L ' I /'■ \ ■ 1 .^!! UJ!!V. iHT LAF>YÉrrTE, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1866. NO. 20 <*' -- _____ i _-x THEÇOU I A P hiladelphia L awyef ’« ion of ’ C ongress .-—Recently O pin shipping are at half uiaat. Gem Soot J. C. was out'Saturday afternoon and there Wo clip the following from an eas­ Van Dyke. ■ Esq., formerly United was no signs of early death. He has tern religious journal: ’ TUESDAY, ISSUE l cen failing, quito fast though bi» phy­ __This reminds us of n little „fliorg-l States District Attorney in I’hiladel- bi —“ A dmn k en man wns t n ken from pbirfj Scnt to tbeTffice oTtbe'PlHladJU g sician j expected he would not expire at Say, you radical, nigger-loving, Anta FAYETTE, a house of ill-fame to the lock-up in Dickinson, Fred. Douglass, Ben. But­ phia Gasworks the amount of his gas such an early day. He was perfectly iflLL COUNTY, OREGON. Washington the other night, where, ler style of republicans, how do you bill, and upon the face of the bill conscious up to the moment of his upon his bis person, was found a roll of Hke Johnson ? How do you like go- thought proper to express his opinion death. Though he bad lost bis voice —AY___ _ __ ____________ _ three thonwid of the tax contained therein. The some hours previous, he recognized thousand dollars. fed.. »per C Horn nt ~ . J. H. CJPTOJÏ, showing that he r» tvaa was n a .In Judge of n a i You men that preach that God clerk refused to accept the money and the chaplain of the post ten minutes is con United States Court in a Western i troling events political as well, as etern receipt this bill, which drew from him bcfcro h^died, and clasped his hand PUBLISHER AND EDITOR State. Tbe awpd policeman took him j al? How do you like Tcuuesscc states I the following epistle : To tho receiv­ in silence. * ;t » . , M. J ing clerk at the office of the Trustees home.” ______TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. manship? How does it compare with More Fenien Report»» One Copy One Year, . . . . $2 50. of tho Philadelphia Gasworks : I sent The above appeared lately io a pop­ flatboat style? N ew Y ork . Muy -30.—Suspicious One Copy Six Months, .... •! 50. yoti this morning the amount of- my “ And. God snid let. there be light, ular and influencial paper, it is sug- I I gas bill furnished on Hie 1st inst. You Fenian movements load to tbe belief T E R M S 0 F A D V E RT I S I N G and there was light! ” TJiis is Bible that Gen. Sweeney is on the war path ■ One Square, 12 Lincs or less, one In­ gestiye__ _______ ~*7Xhd being in furr.icnt, they lifted refused to receive it, as my messenger and means mischief. Bodies of armed j 1. As to the morals of some men sertion, , , , , , $8,00 up their eyes and »aw, not- Abraham 1 repor s, because 1 had seen fit to des- Feians are reported leaving Cincin­ For each subsequent insertion; $1,00. i in high offices—“ a judge of United in tbe bosom of Lazrau.% but Ahdrcw 1 ignatc the thirty cents per thousand A liberal deduction will be made on 1 States Court”—at such a place as that Johnson in the white Louse. Pretty­ | feet tax as ‘ an Abolition imposition nati, Indinanapolis, . Cleveland and Quarterly, Yearly and half Yearly Adver­ upon white labor, levied by a Congress other points for the Canada border. mentioned! How all sensitive and picture, isn’t it, you freedom sliricking, i of traitors npun tho labor of white men .. ' J tisements. press mobbing, democrat hanging, cot ■ Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 right Minded pco| le turn away, with td support a corrupt negro war against H as C haos D ome A gain ?