Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, May 22, 1866, Image 3

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THE COURlERl,, loqk.Here!
County Canvass.
The opposing Candidates
hill County, .will
will meet .at
times and places;
South Yamhill,
- j
Willamett, .
" "
. Chehalem,
—W ’Tf—'-----v"— w
N.* Yrmhill,
M’Minnville, June
Lafyette, June
. a».
ToThe Sick.
of Yam­
For ^Reddi/ Pay, Cash ur PRO­
DUCE, Or Both, At
28. "
29. _
» _ JI . - -
Our Stock Is New, Full And
Can’t laana Oonaiatuncy.
lGib, Mr- Mallory attempted to hold AND WILL FOSITIVFDY
the Democracy of Oregon up to^ pub­ BE SOLD At COST. * All The
lic contempt, and as being repudia- STAPLE And FANCY GOODS
tionista for the resolution in the State Roqired To Complete an ASSORT­
A Splendid Stock of
Platform fhvoring the taxation of U MENT.
S. Bond.«—said they were therefore
disloyal. What will the loyal gentle­
man ¿ay of the radical legislature of
the wooden nutmeg State of Connec-
- ticut passing s law, long since, impos­
ing a tax on Bonds as well as other
property in that State ? It is quite
loyal for a Black legislature to impose
— a tax on bonds, but entirely treason-
' able for Democrats to propose such a
thing. Mallory ! You are truly a loy­
al, cuss.
also be Found At oqr STORE.
We llaveal8O, A Few Dozen
Of Superior make,
Come early and Sociire
bits a line) for inserting objectionable
My entire Stock of Merchandise
will be sold without reserve , between
We could have felt' your acroatio now and Election.
with a ten foorpóle.li5SS3’
From new until the second day of
June, 18G6, I off er Gpodsat prices far
W»ihinft®n County.
below original cost figures; and shall
Ths Democracy of Washington
on that close out at AUCTION I
County have put in tbe field a ticket
that will prove hard to beat.
Bailey heads tbe Representative tick­
Comprising an assortment of Bibles, Tes.
et, and from a personal acquaintance
taments, and sacred Hymn Books; Tbe
with that gentleman, we are enabled to
vouch for bis ability to cope with any Bible Reason Why; Works of Josephus ;
of them, either in tbe canvass or leg­ Sabbath-day Religious Tales; Life of
islative Ilalls. It would be a remark­ Christ and Apoetles; Christian Legacy
able victory for that county to be car­ Taylor’s Pictorial History of the United
ried by the Democracy, and they have States Seven Hundred Engravings.
gone to work like they had full faith
Colbett’a Advice to Young Men; Dr.
in their ability to do it.
Sacramento, April 80, 1865.
Dr. G. M. B ourne —Dear Sir:—It is
with pleasure and satisfaction that I now
letyoi^ know of my good health. Looking
back upon what 1 have passed through,
it seems as if I was lifted from the grave,
and 1 tbink it my duty to acknowledge to
you and the world the benefit I derived
from water treatment aa administered by
you in your celebrated baths. It was in
August, 1864, when disease developed
itself with a severe cough. I then took
medicines, getting worse, with chills, fe*
ver3, loss of strength, and was protfonneed
consumptive. This set mo to thinking,
and I finally determined to leave my busi­
ness go to'the Sandwich Islands, having
been informed that I could not be cured
here. I went to San Francisco, and
while waiting for a ship, called upon Dr.
■Bourne, who stated that a trip to the Is»
lands would probably result disastrously,
Lafayette, May 8tb, 1866.
