•••••• k ., n'. “ ' - -r - *7"' V - -- .0,- * . 1 ■ ? ' Ì ■'L* '■ ' ■ -V '' - ■ Ì . . r - • S” V 'V-' . ' *' <. * ‘ . ■■■■■ ■. ** ■ * .*;' ■*" ' *- ~ ■ * •• ■•j-'j. ' \ ï 1 L. ■ , ■••• ’ • ; ■- Ln, ' ■ í y e ! ** - < - ' * 1 y .A *•*. ..- ” *• ■'**.. t ■, ' ’’ ’ i ■ ■ V __ /y . --/.■■.r t-*./• S ’ t * ¿ F-■ ________ ________ L.-' ■ i ■ : . . h * ä — - z~ ■ -’v.i * - _ J * - -k • 1 Stubborn Truths. . A Spe<.uxicu cf Dbib Rern-liC?u Con- .... X ■»•■-■ - i error,^pe*. H W tifToi'h 1 for you 'M-p, ' :ti©i!_. la tf dfstìtHon AhnUfb.frheu^l^wtttHittitorxt’bfaüSütE-¿über;.cundid.fifid.honest cun-^ t0 fo* for’vour action toi>ear4ip&t-l Tjjh—rire C. loov.a;: « a! i .H h - ii of -the .four ceclc.dasiÍ£aL¡r-. - that;—tlrrútt I y Mil <:>< lively <>n th? council? of 1 ■ !!.■ •!a:’.e j aitÿ J* r¡7ountel,ank/’ wie» me ¡A rambula- , Mr. But Latan 1. '.he nation. Ti. m a ;cr and un- had-stMtiercd the. Navy to the four ting Yyinbill County, consecrating STATU ticket : S. II. KNIGHT Proprietor/ r; > Sain ain yiinpoft in Congress for the | quarters of the? >.lcl c, ami that there - their services to the desecration of their I'i♦.'.¡¿lent'; that i-, they (the radicals) fore Lineolo cojtilj do ncthhig toward callings—tuning after, “ strange G ods” 1 cauusjt.count with.certainty on the re 1 FKFSBIHCA'T! ■ strengthening, Fort Sumpter. They —political preferment at the expense sf .... UUil— _ ■ ’ * . ♦ quisite twothirds in the Senate,- to pans I . ................ ¡Sow with a : ; mm h bitterness charg -nnd to the lotting disgrace of the llo- - ' Ç0XGMCSS4 . r . knight invites the at --- VP their ii;lha;ou.->-mca*i|rCs ©V€T the veto tention of those who patronize such that it was Seward wb > seait, i\-.1 tl.<. 11 i.giuii they prvless to champion. JAMES IL LAY. Of the President, it Yamhill County’ re—rrrrrinvi*i;xJLI.Y, 5 SALOON •“ .-cleets ¡MniOGXiitic -Representatives to ! who evar saw.a preacher mixing down is ¿ W* ■iW’! '’mWAKV ®r sTAnr; r •< -the ¡State Lcgislatu e, the said Legis­ P- £-AN:E- in the dirty pool of politics, while FU.H STATE TKEAM inai : lature u ill have a majority on jointTal- —IN — preaching the gospel was bis calling, ------ JOHN (’. BELL.____ ~ dorAmd can therefore elect- a Demo* . vor sf ate puintbk : Read the extract and compare with and who has observed his conduct and DY TON, JAMES O'MEARA. rati-j U. 8. Senator; and thus Oregon . . A*-~ . . l-t 7 the many eulogies pronounced upon tendencies after promotion, can fail to ■ . -, ... •,-lh—- 'A B < through the instrumentality of Yam- Seward by this sumo ccnsistentX?) appreciate it. Parson Ilcndreson's AT here may be found Cigars, Oysters, rod FTASLCirriSO ATTQKNtV, __ 4thE A. t'f.oMN. hid County. will probably be the Sardines, Crackers, &c., &.c7 Ac., Ac. sheet, wk well the thou^fiud- aiid one ;t5. fr. • - —«Ô C- mean. charges that it was Democrats who th» point'. —h____ Bcmoeràtic'Còunty. Ticket Besides he can furnish a . IB There arc- numerous other reasons —vuu imWatXTATH !,s : dd the very ^things here“ Will the- Rove re nod*-Watte, Sallie, ÍLios. tíiANÍiLiTiTr. n. durch . wc might ùrge, did space permit, why CO. jiT-e.r., -F---k 9vcry voterof the Country should con­ upon Reward. It says: Spencer, Adams and Boyakin (late of JOHN G. ftAKER, There are-fmr points in Seward‘> this Utuiity) stop in tle ir downward at all hours. Give him a call and bo sider calmly arid d?'7p:i>sion:ifc’y, what ■jh- ' *0. C! BHK, course during the war that it may be satisfi. <1. N... il‘ BEAN, would most redound to Lu interest well to consider. In fhe^tirst qdace, career long enough to weigh these pro­ Daytop, January,25th, 1SG6. - siiEiurr, . - positions ? The Bulletin says': and wellbeing, before casting his vote the proof is positive that .lie gave W.~‘ BURNETT ; exist a more repulsive ..j..... i nxr un “Monday. Th trinen seeking your p edgeti- TUKASrnFIt, nrffarecs f-r n!l tire principle Comtj ''a'u.ioiKr.-, Fvr.-ytii, Cmvl, rJ ». 