.t,- *■* Vr*-71 . y* J.V ■*' r .. • » .............. .. . ‘ \ , ... —.. "4, / 5 ¿1J/ . I • r- <. r /• --'-y.* ..,jvîi ; ' ' . - , u ■ -*■ —r- . ' 4 .42 1 * 'n.’ A-ij - - . LAFAYETTE, OREGON, >- . »• S I :----------------------- —— *■ W. TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1866. * 1 . • ■ ■. f. ■ ■ «i». . •X * VOL. I. - • \ a - ' NO. 18.- - X- ■ That Affidavit. REVOLTING PICTURE! cial degradation and ruin is represen­ After the publication of the affida­ We copy the following picture of ted to the affrighted vison, when look-« " *» vit of Mr. Lynch . the radicals -wete revolting depravity from the San Fran ing towards the future.! ISSUED EVERY TUE8DAY, STATE PLATFORM, But we do not need to go abroad son) troubled for aomething tangible cisco YReaminer. Hideous as the pier . at T—T’X evidences of thia _1 wide-sprcai anu tQ prua0Qt t0 couuteraot.tfic current of j ADOPTED IN CONVENTION AT for LAFAYETTE, ture may appear in its details," it but rapidly growing evil. In yesterday’s YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. faintly portrays the actual state of E xaminer , perhaps Unobserved by thought and action created by , the Portland, • r I a same, They failed • in all •• their efforts - things at present existing, not only in many of our readers; appeared the fol- same. BY akoa respectable showing in the San Francisco, but in ad of the great lowing painfully significant paragraph, ___ ma APRIL 6, J. H. U PTQ l N, 1866 ~ centre, of '•¿biWÄ Hfo.” Like | ______________________ j,** j premises, and were finally reduced to the 1. Resolved, That we affirm as the The “ fashions, this social vice will ously before an intelligent puplic: - [necessity of digging up the “ affidavit” creed of our political faith and practice, our TERJJS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ( gradually radiate until, if not checked' D runken W omen .— Linn C. Holey of John L. Baker, the depraved whelp steadfast devotion to the following princi­ One Copy Obe Year, . . . . $1 50.’ by prompt action on the part of the writing from San Francisco to the who they hired to cut the flag, to thb ples, viz : Equal and exact justice to all ’.. . men ot whatever state, party or sect; the One Copy Six Months, .... 1 50. virtutfUs in districtrand parts yet un­ Stockton Herald^ says: The prevalence effect that said Baker never told auy support of the state Governments in all T 5 RMS OF ADVERTISING 'arit‘- ^person person that Adams or Woods Woods* » knew ttieir ngTils, and dithe' Federal Govern­ contaminated, permeate the mass of so ofdrunkeneffijamong womenTs a alarm- ment in all its vigor; «“jealous care of the One Square, 12 Lines or less, one In­ is CbiefBurke cal-i - ,. . k ., mg: case after case Cbief Burke cal- v a a nnvthino* uhrnlf. H ia nuffiner At amd flair io “ hush up .. ” for the sake of . anything about the cutting of. said flag, elective franchise; the supremacy of the ciety. War in the old world was re-, Jed-upon sertion, , , , , , ,, 13,00 • For each subsequent insertion, $1,00. lie would have ’signed an affidavit ciivl over the militery authority;, oppo. - garded as the great generator of vice, ■ I the family. The ,secrets that J. M. A liberal deduction will be ynade on recklessness, prodigality and lascivious­ Bifrke holds would undo half our best; just as readily that Georgo Washing* sition io the centralization of power; econs omy in all public expenditures ; the gene­ Quarterly, Yearly and half Yearly Adver­ ness, and he must be dull indeed who, citizens were they told ; for family ton was the man who violated the flag, ral diffusion of education; tho encourage­ tisements. • - broils are not confined to the poorer I; , , v ,. ... tt • » of morality and the highest civiliza­ “jji classes i ‘’ of r the population; . j aD(1 that he saw him do it. He is not ment Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 with all the accumulated evidence be­ and i middle tion ; the right of every man to worship beranumn. t fore him considers America an excep­ in ppper tendom riotops conduct is ma-J regarded, so we are informed by repub- God according to thb-dictates of bis own king rapid strides. .AYfiijdM.&Ldrun'-1 licans who know him, as being, above conscience; freedom of speech , freedom tion to the rule. . t tho press, and freedom of the person “There is a ........ modern in ken women in one night; four came t[ic Jigger Indian in point of veraci- of ........... . ........ vice . which ..... -........ DIRECTORY. under, tho protection of the habeas corpus. Tite mosfftms g fg yufigito i jeo neeption »-froarw respetoablo^manawip^ twu. wei4^e ' that lirefccs o r»-—i—a JfairtR Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, almost defies all codes to imagine or to ( staggering to their homiS The ’Tjlock „ . . ■ -.. * - name it. ft thev had He 18 a-instrument libwever the Representatives of eleven States, is It «trikes strikes at at the the foundation foundation ¡ they had to to walk, walk, while while the the other other two two 1 - Whitcomb; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Asses­ sor, .Charles Handley; Treasurer, J>hn of the structure of so’Cial life—it saps * were bundled into the oarriage by the for the men and party that use him. an un warren ted assumption of power W. Watts; School Superintendent, Rev. 1 I the base of enlightened humanity—it 1 coachman ar.d driven to their lux- ! A counter affidaivit can be obtained upon the part of Coegress, revolutionary Jqhn Spencer ; Coroner, W. W. Brown ; subverts the. law of God. It is the urious homes in a besotted condition ; I from him to-morrow on the same sub­ Irr its tendency, and dangerous to the lib­ erties of the people; that .we do and will Surveyor, A. S. Watt. nadire of human Virtue—the zenith rt&rotb^jr two of the six, ono yra« « sustain President Johnson in his determi­ ject, and well they "know it. There is of human crimes. Its consequences ! street walker, and the other a respec- nation and efforts for tho complete resto* arc immeasurable, and irreparable. It i table young girl, who cried most pit- nothing too low, base, vilc^wickud and ration of all tbe constitutional rights of Ä . DENTISTRY may almost be deemed “ the sin a- j eously at her. condition when accosted-, , contemptible for a wretch to- do who all the states*and we unreservedly approvo 4 gmnst the Holy Ghost”If any of 4>y a Sameritan. The last of all on vrill bo hired to lower the flag of bis his veto of the- Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights bills, and all his constitutional the moral delinquencies of which our earth that' should bo seen drunk, or country and trail it in the dust for so efforts to prevent tho fanatical majority in fallen nature may be guilty, can fail to get drunk is, a woman.-' In tho name DR; A. 0. PHILLIPS, SURGEON Congress from changing or destroying our obtain forgiveness in the great day of of cominggenerations, wonr'n, let the base a purpose as that for which he cherished form of Government judgment from the mercy of an induL- men bq the only lluma is that make did this^atjho instance of George L. 3. 'i t hl) nnsifEirx ma leasts.of themselves. Tenders his ft-fessmn al to the 1»tAlod.-iiJEHl. that unmardoo able W Woods. These remarks arc intended to , sumed. py President Johnson, that the i (Jilizn's of Lafayette 'Miiif Sunorn.ding train- 1 wlu'ir ••• * \V o.aaveaot I’a4 sa^Ejpyertunity to as apply equally t^and describe the man Representatves frem the Southern States • CmintVy. nn fo tf. i wretched unforgiven will be female certain whether the Above statement is ouglit to be at onoo admitted io mata ia or men who did, and do, procure his I Congress, and that legislation affecting ______________________ __ _____ drunkards. ~ ; entirely cbfrc6t"DTTrot, but that the such States while they are unrepresented Drunkenness rn a man is the most - - --------- — . — , gravemen of the accusation is well laid services. Wc know wherof we write, as S. HURLBURT. unconstitutional, meets with our hearty deplorable manifestation of a weak’i agajn9t many of the respectable fe­ and deliberately hurl defiuiio, in the approval. at moral nature. It is the nelhertmost ma|es of Sau Francisco, is well known face of any who propose to help them­ " 4. Resolved, That tho assumption of -- depth into which an inborn reckless- to every m in who mingles in society selves The_great majority of the re* the opposition that the Democratic) party LAW, - ---- • T is in favor q £ repudiating the ]pafifia5ebt, ~ Lafavette, Yamhill jCounty, Oregon.' ncs#Lunch, dinner parties and b ill- Can all publicans ;jre cftTOnt people, an!s’KouTff' and that it is in favor of nullification and ! attest the copious iittWh+i+onTof'ltie WTH practice in tKé~Sñpreme, Circuit' _ . not be hekl-respOTisrMr for the-wets of , «»eeision, .i&.slandvrousarrd'Ms». MRWH wthe~ r***® -7^--- — -^ — ■*--■ ----- — That- we-endorse--tb« - - * re-crossing. “ All excess is ill ; out ing future wilLclothc thmsclvcs in sack their would-be leaders who a wntiment of- SenatorDouglasfthat this t t ■» drunkenness is the worst soft. It cloth and ashes .because they have to all honor ind fairness and manhood Government was made on a white basis for spoils health dismounts the mind, looked.upon ^the wine when it is red, the benefit of the wiiito man, and we are as pre those who, after hiving -procur ­ and unmans man. It reveals secrets, snd upon the wine enp when it «par- DR. H. J. BOUGHTON. opposed to extending the right of sufferag® is quarlsom,'lascivious* impudent, dan­ kleth.” For it can be asserted with­ ed the services of a low beast in human to any other than white men. Late gerous, mad. He that is drunk is not out fear of succssful contradiction, that shape to perpetuate a fiendish outrage, | 6, " Resolved, ~ That the exemption of Physician & Surgeon, a man, because he is, for so long, void . female intoxication breaks down the and then peddle his affidavit-' over ; United States bondsfrom taxation is sub- the HOSPITAL DEPART- of reason that distinguishes a man last barrier to female virtue. Once | tsantialy the exemption of rich men from . the country as evidence of their inno­ < taxation because they are rich, and the from a beast.” There is an old, and drunk, and there is no violation of the wc doubt not, a true 8tory in its mor­ decalogue of which a woman may not cence.“^ We believe they will repudi* taxstion of poor, men because they are poor, and we are in frvor of taxing those » - . al, that the.devil once proposed to a be guilty. Intoxication is the hide­ ate. all such at tlie polls. - Of The Army of the POTOMAC. bonds for county, State ami municipa Office in Daytpn, Oregon. ,.x r monk to commit murder, perpetrate a ous parant of all other crimes— Have'Lost their Grip. robbery, or taka a drink. Reing, aa- And what is the origin of this rap- 7. "RssoTved ; That strict and impartia During the excitement df the late re cording to. thc narrative, in the power j idly accumulating feminine infamy,.as justice demands that the expences of the of his Satanic "Magesty and compelled weir as all the other alarmingly aug- bellion, demagogies of a|l sba^setind General Government, a8 well as of the- to choose, 11% preferred to taken drnk; mentang social” vices of the present. grades had a good theme on which to State Governments, should be borne by and subsequently was guilty of robbery What occasions this depraved condi­ harp, the tendency of which was to the people according to thcir'ability, ami J. T. HEMBREE, : : : PRO. not according to their necessities, and and murder. . tion of society? We hold it to be one . ! coerce men into the support of the so- hence HIS HOTEL to still kept for the ac- that we conqetnn novate in the part, So much for the man who “ puts an of the legitimate products of the polit-1 commodation of boarders and the a protective tariff that tends, necessarily enemy into his mouth to steal away- icaT prostitution pervading the land. 1 caled “ Union” party. The war is over, to opprss tho masses for the benefit of travelling public. his brains ;” but what shall be said We regard-it as the lineal descendant and they have lost that thing. Thous­ the rich. Good of women whoso bcstialize themsclvs? of that procreative and filthy beast ands of honest and upright voters ara 8. Resolved, That in a Democratic The imagination is appalled at tho Abolitionism, operating upon the na­ Government the real sovereignty rests in picture nonjured from its realms, when tural passions of the human race. We deserting the rotten, radical, disunion the people* and all efforts tending to wrest and attentive hostlers. nol. a bevy of female drunkarbs is deman look upon as the undeniable offspring