Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, May 29, 1866, Image 3

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B right P rospects in W abing -
C ounty .-*A11 accounts concur,
that, if the'Democrats do not cary
Washington bounty,
County, all they will
lack will be bnt trifling.
Mr, Scoggin called on us recently
and we were surprised to learn from
him tho great number of changes that
had taken place lately in favor of the
Douiocray. He is sanguine of thé Suc­
cess of the a portion if not all of the
Democratic ticket. Su ccess to their
R econstructed
su. .—
— Tho
ino victims
viuiiiua of
the hteffreia I town are already on
their “ pegs” doing their business as
” usual. The two Saloons have opened
opposite the burnt district in Mr.
' Thomas’dou ble building, with a full
' assortment of goods in their line. Mr.
- -"■* Cary has removed his goods to the old
City Market, while Mr. Body felt is
in full blast at the stand formerly kept laudible efforts.
by Mr. Millican.
. *sqvm p|U0M oq JotuoAOf) pagiuStp
v— "'s. ..
"v V ‘
. -r
JU, > -
ToThe Sick.
An Interesting Letter.
Very few persons, even among physi­
cians, would have been willing u ion
any terms to have been in the
ofthe following letter on the 14th of Feb­
ruary last* 1 will anticipate somewhat,
his report of the facts by sayiug that on
the 15th of August last, ho made me a vis
it, “the very picture of good health.”
Time, which tries and proves all things
has sufflcintly tested this case, and shown
that neither relapses nor collapses having
followed, the cure is perfect, pod can be
cited among the scores of similar cases
the result of my improved mode of treas;
ting qisease without medicine.
y •OHjaauijçojç 1° I90?
a! Sop
Aug. 27, 1865.
G. M. Bourne,
M any T hanks ,—We tender our avoua tn y oq; jo Suif&j} oq; porno Water Cure Physician, No. 10, Masonic
profoundest acknowledgments to Mrs. -oíd spooky ‘g; oSioof) pqj poouiAuoo Temple, Post street.
sicd his relapse ink) his former conditoti,1
on returning to his duties, of the writer
wjitcr of
.1 “ An interesting -Letter,
” whose state­
ments concerning the cure of a well defl-
ned case of Cuimumpiwn have, recently
attracted so much attention to tho Water
Cure, as improved upon and.practiced by
Dr. Bourne. This additional testimony
mu£t prove- satisfactory to all reasonable
minds. It should be remembered that Dr
»ourniB uses namcdicino whatQvej, and
his.patients .almost universally those who
have failed to receive relief from the meds
ical practitioners; yet they are cured with
great rapidity,.and in a pleasant and agree
able manner. No. 10 Masonic Temple,
po. 15 3rn.
Post street entrance.
pcrmannnt cure, or ask No Pay for ser
when in his judgment it is within
tho bounds of euro-
linnmiu rvf
' *
seeking mu
the Electropathic
m/no nwiviuu
DlClllupuU1IU In-
stituttì should be carful t0 remcrober th¿
name and-number.
e vi
645 waaliingtoii Street
South side1.between Kearny a”nd Mons
tgomery over the Restaurant,
. - •
M, 41^=^
Resident Phyaician.
Qn the sign. \\ ¡th these remak»—^rtr—----
leave tho interest of thè Institute With the
public asking only the same generous
confldance t,hus far awarded to il. Tho
record shows over twenty thousand con­
sultations, and a very largo amount of
suffering relieved,
Persons wishing to consult the Resident
Physician, by letter qan do so with' tho
-utmost confidence. “All letters inust l>e-
addressed plainly J. II. JOCELYN, 5L
JJ., Box 1915, San Einncisco, Cal. All
JMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCO VERy letters will bo destroyed or returned, as
desired by the writer. Office hours from
6 a . m . to 4 p. m
no. 14 3m
Electricity as a Curative AGent
Sacramento, April 30, 1865.