1. . Bwçctade than a debauched parson, - - , \ \ .. . man, through tUrd-parties, that rort ife can dive deeper into the mire of lilies and come up dirtier than any llOt XB TO SKLI.: : ASME^SOtt a number. fears, now, and then defeat < JOSEPHHENDERSON, - it is time we had given their places 49 iug the garrison, by sending the only u nscru pl uousn css 0 f t Tic co rn in 31LST bELL, ' 1 11 L- J •svKvrvoir, - - , ? vessel on tho whole coaat that could ti»au and the venality uf the vulger C a N SELL ’others, tbat their acts and doings may R0BERT 'tíHOOK. render’ the. expedition successful to broker in legislation, an indefinable JCKOOL SVl’KKlNTi'XDtNT, I /be looked into, to the end that wo be another point. While she was being spirit of meanness and au uueliou of You Let I Ain On M. TC—C-ARY - My entire Stock of Merchandise . enabled to determine as to whither prepared by the express order of‘Lin­ depravity that render him altogether CuKONUll, WESTERFIELD. we are drifting. AVc aro all aware coln and tho Navy Department,, fur unique. Unlike the ordinary -run cf will be sold without reserve , between the expedition against Sumter, and sinners who do naughty things because nov.’ and Election. that oar taxes are high-—even higher when the fleet at length sailed, expFSs. they are tempted, he seems to run to From in w until the second day of than they were when our Court house ting to meet the vessel which had put evil from pure love ofTt. . lie hungers ■ Voters, Attention! June, 1.8GG, I offer Goods at-pi ices far was being built. Why is this ? What to sea at Fort Su niter, Seward caused . 4 and a thirsts ’’ after unrighteousness with ■ By issuing this paper in advance of an avidity that astonishes and disgusts ‘ bc,0'v original cost-figure?; and «hall a dispatch to be sent to the rebels in i ___ Its date ,we arc enabled to bold commun bocomes of the money ?- It is not ex (’harkstun, informing them that a fleet even the most hardened polideal stag- on _rrTs. -i__ out _._ a at AUCTION * iiptthv ♦ that cluse pended in the erection vf bridges or ■ ion with you once more before you are c* had sailc I <0 ‘TCttCVE.- ,- TTprcr^crF; th- ____ ______ 1 t?U111Uir .7 tfpnrrt.... “ 1 f “hc gcTJ 1 nto ( .. ’vngress „... --- -- -rr- • •■ «r tf**-**«- ¡mblie buildings, thui what be- which the reheis (»pegodfife upon thú j chunees ar>', ten toonc, that he is con- j called upon to deckle by your ballots ■ ■ UH fur vc:¡a':i;y pii'.he riggh s hT5_A 'V •i torrr Axmi;’ of it ? - -A -laigc. ^um fccuUgcRd Fort aud reduce J-ii. luue are gn whether yon Will lu Compì irèinp an assortmetít of. Bibles, Test, statements, btet they are susceptible way into the Le^Ulatura. lia-ísryrrtñio y-earlj- from the people and they ought -necks in’Buliigcfion to-the domination of atdin lant pigj.*^ _....... ■ '■♦rtrbFalringraffer in every thieving cn- laments, and sscrtd lltinn Books ; Tho k • » , ■ jf jt ■ 5 y 1 ---- of a party that has in a thoftsand ways 40 begin to want to know what is done The - secund pjii.t is th.‘S,: ■ ttrprisv ; ,if he "ets rts office of tru.-t u:l»L? R.-a-on Why ;• Works of Josephus ; j. proved its unfitness to' he entrusted with it. T he t’!-nk-and 8heriff~are■ the first year of lire waiFtbc r.-sca:í<ú.s [he !6 prt :ty sure tu lurn^spíeuTaTor —- f Life of. T -tíubb.ith-. ’;;y lUügiouá Tales ; .£ ■ f ,, with power- We ask tlm-aiuA-ix,— V irrm, paid out of their fees, and the salary .of the Secretary, as contaiued on liis |in~sl>or.tf whatt verJ he is, you máy dispatches, were to this effect,~tbat ! count e.ii-fiisdiug a hard man, without .¡list and ApcstTeS; ChniKSff Legacy of Im Treasurer h the main ‘ item of spedi ve of former political asiuciaticns, whether the-iebelUtm was cruslicd or any of those amiable traits that- pal- Taylor’s Pictorial History of Ithc United ; to ponder thp prospects before them : County expenses. Then we say-, what suectssful, cither in part or whui.lvy s■•>,. lii.to villiany. We have all known ^-- compare the. actions of the prcse.nl : becomes<4“ tbe meney? The people that the status; of the slave v iMi wen arid ¥1111-red from them, Strifes Seven Hundrod. Lagrannga know that they are heavily taxed, and remain unchanged. About tbo time Thty have ma 1» ireuiCcs mure corrupt, ('□’.belt’s Advice to Young Men; Dr. dominantparty with its professions, J^id . ... ■ ■ - M- thïrfUSÎT'rtiTy'têîHi’fruut ît:‘i”'‘Wef4<ÏÜe Fence 'Uùnfcfénci, his Jisp atelP' tjie’* liai e iD.aue Fcgislatiotj inure venal Good's l’cmale Biography ; Henrietta ask yourselves whether a further lease ol ' ______ L_____i i -i .. ..il woEd-.opoö- te 4hr»«H*oa- tm fcW - paxu^f tlwsd, .osLo •-feh eta-; .bou i<-< y - ; Erorv Aland»»* wu way unexceptionable men and highly them imCcmgrt^and settle .ail pciuta j-gutds them as. aniuàg ite vlorst eñe ‘"■v:.