...... myself under his treatment, and in one
dr Burbank. week was so much improved 1 thought I
the oooolusion of Mallory’s' speech
thought I could risk Returning home and
tat Wednesday, X proposition was made
to my duty as Engineer on- the Central
Dr. A. R. Dill ou
Pacific Railroad. The Doctor objected,
for three rousing cheers— the maker
of the motion* waving hia hat in mid p HY <8101 AN-A SURGEON. but 1, thought I knew better, and return­
ed to duty. In about two weeks my
air at the same time. But nary cheer
couglT returned, and I kept getting worse
lafatettb .
and contrary to Dr. Bourne's injunction
rent the air that. time. We felt truly
Treats Successfully, old or CHRONIC never to take medicine again, committed
sorry1—not for the crowd, bnt for Mai* diseases, of every Character, description that folly, and soon was so completely
lory. . Refusing to cheer .in the face or kind. CANCERS and CANCR1FQRM tun down that I could scarcely walk ; so,
as a last resort, I concluded once m6re to
of such a vehement proposition was Affections are Cured by his treatment, try the water cure. I went -to SanFran-
permanently and with marvelous rapidity.
“ the most nnkindest cut of all" Mr.
Special attention given to the treat eisco—few of my friends expecting me ev
diseases peculiar to Females on er to return—In fact, I thought iny re-
Mallory received on that day.
this Coast
.• “ tarn doubtful. On arriving at Dr. BZs
Dr. Leby’s Female Pills costantly on establishment (Feb. 14 1865) I-was not
ç - .
. I hand and for sale._______ —,—_----------- able to get into tbe bath witbot assfoianee-
to. L- Woods,
All of the special
special remedies
-remedies kept'for
kept'for but in a few days I began to recover my*
in the oonrse of his speech at this sale, with lull instructions how to use self again. I remained with him only six
weeks, when I left,“a wiser and better
place on tbe 10th inst. betrayed a
” without the aid of medicine. I
- Persons residing at a distance who
. most disgraceful and humiliatng degree desire my treatment for any ailment of have now been' at work several weeks,
and find.that lam gaming every day, and
of ignorance,by asserting for a fact, that png standing can enclose $5 Xhd address, at present "bid fair to bo stouter than ever
Dr. A. R. Dillon, Lafayette, Oregon,
the power to remove federal appointees describing disease and symptoms’ when before. Persons visiting tbe Doctor’s es-
bad been, by act.of.CoDgrc3B, taken out they willjeçsXi by return mail a package tablishment will find it,just what it should
of medicine sufficient to inaugurate.a be, bolt in Ladies’ aftd Gentlemens’.de­
of the hands of the President, and now -treatment and test its efficacy. Office partments, and I cannot «ay too much in
- rests in the bands of Congress alone. South Side main street, one door east of praise of the doctor's kind attentions to
bis p^ients.
Some wag had evidently told him J. T. Hembree’s Store. May 12 ’66 tf.
This letter I write for the benefit of all
this story, purposely to mislead him
tbe afflicted, to be used as the Doctor de­
cides, and should it be the means of direct*
any to his care and treatment who
“ G. B. D.” (?)
(as they surely will) Snd relief. I. will be
Can have his *• Stone Wall Jackson,,
C a N SELL paid for my trouble.
published at tbe cuatomaiy rates (four Fou bet I Am On The Sell I BELL. Engeneer Central Pacific R. R.
no ^T oint .—At
[ communicated .]
As Interewdar Letter.
Very few persons, even among physi­
cians, would have been willing ujon
any terms to have been
in tbe
of the following letter on the 14th of Feb­
ruary tat- ■ will anticipate somewhat
his report of the facts by gayiug that on
the 15th of August last, he made me a vis
it, ** the very picture of good health.’’
Time, which tries and proves all things
has sufficintly testea this case, and Shown
that neither relapses nor collapses having
followed, the cure is perfect, and can be
cited among the scores of similar cases
tho result of my improved mode of trea*
ting qisease without medicine.
Aug. 27, 1865.
G. M. Bourne,
Water Cure Physician, No. 10, Masonic
Temple, Post street.
The people of Yamhill County, al-
most without distinction of party are
convinced that George L. Woods pro­
cured tbe trailing of the American
flag in the dust at McMinnville. A
dignified Governor he would make.
Dood’s Female Biography ;
EF-Dr. Bourne treats all diseases of the
throat, chest and luugs—which includes
diphtheria, bronchitis, incipient consump­
tion, pleurisy, croup, Ac,—with greatest
success. Great relief is afforded in ad­
vanced stages of Consumption. Rheuma­
tism, parlysis’ neuralgia, fever and ague,
dropsy, etc., etc., are also cured quickly,
pleasantly and economically. No medi­
cine whatever.
_____ ■
, X.
’ M
Confirmation Ntrong Of
Robinson. Legerdemain, Every Man his
An Interarting Letter.
wn Cattle Doctor ; Every Man bis own
S acra * ent 6, November 23, 1865..
D ear D octor :—I received your letter
a few days since asking for my photograph
w’hich I will attend to as soon as convens
ient. At present I am very busy, ori ac-.
count of the stormy weather, being out at
all times, both night and day, and am en­
joying good health, apprehending uo dan­
ger if properly careful, as every one sho’d ,
be. A I u«vo
have ìc
in UIV
tbe VÄII
.nao1berp.,,.rv.,.J b..^^
several times concerning it, *and whether
it is correct, and 1 say I can vouch for its
.contents, and more if required, as can a
great many others who knew me at the
time. I remaiu your friend.
To D r . Bourne, San Francisco.
Farmer 4c.
Works on tbe structure and
diseases of Horses. Downing’s American
Fruit Book; Fred. Donglas’ Work. Young
Man’s Book of Knowledge, Photographs
Democratic of the Presidents, and many of the Gener­
Candidate for I’rosecutin^ Attorney of als on both |?des, Conversation Cards,
ftbr District, will spaak in Yamhill Fortuna Telling Cards, etc.
I will be fcMhd with my Goods at
County, as foWowa: At Dayton, Mav
J. W. Johnaon,
25; at Lafayette, same day in the eve. tbe OLD CITY MARKET in Lafayette,
At McMinnville, 26 ; at Falkners, 28 prepared to SELL! regardless -of what
uiy Good.1 bring. >.
’« .
Come prepared on AUCTION day
Mr- M. R. Cary is offering bargains to get Geode at your own brices. no H.
in Books, dry goods and notion!. [
S an F rancisco . August 22, 1865.
Advised by tbo undesigned, Mr. Jas.
Campbell, of the Central pacific Rail
Road, (who was then in a most deplora­
ble state of ill health) placed himself un­
der the care ot Dr. Bourne the Watei
Cure Physiciau. Some six months or
more afterward he visited this City, when
I accidentally met him at Dr. Bourne’s es
tablishment, and am happy to say, resto­
red to good health,and in tine spirits.
ML R* Cary.
Dr. Bourne takes the liberty to publish
th« above, as many persons had pmphe
sied hia relapso into his former conditon, permanant cure, or dak No Pay for eer-
on returning to his duties, of the writer of t vices, when in bis judgment it ia within
tbe boiitids of cure
“ An interesting Letter,” whose state­
ments concerning the cure.of a well defi­
Persons seeking the Electropathic In­
ned easeoi Consumption have recently sti. ute should be carful to rumember tho-
attracted ao much attention- to the Water naine and number.
Cure, as improved upon and practiced by
Dr. Bourne. Thia addition al'testimony
645 waahiugton Street.
must prove satisfactory to all reasonable
South side* between Kearny and Mon*
minds. It should be remembertd that Dr tgouiery over the Restaurant,
Bourne uses no medicine whitevet, and
j. h : josselyn ,
m .
. Besidont Physician.
bis patients al most universally those who
on the sign. With these remaks
have failed to receive relief from the meds
leave the interest of tbe Institute with the
¡cal practitioners; yet they are cured with' public asking only the same generous
great rapidity, and in a pleasant and agree confidence thus far awarded to it Tbe
able manner. No. IQ Masonic Temple, record shows over twenty thousand con­
sultations, and a very large tmodhnft of
Post street entrance.
no. 15 Im. | »offering relieved,
Persons wishing to consult the Reeident
Physician, by letter can do so with the
utmost confidence. All letters must be
Dr. J. II. Josaelyn.
addressed plainly J. II. JOSSELYN, M.
D., Box 1945, San Francisco. Cal. All
JMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCOVERy letters will be destroyed or returned, as
desired by lhe writer. Office hours from
6 a . m . tu.4 p. x.
no. 14 3m 5
Electricity ana Curative AGAnt.
By the Directors of the E lectro -
p a fine L nstititk , that disease could be
entirely eradicated from the system with­
Mary And RubWoff plff, vs Francis Ru-
out the use of poisonous drugs, the thoug­
bidon defendant.
htless and those who do not look deeply
In Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
into cause and effect spouted the asser­ for the "»»Qty of kewftin-
tion as chimericel, and wrote long articles
replete with sophistry, claimng that only
To Francis RubidOn defendant.
through the digestive system could the
N the name of the people of the State of
blood be purged of tbe poisons which con­
Oregon. You are hereby notified that
stitute disease ; a great cry went up from
Plff, has commenced
suit against
__ „— ——
jruu you Hi in
those interested in tbe continued suprema­
said-tcgurt fan divorce on the ground ot
cy of the old system of one poison to cure desertion.' Now unless you. appear in thy
another. All el the cmpyrica joined in
circuitcourt of the Statte of ftrez-nn fa"
i ed at tbe new system, circulating base
plaint of plff on file with tbe clerk ot said
stories of its ill-success, and quoting imag
court within ten days after ttfff Service .
inary cases as proofs. Time has demon­
hereof if served in Yamhill county and
strated their dishonesty. After five years
twenty days H served out of said county,
of uninterrupted success the Electropathic
then tbe same will be taken for confessed,
system is the leading idea in medical jur­
and application will be made to the court
isprudence, white by the old system, phys
for the relief therein demanded, and costs,
iciana »were
were content to cure one in every __ j A._y
11 . »derof
r- iwv
. - were div and
five cases, therawere
those who
bts' By
tba Jud.*
of said court
ing deep into the science of the curative
March 2d, 1866.
Att’y for plff.
art < anong these were the Electropathists;
n att w.
finally,- it was discovered fhat the failure in
------ - ------- - ■ - ■ • -
i - - -j.
most of the cases of organic disease, was
entirely due to the machine. Taking this
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
view of the case, Dr. J. H. Josselyn, after
years of experiment, has perfected an Eleo Igon, for the C’outrtjr of Yamhir a
tropatbic Instrument, which will cure any terW 1888,
■ i t
n * TT' •" I
r% • .
disease which
flesh is
heir, always
always iu
to be
Henry nuoeru
Roberts, plff t » Solomon
iuu iicbu
ia yvir,
understood that
the case is not ftcradvID- Joo. T. Jeffreys, William Wright and Ubas.
_____ . I- .L
•- »
tt’* »A!_ A *
ced as to show a destruction of .the vital Waldin defendant’s.
To said defendant’s.
tissues, we do not claim that the use of
N the name of tbe State of Oregon, you
medicines may not bO more advantageous
in some cases, but, that in connection
and each ___
of you
and sum
-w—w • arc required a*ru
diseases hitherto deemed incurable, can
be cured by this system but the directors
would take this opportunity to inform hu
tail'd« that the Kesident Physician is a reg
uta graduate, and has had a large ejeper-
ence in the treatment of diseases, both
with and without the aid of electricity, he
has also discovered several “electic” veg­
etable remedies that will cure almost any
nameable disease, which he will send to
any part of the~Pacific Coast upon receipt,
of a complete description of tbe disease
with which the applicant may be afflicted,
an 1 will.warrant a perfect cure-ia all cas­
es, where che medicines are used accor­
ding to directions, and more especially in
cases of FEMALE TROUBLES, where
great care and caution are necessary to a
favorable result From early morn until
late at night, this instrument is employed,
;mparting health and strength to all who
are so fortunate as to obtain its services.
