LAFAYETTE, OREGON, TUESDAY,' THECOURIER NO. 23. Suicide ef aw Editor. is exhausted and mv heart is sick of T he A rmies or E ubopk .—“War life, I believe it well /or me to go home. and rumors of war” are constantly From the St Louis Democrat, May 14. „ ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY, J. M. Dixon, Esq., of the Iowa pronounced in the Old World, and al! I am not afraid to die. God hate About a week ago Dr. B. L. Seago, mercy on my soul. ... AT Louis. State Register, gets off the following the powers seem to be making ready, assistant editor of the Atlanta Era, ar­ L APAT ETTE, numb-skulls whofWe aPP«nd herewith the strei mgth of The fifth paper has no date and no “ good thing ° on the I rived in this city and took a room in YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. . ...... .the different ____ nations : Austria i is pre­ __________ ____________ are eternally carping against their local the fifth story of the Southern Hotel. superscription. It is as follows: » paring „with 624,982 men; Prussia BY THE SUICIDE’S LAST MOMENTS. He appeared quite melancholy and paper : claims nearly as many, 622,866 ; 8ax-' r J, H, UPTON. had but little to say to any one about This is my fourth and last dose. ' I You don’t like it, eh. Perhaps you ony has only 32,711; Bavaria, 100,- the hotel. On Thursday bills were am getting quite sleepy, and will soon don’t 1 You say it isn’t interesting, 247 ; Hanover, 26,909. What they EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. sent to the office from an apothecary be gone. Welcome, O death I To live and all that. Well, rell, sir, whatever your would all do for money it is impossible for one ounce of. morphine and. three is to suffer uauterably; to die is to be private 'opinion of the Register may to say. Prussia is said to have nearly TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ' . Ono Copy One Year, . . . . $2 50. prescriptions composed of morphine at rest. be, it has helped to build up this city $75,000,000 saved: if true, even that him Much I could write, but ‘brevity more than any other instrumentality of would fly like wildfire, and loans would One Copy Six Months, . . . . . 1 50. and chloroform. The last seen of him was on Friday night. At two o’clock must be the style now. I only desire which you can make mention ! Why, be hard indeed to obtain, with such an RATES OF ADVERTISING. *bne Square, 12 Lines or less, one In­ yesterday his room was entered through to be remembered kindly. Let those bless your dumb soul, and may the incendiary war’ raging, the end of sertion, . . . , ... $8,00. the transom, and his dead body found who love me love my memory. If I Lord look pitifully on the peculiarities which no man could clearly calculate. For* each subsequent insertion, . . 1,00. lying on the bed. Coroner O’Reilly have wronged any man let nim for­ of your narrow structure ! Don’t ^ou A'liberal deduction will, b« made on was summoned, and an inquest was give, as he would wish to be forgiven. know that many of the most solid and T he L ove of F reedom .—None Quarterly, Yearly and half Yearly Adver­ held. Several letters written by the But one word for her who alone has can Jove freedom heartily but good prosperous business men of the city of tisements.*, , • . - - ’ deceased a short time before his death won my love. She who had evidence Des Moines; have been brought hore men; the rest love not freedom, but Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 were found upon the table, showing of. my love five years ago still reigns by descriptions of the attractiveness license, which never hath more scope, ber anumn. that ho had taken his own life. No i alone in my heart. Day before yester­ of Central Iowa which they saw in the or more indulgence than under tyrants. COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. money was found among his effects, < day I sent her a few lines, which, when State Register. Don’t you know, you Hence it is that tyrants are not oft of­ nor had be deposited any at the office she i receives, she will reoognize, though poor cock-eyed son of a gun, that num­ fended by , nor stand muoh .in doubt of Judge. J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, of tho hotel. He was about thirty I there is no signature to them. May bers of the daily and weekly *State bad men, as being naturally servile; S. Brutcher, Henry Hewitt; Sheriff, E.