—In­ j ton stealing, woman robbing, plun-« her anumn. the sovereign rights of tho States and loathing and disgust-yes, ineffable dis- der loving, prison advocating, detno- timations have becu given that the the peoplo thereof. ” I nowiuctose L. -craf h^B^r ballot JvftX ,-fttpffiflg.. offictU) itteTHim apjami i iBiifijiilfaifairtaii holding s.up^bres ~fbll w ful and how disgraceful is such con-* COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. plaster currency of the’same ( ongress -Judge/J. W. Cowks; Commissioners, duct in any man, more especially in a bones ?' of traitors. Tho bill, you can have How do ycu like the new President?; v -T S. Crutcher, Ifcnry Hewitt; Sheriff, L L. man occupying such a position 1 When Wouldn t you ebuke gently on Booth s !. . .7. . . , shall open next December. Consid­ Whitcomb ; Clerk, S. C. Adams ; Asses- : I •(.. he were st.tl . ii a.svo r ; llvw+-, 1 r 1 >ar with the proper names ot traitors sor, (’harks Handlev; Treasurer, J >hn ' such men as that bear rule, and pro- windpipe; tf - Tr t V-L .... - -------- erable speculation has been indulged , * . • , 4t r. 1 Jaws. It you do not sou fit. to return a W. Matts; School Superintendent, llev. . feg;j |Q administer law ami justice, do you like this going into the Pcmo-> • . r .1 . • .1 , • I . receipt for the amount inclosed, it is a 1 as to the cause of this unusual prop©«---- John Spencer; Coroner, M. \v.. Brown; 1 w cratic party for a horse to liiteh up' . ‘ .. • . » siton. Wilkes’Spirit-of the Tinies, in _^ T-r r__X — l ------------------ matter nl no importance To ft! me. Re- — . ---------- -t—-T^- ■ »1-1111^111 fill 1 111 ptiriail TO I1W. -Su rve y or , A. S. Wa tt. ------------------- *------- • whttt-AFe-w-e-tQ- -expeet —but—the— tri- ------- with your muleJ 1 he seed or white 77. . ‘77 “ . a powerful article, under tbo above "’ •j~n 1 bruise • the .> ’’cad 1 ot f repirtnr- „.„Lr i sovetlully . ____________ ' -L—, > ; umph of iniquity and wrong? men shall r ». » your obedient , ,, ,, servant, , ! J. C. V an D^ k - e , caption, makcjthis explanation:’* But it suggests : ------ c-mwtr—Vtr?y, we say untó you,.n >w DENTISTRY _______ 61B Walnut street I *2. The di*. i-uenm rhe Rcprexcwmrivos and Sen- ' -F.4L M Tit: r-tCS wKrh i disposition, among a large ach«® çf O&r fôr yon f.'H.iwi; ta S7T3P tit:r ‘0 smeen (he guilty, if they puÜHcan^lwench Flagging,' frucdoiij ington , IN Y i Tff l JSEHSl U.V . The t _ --y----- - -- •- i’" frucilom iiivaded Canada last night, crossing _ ! chance to bo rich or in high ql.rces. »bricking, law breaking, Union ha­ i -Niagara river four mTIvs below buffalo, I present majority- of the two houses, rmieti 1 T he “ 11 ui j - f*ol teetnan took .m ting, members of» t he vn l y L>'tt-emLle ubout-ly 500 and were t«>J»y eutr. neh f whicl1 *¡1U¡£U l I jc |u UliiiOrijy,. júll ' . Th-v ì ui co4»rH O* Hirtw-t fari «hwmhuTw of—ttre"* • = IL .'^k • I.*... No x— it wouldnpt. 1 j tt • — dent * is a traitor. Let trailers’be merit prevails in BQltaTo anu in vanll— . , ** „ graceiLhnn. 11 is ( ’ apital. miBority, depriv- depriv­ t apitsl. The then minority, hung! *AVhy'"*d(nit yoM burn a ft’w West, and reports indicate a move­ Lnlayette, lambill Crtunty, Oregon. . ■ , . >• ~ . - ed of a Presidept, deprived too of Will practice in the Supreme, Circuit ,,e^ 1,ad him ; and it was printing office»,■ murder a few Denio'- ment by the Fenicns from .Rochester, their stat utory forums and, even of »ml all of the Courts ufTtiS Slate. ~* ■ 'J due to the public (hat"his dîsgfrCc be erMK,TVröw'a few printingqires-cs i:i- < Bi?fflilo, and other land points on1» large j,. Presidential recognition, will per forco ir. seals to join forces in Canada. Reports., 4 known. He might to have boon loekad the street, stop jour neŸsjiape.. I a •—-— 01 .