. i 1 —"W mi 1 4____---------------- - U.-XUMW'-WA*-WL republicans who witnessed thur^K, J H8 u vindiciitiuu ’’ whiefi1 r ^ The Oclehratieu at McMiniwrilla. .. - - ------------------------ , . . . - ------------ eeedings. The p ’ dl books are said Tb. celebralioo of tEe SWA Aoiver- • -¡ cesterviui , Jvrt 1.1, ÌM6. I is said io be prepared and ready for - .. kr-T.- to have beco shamelessly mutilated •the press Wc think it extremely ’ sary of American Independence at- Friend Vplon: by erasures and insertions after the __ dSffbTftiHviretber - Ben Butler ever 'McMinnville on Welnesday last is Lest some of your Republican prepared or seriously thought of pre- given up by all to have been a grand friends might thiuk us dead again, I election was passed. Wc believe those i.„ r i . • . .k t aiTtlg a “ vindication.” The proofs affair. Owing to a press of work con- 'would just w drop a lipe-that they things were confessed in open Court. JIM L ane ,*long notorious to the 1 • upon our ink wholy country, and a terror to hon-4oDcowaraicc, leshpr visness at 1 fe’ >u- ■ . sequent _ - «.. roller . '• vanisb- may see wc-still live and move and Collins, .one of the defeated candidates for Representative, made u survey un­ cst people^ evorywhere, recently* put.'ious conduct while in the ostensible . >Dg ¡0 thin air,” it was out of our pow- iiavewour being. Well, the election is der oath and attempted to survey Dem an end to his own unprofitable exis-[aervicu of the __ government, are too : cr er to bo pre*, nt as w* had ; Ti intended oo present we .uw over, the smoke of battlo haa plared ire overwhelming for him to attempt a ! to have I . ' i I ■ ■/ ¿iu»® ocratj out oMhc precinct in which ’ to n cc by sh od t i h g tn disetf th rough dhe~ y wc are away and we may glance aroiInd;Mj I J ? -they had voted, then made a 6ccood 4 •»-■A- refut'atiou of the charges laid to his ac-/unable to I -r/ adc js v ’ ; when Io! what an elongated appear, ■ lings' of* t the , . r . . survey of the sain'J lines, iuvolviug a i a report of the p/u - dings*'o'. M r II W, C orbett , of Portland, couut by Gen.-Grant. Genz Grant: V > * •** , ' auce the pbysiogsof our opponen ts JV different report, and swore to that al­ day as the imp.ortaueu of the occubion n w lins charge of the daily line of .V J aw B reaker —There is an or­ present. You can see them on the so; still surveying said Democrat*out, stages frogi Portland, Oregon, to Lin- ganization tn Portland known as T he would seem to demand. btreetcorner iu private confab, afid however) Wo are satisfied that Eugene A. Crouin. esq instead of , "-culo Cal. .It is said that be has re H onor i fic a riiatu da n i t ati bu squ e occasionally glanccing over the Orego­ i Judge Boise’s decisiou will admiuis. dueed the fair on the line very mate- -S ociety ^ on " ^ av * d * as » ora ’ nian s'eeking comfort, but in vain. \t,k,‘Jid c“°rt T he O regonian , says that whilst uamen unJ-ooe 1 deucy ol’ our lata enthusiasiio oppo- jects of scorn and contempt the re-' 9" a number of courtesans were bathing that single name. W. rcrcnllv callod AH wl"‘ "hom we ba,e uents ?__ Where is tbt former cry of I mainder of their natural lives. in the river, one. of them was to our aid all the force at out com-■ the sul jeei speak t»f -the oration in the Democracy is dead?” Why I terms of highest commendation. drowned. * mand to artist in pronouncing it, but ! Jv we hot Lear from them the boom- A ccident on the evening of the '• •’ * ■ . ■ r , • , • * _ ___ _ _______ . w <»4 ■ The Declaration was read by Dr. i F ourth —P remature (?) E xplo ­ r ---- . * for want of a • few mere V- China-' [ng oT cannon ami the shouts of vic­ T he W alla W alla S tatesman . . failed ....... ....... V —............ ; ■- . — » • ; Johnson, The dinner is said to have sion of a “ L and T orpedo . tory? Ah', th 3 reason is obvious— ? yt Iliat parties possessing the requi- men. been uoobjcctiouuble in point of quau- i Mr Radical has bo heart "to rejoice, On the eve. ofthe 4th, a number of gon- . . if.itil have embarked in the en- , Hoy. D avid L ogan did not deliv tity and quality^. Regular and vol- ’•ftrhiTEEie» in the treur future hie eiF" tletnen of the town concludecFtu am use ~ 'at er tire oration at McMinnville on unicer toasts were,road and responded evitable death. The great aud over- themselves by firing a salute uf la few Walla Walla to, and tbj.wecasiou was emphatically Wedn’a * considerable dread is gener- uf - .erak Krud '^Mi^prty Trp o n ^hc Till a moot maTTTi ave's iTiuy e tte pTrscvere"uti t!T~thclr 1 ndependeneo is other matters in this epistle, I wHT[ aocounts. His brother Lewis offers a the late w^l0,u devolves the touching off pro­ < ... .... Acknowledged. lie Says they mean say no-more at present of i at 1 o’clok on Tuesday and returns on reward'of two hundred dollars for his cess. Oo this occasion, Dr. Dillon pro Saturday of each week, while “the fight, and wiH not be deterred from struggle.’^ " Tl>e fourth is near at recovery or that of his body .incase Gra d Round mail arrives andjieparta their purpose of hewing out for them- i band, and ennrider tbie preparations ceeded, lighted taper in hand, to put are in progress iit this place for duly timeclf astride tho eruptivs nrjji'^ai* L- onçç .a ®pjgk, on Tuesday. also. The selves a country and a namo. ' 4 I _____ __________ _ _ _ I __ W e have accounts to the effect that celebrating that memorable day. There .iviihont the slightest misgiving nr hes- Kv.rth* F4 ,.. .. :------------ 1..-^ --------- Wo«ld not Yamhill County do well this state. This will be under the UP; lo ttkiN tops to direct as much of it As » general tbirgritr this part wc*- —sonieUmcs tbrea copies -at a single But seriously speaking, the ductor ■! stiperri-in. -. . of P. >?.' Hughs' mailw.vTbe Puget Sound Weekly and j are told rhe tai ly apples failed, ^,h^ r ^ «•caped nobly t« get out of it par ­ th^^sy as may be"? 'J ' **j'l'«*'*' r-7’V ’**'’* -Jv., . whose- we 111+uoVu -M*; -oi<• n 4tt thJ Of other apples and j ’ka Union are quite as intermittent present season. ’wTIKW ab I’ONAnoE. the murderer of respect needs no cclnnient. 1 be o*ra- tially denuded. Jiis face badly powder-" • . • _ A 1 _ * — • I • . pears there will be an abundent crop. *n their arrival. tion is to be delivered by Judge • burnt, and a?finger aud-thumb ¡fractur- Ferd Patterson has broke Jiff and is ; Some variatiws oFplunis look pvornis- No furthe. sr ri a most prjsporo« country can, through icept our thanks ft» a.generous supply Francisco snortLy by M r. Henr - - • - » ' Lafayette to Tillamook returned from a __ _ , • . . -rtr«. i .ar“ condition, And arc doing a noble w >rk an election , infuse mùro brainy into ofTâte San Francisco and States pa Langley, and containing the names, that bi le on Sat. last,- and reported pers' a-nd Magazines. Mr B. keeps business, and address, of all merchants, in thfé'cause of temperance. There are j the Ir.iii in very fair condition—much “ the concern. manufacturers, aná professional men, several other l »dges i n this -ccnnty, * ; bv-t: o rii in 'he had calculated to find M r ..W aite has retired from the a large assortment of standard and and from present indications, the drum it. He/ày» a good wagon road can Agriculturist & Plowmam, and that miscellaneous bocks constantly on - in the State of California, Oregon, welling and dram drinking bu.dness- hand. All the leading newspapers and Navada, and the Territories of ! be nuwje across these mountain», and splendid Agricultural publication is arc both nearly 'played out.” • and periodicals of the country constant ­ Washington, Idaho, and Montana. being conducted by Mr A. C. Sewatka. I that quite a force is now employed Rev. McAlister with several, other Also lists of the Commercial, Agricul­ ly kept and for sale cheap. with th:u cuilin view. A Mr Harris T he R epublican papers continue tural,' Manufacturing, Mining, Pe­ Nazarene preachers has been holding ha’ i chfirter for a toll roal across I W heat , both fall and spring looks to publish the story of the flag being troleum, Railroad, Telegraph, Bank­ a camp meeting three miles from this, I the ’nouritain, to the TiUaumtok. ride, ™ hurried at Bethany, Geniry, County, well ia every ic> f. ity we have been. ing and Insurance Companies, in op­ town. 'They had quite a number /.<•! and wiil push the work a» fast as Tenn. No better evidence could be If nothing bcfaiH it between this and eration at the present time in the á- convert,. ! . is means will admit. ' - K- desired that this and all similar stories I harvest tiuu an extraordinary good I have heard it frequently remark­ bove States.and Territories; to which ed that there has been more tain in ’ are false than tbs fact, patent to all crop will 2r«et the eickle. So-s‘rnng i- the Reling in Nova • will be added such other items of in­ that this one is, for the retuon that 8ctrtia .nfeò. ration ~Wtlh>~thro< The. Wiliam tte valley this season; 1 1» .«! , ngains' J ustices «f the Peace and Consta­ formation as will render the work a tUe n lllam“tte ”*Hejr tnis ad a, C at some of the members of the there is no such place as . Bethany, bles would rd to - - - San Francisco Directory, State Reg­ the yield of wheat in this county will The Japanese say, “ tfic’ tongu I orent notions on this point. land, 50 acres of which » to undter cul others desirous of fitting themnelvce Th'ey will not have forgotten their from Dallas yesterday to attend the tiration,. He also has the best stand for T he W. W. Statesman has a re­ luck after going into the Democratic special term of the Dist Court now in a trading point and tavern anywhere, on port that Fort Benten has been cap­ for business pursuits would do well the Portland Road. For particulars, call to patronize this itstilnlion. The party for a Vice President, or->s Brick session here we learn that Judge Boise on the propritor, on the premises- tured by Indians. - ’ M. I8ELEY ~ Pomroy says, for a horee to hitoh has not rendered his decision yet on TnE M ountaineer reports the forms arc liberal, ana » person can in a short time become perfect in Com­ alongside of their mule. Gen. Grant the Polk County contested election arrival from Canyon City recently of mercial calculations by attending this ia a De mccrAt and in hcr.est man, cates. All the defeated candidates The New York Day-Book Col.- Kelly, looking well. School. There is a paper iss ued from hcnco the republican party want noth­ contested in that county which made THE BEST T he S entinel in a very pertinent it peculiarly interesting. Judge Hay ­ ing to do with him. Then again i| the establishment called the “ Pacific emocratic weekly in A mer ­ article recommends that farmers place ica , can bo had as follows, cash io College Review/’ which will be sent ie brazen effrontry for the Sentinel to den is positive that^when Boise,a de­ more value upon patent office reports • advance: ».• <*.• cision is rendered «very Democratic to any one gratis who desires to be in­ pretend to endorse Grant while it en­ One copy one year, - - • $2 OB’ —those especially oh Agriculture. * i 50 formed of the workings Ac of the Col­ dorses the infamous Congress that now condidatc in the County will be elec­ Three copies one year, • Iw a H orn .—The Radical press ted, while Mr. Sullivan, we are inform Five copies one year, and ono te the disgraces the nation. Gen) Grant lege. _______ getter up of the elwb, • • 10 00 is giving extensive circulation to a ed, thinks that no changes will be endortet Pt-eeidenl Johnton Ten copies one year, and one to Low W ater ,—The Yamhill has report to the effect that harmonious made., the getter up of tho club The beat education a man receives vehtions will ere long be established ! fallen so much that, the Boat will pro­ Additional copies, A mass of perfideoas corruption bably not be able to get higher up in his life he gets just before be dies, Twenty copies one year, - between Gen. Grant and Beast Butler- • than Dsyton during the remninder of and it mostly consists io forgetting was exposed on thia trial that ^aaton* VAN EVRIE, HORTON 4 CO. ; —U hi I the latter will now withoM from | ifie- dry season. ' what he had leanfed • ished Evetf tho most xbaudwnpd the 162 Nassau street. New York. THECOGRIER w T5* t r 1« .1« ■ D