‘’L.- years of age. The following are cop- ( God bless her and deal with her. ten­ Register, containing truthful and com­ but io whom virtue and true worth Whitcomb ; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Asses- sor, Charles Handley; Treasurer, John ics of the letters, written in pencil, the < derly. Let no wave of sorrow ever prehensive views of the situation out most is eminent, them they fear in W.-Watts; School Superintendent, Rev. last being almost illegible. •. 4 .. < cross her breast—no misfortune ever west, have gone into every Eastern earnest, as by right their masters; . John Spencer; Coroner, W. \V. Brown cast its blighting"shadow upon her State, and have induced many men of against them lies all their hatred and tfav 10. I860. to write well. ' __ pera worth, as suspicion. utterance has overwhelmed my soul, God bless you, dear. Aunt Melissa,'and we never meet £ While our hope and up their Eastern residences by the DENTISTRY * but no roots, and transfer their entire inter­ Woods, tho radical candidate for Gov the children. . Poverty has* ever been bliss are young ♦ ♦ Alas! alas I Shall I inject her ests to ties Moines? You don’t know ernor of Oregon, was a dead drag on I my lot, but I have endeavored to allo more. K- vi-ttc its distresses as much as possible. io more. God bless irerr-Her name“ this, eh? Don’t?“ Go thy way, old the Union party. In Wasco county— _____DR. A. G. PHILLIPS, SURGEON is Delia, and I desire this to be sent critic, and learn to appreciate the value where ho lives and where he is known .May.-Go4An.Ju Seago. oT printer’s ink ! Thy head is un­ —be ran behind his ticket, and so T- tect you ever. Tam not afraid to ale. toher through“^ Good bye to all. May God in his sound, and it swingeth crookedly on tli rough out the State. A man of little Hoping God bless you, good .by. Tinders his Prfcssional Services to the mercy bless all who have ever loved thy neck. Thy ways are perverse, and ability and less character, his nomina­ B. L- S eago . '' - Citizns of Lafayette and Surrounding I me. I am getting very sleepy, but thy understanding, of which thou hast tion was an insult to the people of the To A. R. Seago, Atlanta, Ga. ‘ Country. ' „ no. 12 tf. • oh, sweet is the death that relieves the bat a small share, can be sounded, and State, and right well has it been re­ The next letter is addressed : • :ill , ----------- ---------------------------------------- soul from anguish, the griefs of this punched through by a half inch plum­ buked. It is possible that under the ’ S t . LOUIS, bT. L ouis , May 10, 1866 18t5(5. S. JBQHQaBIlRT- Col. J 8. Prather, Editor of the | life, which is but a few days and full t met. Men of business, and of intel- force of party drill he has been elected, attorvly at law I of trouble. • :-J| y-'?4 ligencc, men who«o souls have not but the narrow escape from defeat will Era : I have tried to serve you -faith­ ; The proprietor of the hotel wll 11 ____ _______ ___ a___ i _ ___ be i been . Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. drawn out Of them by the capil­ teach conventions in future to be care-^ * Will practice in the Supreme, Circuit fully and well, but misfortune has kind enough to telegraph to my uncle, lary attraction of ignorance and small- ful as to the character of the men they - ~ overtaken me, and I seek a rest from A. R Seago, Atlanta, Georgia, imme­ aml'4!l of the Courts of this State. present for .high public office.—W. W. niy Sorrow. Remember to’-speak diately on the discovery of my suifeide fisted meanness, comprehend the value Statesman. not evil of the dead. I know you^HT To-moirow. v* OU,V,UCT of. r journal which describes the ad­ DR. H.J. BOUGHTON. do what is right to set my memory be- i Accept my thanks for your kind- vantages of their homes, and stirs up Late O ne -S ideu .