'• ■ THECOURlElu TUESDAY, ._____ MAY 15, .1680. . - „ DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKST. ' F0* CONGRESS^., JAMES 1). EAY, of Jackywr. .... . FOR GOVERNOR : _ >n the 10th. * On the lUib-iast.1 according to ap­ pointment, Col. JumcsTK Kejly, and George L. Woods Esq. rivabcandidates fot GoVCJXior ol t^regoa, aach addteB- vda very large audience composed- of the Citizens of YwnAutt County of both tfe’xes, in Lafayette. Woods made the openiug speech, and had tiere been no principles involved, and * • JAMES K. KELLY, of Wasco. >oK SECRETARY OF «TATE : LAFAYETTE LANE of Multuomal- the people had come-together to hear a diaplay of objectlsess elocution and FOR STATE TREASURER JOHN C. BELL, of Marien. < to» state printer : JAMES O’MEARA, of Linn. False Statements purposely Made. G L Woods in his closing speech in Lafayette recently made a ouiuliei of very false »tatemen to with' marvt 1- >'Un ilupunilv, 'Ufi|.lv l tin rul. ’ < Duplicates His Criminality. Some time ago McPherson, editor, id* the Albany Journal, utid candidate HAVING DETERMINED » TO CLOSE öjtt« radi, j l'okut l.,r Suto Printer, OV* WITHjlßVIHW TO A REOJR. Look Here? «...rr.it.ul .tini bt'Ulni . vol for hni'bur .. goyeruing the cajfipaigu admitted of mgin Li.nn County, and aiding im tbe BUSIMdXN, -/ cape of some thieves wiw robbed a no reply by his opponent, -f’ol.'Keliy II9 decJared that Preside-nt John, store in Salem. Subsequently to this ,'^^ I ROI O^E , TO SELL OUR son wA jet continuing military Gov­ !ra»,M-.i.6,-.b.-n-was!1.lu«iee..r.he E.\Tll!|.: Sio<-k Of U«*M ixme to betmnoioteJ for Albi», 1'rei I Ar._Kra^ J»«#. Caabi or l’HO- ernors over the Southern slates; that • • ■ • * "—** —i. ' ■ 1' ' '"tl _• ■- ' '•'*"* ' ' .e. - -T i L-r i al». ■* A A - . »’ by order<»f the President, Mayor. M od cinct, and Judge, Powell,» radical, ap­ DUCE, 0r Both, At roc of New Orleans was cast into pris­ pointed McPherson as such Justice. on immediately after Lis election - aud A search was lutely made for the dock­ that the tdty was “ to-day under mili­ et account of McPherson’s trialj/ and Our Sjock Is New, FuH And * tary rule,” when he kff&w full - well- it was no where to be found. The in- clown like reparte, his phytipon words would have been quite creditable; but , such was not the fact. Theso arc times ! JUROI FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT, I that call for an vxhibtion—of ti „ P. R PRIM. — --- seldom possessed by the baffooD. Mr ■ the President aud was inaugurated as _ __................................... . _ . Woods did not, during the, dejjvery. o£ Mayor in tbe latter part of April. TOR EROSECL'TIXG ATTORNEYS, , a speech, occupying one hour and a Those assertions were made for the 1st D istrict —JAMES R. J$1L, 2d D istrict —GEORGE B. DORR Is. half, proclaim a single original idea. purpose of ridiculing tbe Democracy 8d D islrict —J.. W. JOHNSON.* The subject matter of his address was for supporting the President. 4th D istrict 7ELG^NE A. CLON1N. that same old song, that “ Democrats 5th XtuTMCT—JA m ES 11. SLATER. had been opposed Jo the Union,” be­ A S tunner -W ho will A ns W er ■•O' aewjRiew .o^>e CO. JUDGE, , I "says IhaV ’ cTcvcu of^lfiese ” 8fafe3*arb shi T JOHX-G. TAKER; ' ' ' tiotT of C - -r ofOr.-g.m-he will ». CLEKX, not be so elected. It would be a base ply eonquored Territory,. Now this BEAN, imputation upon the intelligence of assumption leaves ‘only twenty four States competent to exorcise the func­ SUERIFF;- - the people of the State to harbor the W. BURNETT tions of States. Suppose that in 1868- i- remotest suspicion that they were ca­ TREASURER, pable of so monstrous a.dt ed as that of Chase runs for President in these twen Dr. WHI1E. electing George L. Woods over such (y four States, and gets a majority of CO. COMMISSIONERS, the votes of the sanie, and .Sew.arc A. H. ROBERTS 4 W m . HANN a a man as Col. Kelly. At the conclusion - of Mr. Woods’ runs for President in lhe.whojc Jthirty. ASSMEOB---—- ■--- . five States and gets a‘majority thereof, JOSEPH HENDERSON, speech, Col. Kelly took the stand and - who would be tfr^Tegafty Fres- - SURVEYOR, spoke for an hour and a half, and with- identi Chase-or Seward ?■ ROBERT SHOQK. — ' out any of tbe parade and pretentions Mr. Woods failed to answer or make ~ SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, of the speaker who preceded him, pro­ M. R. CARY ceeded for a few minutes to dissect the aoy stilusion to the questionJn his dos I COST. ►Terence seems to be, that while Jus­ tice of the Peace, the present candi­ date on the - radical ticket for State t - , - . ... .-J.;: Printer, spirited away this docket ev­ idence of a vdry criminal transaction- In a social point of view, we entertaiq- a high regard for Mr. McPhersorv and hope be will be able to make a show­ ing in this affaif that will exculpate him from the suspicion of having mu­ tilated a court record, whilst he was its lawful custodian. ....-T.,-- .^* -V COMPLETE, AND WILL rOSfTOFEY BE -SOLD At GOST. All The STAPLE And FANCY GOODS Roqired To Complete an AS»SÖK1-” MENT. A Splendid Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING Will also beFound At our STORE. We Haveulso, A Few Dozen CLOCKS ------------- , , A Good Ticket . The Multnomah County Democracy have gone t^-work tbe preseut Cam- naii'n ' ■Il to win. will. Their (Jaunts County Ti Tu-JUt radcrT-by «OTr " 1.. Fr G rï • v eU a mí < ———*— I * Of Superior make, WHICH WE WILL S?!LL AT MAR­ VELOUSLY LOW FIGURES. - [A. « / B argains . Judge Strong, than whom there are not two men in the State who stand Lafayette, May 9th, 18n6. higher as gentlemen and who can Kckles Burbank. bring more genuine ability tv bear in the canvass or in the Halls of legisla­ tion. It would indeed be a caricature Dr. A. R. Dillon. -T- 1 upon the intelligence and self esteem of the people of. .Multnomah County PH Y SIC I À N & SU R.G E 0 N to defeat the gentlemen above Darned -- 1-4- i-—»-------- T.^-, — 4— ' ■ as against Powell nnd-Cottupne for the Treats Suci-essfiiUyj old or CHRONIC ’ • State Senate. TheMultnomah ticket disra.-cs, of every Character, description as a whole, is a good one—could not ofkind. CANCERS a J CANCRIFORM Alli-1-üon-i ;uu Cured, by- hÎS treatiàent, - very well be.bettered. pertnincndy and with ui irvc-lous ra|udjty. B®„S;>«ciil attention given to tho*treat CORONER, ing speech,which is evidence that heis ' We are glad to see the name of our ' sophistries and cxpoSe?to the gaze of Females on A. B. WESTERFIELD. - *IrTencn1 Bob” Ladd appear on* the this Const. ' the audretice the obvious incincerity of fearful to commit Idmself on the Dr. Leby’s Frmale Pills costar.tiy on Representative ticket. This gentle­ Mr. "Woods, and in fact of all the rad­ point. hand and for ji.ile. .1 AIT of the special remedies kept for Tho fact is, President Johnson man fh¿ Blacks delighted to honor as DEMOCRATIC APPOINTMEN TS ical leaders. He then openod an ag- long as. he would be one of them, but sale, with full inslructfona bow to use T - . . -' t ' ’ * ■ ’ * ’ " t • Id grc.ssivc warfare upon the principles would call to his aid, Grant and Shen ’ -■»bont tw»yenrs >inre'be became convin them.’