■ LAFAYETTE, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1866 ■Ui" NO. 21 A Public Debt A Public Blcuing. he awoke to consciousness he found As II e E xpected .—At a .recant John himself in a small boat being rowed Jay Cooke’s motto had a beautiful son ratification meeting In Nashville ■A* away from the city, which he could see illustration the other day. It is thus Tenn, says an exchange, while 'Judge ISSVKD EVEKY TtESDAV, Swayne was reading Waabingtoo's Fare- in the distance. describe d I>v a ' vv UliSvrii pnilvl >Tifir. • ‘ _ . well Add-m* th« — — ——r1* — wwx/■ ■ wa* - . • •. _ _ . At1... /—:— *• w.wt aawwrwmi The boat stopped beside a large ship, From an Eastern exchange we copy LAFATBTTB, known radical entered the gallery of the n A deed of trust I was recorded at and he was rapidly hoisted up its side, House of Represntatives (io which tbo the following singular history of a mis ­ . YAMlllLL^COUNTY, OREGON and in an hour afterWards she put to Fort Wayne, li nd., on Saturday last, convention sat) After listening a while which required I 110,000 worth of sing man : BY sea. Remonstrance was wholly use­ to the sublime paaaageain that icsasortal Many of uur readers^will rccollec less, and he found himself enrolled as stamps. It was a mortgage from the document, he exchimed : “ A d—d rebel It J. fl. I PTOX that some six years ago this commnqi* a common seaman on board a vessel Indiana Southern Railway, to Wm. II document Just as I expected tN PUBLISHER AND EDITOR.’ ty was startled to learn that a younig bound on «.whaling voyage to the Pa­ Swift and Samue d J. Tipen, for the T he L argest M an in thx W orld . man, well known in our, best social cir- cific. There were two others on the sum of 810,000,000. This road is to TERMTOF SUBSCRIPTION. be built from Fort Wnyne to Jeffer ­ — It appears that Tennessc can boast who, like himself, were victims t. |2 ___ 5O. cles, the son of aprdminebt citisen, i vessel, wno, OueX’opy One Year, sonville, and to be in running order of having produced the largest maxia One Copy S[x Mopths, R 1 50. , had ----- . suddenly and ----- mysteriously disap- of a press gang, and were both ooun- by November 1st, 1866. Ten thous ­ the world. The Jackson JUAiy of the T E R M S O F A D V E R T I SING P’ taxe,i and the seven feet six inohes, two inches more tisements. ’ , in the Union, and for a whole year apace. 8. 8. will will publish publish them theiq himself bin a-ac — . ------- Ila a government boardinghouse. It i ____ ____ ___________ _____ _ than Porter, the Kentucky giant. His Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, |1G,OO strove to find some clue to lhe missing at some future day.. Suflice it to say,-' i that hj'ttni,’l8S7he*wi roixeT ¿¡th ' 8trikct9 “s Pa?9 ! certainly, it pays weight was a fraction over 1,000 besanumn. ¡man. He had gone to New York I ' city upon business, and had stopped i the scurvy„and being, it was j supposed. “ebody. • ( * ! , , pounds. He measured around the suppoeea. | 8O ~ .* . , abandoned \ r « ’ ,l dw!t certainly pay someWy. waist six fact four inches, and it took i beyond recovery, he was i COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. > as usual at the largest hotels in Broad- Mr. Jay Cooke, for instance, for we one hundred feet of pladk to make bis upon one of the Marquesas Islands, in —~ About eight o’clock in the eve­ Judge, J. W. Cuwlca; Commissioners, j way.. see going the rounds of the papers an coffin. He was fifty-five years old S. Bratcher. Henry Hewitt; Sheriff. LLji ning he gavo the key of his room to the South Sea, by the captain of the account of the gorgeous house be has when he died, full of honor,, and pos­ Whitcomb; Clerk. S. ■ C. Adams; Asses- the ll clerk and went out He went out whaler. Here he was nursed and been building, together with its su ­ sor, Charles Handley; Treasurer, J wn hever to return. Ixing, >V »K after the cared for by the natives, among whom sessed of fine sense, though very san-- long W . Watts; School^ Superintendent, Rev. ; experjcneed detectives had given up I ' he lived fur threo years, but was una- perb and costly decorations Ac., Ac. sitive on the subjeot of corpulency., Sp......; Bro. " 1 J tb. Bl.,t(.h ,ht. bopod . ' ble to communicate with any vessel, as, hopod his death. Tie then weighed four m“ nnff^thejndctafneT Trnri Tn rire iuterior of the terrible mystery be unraveled, but the island. In August last, however, does Mr. Jay Cooke get all the money hundred pounds, but continued to in­ D E N T I ST R, V even they io time came to aecept the he managed to escape to the coast, and with which he purchases such fine crease as be