Dr. G. M. B ourne —-Dear Sir:—It is
with pleasure and satisfaction that I now
let you know ofiny good health. Looking
back upon what I have passed through,
it seems as if I was lifted from the grave,
F - Y eargan . W oods ’ bhotherin - ( and I think it my duty to acknowledge to
EAW, TO BE PUT ON THE WITNESS you and the world the benefit I derived
from water treatment as administered by yyniEN it was P romulgated
stand against niM.—We chalan-
iti your celebrated baths. It was in
By „the Directors of the E lectko -
ge Mr. D. J. Yeargao 4o come for-
August, 1864. when diseaso developed PATinc I nstitute , that disease’ could be
ward aud in aka affidavit before S. CI itself witji a severe Cough. I then took entirely eradicated-from the system with •ffi
Mary Ann Rubidônplff., vs T h S cis R u -'
Adams, that Geo. D. Woods did not
nut the use qf poisonous drugs, the thoug­ bim>q. defendant.
tell him (Yeargan) that he (Woodsy vers, loss of strength, and was pronounced htless and those who do noV look' deeply •TrUJrcnlt Court of th- State of Oregon
consumptive. This set me to thinking, into cause and effect scouted tho asser­
concocted the plan to have the_
„andl finally determined to leave my busi- tion as cbimericel, and wrote long articles for the county of lauihill.
In equity for divorce.
torndown at Me Mineville, and that ness^go to »he Sandwich Islands, having replete with sophistry, claimng that only
To 1*rancis Rubidon defendant.________
“ C atalogue ” Laughlin, read the fol­ has nevr told any person that Geo. been informed that I could not be cured through tho digestive system could the
Njhe name of the people ofthe Stateof
Oregon. You are hereby notified that
lowing and take comfort. Clip this and L. bad so informed him. Will he come ? here. I went to San Francisco, and blood be purged of the poisons which con­
while waiting for a ship, called upon Dr. stitute disease ; a great cry went up from
has commenced suit agai
cary it with you whrever you go, that you
Bourne, who stated that a trip to the Ia> those interested in the continued suprema­ said cum-
... __
a ground of
may be able to prove that you are uot
lands would probably ¿result disastrously, cy of the old system of one
ow unless you appear in thu
ate goose known to his-
circuit court of the State of Oregon for tbo
io djbrus,'and in their ignorance laugh-
" haviwdeterm T ned Jtb~CtfiSE myself under his treatment, and in ohc, effint the new system; circulating base county of Yamhill and answer the com-*
plaint of plff oa file with lhe clerk of said
merchant, knowing but little of geo­
week was so much improved I thought I stories of its ill-success, and quoting imag
graphy, on hearing that one of his ves- OUT WITH A VIEW TO A REOR thought I could risk returning home and in<py cases as proofs. Time has demon­ .court within ten days after the servico
hereof if served in \arnhili county and
-s&ls was in jeopardy, exclaimed : “ Jco. GANIZATION OF OUR
to my duty as Engeneer on the Central strated
twenty-days if Served out of said cou v
j)drdy, - jeopardy^ where’s that
Ex. \
Pacific Railroad. The Doctor objected, of unmterupted success the Electropathy then
the same wiH btrhriron
Powell of Multnomah would very WE PROPOSE TO SELL OUR but I thought 1 knew better, and return- system is tho leading idea in medical jur- then the same will be taken for confessed,
and application will be made to tho court
naturally conclude that “ Jeopardy” could ENTIRE Ntoek Of UOOIIS ed to duty. In about two weeks my isprudonce, while hv the o’d system.’phys fta^rtffid thiridi) (jemanded^and costs,
not be very far from M Statuquo,” and For "Ready Pay, Cash ' or PRO­ cough returned, and I kdpt getting worse ¡chns were content to cure one in every and disbursements. By order of the Judge
and contrary to Dr. Bourne’s injunction
cases,.there »'ere these Who were div of said court.
tf. -p. CATON
" according to the best of his recollection,
never to taka” medicine again, committed iog doep into the science of- the curative
DUCE,-Or' Both, i At
Att’y forplff.