—As far as the returns the populations of the East with the fore tbc world M it. dcervei To you, ncs8 have been received, the election in -------- wh ’ i y k „• " 1 Jour ’ 1. holel I.desire to. I look as my guardian in this ma ter. , • be • buried bjrthc Masons,, an~d in" the long pole of immigration! Let the Washington Territory has gone alkri T h Hospital Department, Hard service and the many rebuffs’ Register drop put of existence as The cemetery at Atlanta, Georgia. I have exponent of local interests, and some gethcr^ono sided. In our own county A 1» • « stz-uLl nvzxanLl ' L » fpl»« A «• ili« UfWiYlU which this cold< world gives"have ru­ the democratic majority isoverwhelm­ tried to live nobly and die nobly. To Offieein Dayton, Oregon. ined me. God bless you 1 . The loss correct any impression that might be very fat takes in business matters ing. Clark county elects the full dem­ — of all I had, with the gloomy prospect made, I state that this is no strong among our readers wouldn’t be worth ocratic ticket by a large majority. In ahead could be endured, but the idea causing my grief, and I call again the two cents on the hundred dollars ! Get the sounties of Stevens, Clickitat, that men are mean enough to misrep­ proprietors to be ready. God bless all. out, old stick-in-the mud, and learn Thurston, Lewis, Pierce, Sawamish, sense before it shall be everlastingly J. T. HEMBREE, : ; : PRO. resent me and rob me.of that whiqh I Good bye. Jefferson, Clam and Whatcom, the Louis? too late!.” THIS HOTEL is still kept for the ac­ have honestly .made is too much for democrats arc reported to have elected commodation of boarders and the my sensitive soul to survive. . M asonic .—The Grand Lodge of > Tni? S ecret of S uccess in B usi ­ their tickets. This is a clean sweep, travelling public. Good- If you write my history, let it be Free and Accepted Masons of Oregon and shows a great change since the ness .—When you find a man doing truth—but be kind. The Era has had held its annual session at Portland last more business, than you are, look at election of last year, when the repub­ my best wishes and services; I now week, and elected the following officers .the advertisements be has in the news­ licans carried the Territory by a hand­ and attentive hostlers. * . nol. can only offer progress. This resolu­ for the ensuing year: papers. The business man who puts some majority. This revolution in tion I have taken is necessary to pre­ i A. W. Ferguson, Grand Master; C. his sign in the newspaper does a wiser public sentimont is mainly attributable B. C. BRADSHAW, vent that mental distraction which is IH. Lewis, Deputy Grand Master; to the course of the radical majority Gustaf Wilson, Seioor Grand War- thing than when he fastens it over his in Cdbgresa. The issue of negro suf­ fast coming over me. store—and who would think of neg­ Again, God bless you and prosper den; D. G. Clark, Junior Grand War­ frage and the continued exclusion of lecting that ? lie who advertises, in­ AND you ever. The great hereafter has no den ; George A. Eades, Grand Treas­ the Southern States from representa­ COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND SO­ tcrroi8 for me. I am not afraid to die. urer; J. E. Hurford, Grand Secreta­ forms the public that he desires to tion in Congress has been passed upon trade, and his card in the newspaper LICITOR IN CHANCERY. Shed no tears of sorrow for me, but ry;/ Rev. B. C. Lippincott, Grand is an invitation to customers to come by our people. The verdict is too plant a single rose on my grave, and Chaplain ; Rev. Dr. Wythe, Grand Lafayette, Oregon. plain to be misunderstood, and carries Orator; B. F. Brown, Grand Marshal; and do so. Where one person reads with it an emphatic condemnation of W ill practice in the District and Supreme when you, in the hour of gloom, feel a sign in the street, five hundrecFrcad that life is a burden, only let my mem­ J. R, Prindle and A. G. Walling, Courts of Oregon. . ' it in the newspaper. No matter how the policy inaugurated by the destruct­ fS'F’Taxes Paid, Collections made,'and ory bo held in auiet sadness, as of one Grand Stewards ; Thomas B, Jackson, well a business man is known, he can ives.—W. W. Statesman. Proceeds Promptly remitted. too sensitive to brook the asperities of Senior Grand Deacon ; J. H. Albert, Junior Grand Deacon, and Samuel always pick up Dew customers if he this world. — ’ A negro living near Louisville, Ky., will take the pains to advertise. ' having committed a rape on* a little May God in his mercy save my soul, Downs, Grand Tyler. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ egon, for the county of Yamhill. girl, was seised last week by the citi­ and bless you all, is my finaFprayer. • A P residential J oke .—The re­ A widow lady of Danville, Kv., zens, and preparations made to hang B. L. S eago . Isophena Fleming, plff. ) Bill for Di­ nown of Lincoln as a joker is world took an orphan boy to raise, when he vs. The next letter has po address, and wide. He joked in place and out of was quite small, and when he arrived him. While these were in progress vorce. George W. Fleming, deft.) 1 the father of the child came running is as follows : * . ■ ■ place, and was never weary of telling at the age of 18 she married him, she up, revolver in hand, and forcing his To George W. Fleming, said defendant: S t . L ouis , May 10, 1806. or hearing jokes. Hie successor in then being in her 50th year. They way through the crowd, attempted to I.N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Misfortune has ever been my lot in office, though not worthy in this re­ lived many years together, happy as OREGON, You are hereby summoned shoot the negro, but in the confusion life, and the culmination in the loss of spect of so illustrious a predecessor, is any couple. Ten years ago they took to be and appear in. the Circuit Court of the latter turned and ran for his life. the State of Oregon for. the county of that which was not my own is unendu­ not entirely without the faculty. It is an orphan girl to raise. Last fall the But tho crowd started after him, open­ Yamhill, and answer tho complaint of said rable. I love my friends still, and said that a simple-minded Republican old lady died, being 96 years of age, ing a fire from a dozen revolvers on plaintiff is this cause filed against you, {»ray - God will bless them. I have office Beeker from Connecticut closed a and in seven weeks after, the old man him, and he was soon shot dead. within ten days from the date of the ser­ sco the uncertainty and deceit recent application to the President married the girl they,had raised, he ♦ _ .. ....... — ll|. . ..... vice of this writ upon you, if served in this of all earthly' things. No faithful with the inquiry whether tho breaoh being 65 years old, and she 18. I t is estimated that the Umpqua county, and within twenty days if served friend is with me now, and I go to the between the President and Congress Valley will produce nearly six hundred within ar.y other county, and if you fail I t is reported that Capt. Foot, the thousand pouhds of wool, as the clip Great Giver of all. My soql, O God, could be repaired. The President, on to answer, the plain tiff will apply to said the spur of tho moment, replied by Assistant Secretary of the navy, will of the present year. : court for the relief in said action deman- receive unto thyself. Good by to all. Louis. mail* that “he was not repairing soon leave for Europe in tho iron-clad ' ded. - The fourth letter is: u. s. i. r . S. HURLBURT, breaches as mnoh as he was.” This Monitor Miantonomah, for the purpose - T he authorities of Clackamas coun­ 50c. Plffs- Atty. To the Proprietors of the Southern is considered a very fair thing by thosa of personally presenting to the Empe­ ty are about to oontract for the build­ Published by order of R. P. Boise Hotel: The proprietors of the South­ who joked with “A. Johnson ” twenty ror of Russia tho resolution of Con- ing of a bridge aoross the Molalla rivet k District Judge 3d Judicial District. ern Hotel will please send my body years ago.—Reporter. f;rcss congratulating him on his escape near Gribble’s prairie. Witness my hand, and the seal of sail home to Atlanta, Georgia. Let the rom the hand of an Assassin, It is Court, affixed at Lafayette, in sab generally believed in Europe that doe • Clergymen and teachers will be fur­ Masons bury me. God bless all my ' M arion county this year gives about •'u s' county, this 8th day of June, A of our monitors cannot cross the At­ nished a copy of the New York Day brethren. I have tried to fulfill my 2200 votes—an increase of about 400 D. 1886. lantic. Book for $1 66 June 12-flw S. O. ADAMS, Clerk. - mission in life, and now tliatmy mind over any former election. . - * J—i. “ , a aww LAFAYETTE HOUSE STABLING, ATTORNEY a