NQ. 22. ' ... . given, T aa as waa was af- at- the Iroqouis, 6 guns. Witch, which, while serving on the the order should be giv©D The African squadron for the year home squadron, bad taken the yellow terwards done. The brig Bainbridge, No one can have forgotten the thou-' fever on board, put into Philadelphia, of 6 guns, was at Boston, and the brig 1861 consisted of eight vessels, carry­ ing 95 guns viz: the Constellation, ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY, sand charges made by the Abolition been disinfected, and on the 14th of Perry, of 6 guns, was at New York, 22; San Jacinto, 13 ; Portsmouth, 22; AT press, and Abolition orators, and Abo­ February hod been ordered by me to and both of them could have been Mohican, 6; Saratoga, 20; Sumter, LAFAYETTE, be prepared for sea service with dis­ ready for sea in eleven days from the 5 ; Mystic, 5; Relief, 2—half of them lition clergy, and Abolition laity, ever patch, that she might resume her place time the order should be given, as af­ YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. steamers. The squadron consisted of since the war was inaugurated, tending again in the squadron. The flagship terward was^ done. The sloop-of-war ....—. JMf..... .. to convict Buchanan) and through him, Cumberland, the Powhattan and the Plymouth, of 22 guns, was at Norfolk the same number of vessels and guns in 186Q, the Vincennes having been J. fl. (JP TO IV, - the whole Democratic party, of having Pocahontas were coming up the coast in good condition, and the steamer An- ordered home at the beginning of the from Vera Cruz to New York and Nor- acosta, of 1 or 2 guns, was at Wash­ PUBLISHER AND EDITOR. so arranged and disposed of and distrib-^ JUk. The Powhattan arrived at New ington, already in commission. Here year. This squadron was required to - 7 »• TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. uted the war vessels of the Govern­ York on Tuesday, March 12th, the were thirteen ships, with 368 guns, at be kept on the coast of Africa by our One Copy One Year, . ... $2 50. ment during the forepart of 1861, as week after Lincoln’s inauguration, and home, in the Atlantic navy yards, that treaty with Great Britain for the sup» One Copy Six Months, . . . .—150. pression of the slave trade ; and in- the to so parlyse that arm of the service on the same day the Pocahontas arrived, could have been put to sea in good or­ year 1860, with the aid of a small __ TERMS OF ADVERTISING at Hampton Roads. The Cumberland der for service before the bombard­ Ono Square, 12 Lincs or less, one In­ t as to render the Government powerless arrived at Hampton Roads the week ment of Fort Sumter. Thus we had portion of the hotne squadron qn the to reinforce Sumter at the proper time. following. The Brooklyn, with a com­ on the Atlantic coast at the inaugura­ American side,, bad eaptured twelve sertion, , , , , , , , $3,00 For each subsequent insertion, $1,00. So persistently, and with such brazen pany of troops on board from Fortress tion of Lincoln a naval force of 26 slavers and rescued 3,119 victims of A liberal deduction will be made on Monroe, the Sabine, the St. Louis and vessels, carrying an armament of 554 that trade. With this reduction of the other Quarterly, Yearly and half Yearly Adver­ audacity, were these charges made, that the Wyandotte were before Fort Pick­ gnns, which oould be put to sea in rnaoy Democrats, not having the data tisements..' foreign squadrons and this force at ens (PensacolaY, defending it against good order before the war commenced, home on the Atlantic and Pacific sides, Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 at hand to. confute them, tacitly ac­ the troops of Florida and Alabama.— against an enemy which had no naval knowledged their correctness by mak- The Mohawk, Crakader and Supply force whatever, for such had been the I was not willing to reduce the squad­ were already at New York. The Wa­ coarse of’the Department in promptly ron on the coast of Africa, nor was COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. no'effort to disprove them. This is ter Witch was at Philadelphia, and the removing all seeds of disaffection, that there any neccaiity for it. only another evidence of the facility This, sir, was the “ scattering of our - Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, TV a VU n Ivo V'U Ill ill I D d IUII V ID) •* J Pawnee at Washington, where the De­ the secession of eleven States from the vessels all over the world/’ of which ' ■ —whicb de'"s?