Diseases (whieh the old system) took
months, or even years to cure, are now
cured in a few days or weeks. The cost,
too, is not so great as by the old system,
besides the saving of time. Connected
with this system is the renowned
Eletro-JIagiietic Baths.
than which there is no more powerfuT aux
ilery in the world for the radical cure ot
disease. There is no institute id the
State where tbe electrupathic system is
practiced, except at the
Elect rap At fair Institute,
ly of Y.a>biB,Ma »rawer the cou» ’
uf the plaintiff Bled in the above- cntitJecT....
cause) and io case you fori to do w within
-ten days from the service of this summons
upon vou if served m Yamhill county, Ogn,
and if served in any othercounty iu th'is
State, then within twenty dnyB from date
of such service, the plaintiff tfill apply to
tbe said court for the relief demanded in
said complaint to-wit: for judgment against
you for the sum of one thousand and ugh
tv dollars, ((1080) together with cost- md
disbursments of suit. By order of
Hon. R. P. BOISE..Judgu.
0. H. S teward . Att’y for plff.
v-s- rs ?
50cte. y
vol 1 no 7
Lafayette, March Täh, 1886
8 w
In the matter Of the estate of A J.
Meredith, deceased. Acc rintof Anal set­
tlement,- and distribution.
ND now on this 5th day of April,
1866; comes John Perry, admr. of
the estate of A. »J. Meredith deceased nnd
files his account for final settlement and
distribution of said estate. It is ordered
that THURSDAY the 7th day of Juee, -
I860, in the County Court of YamhiU
County, Oregon, be appointed as a day
to make final settlement and distribution
of said esrate; and that four weeks notice
thereof be given by publication in the La­
fayette Courier.
J. W. Cowles, County Judge.
G. H. Steward, Atty.
645 Washington Street.
This Institute was established to, if pos
sible, prevent the unwary from falling in-»
to the dens of robbery, (y J.lot qnack
doctor’s traps), and hereafter the scietfflc
originators of this Institute will not be to
blame if the afflicted arc robpod of their
’ Tbe Estate of Solomon Allen. deceasod:
money, and injured in constitution. And now on this 4lb day of April,
There is also another view of the affair.
1866, comes John W. Allen, execu­
The rising generation should be reared tor of the
last will ,, and
with strong constitution, and the direc ment of riOlonKNi W, Allen, late of Yam­
tors wish to arouse their guardians to a hill County, Oreeon, deceased» and flics
proper sence of their duties in their prein bis account for final settlement aud distri*
ises, if possible to prevont them from bution of the said entateJ It is-ordered
their young
charges with
deleters IbBtTHUKSVAY. Juue the 7th 1866, be
. ‘
. •••
ious drug, with aclianceof Ä*
entailing, up appointed as"a day for the final settlement
on the tender constitution, just forming, and distribution of tbe said decea.s4jd's es­
a complication of evils, a thousand limes tate, and.tbat four weeks notice ther*j«f
worse titan death.
bo pubhsbed iff the Lafayette C oukur .
It would be consuming space, to ho
J. W. Cowles, County Judge.
purpose, t<\ enumerate the disease,, to G. II. Steward, Atty.
no. 12 4w.
which this system is explicated, suffice
it to say, that there is no diseases
within the catalogue of human ills but
Phj aisiifliy ajiiiLgurga».;».
what can lx. cured at tho_ Electropathic
natitele We have instructed the Resi-»
Lafayette. Oregon Ofic«. .. t. • **rvr
“ ent
-* Pnysicin
"— -----------------------------
and Store.
to warrant a perfect