. the latter named “ pity” was about 12 , _____
that folly,. and sooa jyas,so completely.• art;, ano ng these were l|ie ElcctropatlusU;
. -
■ - ■- ■ . r. ... -.....
run down that I could scarcely walk; so, Finally, it was discovered that the failure in
miles from Rich month Powell got into
a last resort, I concluded once more U e -most of -the cases- of Organi» disease, wafr
the Legislatu.e, however, which you,
' S VMM O N S.
try the water cure. I went to SanEran- entirely due to the machine. Taking this " Y \ ’
Laughlin, will never be able to do.
Court of the State of Orc-
er to return—In fact, I thought my re­ years of experiment, has perfected an Elec .gon, Hr the county- of Yamhill. April
D emocrats D on ' t nor does tiib 'L o Y'
Our Sjock Is New, Full And
turn doubtful. On arriving at Dr. B.’s tropathic Instrument, which will-cnre any
' al S upteme Count.—The radicals very
establishment (Feb. Ji 1865) I was not disease which flesh Istieii“,'always to be
Hnnry Roberts,; pUTw Solomon Jeffreys,
glibly and with much confidence,- ap-
able to get into the bath withot assistance understood that the case is not far advan­ Jno. 1. Jefireys, William Wright and Cha.
■ • ¿3,are.nlty* ask democrats if they endorse
but in a few days I began to recover my> ced 41s to show a destruction of the vital 1» alum, defendant s. ■
; ■
saiddcfctMianCs. .
the'flanging of Mrs.' Surktt., Wo answ­ AND wilt ; positively self again. I remained with him only six tissues, we <lo not claim that the use of . -W- .To.
’L'F . 1______
, .
weeks, wben I left, “a wiser "iTld better medicines may not be more advaiftageous <*1 J5 the name of tho State of Oregon, yott»‘
er that we do not, in the manner in which BE SOLD At COST. All The
man;” without the aid of medicine. I in some cases, but, that in connection 1 and each of you are required and sum-
she was convicted. We hold with the loyal
STAPLE And FANCY GOODS have now been at work several weeks, with medicines,’“it will perform a cure moncd to be and appear in the Circuit
• United States Court, that a military in-
and find that l am gaining evory day, and much sooner than without, and aslo that
^tato Oregon for thecoun-'
Itoqired To Complete an ASSORT­ at present bid fair to be stouter than ever diseases hitherto deemed incurable, can
, “"J
_ ; ______
an?."’er witv
i.hc wlI1
..quisitiop has nd right to try and -convict
A Splendid Stock^of before. Persons visiting the Doctor’s cs^ be cured by (his system but the directors .ofthe plaintiff filed in the; abovo entitled
a civillian.
it«hould would, take this opportunity to inform in- cause; ami in case you fail to do
will find it just what itohould
JUvAIiAT -MAHK4:WI11IATG...W.ÜI tablishment Laai^aT^WnITFmW^-'
’v5Ti<Ts’(Hanbo BWenffnysician- is'a r< 7 t"h <1-iy^ fmni’tHo
- * ' •*
pattment^ and I cannot say iqa much in.jdac^satUaMp^
jiapoapoibifferted in d^hrH-CTjfmtr "On
If you would have the rich man,. also beFound At our STORE.
