu iu Lafayette, on.3rd Sabbath will.be had. that folly,* and sond aslo that «deut partnrj in San Francisco, and buy­ er to return—lit fact, Fthy thia svst-4K hut the directors oo the Thursday bcibra the 'fourth MEW FVRMITVRE! '■stablishincnt (Feb. 14' 18»>5) I was not would take this opportunity to inform in­ goods AS entAP AS AKV BOVSK M^OWX. ■ Sunday in this month. -I lnrefore we would r««pQitfully .invite r>T cisc* tin- EMALE TROUBLES, where . k . ChcerW'U’w. Beriy deceased, late of Yamhill County, T hto i«ttiw~t~c«Tit« fiW tl» R bei»tfil 7>t -*U- r-rerxsary tn a ------- -------------- 9........ t nN SAL E S ' EVERY T HURSDÍ T a;; iT nK’srherTavëôüFfor Tibial settlement t i AVtTT W» giiarantee cutir« aati-factiof». or no thc afili the.LafaVette ’’I'^Hk undersigned liavi-g rweived ertred in a lew daysDr vrtNkft* *l'ht cq M, (1ili.|FH prbvhiu/tf.fK to. r.o. Û4 4w « ■S an F ka >» i .* c «>. Augu*t 22, 1805. too, is not so gi <*a( is by (TiJ^d systetn, • Mw«7 • - a - - • *’J, TV. ,Ct)WLS, J A?OB UNDERHILL A CH., Advi-itd by tho -uhdcrwgnéd, XI r. Jas. besides the saving of time, -wjbnnected ........ - - > .k- . . J Ct û:dv Judgh> LaTgo Oensignments yf. Gampheìl, <>f th» « AJ entral pacifte Rai! wTthathis system is the rimowriciT * » . ' . ' - : iMrÔRTnsp or T Koad, (libo watt Ihen in a uwnt deplora­ Fietro-^lagiietic Baths, DE WARNED, Ì- Hdrtlware, Iron, Steel, nte state of HI In aiti.) placed hiingidf un­ than wlih li |li rc is no more powtifful aux FURNITURE, * ’ *-■ ~~ ft Amanda Fryer, lint it g ! der thè < are of Or. Bourrre Ihe Walc^. 'h'iy,iu.lhc .i.-_ w aiuLXu 11 -«•—•. the- i a - ‘¡< at cure td - My wife Smith» B.4h>w.«. Anvils-Vises. j»sca«se. Thcrt^ r...... "' sï'-..:- ’m the more aftcrward he vi~;t« H tm.s i‘.ty, WTTcr'f Stale nfieçe The i eefropathic sysìèm fa' ING,' - _ ’ 11 «»•d-AVsalirrs. ThinJJfiLSkt in*, 4 tally-aaaX. lùm at Uc.. lìouau e’ a » a r pr a rt i rc i'l, 4 , c. v A -TTfrat tho _ tfx>4^il.» ftt the ._ __ <. Cmiibji fsn I C.ial, Haviryg Too’c, xds I will neither pay any debts ity. manufacturers of the celebrated J «a layette. July 7, 1SGG sibli^ prevent the ui|,wm:y,from failing in-..; ' * DjhBIN I1ORSE NAILS-. ' F. J. ,Vryer Dr. Bourne treats all ifweasi’k. <1 the to the dens’* of robbery J (yolept qnaclt . SHADES/ throat, yhest and luugs—w hich includes doctors traj s), and berC.dter the «cietifle Í- - ■ J ACOB-UNDERHILL A COV diphtheria, bronchitis, incipient, consnmp- origjnatbrs of this Institute will not be to ' 100 Front street, Portland. CRÖCKERY^, iion, pleurisy, croup,. Ac,—with greatest hlatne If the afilictcJ are robped of tb.eii • iiccesC Great relief is afforded in ad- money, anil injured in constitution. j-anced stages of Consumption. Rheuma­ gla ^ swarf : L amps , Ì c > A c , Attachment Motiec. There is also another view of the »IfaiY. tism, parlykis’ neuralgia, fever and ague, The rising generation shoOld be reared SI’ a IE OF OKEGf ntrOKTERR AND DBALEHS ï< dropsy, etc, etc, arc also cure quickly, with strong cqnstipition, and the direc* **. 4’ ountt of Y amihli t Crockery, Eamps, Oils pleasantly and economically. No medi­ tors wish to amuse their gunnlians to a * In Justice s Court, lor the rrccinct cine whatever. • proper sence of their duties in their prem ~ of Amity. .. GLASS, CHINA, AND PLATEO ksc «, if possible to pre Vw.t thc.il from T. R. Harrison, ( In Jutdicca Court, <■.'