^sirt»ve wantonly UctYayc d every trust Farmer 1 prepared to SELL I regardless pf what coroner,, failed — disinterested an 1 truthful advice. 01 Senator down to --------------- , _ arid — — ^Uiostumm And tmw forget the -te- I niv Goods bring. nfSHMfu. Airerllw P“'e Seward wae gu.h, ccnneek on nn_ such there is a very large majority Come prepared on AUCTÍOlí ¿ay .................... the things charged against linn in this I / , . /■-. , ■! in YamhiH County -as well &3 througlk eanva.-j had fairly opened, his . thirst’: ........... a.«a ------ —.. and over this State in search ; to get’. Goods at your own brices, no 17.- i conncctiun/ER we are surcYFat every nrv . 1 f out the State. On Monday, you, voters for office and glory became so intense of Senatorial toggery. M. R. Cary. person of noLiased judgemet will be ■ , of Yamhill County, may decido the as io be unquenchable without a ihow Hon. J. S, Smith is not a preacher, j forced to the conclusion that if the destinies, either for weal or for woe, for something, so he engaged in his Though he at one time occupied the leaders of the party now know that it u- of this once mighty and proud repub- behalf, a deputation composed of some pulf l’rotn the Sentinel we glean that it was of the government that; no - mattci* •’ . - of his Country to come to the .resiue the County importuning the people to. J with difficulty that the late “Uniog” linnd and for Sale. “ how the rebellion terminated, the * All of the special remedies kept fur —saying that the Country is in great vote for him, the aforesaid “ Big Med-1 convention of Jackson Connty could sàlcj with inll instructions how to usu peril. d|e >al’.3 upon toitytt cast iciuc,” fur Coyoncr. Good people of: status Of the negro would remain pre­ find men willing to irnolate themselves thcin/yjiil . ' cisely the same»” This declaration at Persons resjding at a distance who !• ywur vote as to etrehgtfccn his arm and Yamhill, would U “voat” for the Rev as candidates on the thrice doomed desire my treatment for any ailment of the time it was made, was lavded by enable him to stay the mad ravages of ernd gentlemen ? lie orter B lcctcd. ticket of disunion radicalism. Such png standing can enclose $5 and addrass. tho republican disunion press as’ a “T’ the enemies of the whole country^ un­ His sacrifises are immense. laconic and significant declinations as Dr. A. R. Dillon, Lafayette, Oregon, ’^escribing disease and symptoms’ where master stroke of diplomacy—a grand til the people it) other States shall the following literally poured in upon they will receive by return mail a packngw yL C ity E lections .—Elections are evidence of superior statesmanship io them. of tnedicino sufficient to inaugurate a ; „ . ? have spoken, and he assures all will be taking place in many of tho Cities Mr. Seward. They deuouuco him “To C. C. Beeman, Chairman of treatment and test its efficacy. Office well afterwards. Like the great and East, and the aiuost universal • result now, and denominate this among oth­ Union Central Committco, Sir :— I South Side main street, one door east of -J. T. Hembree’s Stère. May|2’60*tf. good Jackson, Mr. Johnson has full is, Democratic Victories—often by ers as a “ grave chargo” agaiuat him. hereby decline to be a candidate for . fbith in the intelligence of the people “ O J shame 1 where is thy - bluslx! Representative at the approaching very large majorities. . ♦ 1 1 idection.” —he says tboy may be mislead—a Abolitionism will be a defunct in- conscience ’ wbere is.thy stirjg ! ” «L WHITE & • WESTERFIELD combination of circumstances may be In their actiuns in this behalf, quon- jsicians and Surgeons. stitation before two more years roll ““■brought to bear to make them go Oregou. Office in the drug­ . ............. Have Your Election Tickets • '• ~ 4* M j “LUNCH” BOOKS. ; vl ir j i ♦ ' ' •• r A ■Í I» 1 ♦r* A' ♦. •f: