LAFAYETTE, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1866. VOL. I NO. 24. ■ States, and for the organization of the Telegraphic. ANT idot ^ for P rison .—If arcen- John Grigg was the founder of the ic (ratsbane) is taken, swallow the Territories of Selkirk, Katchihewan publishing house of Grigg Elliot & Co. white of an egg. If acid poison is ta­ [COMPILED FROM TÍIE PORTLAND DAILIES.]»» and Columbia, , ISSUED EVERY TCESDAY, by -proclaimation Hq began life an orphan boy, and ac- ___ AT. of the President whenever no­ T_. aquafortis, ___ ,__ r uric acid ken, 4_____ such as sulpb ‘ cumulated a large fortune. These are prussic acid, etc., swallow soda water Suicide of Bon. J. H, Lano, of tice shaH be deposited in the Depart­ -X.AFAYETTE, Kansas. i h.ia rules;__ 7 a»d econ. »aleratus and water, or any alkali. YAMHILL— m’MY , .XHUOiOJL- L eavenworvh , July 2.—Senator ment of State. That the government omical; waste neither time nor money Salt and mustard taken io warm wa­ James H. Lane shot himself through of Great Britian and * the provinces BY in small aud useless pleasure andindul ter will vomit immediately. the head last evening in this city, and have accepted propositions made in J. H. UPTON. gence, 2. To industry and economy died to-day..... He had been unwell for the second section, which are to assume , E xcellent V inegar can be madb EDITOR AND PUBLISHED. add self reliance. Do not take too some weeks, and attempted Buicide at the provincial debt, inciuling the pay­ without any cost at all, by simply put« ■ j.i much advice. The business man must ’ the Lindell Hotel in St. Louis last ment of ten million dollars to the ting your apjfle peelings into a large I TfcRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. keep at tbe- helm and steer his own •J •tone jar, and filling it up with water. week. He prriVed here Saturday, Hudson Bay Company. *b¡P-—In early life every one should . O ik C»py-tW--Yter,- and., while . driving out .jsith some O- e <\»py Six Months, 1 50, be taught to think for himself. 8. After letting it quietly stand itr some friends he got out of the wagon to moderately warm place foi^about four A B ad E gg .—In every c»»un RATES OF ADVERTISING. Remember that punctuality is the weeks (always putting in the apple­ open a gate, when he allot himself as Oregon, with the exceptionof One Square, 12 Lincs or less, one Tn-* uk tin r of confidence? Be " ; frank. peelings ufevery day) you will find stated. ton, George L. Woods, the Union” ftertion, . . . *, Say what you mean-. Do what you that ybu have a good ; îine'gaj wh ich N ew Y ork , June 30,—‘The contin caadidate for Governor, ran behind For each subsequent insertion, , say. 4. Accustom yourself to think does not cost you one cent. A liberal deduction will be ued ill health of Gen Hooker has de­ hia ticket. That George is a bad vigorously. Mental capital, like pc. U Quarterly, Yearly and half JtVarly Advcr- cuniary, to be worth anything, must cided the W ar Department to relieve egg,— Daily Herald. — Row to S top B lood —Take the liseuients'. him of his command at New ¿Fork be well invested—must be rightly qff. fl tje dust of teas, or 4he scraping, of, H otri, Nfcd¡cari an D rowned .—A little boy, son of justed and applied.” J -the inside of tanned leather, and bind and glveYim long leave of absence. -'berznuttm; Gen. John Pope will be his successor tlr, W. P. Chesher, and ;iome three Jyhn Freedley’s never-varying mot- i it close upon tit*- wound, and the in command and Gen. Hancock will years old, was drowned in the Walla , blood .will soon cease to flow. These COUJNT^OFTICIAL DIRECTORY. to was succeed Gen. Pope in the West, while Walla river, June 22d. under tho fol­ arides are at all ti tups accessible and Judge, J. \V. Cowles; Commissiohcrs, “ It is a.mistaken notion, ” he writes, i Gen. Scholield, lately returned from lowing ciYcutustancHs : Mr. Chesher S. IMitcher, Henry Hewitt; Sheriff, L. L. “ that capitai is necessary to success i easy to be o)itam£(L After, the blood | Europe, takes Geo. Hancock s place had just cr w it tt*A11 l. l npz.t'.nV.l i te reliance except upon their own beads ' T o .'JM' are C heap C offer —As it across the stream on afoot log, and ;ind hands. But, to enable any new seems customary to give any uaefihl had fallen in. The water running W ashington , June 30. — In the beginner to succeed, he must Hot be information I send the following. Very rapidly at this point, the current Mr. Wilson insisted (on an -Senate, driven from bis oourse by trifling ack Take two quarts wheat" bran, one- amendment, to the* Freedmen's Bur- swept the ¿child below. Th< b»'.v fill. A, G. PHILLIPS} SURGEON-'- verse gales. He must fit himself for cup mulshes, one cup water and one the calling he atiopts, *ftud pur­ I egg well, beaten, mix thoroughly, can bill, and agreed to tbe committee was found lodged upon a swwz, »ever- thu foot I.'