- RÏER Naturally . 4 ongh. . . .B oyarin ay C orvallis .— Th« Ofc rrs .-“C . Na C rajlqx F or .D rw » I . MONEY LOANED to such as BUILD Immediately, on the promisee, at LOW rates of INTEREST. A glance at the map of California is all that is necessary to satisfy any rejecting mind of the judicious selection of this mag nificcut sitij for a iwp city, which Las nev­ er boon subject to ... overflow «......... from «he Hood — sgoniaa- say» that Boyakiu is at Cor­ vallis, on Lis Way here to investigate the slanders against him in connection with his conduct toward Miss Chand­ ler, and suggests that hciiuay have a of i*. it. .wn Now uui our upiumu opinion is. warm time uiuu ui | that _Boy.kin ba. been WJ»ueh in-1 jg Fid. IL, ling qisease without medicine. Aug. 27, 186S. J G. M. Bourne, Water Cure Physician, No. 10, Masonic Temple, Post street, ,, i . lui ; M PORTENT MEDICAL DISCO VERr I ■ _ ; _ _?2 1. Ji_ Í5Í? Electricity ■■ a Curatirc AGeai. ‘ * HEN LT WAS PROMULGATED Bv the Directors of the E lxctk O- The Mercer-dames have arrived at ' ' Sacramento, April 30, ISfio., PATitoe 1’tWTtTiTE, that disease could be Dr. G. M. lloi RNKj^pcivr Sir^—It is entirely, eradicated from the system with­ Seattle, of the bomber, ’ who -------------------- ’ and . . One .............................................................................. with pleasure and satisfaction that b now 1 out the uce of pyiiioiious drugs, the tbougsg eayi she is neither pretty nor young, a( let you know of my good health. Looking ; htless aad tlmtio who do not look deeply on«« fixes her claim to puritan .elf.ira. back upon what I La.vcjvn>9ed tbrojigh,. ihtu cause anj effect scouted thT^asser- and wharf were built at a :it seeuis as if 1 was lifted from the gj'/iyr, I , tian as cUimcrteeUand wrote lonjf/articleii jured as Hjaring, by Way of magnify- time ol the high« „ est flood.last winter. The portance by rushing into priqt. She- and 1 think-it my duty totaekhowleugc td*^ t„lw„ irfino country around it is i repleterWith sophistry, claimng that w only * j- . vast region of'ti you and the world the benefit I dei iv ¥<.l • ^ic di^sti*»’ intern* could tho publishes in the Pug^t Sound Weekly, injjhîs offence. fast tilîînS up, and if tho uuinteriHpl'd —--------- —, ------- **----- - navigation from San Francisco to Sacoaum Ä^^*Il’,t’^-=-'?^-jbfo«"ib»pur3*Mloftiiapöisün8 which con-. an article, th« burden of which osten­ D isloyaltv .—The Springfield, (Massa­ ......... - < v; grated batos. It was ni t ■ wcnt fr0II1 nto increases as it has doo« for tho test sibly is, to learn whether or not the chusetts) Republican says of the Presi­ c (.ho, •„ ll)d|. jgnorancC fougfi' ....... ' CITY! and the marine service. Buch an ex- ^ongu^ttvv. This «et «neto thinking, ¡ed at the new fystem, circulating base and I finally detertnined stn*¡v¡[ » op », ¡ls f in.^jccc^s, o , ; to Lave tny busl-1 , -w«., ’w.ww kud ' quoting im'ag L^.q* Lb by the framers of the Constitution for It being a midway stopping plaqe for the hibi ¡¡M i ’ iucfi no emergency. Meanwhile I hear steamers daily from San Francisco to ness go to the bandwieh IMands haMHg j.|(|..vrtl:5cS ftrt pimf, pcpplete pleii business busineM by an any one besides a it ¡t suggested that the Senate should call Sacramento. Already, at and around ’ been ..........---------- “* ’ I - could "*bW **** ............. .... informed 1 * th« not K be “ cmed 1 ty. Af’er five years ufuninterupted success the Electrppathic New England pseudo-moralist would upon him to furbish the evidence, “ if Netvport there is . a large number of in* ^C1r.e? 1 ."’