—* To The Nick. • [ communicatep ] An Interesting Letter. Very few persons, ivefi'amuli^ physK" -bians, woutd have been willing u ion •ny. terms to have been in the* condition Trf the writer: “ pf I s . ■ of the following letter on the 14lh oT Feb ruary last. 1 wih anticipate somewhat . hi« irporf vf.lhtt facts by saytug that on the 15ur of August ia*t, be made ine a vts it, “ the very picture of good health." lune, wbiqii tries and proves all things has sufficintly tested this case, and shown that"neither relapses n«r cdilnpses having followed, the cure is'perfect, andean be ? cited among the scores of similar cases the result of my improved inode ®f trea­ ting qisease without medicine. ——;----- Aug. 2 7 , 1865. ——" G. M. Hourne, Wafer Cure Pnysician, No. 16, Ajasonic Temple, Post street. -, e, or ajIeNo as 1 sied his relapse into his former conditon. |permanant cure, Pay^for scr- vitos, when in bis judgment • it is within on returning to his duties, of the writer of the bounds of cure. •“ An int ‘resting Letter,” wjjosti state- J_____ 2... . CAUTION. TnehBTT'bticiThiitg the*bu’re 3T a well^elW Persons seeking th.e Electropathic In­ ned case of^oqsumption have recently stitute should be carful to remdtnber tbe Attracted £0 "much attenUcm to the Water Uatui! and num '«r. ELIXJRDpATIIIC Cure, as improved upon' and practiced by ‘ INSTLTUTK Dr. Bourne. -This additional testimony 645 Washington Street. must prove satisfactory TiTall reasonable South .«ide* between Kearny and Mon­ minds. It should be remembered that Dr tgomery- over the Restaurant, J. IL. JOSSELYN, M, D. Bourne uses no inodieine whatevej, and, Resident Fhyaician. his patients almost universally those who on the sign. With these retnaks we have failed to receive relief from the tneds |eave the°ihterest of the institute" with tht ical practitioners; yet they are cured with public asking only the same generous great rapidity^ and in a pleasant and agree confidance'thus fur awarded to it. The able manner No. 10 Masonic Sample, record shows over twenty thousandecm- no. 15 3m. Pust Street entrance. . ■ iftW THE COURIER i '5 sí * ? ’ .. LOCAL D emocrats ‘iNSiGiTTA.—At M. R. Cary’s store can bo had tho cekbra- tfcd Demperat^ Hr PH kt Pin, Jfttpn- dedto indicate that the wearet Relieves this to Le a WJiita, plan’s Country.. The badge is eo inscribed on its Face. Intelligence. Lafayette Market (CORRECTED WBEKLT], Wheat, f1 Bushel, Gats, $ ’’ r •■ V Barley, bushel, 'v Corn meal, 100 lbs Flour, p 1()U tbs Middlidgs, e* ton, Apples, dried’ 'fi ft Peaches, lb BACON. Hnnrs, th -A- Sides, Shoulders, lb Lard, "¡¡4 ft M iscellaneous .. Egg-S V doz., Butter, tb v Chickens, cf‘. doz., Potatoes, bushel' Onions, p lb Beans, ¡8 ft flay, p. ton, • ' 00 • M $1.00 $5,00 «8,00 $20,00 8 23 G etting low .—The Yamhill is falling rapidly at this point. The Steamer Union Yesterday eve. h^d to round to at the lower landing . Capt-Miller suggests that the people of Lafayette w :^ld do well to restrain theij stock from drinking water from the river —— a _-—;— -------- ——- suffering relieved, 20 D emocrats ! T o work ! to work Persons wishing to consult the Resident 15 The forces of the enemy are scatter­ Physician, by letter can do so with the V 25 utmost confidence. All letters must he ed and demoralized, and it only re. I Sacramento, April 30, 1865. Lv.^*» addressed pfainlv v. J. ... H. c JOSSELYN, ,XJ a k-, 1'1. M. Dr. J. II. JLoMMelyn. 