> N ' —~ ’ BRICK.— We take pleasure in T ub P rospect —K elly P robably in calling tbe attention of cur reader. ELnciBD.-From. the dailies received ■■ Dr. J. II. Jomelyn. tho result of my improved mode of treas ting qiseaso without medicine. '""V JMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCOVER? Aug. 27, 1865. G. M. Bourne, Electricity MB a Curative AGent. to the advertisement of Mr. Frank by 1 - yesterday - afternoon’s boat, we glean Water Cure Physician, No. 10, Masonic Í MULO l&N IT WAS PROMULGATED Holdridge who will ba prepared about «>« f»«‘ »•>•* TOnl“t » «xooed.nglj Temple, Post street. THAT AITER-PIECE. By the Director» or the E lrct R o - I the 4th of July to furniah partieswan. (lie parlies wan- *• bel"Mn “ nd °d M MaUor “11OT * y- “d Sacramento, April 80/1865. ratuic IwnTUTB, that disease could be CHAPTER I. ■. x. , . •. r.r that Kelly is pretty certainly chCted. Dr. G. M. B ourse —Dear Sir:—It is ’ ... Thn Ororrmiinn AL.it.tst no mninritv for with P^ore and satisfaction that I now entirely eradicated from the system with­ • Election day was marked by no very out the use of poisonous drugs, the thoug­ Tho Oregouian claims 90 majority for let you know of ray good health.. Looking htless and those who do not look deeply extraordinary occurrence in this place, brick of a very superior quality. Woods, while the Ilerall claims 200 back upon what I have passed through, into cause and effect scouted the asser­ Persons from this side of tho river- save a Democratic victory was achieved. for Kelly. We are inclined to the it seems as if I was lifted from the grave, tion as chimcricel, and wrote long articles -r-; The kindest of greetings, with rare who purchase brick from Mr. Iloldridge and I think it my duty to acknowledge to opinion that Col. Kelly is elected, but you and the wortd the benefit I derived replete with sophistry, claimng that only through the digestive system could tho exceptions, were the order throughout will be passed back and forth at the poisons whfcb con - think it very doubtful a& to the re­ fro.n water treatment as. administered by 7 the entire day. As the shade of eve- Lafayette Ferry at his expense« you m your celebrated baths. It was m BtjtuU t wcnt mainder of tho State ticket. ” hing drew its sable mantle over things T he C oming F ourth .-W o 'behind his ticket in August, 1864. when disease developed those interested in the continued suprema- itself -with a severe cough. . fen took cv ... old .. __ gtem of of one Doiaon cy of of the system poison to to cure terrestrial, the news of the result came tho people of Lafayette and vicinity medicines, getting worse, with chills, fes every county in the State save Bouton. another. All ol the ompyrics joined in vcrs^lossof strength, and Was prorrtiunced the chorus, and in yheir ignorance laugh» in from all points, and doubtful, eon- will make ample and timely prepara­ So much for cutting the flag. consumptive. This set me to thinking, cd at the new system, circulating' base '■’fliat ing and desultory reports we.re tions for a grand celebration of the and 1 finally determined to leave my busi­ stories of its kl-succe88, and quoting imag< 'i - made. -A genoral headquarters for approaching Fourth of July at this Yamhill County boasts a larger per ness go to the Sandwich Islands, having inary cases as proofs. Timo has demon­ beeu informed that I could not be cured strated their dishonesty. After five years Cither party was very naturally estab­ place. Of the necessary materials the cent., i)jemocratic gain, than any Coun here. I went to San Francisco, and of uninterupted success the Electropathic lished, and different parties soughjt people in this vicinity have an abnn- ty io the State save and except Mult­ while waiting for a ship, called upon Dr. system is (he loading idea in medical jur­ Bourne, who stated that a trip to the Iss isprudence, while by the old system, phys und rftlied around the 7)nc to which table for nomah, and dte elects “ statuquo” lands would probably result disastrously, icians were content to cure one in every