and distructive party every week, and power from the people is a war upon ded. The purlieus ofthe mystic region, of an offensive moral and social senti­ no amount of sophistry, intimidation or them, revolutionary and dangerous; and E. C. BRADSHAW, the existence of nationl banks* after which all orthodox Christians gco- mentality, which seeks the overthrow threats can avail atight toward icclaim- expcriencewe have had with and graphicaly locate as far beneath us, of ail politicl «nd social conservatism, ing them. They have been deceived ithcut them, especially in times of peace, cannot furnish such a scene of horror assays to regenerate our species upon a subject of just alarm. as would be presented to any civilized the basis of strong minded women and long enough, and are becoming bolder AND 6. Rclsolvcd, That the unlawful and man, by the bodily presence of a drun- negro.worshiping men. With these every dqy in their declarations on this shameful squandering of the people’s den mother, wife, sister or daughter ! views we can hope for no abatement of point. We will suppose that Yambill moucy by our present State officials COUNSELOR AT LAW, And yet wc have to apprehend that female drunkenness in our midst, un­ County may be taken as a fair criterion meets with onr emphatic condemna­ such fearful visitations may hereafter, til the political atmosphere is renova­ Lafayette, Oregon. tion. \x in the growing immorality of the day, ted by the dispersion of all tho clouds by which to judge of the changes that 10. Resolved, That we will ever hold OLICITOR IN CHANCERY. WLL be the dreadful punishment inflicted of. ism, which have so loug obscured have taken and arc still taking place in , grateful memory those through Practice in the District and Supremo upon many of the good and worthy of the heaaen of political truth and de­ in other counties of JIrcgon. This is whose patriotic, not mercenary or par­ Courts of Oregon. our fellowmen. cency. We await wiht. impatience, a reasonable has s and fair conclusion. tisan services, the dignity of the Re­ fP* Taxes Paid,.Collections made, and That we do. not indulge in unfoun-“ but not without hope, the dawn of We can count by dozens, voters who public and the integnty of the Union Proceeds Promptly remitted. ded apprehensions, wtf are prepared to that auspicious day. rank among the best and most substan­ were preserved; and we denounce as prove. A respectible public journal a base insult )o the gallant living and .-■J in one of the Eastern States, not long cial citizen i of this county, who form­ heroic dead, the present efforts of the ago asserted, and it has never xince ■c- erly voted with the “union” party, and Radicals to convert been contradicted, that ** at a temper­ their victory into a partisan triumph, who now publicly declare their inten ­ T he legislature of Georgia has pass­ ance convention at Saratoga, thirteen X. T. CATOX. C. O. CURL ed a law ordering that marriages be­ tion to vote the whole Democratic tidkel, joh’ing to make the late war'one of con­ hrndued rich men’s daughters, in New quest, instead of the suppression of the CATOlí ¿ CURL. York, were applicants foj admission to tween colored people shall be solemn; while many others of them are active-* ebellion—for subjugation.iustea4 of res­ the asylum as inebriates, at Binghamp- ized in the same way as marriages be­ the Union—for the-1 negro instead ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW ton.” What a narrative of horror^ ja tween whites: Tho act also providing ly engaged in canvassing in its behalf. toring of the white tnan. There arc others who will vote more 11. Resolved, that the miners should this! What a palpable and 4aInD>°g a heavy penalty against the marriage of Salem, Oregon. be encouraged or less of the ticket, while pthers there —<> . - and protected tn the free a white person and one of African do- proof of the moral tendencies of the Will practice in the Supreme and Dis­ »re. who will ool vote at all. UM s,thc n,ihM' acent age ? what a terrible panorma of ao* trict Court* of Oregon. V Democratic THE COURIER Mt. ATTORNEY meut, -, t :----------------------------- :------- - • t ■ . , .. ' ...... .. .... •k LAFAYETTE HOUSE T STABLING, ATTORNEY S J ]