?«» -—Brof oil of hrven 1er. IN bo - * _ .' * {•ownettr— Liî;y ; ♦ ^rr,- ■ . ■ when the punishment was inflicted, it t. To C ure a F klon .—As soou an Oregon to aid in the constiti raction of and was sentenced to six years in the E. C. BitASSBAWj tdicted nothing but sighs and groan*. the parts begin to swell, wrap the! a. military road from Albany,.Oregon, penitentiary—three yews for each which told bitt loo plainly that the part affected with a cloth thoroughly to the Russian boundary, also passed offcDce.— Review. little sufferer wm vainly endeavoring saturated with the tincture of lobelia, with amendments. AND to speiiU AH who were present uni­ and the fehjn Is dead. An old physi-' The Senate bill granting aid for - A T ravelling V illain .— Wo arc co U n ^ elor at l XWT an d fo ted in this opinion—that it was rm- clan says he has known it to cure in the construeLion of a railroad and tel- iuformed by Messrs Case and Swain, •' LICITOTI IN CIIANCERY. * 1 !possiblc for the child to speak to his scores of oases, and it never fails if egraph 'from Folsom to Placerville, of French paririe, that a certain Paul Headrick, with half a dozen aliases, lather : and time proved their opinion • «¡.plied in season. Lalàycttc, Oregon. California. to be correct. Ata nurture age its i is perambulating the 'country, selling W ili pruetice in thè Distiict and Sn'prtm.c — i Mr. Ashley of Ohio, reported a “ love powders,” which, upon exam­ “ Ah I here you are, iny good fel-- • Cou-tsof Oregon,-. > **-*TfTorts lo converse witli its parcntd ! . eri ax»’S Paid, Oi'lftcìiops rnadc, and ; could only produce thè niost bitter i low; how d’ye do? Upon my honor, bill creating the Territory of Lincoln, ination by Mr. Clark, the Druggist, which was ordered printed. pHH'ccds Prwmptly rcijiìttid prove to be a composition of Morphine sighs and groans. A similar ci-e, it does mv heart good to see you onco Mr. Conness owhere in the deuce duced a bill to aid in the construction ■‘—Statesman. ; of,a canal in California. tire State of Oregon for the . county of and although he rarely conversodijrith is the advantage?” The resolution offered/m tjie 4th Yamhill, and answer tho complaint of said his ass iciates about other matters, im­ P er C entage .—Mistakes arc often A N egro ’ s P roposition .—A ne­ plaintiff in this cause filed against you, ^f June, by Mr. Clark, of Ohio, de­ made by persons in calculating per mediately becamo silent when asked gro makes the singular proposition in within ten days from the date of the ser­ claring the Fenians entitled to belig- centage. If a merchant marks his vice of this writ upon you, if served in this the reason why ho did not speak a Pensylvania paper, that he will raise7 crant rights, was taken up and rejec­ good» for sale at 50 per cent advance, county, and within twenty days if served to his father. We never learned that fifty thousand dollars among colored ted without debate. and 33fj per cent, be afterward de­ within any other county, and if you fail tho parents of this man had any diffi­ men for the Fenien came, provided The axpulsion and the minority ducted from the prioe, he sella at cost, - to answer, th* plaintiff will apply to said culty before his birth as that alluded the Fenians will do alhin their power reports, signed by Messrs, Raymond court for tho relief in said attion Reman­ to above. because 33H er cent, of $1 50 is ex­ - _ . -s: to dispel tbe Irish prejudice against and Hogan, recomending a reprimand actly 50 cents, the profits marked on ded. - Frank Lesli» s Weekly.' " the blacks, and go in for their, rignt for both. The reports censures Mr. one dollar. If he sells goods at 25 u. s. I. n. S. HURLBURT, to vote. 50c. Plffs. Atty. GrineU strongly for-his intemperate per cent, above cwt, and deducts 5 Published by order of R. P. Boise moved language. No. action was taken on per cent, from the bill fot. cash, his H ard W ater ,—A little camphor- - A man oot West says h District Judge 8d Judicial District placed in hard water will sofen it, and so often during one year, that when­ tho subject. profits are not 20 per cent. Witness my hand, and the seal of mk ever a covered wagon stopped at bi » prove delightfully refreshing as well. Mr.?Banks introduced a bill estab as some persons suppose » • Court. affixed at Lafayette, in sai 1 on their fishing cond« for the admission first sight, but only 18} per cent. u *■ county, ».his 8th day of June, A River water is considerably softened gate, bis chickens would by boiling and exposure to ntmo«- backs, and hold up their feet, in or- of Nova $cotia, N, B.^JJanada East___ D 1866 dwr to be tied and thrown in pberic influence, Jun* 12-6w S. O. ADAMS, Clerk. -awl Canada Wise tDto the Unioa as through mistakes in per eentife