• LnvO __ y> ¡ also indicate large bodies of Fenians tnrjbrircn to convene Opart io some ——7— -------- — ----------- j up; tried und punished just the same as “ Wlios’ pin here since,I’sh pin gone I are at St. Albans and poiuts along the u;ioHicial place. Assuming, nevertho- Who elected Johnson ? -Why in than DR. II. J. BOUGHTON. i :iny other offender; and for this coutsc dor don’t you’gct out the wide awakes, St. L iwrencc river, threatcrtirtg-a sim­ less7fet:J! to be the true and only Con­ I ' | his position was a stronger Tcason. burn lYcmociats in effigy, shoot at them ilar invasion, and ' reinlorc'-ment* arc gress, and «!»such, to have majority Late enough, within itself to‘ bo indepen­ lToe|vcry fact of his being a judge, as they go around cornets, waylay moving from Boston, New Yeik and dent of the Presidential veto or appro P/igiician &. Surgeon, the Eastern States to assist Gen. Swec In the HOSPITAL I) El’MIT- and being able to carry a roll of three I fhcrn'iu post offices,,shout ’rah for Link ny. This Fenian army of invasion is 00 *,s legislation, is 1 I va^i !t —‘•Johnson, and hold fast to tbe prize and endeavor to establish thousand dollars in his pocket, proves you found down South ? under the auspices of Roberts and in .. . .. . 1 _ , its „ author- lie was willfully and basely corrupt. >’Way down South in the laud of defiance of the organizer Stephs, 1 ? nn‘kr[t,,c. a »«pices of the Supreme Court. Hero will bo two «operate, Of The Army of tbe POTOMAC. It was not necessity, not poverty,, not Dixie! Ain’t that a pretty little whose counsels they reject. distinct and rival Governments in op- Dis pa t c hes from Toronto- represent "ihabHity/ to do' otherwise, that caused song? How do you like thc‘cxpcdi : pcration; not divided between the sec­ to-punish ____ military preparations >n s tgj) _____ cncy’ dodge?. AV.hy don't ydu cackle . active tions, as was projected, ’ him to do us be did. !IIc wife a bad ¡nv;;>brs. The Th«’ Canadian (’au.i ’ian Govern» Govcin- . - - • by the over- w i when, your President lays aft .egg ? ' the invaders. __ .. .. ..jw*--'«» 1*1 man , ,' anu , no ougiu nave Why don’t you celebrate, jubilate, in .Tmcut has taken potion of (he rsib ’ and as such sucluhc ought 10 to have tin^We another, witlim the narrow twb and and also gone abroad as a warning to 8. troops East and West are being travelling public. Now this cruel war. is o’er ! of the Orcy^n/ow, criticisng Berish Good others. Why don’t you laugh, smile, t talk,.¡-sent to the border in" detachments Brown! Imagine a very diminutive say something, if ’ it is not so ulliircd j sufficient it is hoped to prevent ajfurth« “yalier pnrp” snapping and snftrling ’• ■ " ”_______ er breach of neutrality. .. Wje have not received a number of smart Gracious, but youdcllews arc and attentive hustlers. noli at the heels of an elephant, n very either the L afayette C ourier , Eu­ busy about now ! This is your Presi­ dent. God gavo him to you. You D runken S enators .