Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, June 12, 1866, Image 2

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P etty P roscription .—Some days
since, Mr. Hammack purchased the
As many have predicted, (the wish
interest of Mr. Bodyfelt in the meat
doubtless being father to the-thougbt)
market of this place,"the latter named'
D efeated . P artially , but not that our paper would, hiving fulfilled gentleman expressing a derirc to re-
S ubjugated .—The late election io its mission, ^whin tho election was tire from‘the btmuewW CRgage-in
rYamhill county resulted in the partial over, bo discontinued, we deem it in romethiog «be.- Hammack r< n gardcl
defeat of the Democracy by a very place to'say a few words on this point. by all who know him as.being a good
small majority, which might have boen It was nevfir our remotest intention to citizen and very worthy~fnan—a mem­
overcome easily enough had a proper discontinue the publication ; of the ber of the Christian church, he js a
effort been made to do so. Th«“ de­ C ourier . What means'we possess gentleman of exemplary morals. In
mocracy will not doff it j armor, how­ are invested in our office ; we could the eyes of a few radicals be is guiltj-
ever, for it is but a short tiu^e until not, consistently with our interests, let of Qn.c great offense—that of being a
another election rolls round, and there our paper stop if we were ever’so de­ Democrat. No sooner had these radi­
ts scarcely any one silly enough to sirous of .getting out of the business. cals ' been informed of the change
suppose that there will be a ghost of a We, however, have no desire to change which bad taken place in the proprie­
.show for success for the radicals iu our business, and the C ourier , com­ torship of the aforesaid market, than
another fight- No person will be wil­ manding a support commensurate with they set about starting an opposition
its necessities, we shall-continue its
ling to allie himself with the fortunes publication indefinitely,-so fur as de­ establishment.
1^ seems that they
of a party which is so obviously plavcd pends on our ability and inclinations have pfcvailed upon Mr. Bodyfclt, who,
out, as is the present bundle of incon­ in the premises.- The election being by tbe way, is a very worthy man, to
sistencies claiming- to be the “ Union ” passed, our columns will be devoted in re-engage in the busiuess7m crder, as
the future, more to 'the lotal interests
party. Had the election b<. n a month
of our people, the news, and wiscclla- they say, to “ freeze ” the old gentle
later we would have carried the State neous subjects, than to thé discussion man, Hammack, out. We regret ex­
by from 1500 to 200(T majority, so of political subject«. We have thus
ceedingly to see such proscriptiveness
rapidly were men deserting the cause ; far received a tolerabiy-liberal support,
manifested‘in our village, and especi­
of radical disuniouistu. When we though there is abundant room furim-
pro.vement in this particular.
The ally are we sorry to sec men engaged in
from time to time asserted in the col­ votintj .population of Yamhill county Abe. enterprise whom the^communily
umns of the C ourier , that the De­ now numbers over eleven hundred, bad looked upon as being above such
mocracy was being materially rein­ while a majority of qur people are an exhibition of intolerance. -
forced in this county from the ranks well to do in respect to property and I The right of any one to embark in.
resources. This being the fact, we
of the enemy, some, who ought to have
see no reason why a paper should n.ot the business of furnishing meats fur
been better posted/scouted at the idea. be reasonably Sustained at this point. our people is not questioned, but the
and the result of the election vindica­
ted our judgment in the premises.
From 162 of a majority, we reduced
them in the short space of two years to
‘ absolutely nothing. They wilt not se­
riously contest another election. Marl^
that. “
————— —■
1 er to a twcnty-lourcmdmff^iCetTanT
Telegraphic .
T oronto . Jure 2.—Early this morning
troops left Fort Colbornc under command
of Q61. Booker, of the 18th Regiment,
** The Queen’n Own,” and three miles
from llidgcway Station, tho Fenians wero
found encamped in the bushes. The col­
umn nt once attacked them, the volun­
teers (iriving tiie Fenians.
A number
were killed on both sides.; Tho voluns
at Cdliimbus, endorse Johnson’s recon­ teersjbehnved splendid!)-, rushing nt thp
».. uvmvu policy,
Fv..v,, l>ut
--- --------------
------- o -
claim nothing
at .retreating Fenians with the utmost gal-
, n
i --
x r i - „ _ lantrv. It is thought the volunteers will
An effort is being ma,de to pass the,
Colorado bill over the j^residefit’s ve­
to. The rxoieals want to be reinforced
by two Senators from that State. (?)
jg Deniocratic State (Convention
|he tth u|t.
bis Lands
for t>ii
support of hi»
his mv-a.
mca. #i
bo)d . .f own un|U
is icnr
iRdr suppurv
untU U|C nn.iv,J
“U<I Pendleton [ ; of British regulars and artillery. Later,
8ures. ValiarfdigbsBi
Valiandiilbam and
I —12.00 M.—Tho battle is still going on«
“ The Queen’s Own” and regulars fron»
made speeches.