.vnt 10 1 ■*'? Li?n,,SC0’ not in compatible with tho public inter­ habitants. They have also a while waiting for a ship, enbed upon Dr. SySle,n ia»t'ie leading idea in medical ÍRT* [b® regarded by sensible, jnodest and t est, 11 on Which he charges Mr. "Sumner Bourne, who titaicd that AvUip to the Lix. i<],rU(|encr, white bv the o’d system^ptiys POST OFFICE, STOKE, I.AKGE WAREnOfSE, AND tends would probably rtsul disastrously, it|irJ t(1 CJirc one. in every - well-bred people as being1 quite out-of of being guilty of treason, and the House MAGNIFICENT WIIARE, - should take the same measure to vindi­ was unnccssai), as 1 cou.dabe spocdi v ( gve ca8egt there wcré thóBe who were div placet The Washlngton-Territorians, cate Mr. Stevens. For drunkenness is cured at his his cstahl.shmebt. 1 placed (lng de jn,0 xhc scieI,te cf the curativo . 200 feet long by JQQ feet wide ! who had ever known anything of pu­ no excuse for such charges as these. Which cost the ■ proprietors upwterds of mysc.f under hia ntxtttncnt, and m one^ 8r[. anongthese were the Eleetropathista ; And drunkenness “h"Z“S is of itself an offence- $l(>,000. The Farming Country in Solano week was go wuch improved I thought I 'flna|jy it was discovered that the lailure'in ritan o! 'rtreT,rob£J P7P*Í oT.u > in a magistrate as to county cannot be suapasssd. Fine soil, thought.l cou.d »wk telunnng houie and nH)Sj pf taSyS ^f orgfftiic disease, was utj.i,je cause for th lis 1 exhibition of piaderyf pruri f, be e K suti-ble cause foi for removal. So if delir­ springs of pure water, to my duty as Eugenecron the Lelilí¡u > ent ¡ rc ;y tire niachinc,; Taking-this Tr.e clim;i|e ence and pedantry, on the arrival of ium tremens, does not save us the trou­ is milder, both in summer and winter, Pacific Rntirbad. llie Doctor objected, v¡evf the case, Dr. J. II.-Josselyn, after this cargo of a " rziem|io their midst. ble,“We are likely to have a nova! trial than almost any other part of Calffornfir; but I Liought 1 know ^better, and return- < yCars of experiment; ha« perfected an Elec of our political institutions. A city with suck a situation, surrounded ed to duty. In about two weeas my , tri;|,ntlHc Instrument, wtHeb-wifi cure any by so mngniflcei t a country must have a cough returned, and I ke¡ t g ttmg worse tj;svaSH which llesh if. heir, always to bo und-centrary to Dr, bourne s inJulK'ynT. 1 understood thiit tho case is notTar advan-j . . Lafayette Market. G rand B all .—Mr. Frank Hold- GREAT AND GLORIOUS DESTINY! never to take medicine nganv, committed C(J(| aá to sj)ow tt destruction of the vital (CORRECTED WEEKLY] ridge proposes to give a splendid ball Aferry is cstaLlished-bytwecn>t«s port., that f«4ly,, and 1 soon ) wass > cxnnpk tely ..t¡sslH>s wc do not claim that the use of r 62^ Antioch nnd New York, makiiig tbe dis-* run down that I could scarcely walk; so, int.(jie¡ne8 may not ne Inore advantageous Wheat, f‘ Bushel, at but house ^nd residence, near Day.’ - — . » a 75^ « -Iftnee onlv-3A4»ites4>y land to San Fran a* a last resort, I concluded once more t<>. ¡n sotne w»ea, but , ibat in connection t)»u. ton, on the evening of the 4th of July. r $1,00 • cisco, being a saving of over 100 miles to try tho w ater cure. I wont to four ran-, wjtij medicines, it will perforin a cure Burley, 7 "jjl bushel, $5,00 100 fts r) 1-. A good time may be expected, ^r. Corn meal, ‘ ~ those who drivc,8tpri$ to that market. eiscp-T-fow oi my friends expecting me - ev • j. *, niiD much sooner than without, and asió that •V •• —- ............ i --------------- o — , „ , . , . _ Flour, TA IOO lbs $2,50 Some persons tiol reaîfzing thé immense er to return — In — — * »a In/act, 1 p*y J 1 ;' ¡<]¡seuses hitherto deemed incurable^ can and Mrs. H. understand how to prepare , Mj ddlidgs, $20,00 ton. lise on property in new cities,-may say, turn doubtful. On aiTivm* a! Hr. I>. s f cured liy this systviu Imt-tbu directora for apd conduct a first class party. Mrs Apples, dried’ lb ■ 7 ‘4-WVJ -'"* foke thia opportunity *------------ a--».- a- ---------- ’’How can we afford f-> give away-ao vstablisbHK'Ut (k\ln-W 18ti¿)—Lwas noli ^„¡j to S_«- infor m 1_ iiu - ~~ 23 Perches, Y* & abUltóWk iirte tlie-bath wkhoi a ss i st mi j e J va |;,L {!„». the tit si dent PfLV °ici nn tet »A» •man y lot«,n ot “ knowirrg how -many, inn y editor wiki ourself acknowledge the ro and hasJ large expeí ’ ’ BAUGN. be settlers ?" Why, gentlemen, il but in a few days I began to recover. ±_ ilatna, JNJbJ ceipt of a complimentary ticket-. ' _ , Jg(p20 by giving away five hundred fotl wc can r^rr— r *20 . ...... wc ................. are not on 111 hand, just ssy we have , Sides, y' lb induce one huhdred to settfo, then ’the in " ■& io rise in the yajiie <>f our lots will morejhan I ‘ ■ f I * M iscellaxeovs . [Eggs, $ dot., Butter, y* lb Chvesr, ptir W, ‘ Cliiekans, ’ft doz., Potatoes, ‘G bushel’ Onions^ p Th intr the remaining lots are the o.vners of ami nmr tnnt i am griming evory my, aim i nameable diseaKb, which he wHl send te a handsome property. Remember New­ ■it present bid lair to be stouter than ever * •iny part of the Pacific Coast upon .receipt ” a complete description of the disease port is to be the tl.............. terminus .......... of. the . Pacific __ before;; Persons visiting the Doctor’s cs- p of of pew bi^ildiiiga arc g ing up in La­ 25 tablishment will find it just rvhitf it should iT„ Railroad, and With which the applicant may be afflictea* »3,00 be, boh in- Eadies’ a nd tlenth-mens’ ite an I will warrant a perfect cure in al) cas­ fayette, while preparations are being The verydots you now receive, may, in 37 pnHments, nisi 1 cannot Say too tn neh ib es, where du; medicines are ti$c^J^Tv v orj|l^ v iT*êÿü:F.,'r tiuTiìì va rlri'fw, t rH ' a„(i l. pofftr" to-jointlia, Asoekrsipt|ntJundP. J district, and we urtdcistana'that Mr. rj: cid.,-, tth0*s||qa¡|l nu-ít'l q^bfee- t.,t„ ! t . • , »»n?. i-v-.trrfrncnt is emp'oyed, • i kR’iM tf dlt' kilM—- -dug- - RRIGIÛUSNOTICES. ... Dan. Johnson will erect, during the i a-u y t o.h u.carc a nd tre'Pciuit v.,,'.> imjnèêfo*' hentth 'ewd i: to- all udu> E mu :» S. C. A dams conducts religions i (as th ,-ur. y w. j fin ! u fo , I ÿ i;li - prB t.-yu.amates .to v:»t u. its, setvicé?.- Of five, ten, twenh’ior forty acres, I - «cason-.Tt btnimrfeouM? on thfeit-d by thu ntulriS’gin.Ip i-,il, Ttiy- ;£i'V i iVsidt'H‘-thu vavin tr ut, liiiw. A ’onii W Rg T ch'iiv a member of the Assoc atiou by rc- Campbell, of the CeQtr-al pacific / i- ‘JìirÌ wil h » hi* tfyst' 'n i-T tliu-r^no’.vnt'd "Johnson c<|htem plates building his, as ' 3 o'clock r. m . l - off the fourth Fabbath- . 4 ... . ■ . • ••• • ' m H .«i mitting live dollars to the Pnt,ir-. Bourne the /AVater \ town. < . the City — 25 by IU0 feet — and a receipt •I'/AJire' niJitfii ö'r jiìei-y ÙL llìC world -for thè radicai..cere Ct ---------- 44J H-u-r 'flierc is no i’iifitnie in ino . ^ visited thia tkú:vÁ¡Jk'.n < lidi.'U.'astì. itef membership. F Both deed and receipt [%tat d fotrere , Jon P rixtino .