their bent inclined them. A Demo­ the occasion. There is little time to Powell’s brother to the Senate. was unnecssary, as I could be speedily five cases, there were those who were div cured at his his establishment. I placed 'ing deep-into the science of the curative cratic rendezvous was made of the be lost. Appoint a meeting, come to­ If * Catalogue* Laughlin should hap­ myself under his “treatment, and in one art; anong these were the Electropathists ; dnl£ store- of Drs. White, and West­ gether, detail the neeessary commitiecs pen to get his seat in the house*.,mighty week was so much improved I thought I finally, .it was discovered that the failure in field, while the other party rallied on and set the ball in motion. We confi­ Czar 1 at-tbe talent. thought I could risk returning home and mast of the cases of organic disease, was to my duty as Engenccr on the Central ♦ho “ corner,’* at Messrs. Eckles & dently expect to see the ladies taking M r . STEPHEN BEAN has re- Pacific Railroad. The Doctor objected, entirely due to the machine. Taking this view of the case, Dr. J. H. JOsselyn, after Burbank’s store. t an active part in the necessary prepa­ moved with his family to the Corn- but I thought I knew better, and return­ years of experiment, has perfected an Elec Men were busily and ainxiou.-dy co­ Ì rations for a grand and gala time in wall 'place, three miles south of Mc­ ed to* duty. In about two weeks my tropathic Instrument, which will cure any , cough returned} and I kept getting worse disease which flesh is heir, always to be gaged, pencil in band, ‘‘ figgerlDg ” on. commemoration of tho day made sa­ Minnville, at which point he will con and contrary to Dr. Bourne’s injunction understood that the case is not far advan­ the probable result at either head- cred by hallowed memories. . Let us tinue the business of Blacksmithing. never to take medicine again, committed ced as to show a destruction of the vital that folly,' and soon was so completely fquarters, canvassing the, probable end act promptly in this matter. A Bachelor and a young lady bought run down that I could scarcely walk ; so, tissues, we do not claim that the use of. of the conflicting reports which con­ r some tickets in partnership in a lottery as a last resort, I concluded once more to medicines may not be moro advantageous ii> some cases, but, that in connection A ll H ail , tiie . C iieiialems — tinued to pour in until near high 12, at the recent Sanitary Fair at Milwa- try the water cure. I went to SanFran- with medicines, it will perform a cure I «1- • » V On tho eve of tho 4 th inst^the two ; u^,ce. agreeing to divide proceeds equi ta eisco—few of my friends expecting me ev much sooner than without, and aslo that —- seemingly oblivious to all that might bly. They drew a double bedstead, a er to return—-In fact, I thought my re­ diseases hitherto deemed incurable, can be transpiring elsewhere cn this loot- Chc-halem precincts came thundering turn doubtful. On arriving at Dr. B.’s be cured by this system but tho directors down with 43 majority for the Demo- baby-crib, and a lunch basket, and the establishment (Feb. 14 1805) 1 was not would take this opportunity to inform in­ question is hpw to divide them, or able to get into the bath withot assistance valids that tho Resident Physician is a reg ■ ‘ ’ . .hbldl when sd . _ ____ _ ... 10.l’£CO VCT-tpy s. •ular graduate, and ha»had a Fargo exp$r- —— • was beard,“etew the way, she’s going to bll"ncr Trecinct. 'bc coun'>’' Shc ‘ jintly. ” self again. I remained with him only "six’ encc io the treatment of diseases, both fe- weeks, a hen I left, “ a wiser and better with and without the aid of electricity, he ..... ehooi !’’which MHuewhat dis’-Urbod the]drovc nad* . ’n tbe coffiu ol lAirayette Market. man,” without the Ku) of medicine. I has also discovered several “elcctic” veg- , . . . .• . -i . tblack republicanism, disuuionism, and have now been at work several weeks, etable remedies that will cure almost any equanimity ol those not entirely ab-:, , , . „ . , , , r---- 1—, - (CORRLCTED WEEKLY]-» .... et c » end. 11 had she Jaecn fairly deult by, would and find that 1 am gaining evory dhy, and nameable disease, which he will send to «orbed .o ¿T «.