VOL. 1. LAFAYETTE, OREGON, IMPED EVIRY Tl’ESDAY, . - * LAFATBTTB, YAMHILL COUNTY, NO. 16 volunteers glimpse of the Statesman of the 7. for the war”—indeed an avalanche of would put all doubts at rest. That pa 4i‘lift: The chivalrous Col. Haw-^-kins of men would rash forth from that State, per devotee near efeww co/umn« to the 8TATS PLATFORM, Tennessee, (?)’in company with his Well, the Yankees did “ avalanche,” consideration of the propositions i»id .exoeRiniy the Governor—Gibbs, vis­ but it was for Canada, instead of for down by Mr. Smith, in the vain ende­ ADOPTED IN CONVENTION ited Amity on the 9th inst, and pro­ the South. avor to make a thowing, feint as it may THE COURIER ’“** 'AT ka«w Bin Maa,—The Oeward- ly Braggart. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1866. OREGON. BY J. H. L PTOX PUBLISHER AND EDITOR. =T TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Copy One Year, . . . . ♦ | 2 50. One Copy Six Months, . . : . 1 50. ceeded to arum up a little crowd which to speak his and it, so peice, would be swarming with . , AT », to Copy of our- Extra, issued while be, toward refuting them.-- It is Portland, no use, Mr. Statesman, Mr- Smith is too happened that Col. Kelly reached that Mr. Woods was speaking on the 10th many for all of you- You all of you point about that time on his way from fast., for gratuitous distribution. k no wit- The knowledge of tfie truth Dallas to i^fayette. The Col. took of this assertion makes you chafe- his place near eighteen paces from the D emocrats ! T o work ! to work I The Sneezer” Having taken tor his stand froth which Hawkins spoke, and The forces of the enemy ar^ scatter­ text to-day the stale charge that some seated himself to quietly enjoy a Democrat had said » the South had a ed and demoralissd, and it only re» smoke. Haw—kink bad “not gone far right to secede,” the following is sub­ maina for you to step forth and grasp with his harrangue until he comnjien- mitted for bis consideration : the victory. Their n miuatiotM, ced deritogin low bred inuendos di- and controlled Governor (!) has what he seems to conducted dictated rectly respecting Col. Kelly, and final­ by radical fanatics bodes no haimoDy ly set himself about asking the Col. think a good thing on the natives in in their ranks. Men of Democrat- numerous questions, and at the same the way of a discovery be has. made - ’ .. .• ' - ■ •?. . ' io antecedents- that the Democracy was, at the time affecting an air of supremest cun- ws?*Sppw«Fto aerie, no matter what their qualifica- “GEORGE L ■- ’TERMSOF advertising One Square, 12 Lines or less, one In- sertion^ r1"’11- , • , . , • , . , . \ , • , $3.00 fsoo for each subsequent insertion, $1,00. A liberal deduction will be made on Quarterly, Yearly and half Yearly Adver­ tisements. * • ~~ Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 beranumn. _____ . i Democratic APRIL a, 1M6 : . 1. Resolved,. That we affirm as the creed of our political faith and practice, our ' -• steadfast devotion to the following princi­ ples, viz : Equal and exact justice to all men ol whatever state, party or sect; the support of the state Governments in all their rights, and of the Federal Govern­ ment in all its vigor; a jtalous care ofthe elective franchise; the supremacy of the .ciivl over the niilitery authority; oppo­ sition io the centralisation of power; econ* omy in all public expenditures ; the gene­ ral diffusion of education; the encourage­ ment of morality and the highest civiliza­ tion ; the right of every man to worshi , _ ----- r------ .freedom ofthe press, aud freedom ot the person Wcdiear under the protection ot the habeas corpus. great tions, clainis or popularity. w ““UäwWf- ùoninitsaióiièra, was convinced ere thi«, that the man coercion. Horace Greeley, the « 2. Resolved, That the action of the S BniieUi-, iknry ilTwitt ; Sheriff,L. L. Hawkins was a low bred, low ’flung rwdicwl luminary, from whom all lesser the murm|yings in the distance, which majority in Congress in refusing to admit WhitcHtiib ; (’lerk, ; Asses ­ , •WbitWHh; ( lerk, S S ('. C. Adam« Adams; Aw.s- 7 .. ® - - ............................................ did nut radicals receive their light and draw will become more and more audible the Representatives of eleven States, io Mr, Charles Handley; Treasurer, Treasurer, J d hn hn bate bai®h of ot depravity, and and so so did sor, Chark-s Handley; . . ■ ... 'W .W.atts>ol Superinteiidint, Rvv. deign to make any reply to his self their inspiration, was also opposed to until the fourth day of June next, an unwarrented assumption of power upon the part of Coegress, revolutionary coercion. He said that he wanted to when the point of culmination will be in its tendency, and dangerous tathehb------- e ____ .,!... » “ * • j imposed ruterogatries, uutil the ques- Snrv. vor, A. S Watt. 1 tiou was asked him what he thought let her go in peace—that the govern- reached, and the radical party of Yam­ erties of the people ; that we do and wilt sustain President Johnson in bis determi­ ù ÎLQ j ÉN T 1S TR. Y. of cfcrraia ceiehritieB at pressnt figu*- luent had no right to male“war on bar. hill County will only be remembered nation and efiorts for