■ WARE. OfTFF? C40u£7sn&4iAFÎ7 Alcohol, etc. A said Thomas l’etigrew, n Ju-diceofthe and other papers, and have been asked permanant cure, or ask No Pay for ser- ¿ JMI’ORTS A »D DEALS IN peace in and for said County,tit his office sever al times concerning.it,„and whether vicos, \Hicii in lito imht'ncnt it is within 92 F ront S îkeet , P ortla N d , and it is correct, and I say I can volicliibr its jlV bobhdadfMir^ " ‘ on the 25tb day pf August, 186(k,’ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET clok p. m . of said day, judgment will be contents, add more if required, as can a no22 414 Front st,,8an Francisco. u f> .. < (V\ihpfQN *■’ • MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, STRINGS, rendered against yon, and your property great many others who knew mo at the * I^ersohs «eckijí'^1lb/r!fó^<*í¡jtlnc Tn- time. I remain your-frien4>^e a » awhiHgtOM Street. IfauHin 1 'ablnct PUBLIC' MHOOL 5EW F‘"fhftftw sièv**nrttveen Kearny-and Mon* M sied his relapse into hi» fariner cooditon, y To The Sick. The beat instrument of tho kind in the nn rctutmr.g tohmdotiee, of the writef of world. Also, Agent for Stain tray 4 Son’s [coMMl’MiATED.] celebrated . „ - Aii interesting Letter?’ whftsr rtate- * ltê«ideirt*lfjraciM>. Prof. A. F. FOR BE» will eom- Gold Medal Pt&tlo Forte. An Intcrening Lntter. merit* concern-ng the cure of a wrl! ttrfi- on Wo ñl^n.l**MMfl »hÍ4e*WYfflkkJ „ ? menc thotffeoond term of the Lmfa/- These qjs(,rumenta.jisrp elicited the Vn-y fihy Demons,' even |Pnong nliysi- wd cast of Consuwiptioj havw j*cepnt\v leave the Nlfcfe4tM fW'l-AM'tTc'lcith tice public' H ¿It fr g bftfiF The JJb lierons •tte Public School kr Lafayette, xin highest tjoromend*lien from the musical cians, woula have been williog; ynon attracted tomncl- irttcnthnrtWnhe’ Vfitrtr ’cntmtlaM^mk fffoWSMéH K it. Th.» i Monday the 13th day of July 1RG6 profession, and nave received the yrritten any terms to have been i » in the èc'.irif riions tau*ì*nd con- the wri... writer of Cur^, as improved upon and practiced by rccodT toioèts He has ample facilities for the accom * .teRtHpoay of 4h* most amment muakians ionilion •iiKtfrnb1 IbâRFlMÿ* !wfF*àmmiut of Dr. Bourne. This sddjtiqp.u*aaptpuuy of the United Sfete^aa ta4bcj^upyior- of the following letter on the 14th* of Feb* odation of 80 Scholar«. - ,-J àfftrifli?folié**,* •*’’ w; 1 - and aolume lolti'uo me#hat uiuft prr of ttfhe, capacity Tor ef■res^iO'h.'ijnK'Knc.ss or in that proportion for Schollrs com- of actidh, durablfity fmi quality of keep« ms report of ah« facta by - saying that on Bourne usc^lK nreffieiite 4vliatcvcj, and Physician, by letter ivnci* cnn «l<» »i with th« the I5tb of Aognat last, he imute mot vis • ♦ (Mik (MticrU-s *ltU9kl Jinrh cs^il^.t^hue^rko | l^ frb>t 4onff i|t t1t 1 W^ __ 18«^ Alk Atera mufi| b« menoeingjtqy tirtti dtlrlng the term. ing in ttfhe. it, “ thp very pigtura of good b««!^ ” -‘ il ah have lailcp ^e-rcceiu: roheffrom ¿Jia-necds •blil WHWfolamlF WüE • • ___ 5 rilasci WN, M 5 . A iMducfton wilt be Mbde frbm th« rvFcr i’<'’Trn’M» «NT>|kRawrrv rrfti Time, whi'-h tries and proven all *»' things ~inmiMr ".»« - -rwvar-a-wi-w 'ah PWfWciaco^M ’al. AU ical practitioners; yfrt they a«c,£|^red with P 1, Bbt* TWfl^Fah Pb« »bore figures to be governea by the nas Btifficnniy tested this c.iac, ,, and si: , liowu -Cor. First hnd'Äer to great rapidity, and in a pleasant and agree littér» w® b^viditroycd or rrtutned. as that neither relapses nor collapses colhnses having ha --------------- ..'hpsctfnor amount appropriate common ollowed, tho cure is perfect, andean be able manner. No. 10 Masonic Tcuiple, dosired by ih« Wr.tCr tìfica houralror» •chool purposes n