(iggeri gg Wheat, ’[• Bushel, ■ atmresent but fair lair to toTre at ,in csentTid ire stouter uian.ever than ever any part of the Pacific Coast upon receipt »» 46— doubt. We, bein^ somewhat disen^ biMorv. l’ersohs visiting the"Doctor's 6s- of a coniplete description oi'~ttiB illMeiM ; vomici, *1,00 will be abundantly established when ■Jiinvv, Barley, j.. bushel, tablishment will find it just what it should with which the applicant may be afflicted, __ r. __ I *1 gaged fur tlie time, ana curious to Corn liiealu p i l t>0 4b i k. $5,00 be, bu:h in Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ do- an 1 will warrant a peribet cure in all cas- the scat of Lampson, who only claims - --------- Flour, / HHf fos $2,50 ’ ¡cam what wa3 probably on the tapis, i ' ; . ton, --- £¿0,00-- partmeuts, and I cannot say too muejj in 8 majority, is.. contested. In West MiddlfrtgR, where the medicines aro used accor- praiseTot' the doctor’s Tmilf attentions’ to I vended our way cautiously in the ’dtng to dircciioHSjMHHl-more especralljrin Apples, dried ’ p lb * 7 Chehalem the people are quiet, indus his patient*/ - “ ’recrioft of thc'noise.” We had not cases of FEMALE TROUBLES, where Peaches; f* lb 23. This letter I wii(u for the benefit of all great care and caution are necessary to a . trious and orderly, and- the precinct BACON. gone far when wo met a pair Of bipeds tho at ll icted, t o bc nwe * paid for my trouble. ’ JAMES CAMP- Diseases (which the old system) took wliat was going on below, only hal’ed MlSCEI.l.AX EOLS and inviting place to live in. HELL, Engcnecr Central Pacific R. R. months, or even years to cure, are now _20 ,jn thvir flight long enough to articulate cured, ina.fcw days or weeks, The cost, - 25 R k . moved T o B’ ukxa V ista .— . Mr • ' -imperfectly, “don’t go dowrf there, _ _ ,, S an F r * a :<< i > c >. August 22, too, is not so great as by tho old system, 25 . j , i . , . . Cheese, per th, Advised by the undersigned, Mr. Jas,_ besides Aho saving of’time. Connected • shc Will shoot!” By this lime We' es -I (. Krcutz who has resided in La- (»hiek> ns, p iloz., 1 ' $3,00 Campbell, of the Central pacific Rail’ ■w i‘ bushel’ • U*»^(wRo'«ai.'ilie.o. in a «Tost, dcpluta*. with this system is tho renowned ■ Bail»« / > -------------------------------- ----- l^ed?m maiiufactuung.JfofltaJlUlL^hQ^. Onioib«, p tt> hie state of ill health ) placed''himself un-’ P-tveurea when we immwhately put h,ok his depftrturc frotn amongsrus, Beans, p ft. than which there is ndmoro powerful aux - * 8 @0 der the carts of l>r. Bourne tho Water ilery in the world for the radical cure of £20 him -UAwerii ourself-#«4-d»»ger, and i tMie ,l:iy Jxst week, bouqd for Buena Cure l'liystcnra: Some six months or ■,2P™ -• -mor« afterward he visited this CityT.when disease.- There is no institute -in the • hatetened up, thus »getting "ourself in ’ Vista, where he contemplates locating State whole (fie electropathic »y slo» -W........ . I accidentally met hiir'at Dr. Bnurire’s es ’ ’ - close proximity to the “setne ” We i pcrnwmently. We are sorry that Mr. RELIGIOUS MOTICES. ’ * practiced, except at the . — tablisnurent, and am h\ppy to say, resto­ . , , .. I,,’ , aYHrMrF. Krcufz c >uld not deem it E i . qer S. C. A dams conducts religious red to good hea’rth,aiul in turejspiriXs..___ J.. jElectropatliic -Institute, — here took n h tie time to deliberate, compatlble^¡lh best interests to "——045 Waahtajrttnr Street. services at the Church in Lafayette, on JOHN SULLIVAN. and without difficulty di^çovervd “ Josh and without difficulty discovered -'Josh remain with ua. 7 ......... ..-f This Institute was established to,.if pos the first Sabbath of each month, at 11 sible, prevent the unwary from falling,in» Mr. Kreutz will engage in the o’clock A. M. and Dan/.’ (who arti notoriously on the HTOr. Bourne treats all diseases of the ; to the dens of robbery, (yclept qnack ....... ?-bob around,”Yof the masculine, and I Boot and Shoe business at his new Rcy. N. A. S tarr , preaches at McMinn­ throat, chest and luugs—which includes doctor's traps), and hereafter the scietific , . . i home, where we shall be pleased to ville at 11 o’clock a . m ., and in Lafayette dipfitricriaTtiTOfichMs;incipient consump-' X originators of tbislnstilute will not be to “nd -------- !he fem'"inc ! learn of his abundant sneeosi. ” 3 o’clock r. O i the fourth Sabbath of lion, pleurisy, croup, Ac,—with greatest blame if the atllicted are robped of their success.^ Great relief is afforded in ad- j gender, mixed up promiscuously and each month money, and injured in constitution. . ♦ A P etty E xhibition of P arti / vanccd stages cf Consumption. Rheuma­ m indescribable confusion, while a There is also another view of the affair. *~ sax M alevolence —A certain Post Iii the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ tism, parlysis’ neuralgia, fever and ague, The rising generation should be reared diminutive and unearthly looking npc- I ** T • I dropsy, etc., etc., are also cure . quickly, egon, Tor the county of Yamhill. with strong constitution,, and tho direc Master in Yamhill County hit upon pleasantly and economically. No medi­ - ciiucn of the genus Lipid— a nonde­ Isopl.cna Fleming, plfT. ----- tors wish to arouse their guardians to a Bill for Di­ ! a somewhat novel plan to do the Cou-j cine whatever. vs. proper sence of their duties in their prem script as to gender or anything else . vorce. ... H . i • f RFF.R dirt, Soon after the publication Ge >rge W. Fleming, deft. if possible to prevent . them from » ! discoverable by us, was making him-1 _ . Confirmation Strong Of ises, stuffing their young charges with deleter» of the paper was commenced, this To George W. Fleming, said defendant :* An Intererting Letter. self conspicuous on the outside and ' ions drug, with a chance of entailing up N THE NAME N AME OF THE STATE OF man, being too-ignorant to know his ~N M around the edges. At this juncture ! S acramento , November 23, 1865., on the tender constitution, just forming, OREGON, You i are hereby summon.-d duty or too wilfully dishonest to do it, D ear D octor :—I received your letter a complication of evils, a thousand times to be and appear in the Circuit Court of a self-constituted policeman interfered, a few days since asking for my photograph worse than death. let himself about warning people not 4 th-» Slate of Oregon for the county of It would be consuming space, to no making a bold sally upon the mass, "which I #¡11 attend to ns soon as con vens to subscribe for the C ourier —-that it Yamhill, nnd answer tho complaint of said" ient. At present 1 am very busy, on ac­ purpose, to enumerate the disease, to digging up one of either geuder, and plaintifi in this cause filed against you, which this system is upplicated, suffice would “ not run two months ” and that within ten days from thbtlatc of the ser­ count of the stormy weather, being out at ’ straightway putting an end to the it to say, that there is no diseases all times, both night and day, and am en ­ all who took it at his.pffice must pay vice of this writ upon you, if served in This joying good health, apprehending uo dan­ within the catalogue of human ills but melee. The above prrcceding we have .• ,4,-.an . •___ “ . ■ ■ ' oounty, and within twenty days if served pc stage in advance for the year. This within ar.y other county, and if you fail ger if properly careful, ns every one sho’d what can be cured at the Electropathic seen fit to dub the “ after piece ” to institute We have instructed the Resi­ to answer, the plaintiff will nmily to said be. I have read my letter in the Call the day’s performance. It wus an in­ radical ignoramus did not know that I court for the relief in said action deman­ and other papers, and have been asked dent Physicin to warrant a perfect and newspapers were not chargacble with ded. several times concerning it, and whether permanant cure, or ask No Pay for ser­ teresting one. ■ - , it is correct, and 1 say I can vouch for its vices, when in liis judgment it is within u. s. I. R. S. HURLBURT, postage in tbe County where published, [Not to be continued.] contents, and more if required, as can a tho bounds of cure 50c. Plfis. Atty. lie had the thieving dishonesty too, CAUTION. A great many others who knew mo at the Published by order of R. P. Boise, Persons seeking tho Electropathic In­ time. I remaiu your friend. r to claim postage for a year on a paper F ine F ish .—Mr. Hagey brought District Judge 3d Judicial District stitute should be earful to remember the JAMES CAMPBELL. Witness my hand, and the seal of said ♦o town during the past week, a wagon that he knew " would not run two name and number. To D r . Bourne, San Francisco. Court, affixed at Lafayette, in said months. ” ' 1 EEIXTROPATHIC load of very nice salmon. lie thought » county, this Sth day of June, A. Dr. Bourne takes the liberty to publish INSTITUTE Despite the efforts of a few putty­ D. 1866. his entire load would average twenty G45 Washington Street. June 12-IJw S. C. ADAMS, Clerk. the above, as many persons had propbo pounds to the fish. He sold them at headed peony soulcd pimps of intoler­ South side, between Kearny and Mon* sied his relapse into his former conditon, ance and nogro-worshiping fanatics to tgomery over the Restaurant, . $1 caoh. To The Mick. on returning to his duties, of tho writer of fl J. II. JOSSELYN, M. D. ■ - - t ■ ............. .... .... put it down, the C ourier is a perma- * [ communicated .] “ An interesting Letter/’ whoso state­ Resident Physician. , T kmpera N c «.—The Good Temp­ nentfixture of Yamhill County. Be it Aa Intereating Letter. we moats concerning the euro of a well defi­ on the sign. With these remaks Very few persons, even among physi» ned case of Consumption havo recently leave tho interest of the Institute with the lars have organised a Lodge in Lafay­ aaidlo their credit, the more worthy, in­ public asking only the same generous cians, would have been' willing uoon ette. and seem to be in a prospérons telligent and influential of the Republi­ attracted sq much attention to tho Water confidancc thus far awarded toit. The any terms to have been in the condition. Prof. Handley waa elected cans arc the last to join in a dogged condition of tho writer of Cure, as improved upon and practiced by record shows over twenty thousand con­ of the following letter on the 14th of Feb ­ Dr. Bourne. Thia additional testimony sultations, and ft very^ laçge amount of persecution of any and every enter ­ . C. T,, and Miss Judith McBride, ruary last. 1 will anticipate somewhat must prove satisfactory to all reasonable suffering, relieved, prise however much the interests of . Vioe Templar. . Persons wishing to consult the Resident his report of the facts by say iug that on minds. -It should be remcmberc»14hat Dr tho community are likely to be promo­ the loth of August last, he made me a vis Bourne uses no medicine whatever, and Physician, by letter can do so with tho it, " the very picture ofgood health.” his patients almost universally, those who utmost confidence. All letter» must he ted by it, simply for opinion’s sake.' «4 1 Timo, which tries and proves all thjngs have failed to recti vo relief from tho meds addressed plainly J. II. JOSSELYN, M. I 1 3« Dna. Wnrric & W«mHBUk have a BB qoqquueett I!””—Our apol- . has sufficintly tested this case, and shown, ical practitioners; yet they are cured with D., Box 1945, San Francisco, Cal. All .L "F •od assortment of patent medicines. ogy to tho Editor of the Advocate for j that neither relapses nor collapses having, r__ ____ _____ great rapidity, and in a pleasant and agree letters will bo destroyed or returned, as 73 !»ey aro oonatanily recruiting their having onco Upon a time anglicised a followed, the cure is perfec». and can be able manner. T No. 10 ïkaoni ” Temple" desired by the writer. Office hours from ’ no. 15 3m 6 a . m W 4P. w. no. If m3* little *• I ’ hrcnsch. ” ' dilcd among the acorcs of similar cases Pest street entrance. to:k of fMWM dr I»: •« ». * THE COURIER W 4 S I -.b*