the complete resto­ ration of all ' the constitutional rights of tog on the radical*drama, when the Col. Greeley still contends that he was for its misdeeds: Jr ■—«------------------ ■ ■■ -------------- all the states, and we unreservedly approve — — — - - - — - auswered him, that he believed with right and cvrrect in the opinions he r bis veto of the Freedmen’s Bureau ard <‘Tnx T ribune is understood* to Andrew Johnson, that they and their expressed at that time. In a late Civil Rights bills, and all hit constitute sal be an advocate of universal suffrage, efforts to prevent the fanatical majority IB * DR. A G. PHILLIPS. BURGEON number of the Tribune, March. • 13, kind were traitors, when the would be and in favor of admitting the darkey Congress from changing-or destroy.og our chiv., made a furious rash toward him Greeley nays: to the polls on the same terms as the ebenshed form of Government even u i "c’ tkiMi does wkite h, | with clenched fiat and *t the sama ___ '“But* а. Kaashrad, That 4be fruition »•» M ■■SnndaT M uqit -__ - — k - , Llt ___ . W irnn»*ts nw rrTrssioosi nervrcCT toti not express the whole truth. Tens of i sutned py President Johnson, that the Citisns of Lafayette and Surrounding time uttering horid imprecations. The » has no right to Represents tves freni the Southern States J -*• • 1 X» Ô • .1 X? • . —The Mercury thousands voted for Secession as a defi­ Country- no. t2 tf. Col. rose to his feet and placed him­ speak of our viewe5on this vital mat­ ought to be at once admitted to seats in ance to Northern threats of“ coercion.” self in a proper attitude to defend him .They voted —nut that they wished to ter as “ anderstodd,” when they have Congress, and that .legisla tion affecting S. HURLBURT. been a thousand times expressed as Buch States while they are-unrepresented self, and bade the belligerent Haw- leave the Union—but that they would clearly as our mother tongue will al­ as unconstitutional, meets with our boartv AT kws tobak immediately or he would ■ot be,held in it by force. ** * We low, The Tribune does, indeed, be­ approval. did not wish any fighting.” 4. Resdved, That the assumption of pound the life out of him. The chiv. lieve in admitting Blacks to vote on the opposition that the Democratie) party Speaking of the position of the Journal equal termt with H’Aifex.—N”. Y. Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. took him at hir word, and but- for the ■. is in favor of repudiating the publie debt» “ - iu “.fr ’ Will practice in-the Supreme, Circuit fact that Gov. (iibbs threw his ponder­ of Commerce, The Tribune ofthe same Tribune, March 13 ’66. Mn<1 thajjt' jn infijyor of uuUineAtian hag., ' ■ --- ---------------- - ------ . . ■ r u. amt ill of the Courts of this State. secession, is slanderous and false. date says: ous carcass between the Col ...and his ■ ’ -* - T win M onstrosity .—In Niatic, б. Resolved, That we endorse the Now it talks as though it had stood t assailant, the poltroon would probably in the front rank for the coericionists. Illinois twin boy6 were recently born, sentiment of Senator Douglas; that this government was made on a white ^«tiefor have found it convenient to put a pe­ We, certainly, did no*. We never joined together from the top of the le benefit of the white man, and we are head to the hips. They have four riod to his pilgrimage right there* and proposed to force, nor buy, nor whee­ opposed to extending the right of auffertxe ' dle, nor beseech the South to remain eyes, two mouths, two noses, and three to any other than white men. then, for want of healthy optical ma- Phyticiau & Surgeon in the Union. It was never necessary ears, one of which ' is at the point 6. Resolved, That the exemption of chinery to light him on his way. He where the hesds are joined. The legs United States bonds from taxation is sub-1 to do either. __ A simple proffer by In the HOSPITAL DEPART- would have had to have put in to port the North that the South, faithfully and feet are perfect, while two of the teantialy the exemption of rich men from ’ canvassed and fairlv polled, should de­ arms are united in one, having eight taxation because they are rich, »nd the for repairs. fingers and two thumbs. The other taxation of poor men because they are Cui. Kelly is widely known in Ore* cide, by a majority vote of her . people, Of The Anwr of the POTOMAC. V poor, and we arc ¿a frror of taxing those whether- to stay th the Union or go two thumbs are perfect. Office in Dayton, Oregon. bonds for county, State and municipa gon and bears the name wherever out u[ it, would have savedthe awful purposes. S ensible W ords —Mrs Patter known, of deporting himself as a gen carnage and waste of the war. 7. Resolved ; That strict and impernia son, President Johnson's daughter the tieman in all respects. This contemp­ > Has Governor (?) Woods no better lady of the White House is reported justice demands that the expences of the tible braggart, Hawkins, would do thing to charge against the Democra to have recently made this highly sens­ General Government, a8 well as of the State Governments, should be borne by ible remark to a very prominent and the people according to their ability, and J. T. HEMBREE, : : PRO. well to remember former chastise­ :y than this soticoercion charge ? fashionable woman: “ We are plain not according to their necessities, and THIS HOTEL is Mi!l kept for the ac­ ments before undertaking to bully gen A P ittiful W help —The person people, from the mountains of Tenn- hence that we conqemn nor,as in the part, commodation of boardera and the tlemen in Oregon. * — travelling public. who msde the main disturbance while eaee and we shall not put on airs be­ a protective tariff that terjds, necessarily to opprss the masses for the benefit of Good « ■ ', - As W as to be expected .