^a ” Hon. J as . D. F at , Democratic candi-’ , of the radical party which made thc-r^ftaD"w^ their h,bi>t5, to inaugerate Peri-on« residing at a distance who — date for Congress andllon. L. F. L ane !, those present exceedingly uneasy, as tbe the President elected by the whole cod that they were carrying the joke ¡ho desiire my treat mi ni for any aihnent of ■---- v Democratic candidate for Secretary of! long standing can enclose $5 ar.d address, abundantly evinced by their very Pe?Ple> wben the whole tribe of New far—that their professions of dcvotióD Dr. A. R. Dillon, ’ Lafayette, Oregon, ’ State, will address their fellow'dtizens at1 wai ' the following times and places. They^g an(J t England blood-suckers, foiled in this,. to the Ur ion were blasphemous and symptoms’ when •xtend an invitation to the opposing cans r - - b vjiocriti ?-d. so he droped their’cause they will receive hv return mail a package didatewto ffrtrttfwn:*" ’ - —- f KeUy ¿ealo-witft the immster as ■Jxould hhacec.lunaly .Kquuacerand-im* ul mcaicine. suftp iunt to inaugurate a Umatilla...April 20 Hillsborough.May 14 fsueb institutions should be delt. with. mediately set about the task of organ­ and united himself w ith the Democra­ trentmeift and test its efficacy. Utiice cy ; tie only Unipn party of the Coun-; «South Sidy main street, one door east of Swift’s..-. . 21 Lafayette.. • 16 izing anethe* sectional party to em­ LaG rande... 23 Dallas............ 17 -Leaving feats of rhetoric to be perfor­ J. T. Hembree’s Store. May l2’-66 tf. try. Success to all of the ticket. Union. ; . .. 24 Sal e ili. ,. . . . 19 med by those that have no arguments broil and embitter one section against Pocahontas.. 26 Jefferson.... 20 to offer, he treats his audiences to stub­ another, in the hope sooner or later, of Auburit.... 28 Corvallis.. .. 22 Beller? ... 3 Hear Thom. Independence. May 1 Albany..,. 21 born facts—such as are uncontrover­ provoking another war, that they may « • f Susanville. .,. 8 Eugene City.. 24 I tible and make nn abiding impression grow rieher still, off the blood of their. Tb-morro* uur, Jongressional Canioe City, i . .2 Oakland/. 27 countrymen; and the woes of widow didates will address the people at this >"1 Dalles. ^.... . 9 Canyonville. . 19 upon'their minds. Two years since, place. We shall be pleased to see as Portland.... 10 Roseburg... 28 when tbe blacks elected the dementod hood and orphanage.. , Jarge a crowd on baud, as .was.her©, on Oregon City. ’ 11 Kerbyville.. 31 “ Old Dickey,” they' boasted them­ 'Jacksonville.... .June 2 A BILK. Thursday last. It will be decidedly an selves, that they could as easily have Democratic papers please copy. The riproriou- Hawkins of Tonne inteVcsting time. Those who want to elected a John Chinaman. Wonder- ssee (?) turns out it seems, to be sim­ listen to an argumentative, truthful" Col. Jas. K. Kelly, Democratic candi- ous changes have come over the ply a Missouri Abolition bushwhacker and unanswerable speech, delivered in didate for Governor, has arranged a list dreams of Oregonians «since then, be HE LATE SIGNS OF VOLCANIC »nd low flung scavenger. The exact a pleasant, gentlemanly style, and by of appointments, hjs opponent, George L. action ainojmted simply to a ruse U> sides the influx of population has been Woods, Esq., as follows: date of his emigration from Massachu one of the best speakers in Oregon, SPEAKIMG TO COMMENCE AT 1 ¿’CLOCK, P .M considerable aud singularly unanimous to teach mankind that she was there—R. • eetts is not positively known, but it is will come to hear the Hon. Jas. D. Jacksonville, Apr. 28 | Hillsboro May 12 1 in their Democratic prodelictions, so H arris is also there with the best stock of evident enough that he is a .puritan.’ Kerbyville ’ ’ 25 | O’gn City May 15 I Fay. Those who are f< nd of a spas ­ m,. r - , 1' ines, Liquors, Cigars, Oysters, Sardines, Roseburg ” 28 | Portland May 16 I we bear no more of such extra vagat 6 Ibis evidence be abundantly furnish- modic, funny, clowniih (he having . Oakland - n «0 | Dalles May 18 boasting by them. ed at Amity ip making a furious and formerly run a one horse show) and ' Crncners, Nuts,‘Candies, &c., Ac., ever Eugene May 2 | Umatilla May 21 o Col. Kelly speaks to the point and offered in this Market. He also has tho unprovoked assault upon Col. Kelly Corvallis - May 4 | La Grande May 24 good natured effort, will be out to hear . Albany May 5 Aubnrn May 26 devotes no time to the discussion of and then slinking back like a whip choisest quality of Chewing and Smoking Mr. Mallory. Salem /> May 7 Indp’dence May 29 idle or unimportant issues. The rad­ Tobacco; Candfas, Ac. He-¡a also pro­ ped spaniel when be found arryaed in % Dallas May 8 Snsanville May 31 The Hon. Lafayette Lane is also' L afayette May 10 | Canyon City June icals were amazed and alarmed, while his fronta man that does nob'know vided with tablesand Cards, where those '. f. expected to accompany the above ham-1 some of thorn become belligerent, and • - 2 /w the word flinch. There is a gentleman h^ed gentleman, and speak abo. 1 in quest of fan ma)’ amuse themselves at' * " James O’Meara* candidate State Prin on$ of them who stood perhaps six pa­ residing in Lafayette who knows some Mr. Lane is a good speaker, and we i their leisure. He will be happy to wait - ter, will ioin Col. Kelly and Mr. Woods cas from the speakers stand, proceeded r thing of this Tennessee (?)., Hawkins should be glad to have him come and on his old Customers and as many new at Roseburg, April 28tb, and make the to demonstrate the evidence that the * rest of the canvaaaiug tour with them. lie would probably be able to recount speak. ones as choose to favor him with a call. Col’s, remarks ^ere taking effect, by to the chivalrous (?) gentleman (?) R HARRIS blandishing his fist, and using such what he remembers concerning the r Washington County Personal. I Democratic Ticket. radical argument, as, “ that’s a d------ d surrender in Missouri by him of him­ Col. Kelly called on us on the day ?• lie,” and so forth and so on. For Representatives: self and several hundred men to eigh of the speaking, and we were proud to F. A. BAILEY, JOHN SWEEK. . We arepleasad to say that no Dem- tg llomr Guards. But let the ninny earn from him that he was perfectly County Judge, JOHN CAIN. oetats interrupted Mr. Woods during spout. His harrangues amount to Vux sanguine of the suecess of the whole both qf bis speeches—-their political et practerea nihil._______ •State Tickit. The Qgl. is looking ro* r weapons are of another sort. ‘ - )ust, but was on that day afflicted with ■ ■ - *■ ........................ SIMON BODYFELT Has ^Opened hir Ji. W. Johnson^ Democratic IJ ad as H e .—We are sorry indeed an exceedingly annoying hourseness ; Tresurer, HENRY WARING. VENTILATED* Candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of< that, the conduct of the man Crawford so much so. that it was with consid­ NEW aud well County Commionera, f ‘ ‘ this District, will spaak in Yamhill during Col. Kelly’s speeb, has found erable difficulty he made himself heard ____ i U. JACKSON, JOHN CAMPBELL. County, as follows : At Dayton, May apologists among his party, and those to at any considerable distance from the ’ On MAIN Street, one Door west of M. R*. ■ I County Surveyor, C.‘ H. RAFERTy. .25 ; at Lafayette,same day in theevjp. extenuate his contemptible exhibition »tai' Tb. Col. ia our ..it Govern.|JÜKKÎÂ ( ychod Sup’t., THS. HOOVER, - T t I Furnish his Customers with such MEATs At MoMinnvilk, 26; at Falkner», 2?, pf ||1 btccditfg on that oocamon. or—mark that. roner,. W. G. SCQGGIN. lie, as can be procured in the market. * - • • 1 Zt . 1 I MOUNT HOOD Still Stands ! T T MEAT HiiiiRei SüOPj.oi i