—The .ropers small nigger contesting military hon­ gene News, or the Umatilla Index, for S. C. BRADSHAW, five weeks. The Journal has been selected and elected him ! What’s have much to say about tho habits, of ors with the great Napoleon, a baboon mailed to all of them regularly. The the trouble in your^ camp ? Oh, but -MfcDougr.l and Saulsbury, of tho V< 8. running a tilt against editors no doubt liayc paid a great you arc a wet sot of rooster* ! ( Wc U, Senate. By way of fairness, would it many mean things about ns which never mind. Wc shan’t hurt you.- net be well to include in these atrio Cayuse running against Lodi or a mule AND they did not wish us to see until after Wc wont mob you—prison you—h-^ng turesdrnnken Chandler,.of Michigan, against Norfolk, a jackass braying io .$> you—abuse-you—harroas you in your who rarely appears in his seat sober ? frighten a lion or a tumble bu*g boos» the election.— Albany Journal. COUNSELOR AT LAW, bucineis—malign you—insult you— Wc have received but one number rob you and use you asyou have for five Thon, too, there is Sprague of Rhode ting away i.0 a vain attempt to upset Lafayette, Oregon. of the Journal since the meeting at years used us. You needn’t look scary Island, who manages to keep drunkjtwo M^tht Hood, or a carrion crow pitting i thirds of his time, and when sober is like when you see a rope, a prison or Corvallis of the Rump Congrcssites but one remove from an ididt. Let against an eagle, and you can havo a OLICITOR IN CHANCERY/ WLL a gun. there be fairness in this matter of dis­ faint couccption of the supremely ri­ Practice in the District and upretno in Convention. The Journal1 editor Get out the wide awakes. Call out cussing the habits of Senators.—W», Courts of Oregon. may think he has mailed us his papoi diculous position occupied by poor Statesman. ‘ „ ;; . g3F*Taxcs Paid, ColloctionS/hiade, and regularly, but we ass uro him it never the toj ai leagues. Get up some sanita­ driveling, pitiful Scott. Tho Lord ry fairs. Appoint a few brigadier gen Proceeds Promptly rcmittod. erals. Raise some colored troops. deliver tho poor fvlluW frpin all evil, so reached us., ’ Telegraphic Turn your prayer meetings into clcc- Our opinion about tbe matter, Mac, especially the poll cvit, with which ho NEWS. i tioncering booths. Tamper with clcc- is sorely afflicted, even almost unto * IT ir, that the excitement incident to , tion returns. Control the telegraph [coMriLKP LBOM THE DAILY OKEOOSIAN.} imponding defeat, so wrought upon Lie to the natiop. Open your mouths JeathT" Maybo a few Hawkins pills or I. N. T. CATON. and guffaw when the President speaks. doses of Copperhead brains might your nerves that you got your mailing Death of Gen. Scott. Be sociable. Don ’ t net-Tike wander ­ N ni Y ork ., May 30.—The funeral save him yet. Send for the-granny! departin’tin such confusion as not to be CATON URL ing drops from a grand funeral pro­ of Gen. Scott will take placeat West while there's life there’s hope. The attorneys ano counsellors at law able to say positively whether you cession. Why, you looked pfeasedly Point at.9 o’clock on Friday morning, earnest prayers of all good Christians have mailed the Journal to the our ­ good,’joy-struck, happy, angelio when ie C uuiiB« and that day^will be observed, by or­ ier or not. How many “ • nails” did Lincoln died compared to tho way you der of tho President, in a proper man- aro requested in his behalf. Ab, Lord 1 J»look now I l’ocr republican1 - how it all mil’t iry p;«t» T’hç flag^of—-Eugen* City N\w»> Jann drive in your Coffin. droadfuBy grief wefirs Jh' yeu at > ment, I LARAYEUS-diOU^. STABLING, ATTORNEY S w. .1...:. ______ _ i *