—It has Col Kelly was speaking on Tbuteday cause we chance to occupy this place the rich. for a short time ” been ascertained by parties who had last, we sre told was one Crawford. & Resolved, That in a Democratic x -------------------------------------------- . Gcvernment the real sovereignty rests in ample facilities for the correct deter­ In consideration ofthe respect we have and attentive hostlers. nol. A W idow in Amsdur county, Cali­ the people* and all efforts tending to wrest mination of the question, that, of 21, for many well disposed and gentleman fornia, disposed of her house by lottery, power from the people is a war upon » 000 heroes that ** thronged the high­ ly Republicans, we will assume that and when the drawer of the prize went them, revolutionary and dang« roue ; and ’ B. & BBADEBAW, ways and by wsya” for Canada imme­ thia man Crawford is an out cast from for it, she told him to take his house that the existence of nation) banks* after off her lot as soon as possible, for »be the experiencewe have had with and diately after the Draft was to be enfor­ Society, and was drunk, though we intended to build a new house on the without them, especially in times of peace, ced, that 9,300 of the refuges were is a subject of just alarm. ( AND know nothing to the contrary of him spot with the money which she got for 6. Relsolved, That the unlawful and from Massachusetes, and that 9.019 being in the first stsnding in his party. the old one I This is the sharpest piece shameful squandering of the people’s COUNSELOR AT LAW, of the number were radi ml republi­ Whatever they may think in the prem of widow work now on hand. mouey by our present grate officials cans. The ballance of the 21,000 ises, we are sure it would redound to You may put a thousand excellent meets with onr emphatio oondemna with the exception of 2,700 were from the credit of the radical party to re­ things in a newspaper, and never bear tioa. 10. Resolved, That we will ever hold OLICITOR IN CHANCERY. WLL other parte of the New England States strain snob beasts as this Crawford a word of approbation from the jeaders, but just let a paragraph slip in of one in grate fill memory those through Practice in the District and Supreme and New York. This accounts for from an exhibition of the spleen and or two lines, that is not in good taste, Conns of Oregon.. whose patriotic, not mercenary or par­ the election of Governor Seymour in yW"Taxes Paid, Collections made, and hate that, for aught we know to the and you may be sure of hearing about tisan servioes, thè dignity of the Re- ’ the latter named state—the republi­ Proceeds Promptly remitted. public and the integrity of the Union ooutrary, ranklea in th* breasts of a ma that. cans were in Canada to keep out of I t is a good sign to see the color of were preserved; and wo denounce as •jority of the members of that party. the war. health on a man's face. It is a bad a base insult >o the gallant livisg and heroic dead, the present efforts of the -------- * It will be remembered that this ex- A T horn in their S ides .—Hoti. sign to sea it all concentrated on bis Radicala fo ponverl . - odtis of republicans from New England J. S. Smith is giving the blacks trou- nose. their .victory into a partisan triumph, * ti. T. CATOX. , C O. CUKL • ■ r 5 ’ * took place subsequently to the issuance ble—sore trouble. He is telling plain 8iDNirr S mith says: « Power will job ing to make the late war one of con- j of the proclamation of émancipation, and itubborn truths and the people be intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the quest, instead of the aappreufon of the < •beUion—for subjugation luatead of res­ ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS AT tAVf. in consideration of the issuance of lieve him—can find no reason to dis­ strongest heads. No man is good toring Hte'Unioo—for the negro instead ■“ which, Got- Andrew of Massachusetts believe him. If evidence warn want­ enough* tobe trusted with despotic of the white man. » Will practicél?ñatitere5awarne and Di»-1 proœined the President that Ute “high power; for when posee-sed of it others 11. Resolved, that the miner* should ing to convince anybody that. Mr. j a.____ • w a. « - v■ » . - can no longer answer for him, because be encouraged and pjotected to the free tefet Court» of Onton- ways and by ways ef Massachusetts Smith is worrying them, a single he can bo fearer Mtwvr for htaolf. >» uaesfttf* ____ imibea. K ATTORNEY LAW, t S ment, r \ STABLING, ATTORNEY I I S CATONI A CVBL. » 1 J. ÜI ■ ¿1 * - li 1 • Y J