°«“c3 a"d partment had stationed a force of ma- Union lost not a single vessel to the you speak. This was the “ oommand pled knaves and tricksters in high ftft- rrries, organized in four-companies, as pervice • - .v-J« -T~ sor, Charles Handley; Treasurer, John ' oLtheuihflto-aavj^ consisting of one „ Beside these there were aTthe New W. WattS; Watts; School Superintendent, Rev. can, under peculiar circumstances, im­ artillery, numbering 200 men, one mile vessel,- with*“rfhf gift John Spencer; Coroner, W. W. Brown ; pose upon the credulity of the Ameri­ from the Capital, ready to defend it at York, Boston and Portsmouth navy which, according-to your speecfi~a Surveyor, A. S. Watt. a moment’s warning, or to be trans yards the frigate Potomac, of 50 guns, can people. Mr. Buchanan has been, ported by the steamers Pawnee and and the sloops-of-war Savannah, 24 Bridgeport, the present Secretary of for the time being, consigned to poliW Anacosta to any points where necessa­ guns; Vincennes, 20 guns; Marion, the navy suceeded. D E NT I S T R Y • I am, bir, with due consideration, ical oblivion, by and through the infa­ ry. The Macedonian was at Vera 16 guns; Dale, 19 guns, and Preble, your obedient servant, ~ - À mous falsehoods and misrepresentations Cruz, much nearer and more conveni­ 16 guns, which could be repaired and ISAAC TOUCEY. ent for operatioos on the Gulf coast made ready for sea in from 61 to 94 of men who for thé time obtained the H artford , April .30,1866. DR. A. G. PHILLIPS, SURGEON than if it had been at any of the ports days, as was afterwards done. The popular car, and who/Laving obtained or navy yards. This was Uie condi­ old frigate Constitulion,of~50 guns, I position as a reward of their treachery tion of the home squadron at the com­ was thoroughly repaired and anchored Five Daya Imprisonment in a Rail * __- - read Car. < f lenders his Prfessional Services to the mencement of Lincoln's administra­ a£ Annapolis. I have not included in Citizns of Lafayette and Surrounding and mendacity, at a time when the tion; three of them, including the this notice the eightline-of-battle ships niirtnlar Rontixuont war all turKwlAnnA L/ftrutu: CUUvtltiuuu W CSD Oil IUI UUIUll'.U xg-The-Pittsburg Qt g m i^j g a l says: a A Country. ~ no. 13 tf. nagsnip 01 uit‘ rotntug up train oh the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and i and commdtiob/lost no opportunity to th© coast toward Hampton Roads and board of naval officers to be converted S. HURLBURT. - New York, one at Philadelphia, one into steam frigates, as I had also rec­ Chicago. Railroad, laden with dreiseu ATTORIVEY AT LAW, ply their vocations—that of poisoning, ' at hogs, which left Chicago on Friday Washington, one at Vera Cruz and ommended in my annual report, com­ misleading and inflaming the public morning of last week, arrived in this * Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. four at Fort Pickens, then in a state municated by President Bnohanan to Will practice in the Suprein«, Circuit mind. Thank»4o an overruling Prov-1 •city on Tuesday even ing. Upon open - . . . — . . . - . . » of ‘kiego; in al! 186 guns and thirteen Congress, but Congress had not seen and all of tlie Courts of this State. idence, the tide is being turned, and vesseis;*of which eight wure steamdrs.’ fit to authorize it or make the neces­ ing bfitf of the ears a man wntrftratfd lying among the dead animals, lie 'OT. H. J. BOUGHTON. "%■ -ere many years shall Jiave elapsed, the This squadron and that of the previ­ sary appropriations for that purpose. was in a filthy condition, and was al­ Late whole truth will be known, when hon- ; ous year, 1860, were by far the largest There were also the new steamship most dead, having eaten nothing for -■> s . Phi/sieian & Surgeon, cst people will view the retrospect with and most efficient squadron ever before Pensacola, waiting for some of her ma- five days. One of his feet was frozen, • Tf-1 rorganised for the protection of our in- iH' IIospiial Depariinciii. amazement and disgust, and when the 0Q the AtkEnti<} and lie was unable to walk or even lurnhia, the brig Dolphin and some stand. ’.He was. taken out of the ¿ar