—Wc are prepared . Wrand -irti of July Ball will be seot free of expense-: I acci ledpilly im t him til Dr. Bourne’s es (Jpo half of Qw aj2pui.it re eq vm !wifi Ubltóhnu-nt,'and aiiifiappy 6-«y, wsto- ^ÌScTiVOpathìC riiufiiliic. * at the-'C ouri E r office to print Bills, • - AT HOLDRIDGE’S! "" r*.'zl M mimi Iwn'.lh Alni in fine Kiiirit«; Ul*< ■ ■IWt ■ 1 ItBC 9 i go purchasing the o -- ’d ’.-r- red to good health,find in tine spirits. .. i *<. V * * l’Mters, Blank Deed-, Mortgage«,L _ ___ : towards g ’------- — .------ -- -» from ------------ ’ '“645 Wàshington W: Street. —HN ’Notes, Rempt.% BiH-hcads,^.; Sher- j nJ^idge, near Dayton, will be I f term, *WM dwelling kmM “ “ 0 ■waarfWi houses andL.^lorcs, and - * . f. •-.-------------------- . ------- 17----- rr c V I o»aj • MUiiaiiugVf .iv
  • .i-i > < i u ■Hens "of ro x' iffs’, Constables’ and Justices’ Blanks, given a grand entertainment, on the eve- water fronfof tlic city, which extends two ttimat, elicit and htugs-who-u include doct„r«s } :illd'he're«lter the seietific r. >------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 nine of the Fourth of July, which for such as writs, summonses, executions, ,„;’n.lor ,nil ^rp,.nhlpneKS Rhnl) ho ,ar. miles on the Bay. One-quarter of the dipiithena, bronchitis, meipumj consump- originators of this lustilute will not be to splendor and agrceablcncss shall be sec* ;i,o rob j o( their ’ warrants, subpoenas, etc, Wc also ond to none in the country. A sumptu- amount received will be advanced to pars non, pleurisy, eroup, .Ai-,-wltb greatest ; Wamc ties who will improve their lots. The success. Great rebel is aKJrded in ad- mo d ; constitution, ocs repast, prepared at great expense, und have a good supply of j >b paper and other quarter, or balance, wi l be expei d- vanced stages cf LoUs«>mpyon. R heuma- js ak<( ; SfiVr'vfew bribe affair. with a special view te a grand affair, will ed for expenses’making deeds, buying l,IMn’ cardstock. -Woore prepared to print be one of the fowtwes ol the ©evasion. , "vura1".'"’ kVer •“« wg1’* With these re mats ticket. If elected at all, George L we. An Interesting Letter. concerning t I ments FIVE THOUSAND » interest of the Institute with the te'Jt , r t Have the inUty»* will have less than twenty-five of a case of Consumption liayc recently puhljc ngkitig only tl e ssm; same generous To bo given away majority, and in such a contingency^ -»‘-»-♦••«i so ” much. *»ch attention to the Water thus -Jpd . attracted slMwadtfcf ¿WQPVteHv' and in the face of the fact that he Or distributed I^ree! To such any terms to hate been in the Cure, as improved ' upon and practiced by t ¿ecord ----------------------------- condition of the writer. of stiltations, and a very' kfrgv Tbte additional testimony • ^ ‘ mns, "M* fem aipennt of Dr. Bourne. . , .„j., , mfist know that he represents’ the as shall first apply for a lot, and a good of the following letter an the 14th of Feb­ BdhifiN^MI 1,. tisfactorv to all reasonable Wittering moved, must prove satisfactory to all reasonabL Persons wishing to’ consnlt.the Resident ‘ wishes of only a small minority of the Clear dekd given at once (unconditionally) ruary last. 1 will anticipate somewhat mindk It ahoutd. be rcmernheved that J)r leaving it at the option of the party whet- lijs report of thefocta by sayiug that on and Physician, by Bourne u$es no tnedipne wbatevej. and • rnysicmn, t>v letter ¡cue can do so \tith the - - people of the "State, would not true ther to improve or not-; bnt it is expected tbe the 15th of August last, he made mi me a vis his patiente^tnost univefsaHy tho