became older. -- — ,--- ■ theory that hé had been foully mur- there finding a Russian vessel procu- houses, such sumptuous furniture, and A R evulutiqnany Hxao D bad . dcred and his remains destroyed. W. ring water, obtained passage to Jlong- splendid works of art ? He is engaged in ño productive employment, lie — William Hutchings, th« last survi- DR. 1. G. I^HILLIPS SURGEON 8., S-, before his departure, was betrothed kong, which place he reached in the does not make it as profits on manufac ­ ivi u g reveiutionas y soldier in the Stotor- to a. charming girl, aud an early day latter part of October, and upon proper turing, or in commission upon .1 of Maine,died at Penobscot, on Thun- n the ex- <__ I had_l»cen fixed ftir the union. She was *—.»-•= to -• * _ hnd_l»cen fixed ftir the union. She was representation the. American Consul, day, May 3d, 1866, aged 102 yean. change ” of merchandise. He i ! simply Tenders hi- Prfessiond .8 rvieea tn.luT’S* ?,.,od W‘‘h “»«««»W« sorrow.— was furnished with means to return to. ■ r« • » I* a v • —------- v -r*----------- deals io government securities, He Special honors were accorded to th« Citisi»« of Lafayrttj and Surrounding The b|ow fell upon her with even the United States. i I metot ry of the deceased, at his funer- x buysand sells Uncle Yarn's promises ■< ■? h " *. no, HL I f. I gtodfoi^rct« than upon the parents of As a proper ending to this wonder­ ~ " • *• -- — ~ —,'aud fur six long years past sbei lui rumacce, S. will, will, in the month pf ( to pay, and draweja per centage ou al. There are only two more revolu­ age ¡ tiondry tionary soldien soldiers surviving in the (Jni- Uni- — - B. HURLB UR T^, | |ia9 |ej sec luded life, mourning in April, lead M i ss L.t- who has so faith- these transaetic of th»« tod ftftn ATTORVBY AT LAW few | sacked privacy her worse than widow- fu«/ I ted him, to -theubar,tend may THE COURIER1 iuv k I I . ! we be there, to witness the happy l.*fayrtte, r Yamhill ............................................ „ County, Oregop.j bool. twn devoted aud miiy hand, and the seal of said Court, affixed at Lafayette, in said county, this 8th day of June, A. D.1MI; —lune 12-6w S. C. ADAMS, Clerk. _ coaotrv. w —s----------- — While MrCwke is thus Jiving so: r, A, 5oi“g. fro® Boito° * . • - • - ; Portland was found to be running sumptuously, the farmer is gradually astray, owing to deviations of her OOUt- T growing pourer and poorer. Mr. Cooke pass. The deviation, it was afterwards filches so little from each person, and found, was caused by the steel hoop it comes on so imperceptible, that it comptai resumed ito proper position. some districts of lllinois,'• al lei in literature. floode 1 the earth with oceans of wa­ frequently pri«e men for |heir sterling- 8. tells the following story : On the ter at once. qualites qualités of the mind mind, than men do women. ' A NEW invention, paper Nooks is am-, f ____ *!•_______ _ ______ . .. "• _ a T • i evening of his disappearance be left Dr. Johnson chose a women who had nounced. The Socks are made of pa­ his hotel about eight o’clock, and pro­ A C orubct D iagnosis —Dr. Ran­ scarcely an idea above an oyster. He per and muslin combined. The inven. ceeded .towards East river, with the dolph, a man of some note in Boston though her the loveliest creature in ex tors say they will last as long ss an ofr intention of crossing over to Brooklyn, «• spiritual circles,” some time since ¡stance, if we may judge by the inscrip­ dinary pair would keep clean, and ibeio tion he left on her tomb. ... cost will not equal tbo price of wasbr where he proposed to spend the even­ openly recanted, and io a lecture which ----- ------- — ■ ,* ing. ing. He was carelessly sauntering he recently delivered, he stated it as J uimii not of matters hy their sixe. along when his -arms were suddenly his candid opinion, founded on an ex­ Tnv. Sudreme Court of Maesaohut- pinioned from behind, a gag was perience of five years as a medium, There is oftimes moH wit in three lines like these tbaa ia a oolutnn arti ­ setts has decided that a revenue stamp placed in hie mouth, and-he was that spiritualism was one third impos­ cle.- on a note is no part of it, and n«bd not! dragged rapidly aloog a back street, ture, one-third insanity, and one-third be copied, nor does the want of a stamp street. Continuing to make resistance diabolism. Dr. Randolph declares he received a blow upon the head that insanity is the usual fate of trance Watt's Nervous Antidote will curt fain I on the note affect the validity of it un­ less fraudulently omitted./ bi ch completely stunned him. Wheh mediums. ————- ting Frts. Ï 'A