The trial of Jeff. Davis is¡-TorimtiLore..two hours behind time In
forccs enghgetl
eirjgaged prCVtOUS
preefoufc lOr
.1 * ...»
1 h aving. j 1 he forces
be pOfetpQDCU.UUllL^AllgUStaI.rjVA] wcrc about equally opposed,
ber. His wife is now allowed to visit about 2,
- P.
•' ”
LOO strong.- -------
Later; -- 1:30
and remain with him. Great gnash­
Jug that *• ThejQueei*’« Own” were driven
ing of teeth among the radicals in back wiilt'6'« I“**? of some 15 ¡killed and
10 wounded, but rallying again drove the
F p nines hack »¡/»in with considerable -
“Judge Thomas, of the Circuit Court loss.
- -
■ .
.. .... -r
B uffalo , June the 2-1, 2;4QP. M.—».
of Virginia, at Alexandria, refused to
Latest reports say the troop/nl Ridgeway
admit negro testimony in a case where •were being Lanl pressed by the Fenians.
a white man js on trial before him, de­ 4 p M.—t he Fenians are reported bpn-’
claring that Congress cannot decide I tejn.- -The Canadian loss was twenty kib
ted and a number wounded. The Fcniarf
that peisoDs or desses of persons may loss is supposed tube heavier, many be­
ing taken prisoners. <5:30 P. M.—The.
testify in Virginia courts.
steam tug,Robb arrived nt Fort Erie with
Geo. II. Williams,
of the .“Com-
40 Fenians, who were taken prisoners at
mittee of Fifteen,” has lately received Ridgeway. She wfcs lyiufc at dock, ubeh
i r
_ i».-t tn •»
! 200 Fenians came over the bill and fifed
a reply frum Geo. 1 hil. hhcmlauj to tu .—
-kcd b)(o (bc gli>e||fa
list of-questions seme time since pro­ and tired two shbts while floating down.
pounded by him in relation to the sta­ The Fenians tli^n attacked tbe company
ofwolunteer artilmrr posted in
i the town,
tus of society and rhe negro in the anil after a JbrieT i esi>timt^t the thrnadi-
South, and touching the necessity for aitF wavered and finally *£•' ;avc way retrea-
. tingdww,:
the'Southern States. Were it not for
The bank, rallying at times.
• lor . abr«-a>t of the Canadians.? I be firlrg Hi»-
inaugurate other improvements. Mean­ of the radicals in this instance, is par­
­ ally ceased and the Canadians surrender.
1 ,
while we hope our friends, «ud-.all ticularly reprehensible. .
^•4? The afficr lasted about 20 minutes.
friends of the progress and develop-,
eral in his answers to the several in- The FeHianSdid' n<>l re-cSptnre any of
A S light D ifference —The Ne- terrogatorics of Williant*-would have lheir iuen. The light was witnessed by
nient of the various interests of our
community, will -make Eaeffyrt_L0 eI~ irro-Onion persists in setting down abundautly. viriuicutcd the policy pur-1 a large number of persons OU this side..
June 2 ^, O-A H. — Accounts.
tend our circulation.
. ■
Wood’s majority jn this qounty at 25.
of Rilga wav' ar_‘_so con-
To those who have siut-ed on our
ahnosT impossible to get
Without iii/ing any good reason why,
enterprise, and lent us encouragement,
i the truth. ’ Some sti'.l assert the Fenians
extend w warmest greetings;|eurgd the trailing of the American tireidea most promipcitt Sheridan
. Q uiet and O rderly E lection .—
ZUrow rtml wJHtTfml li*c XTan idians, and
while to jthose who have availed them­ flag, got only thirteen majority ip
The election on the fourth passed off
is, that it is to some extent necessary i others tfii>.contrary. Ct»l, Starr, cmn-
selves of every oppnrt-unity to level a Yamdttll county. But .for the rigorous.
.nariding the Fciti-tns, gave • filers toscatr
to maintain a miiifary force at the ter and save themselves.
quite orderly at Lafayette. With the thrust at us, we frill say, that we dis-
regyilboirprciinliuM. —
™ elecIwn ______
_____ _ as
Soutk. This
was _ to
be expected,
exception of a trifling “ fray”" between
hut sryvrr.