“ in this
anjif served in any rit
other county
'Tear his just proportion of the burden
with and without tho aid of electricity, lie State then within twenty days from date
bis patients.
of taxation, and thus make trxes fall
This letter. I write for the benefit of all >as also discovered several “electic” veg­ of such service, the plaintiff will apply tb
the atllicted, to be used as the Doctor de­ etable remedies that will cure almost any the said Cdijyt for the relief demanded in
light on you, vote fur James D. Fay.
cides, and should it be the means ofdircc- natneable disease, which he will send to •saul compact to-wit: for judgment against
- - - ■
' *
*•** ., -
ting any tojiis care and treatment who any part ofthe Pacific Coast upon receipt
^ousand and eigh-
OT^npETtornirafrpr~—------- -------- r—— (as they surely will) find relief,“I will be
ly uoiiars, t^i WO) together with cosls and
—BOT.ITICO- C lukg y M AW/ The ra
WHICH WE WILL SELL AT MAR­ paid for my trouble;
JAMES CAMP­ with which tire Applicant may be afflicted, disbursmuntn of suit. By or.ler oF~~^
» y/ icals have on their County ticket, VELOUSLY LOW FIGURES.
an I will warrant a perfect cure in all cas­
BELL, Engencer Central Pacific R. R.
H°n-H. P. BOISE, Judge.
es, where che medicines are used accor­ —( t -. H. brKWARD, Att’y for pTIF, "
three Clergymen,(?) commencing with
Come early and Secure
S an F rancisco . August 22, 1865. din’ to directions, and more especially in
u. s . k J
Mr. Adams, who represents the Chris­
L Advised by tho undersigned, Mr. Jas, cases of FEMALE TROUBLES, wlrere
50cts. £
Campbel), of tho Central pacific Rail great caTc and caution are necessary to a
tians, then comes Rev. Spencer, rep-
_ .Lafayette, March 13th, ls£ö
• resenting the Methodists, and lastly
6 w
ble state of ill health) placed himself un­ ate at nigli’Uthis instrument is employed", vol 1 no 7
Mr. Sallie, who got the nomination Lafayette, May 9th, I860.
der the care of Dr. Bourne the Water imparting healUi and strength to all who
‘ for justice of the Peace, in Lafayette
Burbank. Cure Physiciau. Some six months or arc so fortunate as to obtain its services. /
more afterward he visited this City, when Diseases (wbieh the old system), took
Precinct. If those gantlemen can
In tho matter of the estate of A J.
I accidentally met him at Dr. BOtirne’s eS montbs, or even years to cure, are now
harmonize on political questions, it is
tablishment, and am happy to say, resto­ cured in a few days or jreoks. Tho cost, Meredith, deceased. Accountof final set-
too, is not so great as by the old system, tlemcnt, and distribution.
red to good health,and in fine spirits.
more than they can do on religious
besides the saving ot time. Connected
ND now on this 5th dav, of April',
with this system is the renowned
1866, comes John Perry, admr. of
the estate of A. J. Meredith deceased and
Dr. Bourne treats all diseases of the
Cool.—A correspondent, one of the
files his account for final settlement and
throat, chest and lungs—which includes
C a N SELL diphtheria, bronchitis, incipient consump­ than which there is no more powerful aux disitribirtipn of said estate. It is ordered
royal famliy, writing to the Statesman,
ilery in the World for the radical cure of that 1 HURSDAY the ?th day of Juee
charges Mr. Newby with ingatitudo You Let I Am On The Sell! tion, pleurisy, croup, &c,—with greatest disease. There is no institute in the
My entire Stock of Merchandise success. Great relief is afforded in ad­ State where the electropathic system is 1866,10 the County Court of Yamhil’l
for his opposition to Mr. Woods. Mr.
County, Oregon, be appointed ns a dav
vanced stages of Consumption. Rheuma­
practiced, except at the
to make final settlement and distribntiini
Woods and Dr. McBride once screen­ will be sold without reserve , between tism, parlysis’ neuralgia, fever and ague,
dropsy, etc., etc., are also cure i quickly, Electropathic Institute, of said esnrte; and that four weeks notice
ed him from a punishment by the law now and Election.
thereof be given by publication in the La­
645 Washington Street.
pleasantly and economically. No medi­
Frqm now until the second day of cine whatever.
that they say he justly deserved. By
This Institute was established to, if pos fayette Courier
June, 1866, I offer Goods at prices far
sible, pfevent the unwary from falling in- a. ii.
this action on their part, they became
to the dens of robbery, (yclept qnack ____________I
below original cost figures; and shall
in fact and in law, partceps criminit,
’s traps), and hereafter the scietific
on that close out at A UCTION!
originators of this Institute will not bo to
in what they now denominate a crime
S acramento , November 23, 1865. ilame if the afflicted are robped of their'
of great heinousness. Mr. Newby op-
Estate of Solomon Allen, deceased.