20 . Dr. G. M. B our Y b —ti^ar Sir;—It is ’ ___ *- —— D., Box 1945, San Fiancisco, . Cal. All 40 • mains for you to step forth and grasp , ..I with pleasure and satisfaction ttiat I now , letters will be destroyed or returned, as 25 the victory. Their n nninationS yester­ let you know oftny gooti health. Looking £MP0RTANT MEDICAL DISCOVER? desired by the writer. Office hours from 50 - - ---- — Z- back upon what I have passed through, day, conducted dictated- and controlled 6 A. m . to 4 p . M. 8 it seetns as if 1 was lifted from the grave, 3 by radical fanatics' bodes no harmony 8 È 9 no. 14 3m and I think it my duty to acknowledge to Electricity ai a Curative AGent. $20 you and the w >rld the benefit I derived in thepr ranks. AH men of Democrat­ 4 HEN IT WAS PROMULGATED ! from water treatmoot as administered by ic antecedents were ruthlessly thrust ’ RELIGIOUS NOTICES. - , By the Directors of the E lectro - you in your celebrated bains. It was in SUMMONS. *' o. ■i ’ < ’ - PATiiic I nstitute ,, that disease could be E ld -R S. C. A dams conducts religious aside, uo matter what their qualifica­ August, 1854 when disease developed services at the Church -in Lafayette, on tions, claims or popularity. We hear itself with a Revere, cough. I then took ehlirely eradicated from the system with­ Mary Ann Rubidonplff., vs Francis Ru medicines, getting' worse, with chills, fe­ out the use of poisonous drugs, the thoug­ bidon defendant. the first Sabbath of each month, Sill the murmuring« in the distance, which * “ » vers, loss ul strength, and was pronounced htless and those who do not look deeply In Circuit Court of the State of Oregon o’clock a . m . eonsiim^tive. ^L’in,s set me to thinkmg, mio cause and effect scouted the asser­ for. the county oflainhUI, . Rey. N. A. S tarr , preaches at McMinn-. will become more and more audible •nd I finally-determined to leave my busi tion as chimericel, and wrote long aytides ville-at 11 o’clock a . m ., and in Lafayette until the fourth day of June next, In equity for divorce. ness go to the Sandwich Islands, having replete with sophistry, cla t.ing that only 3 o’clock p. m ., on the fourth Sabbath of To Francis Rubidon defendant. when the point.of culmination will be been informed that I could not be cured through the digestive system could the N the name of lift; people ofthe State of each month blood be purged of the poisons which con- here. I went tpvSin Francisco, and reached, and tbe radical party of Yarn- Oregon. You are hereby notified that I- while waiting for a ship, called upon Dr. -mute disease ; a great cry wenuup irorn^ Pltf) hffs commenced suit against you in in P rospering .—We are happy to be hill Couuty wiltuüi'jl be remembered in the f continued suprema-;^ court t, for divorce OI1 “be gl ¿ ||ml OI of Bourne, who staled «bat a trip to the Is­ Ihoseuner^ted . tnn , nlii -j , Lovtam • /»uro I : . uuui UM UK.M LO |>u minu i*v rif nf nuu nmonn tri •. ° . lands would probablysresult disastrously, ey of the o d| ai nTTkept g et ting worse i .'.¡■ata were ’* ■ ■ ânef dlsbut’SêïïïïnTs. By order oFthc*Jn0i*e‘advantageous ing more thia week. « Tickets in as good style and tft as and each of you are required, and sum­ man," wilbqrrt the aid of( medicine. ' t~ m some'cases, but, that in connection r Dr. A."R. Dillon. Stenographic Re- moned to be and appear in the Circuit reasonable‘rates as they can be done have now been at vuuk several wecks^ with medWiieSjit will perform" a" cure porter, kindly ftrruihscd ya with notes Oregon for theeoum anywhere in tirer Cotmtry. Comù on and find that 1 aui gaining evoFy day, and much sooner thai*without, and’ nslo that Court j>f which will be WaSuable for future refer the cajMiiaini coflxplaint* ... .mu answer me , ■ - at present bid fair to be stouter than ever diseases hitherto deemed incurable, can ty of Ya.nhittTand of the jilaintiff tiled in Uic above entitled J c>ur or ^ cl g ’ .P tf _ m O cra L is, republi- enee. .............. : • .