sen-re. The Canadian
brief f but
M- Bland and E C. Bracha.,
• - i i his
•_ .-
captain was »•«•unned and a'Fcnsn ca¡ «»
more • behind
>‘fliis is ttie
In these'days of^rorruptitxa and vvnal- j tain killed. Tic British forces consisted
which took place "early in the day, and
P roscriptive T endencies of county iu which the devilment'was
iiy, to yoluniiirily proclaim that there ■wf the Fourteenth« Sixteenth ami l*nqh
for the p^rt he acted in which the for­ tiie R AiHCALS—“ JRev. W. Fergu­
Artillery. bes. Je« Canadian
Is ~ no fitrfhi r jj .- c fur their paUicular voiùnte\r‘ì«j tire now en rout, to Fort Erie.,
mer named gentleman carries a receipt son, delegate from the Zanesville, 0 / done-—here, is where the people
trud‘-s. Tie General hays (hat as* a q" Orre humferedr—ami fifty lire expectci)
■‘tri yit.” This affair was the result Presbytry,vw»s. expelled from the Old who did it. '
. -t-- .
girt. — * - •
School General Assembly at St Lotti*, i
lTve negroes in lii- ¿<q nrt»«e»t there
: tn-:>
■ .. g!rt.
N4: w -A gkk ,.J u -» c 2 - The Fciiún-saxe
P olk C ounty .—Our neighbor pouty,
FeeaDtly-. aiithWrip of a,
shaW’s vote just for the fun of the ter published in the Columbus (Ohio) l olk, though she diu not cunc up
... *2^*
... the
- i >.
Si, _ Lav.
rer: __
ce _ ”. Gcnt-ral
fijom i frprn-
the sthndard^Hte^era!
thing. "This put a period to further ma- Statesman, denouncing-lhe radical ma •Aa
T.. - - li’ot-y JA-aS £xjitct«4.4i^iS^rVirTrvrr7< me '
Two convicts escaped from tie J\rT- v. i.erc fic'.ow Rouse's I l’v'iit
tigntmt interference at the polls with jority ie the Assembly.”
u'Ot to-iSy
to-d-.v. (ivn.
ation in the late election, she never— —. ... . —......—<----- . . —
night in
were obvidusly entitled to
The above we print as a specimen thelcss rendered a fair account of her­
brick of radical religious intolerance
>.»• 5,000
linn men from tlw.
K.uirth anil
| . >>V
the First,,
self. She elected two Representatives
It has been but a short time since a
The ex-privatecr Tallahasse has Sixth wards, despcuL: ca-ts rcgdy=4br --
and most of her county tickeL_and
S ome V ictory .—While the blacks
l __
i i
rr— «■ -rr1-
aiiythinir. io-dav the streets ■ are iil-elJt
minister of high standing and great
been surrendered by the Ln^iish Gov-.
,, r ■ ... -
. ,, „ „f .
gave Col. Kelly a majority.
« -
7 ,
, with Union of Herrs and so!<l:ers ami na-
carried tho county by a scratch, the
ability, was expelled in Pennsplvania
ernnunt to the Uuited
I uiied States. The; vil men, a.-king for Sweeiicy’s Inadquar-
Democracy elected most of the J usticcs for a like offence. Tell us that the
W e issued and distributed our last Negro-Onion is particularly wrathy in j tets. Thev say they.Jure Lad four years
and Constables throughout the county. indications do not point to an attempt paper on Saturday, three days in ad­ the premises. It says :
i of service, and want more,
A St. Albans (Vu) dispatch says the
In Lafayette we elected Messrs. J. T.
“ About a year ago our Government Fenians are moving iiv that direction,
to establish a religion by law. Th esc vance of publication day, and it is pro-
Hembree and II. W. Allen by hand­ same radical proscriptionists would, bable that some of our subscribers did pompously demanded indemnity for commanded by Maj. Spear, late of the’
the ravages of those rebel cruisers, but regular army. St. Arnami is said to be
some majorities. Great surprise was
were they a little stronger numerically, not receive tbeir papers as wo were now contents itself with merely claim­ their rendevons. St. Albans is quiet this
manifested among the radicals ovor
shackle the minds and tongues of all compelled to spnd our packages to the ing the vessels—appearing in the mounin *. Toronto dispnt' In s say there
4.000 troojjs
troops within
this result, for they had confidently
------- fea-t
a few
who do not exactly agree with them different^ points in the county by character of a sort of residuary legatee h.>ur^'march .f the Fenians, and plenty
oounted on from twenty to thirty ma­
of llv« Suulhern Cunfederaey. -Tbis-4
on what they miscall the sacred church. private hands. .... J_
. . , .
„ .
r •
I- I more reserves.
‘ letting down in our foreign policy
jority in this presinct. But, alas for
C hicago , Juna 4.—Tho- Eauiaa irtva*
They already proscribe and ostracise
D r . M’B ride , who has been expec­ is fitly paralleled by the achievements 1 Sion at Fort Eric lias terminated «lisas- •
human calculations I They “ slipped
all who do not think and act politically
ted borne from H onolululu , has not of that wonderful statesmanship which i trouslv. Form the mass of dispatches
up on it,” slightly. Col. Kelly led
that n-iiifor.-emcnts
Iia3 made treason odious by making it appears
...... .. ...................______
up to thir standard. Think (f this,
yet returned, The last seen of him, rraitor3'honorable. ”
Woods in this precinct three votes.