D ear D octor :—I received your letter, money, and injured in constitution.
now on this 1th day of April,
a few days since asking for my pli^ldgraph
----- posed the Democracy then. This accoun
There is also another view of the affair.
Comprising an assortment of Bibles, Tes. which I will attend to as soon ag.convens
1866, comes Jphti W. Alien, execu­
The rising generation should be reared
ts for their disinterested (?)labors and
last will
and testa­
taments, and sacred Hymn Books; The ient. At present.I atn very bus/, on ac­ with strong constitution, and tho dircc tor of the
eacrifising in his'behalf. By^their own
count of the stormy weather, being out at tors wish to arouso their guardians to a ment of Solomon W, Allen, late of Yam­
statements they prove that they would Bible Reason Why; ^Worksof Josephus ; all times, both night and day, and am en­ iropcr sencc of their duties m their prem hill XMunty, Oregon, deceas -d, and files
his account for thyd settlement tfnd distri­
joying good health, apprehending uo dan­
screen a murderer if he belonged to Sabbath-day Religious Tales; Life of ger if properly careful, as every onp sho’d ises, if- possible to prevent them from bution of (he-said estate. It is ordered
stuffing their young charges with deleters
Christ and Apostles; Christian Legacy be. I have read my letter in the Call ous drug, with a chanco of entailing „up that THURSDAY, June the 7lb 1866, bo
their party.
as i day for tho final settlement
and other papers, and have been „asked
Taylor’s Pictorial History of the Unite several times concerning it, and whether on the tender constitution, just forming, and distribution of the said deceased's es­
a complication of evils, a thousand times tate, and that four weeks notice thereof
T he C ounty C anvass is progress­
- I will be found with my Goods at it is collect, and I say I can vouch for its. worse than death.
bo published in the Lafayette C ourier .
ing quite satisfactorially to the Democ the OLD crrY^MARKET in Lafayette, contents, and more if required, as can a
It would be consuming space, to no
J. W. Cowhjs, County Judge.
great many others who knew me at the >urposc, to enumerate tho disease, to
nets. Our speakers are generally prepared to SELL! regardless of what time. I rcmaiu your friend.
G. II. Steward, A»ty.
no. 12 Iw.
wfiich this system is' npplicatcd, suffice
more than a match for the opposing my Goods bring.
it to say, that . thcro is no diseases
To D r . Bourne, San Francisco.
within the catalogue of human ills but TV fts. WHITE * W esterfield
speakers. Dr. White and Mr. Burch
what can bo cured al- the Electropathy
Physicians and Surgeons.
to get Goods at your own brices. no 17.
are particularly annoying g to the
Dr. Bourne takeftthe liberty to publish nstitute Wc have instructed the Rcsi- La
Oregou. Office in the Drug .
M. R. Cary.
the above, as many persons bad prophe
ent Phystein to warrant a perfect and Store.
blacks eveywherc.
terday of the handsomest Boka we
have seen for a Ilong time. Its
arrangement and appointments betray
taste and artistic talent of no mean or­
der. -Mrs. Snow is eippht|ticlly a Flor-
ist. In thje group eent us is represen­
ted many of the ge^us flori» that we
are unable to name. We intend, for
it to adorn our sanctum until we are
■ . ■ .......... ---7*-
--- ---------- - -------
again remembered.
‘XqunoQ |[iqmajç jo ejdood oqj,
Look Here!
'¡r ■