•• • the-diiucturs. -' '/ ■ ------ before. Persons visiting -- to rto - so within, - cans or any other man—Lave yqur tabiiahtnent will find ii ju-tjwbat it eln>ald . would take &¡£oppó¿tuuhy to inform in- cause ; and in case you fail vil iil iw t h a t1 t frwi ir.w dLn» PhyBM wwMwpreg« •terr-days frenv-th? service of this summons tickets out jn time. . cour.tv, exper- upon • J you ifi.erved.in Yamhill 1 ■ A wwiiiio V« ’ur___ ______ _ _______ -■ conducted by Elders Ullage tnd Ad­ Confirmation Strong Of doctor Gaiter*, ’s traps), and hereafter the scietific *_________ / . /*“** 4__“* ams of the Christian denomination, An Intererting’ Letter. originators of this Institute will not bo to or ALL CLASSES AND STYLES. TIN IL SETTLEMENT. closed its labors on Sabbath eve, last, ' r S acramento , November 23, 1865. blame if the afflicted are*robped of their « J-' ' ' ’ •’ Thé Estate of Solomon Allen, deceased. D ear D octor :—I received your letter money, and injured in constitution. in this place. The following named And now on this 4th day of April, a few days since asking for n>y photograph There is also another view of the affair. 1866, comes John W. Allen, exécb- persons united with the church during His work is warranted to give satisfaction. ■ which I will attend to as soon as converts The risihg generation should be reared tur of the last will and testa­ M ~ lent At present I am very busy, on ac­ with strong constitution, and the direc ment of Solomon W, Allen, late of Yatn- the meeting to wit: count of the stormy weathej, being out at tors wish to arouse fbeie guardians to a hdl— Coun t y,. Or o go ây d e ceas. d, am i flic s —1’roff A. F, Forb«s, ja«jo» Ham- all times, both night amT day, aflB aifi-él»-. proper sente 6Í their duties in their prein his account lor final settlement Aod distt is joying good health, apprehending uo dan- IS»«, if possible, to prevent them from mack, sen. and wife; Daniel Ham­ buuiih of the said estate. Il is ordered Kr if properly careful, as every one'Ktto’d stuffing their young charges with deleters that THURSDAY, May the 10th 1866, be mack p E. C Bradshaw and wifej^and À- . I have read my letter in the Call louS drug, 'with • chance of entailing up appointed as i day for tbe final settlement Miss Ellen Smith. The Christian is saved bv wearing Custom Made work. and other papers, and have been asked on the tender constitution, just forming, and distribution of the said deceased's es­ Try ¡laud beconvinced- several times concerning it, and whether a complication of evils, a thousand times tate, and that four weeks notice thereof I Church seems to be increasing steadi­ noSly JAMES BAKER. it is correct, and I say 1 can vouch for its worse than death. / b'a published in the Lafayette C ourier . ly in the popular favor in this section. contents, and more if required, as can a It would be consuming space, to no J. W. Cowles, County Judge. • great many others who knew mo at the purpose, to enumerate the disease, to G. II. Steward, Atty. , »■ » , • - ■ • no. 12 4w. time. I remaiu your friend. . which, this system is applicated, suffice W a < k > n S hop —Mr. J. Edwards JAMES CAMPBELL. it to say, that there is no diseases To D r . Bourne, San , Francisco. - RS. WHITE i A WEST! WESTERFIELD has opened in wagoo ahop io Lafay- within the catalogue of humart ills but T'kRS. T. HEMBREE, Dealet rn Dry Good -*■------ ;— ___ _ ___ . -»t,. - what can be cured at the Electropalhio J Physician« and Surgeon«. etto, and seems to be driven with work • Groceries Hardwire, Ac. SoCtt Dr. Bourne takes the liberty to publish Snstitiitc We have instructed the Rcsi- Lafayette, Lafayi Oregon. Office in the Drug qjde Main Street. — mainly repairing. ent Pbysicifl to warrant a perfect and Store. the Above, as many persons had prophe r . • W I - ' -i~~— ---_.- T* u ‘ —- I IXIM «• V 'Ty -- A B «M’EU CENT J