Americans I .,
night, June 2 I, and wcrc driven back by
he was sounding along the coast in
The remainder of the candidates varied
Wo publish important telegraphic the United Stati-w patrol boats. 1 lie sit-
from a tie all the way up to two major­
search of the ford at which he crossed, to
news of the Fenian invasion of Cana- ' nation on the CamdiiU side being |M-rii
P resident J ohnson has ordered
reach the Islands three years since. He
ity, except the Justices, one of whom,
ous from the close pnqiinquity to 3,', q O
tbe arrest of all the i’ankee specula­
da. A bloody time may be expected. I British regulars, under Col. Gordon, Col.
was leading his mar, Blaze, and was
Mr. Hembree, got five majority.
tors down South. Tbe radicals arc
The majority for Woods in Multno­ I O’Neil, commanding tiie Feiiian invaders,
complaining of the “ misketurs.” lie
i attempted to retreat across the river un­
howling most agonizingly against mil­
W ashington C ounty D emocratic
had been compelled to abandon his mah county, as officially reported, is der cover of the darkness, on Sunday
itary “ usurpation.” It is all right
only 186. A decided falling off Hincc morning, June 3d, when the Colonel,
G ain .—Washington county has done
kit of “ medasens.’4
with them when a white man is ar­
the last election, when the blacks had staff and from 300 to 500 were picked up
nobly in the late election. She has
The stream has probably beer) swol­ near 500 majority in the county.
by the patrol boats. They artf now on raft
rested by some irresponsible satrap,but
reduced the usual eaormous black ma­
anchored in the river a few miles below
The candidate for State Printer 'on Buffalo under guard of the United State»
Yankees most not be disturbed; .....
jority vp there more than half. The
will be unable to cross for some time the Democratic ticket seem to have run steamer Mich gan, it being thought unsafe
Democracy of that county have every­
W hat W e W ould H ave D one . to come.
to bring them ashore, lest a rescue might
far behind so far as heard from.
be attempted by several hundred Irish­
thing to cheer them. Another elec­ —If each county ia tbe State had
men who swarm tho American^shore.
W illamette P recinct , which two
tion, and they will distance all opposi­ produced Democratic gains proportion­
S ickness .—There seems to bq just
B uffalo Jone 2.—8 p. m . Parties hero-
tion. We say to them, persevere, ately with Yamhill, we would have or three years since, only cast five now an unusual amount of sickness who have the best of information say tbe
press on. It is a noble work in which beaten the treason shriekers over two Democratic votes, came thundering in through the country, mostly confined Fenian movement from this. direction'is -
on the evening of eloction day with to children. Its cause is probably only a feint and Pottsdarn is to bo tbe
they are engaged, and they have only thousand votes.
base of supplies, and the real point of at­
- - -
- - ......
> fourteen Democratic majority. Truly, traceable to the protracted rainy sea­ tack is Prescott; surprise however is ex-"
to wait two short years to see their la­
pressed that no news has been received
bors in behalf of law and order—of ' W ill B e C ontested .—The scat of time works wonders. Mr. Mark Saw* son, and the consequent humidity of from others of any demonstration. Some-.
■ civilisation, crowned with complete “Catalogue” Laughlin, and possibly yer was in Lafeyette before night with the atmosphere, with cold night». body has evidently failed to come to time.
Dre. White and Westfield have been ' B uffalo , June 4.—AH quiet on tho Ni
success. There io a grand prize to be that of Lampson, will bo contest9d; the result.
kept on the go pretty constantly for a
Two Y ears since, in all Yamhill number of weeks. When the weathor sgua. General Meade and United State»
won, which will be worth the effort to the former on the ground of ineligibil­
District Attorney Went, have gone to
and will take a survey.
win it
The British troops now guarding the
gal votes. Laughlin’s case is a plain Justice of the Peace, Mr. Ayres, in ment of sickness.
• ■- -
Niagara frontier aro picking up Fenian
T h « Von of Y amhill C ounty . one, and as for Lampson, it Would West Chehalem. Ou Monday, one
T he Y amhill keeps up surpri­ atraglera, of whom it is estimated 200or
We will furnish oar readers next week only require the curtailment of his vote week ago, they elected in the county, singly the present season. Tho U nion 800 remained after the evacuation. The
with a tabular statement of the rote
eight to retire him to the shades of if we are not mistaken, NINE. Truth reaches tho warehouse without diffi Fenian loss will not exeeed 25 killed. -
The entire invading force did not exceed
of this county by precincts. It will
private life.
- —
gees marching on.
'* •■
be valuable for reference.
» U. M •»