H * • y—k . "■ » • . ** 1 , ■qssss -» *** * ; SE............ • . V. ; .y >- * .... -.T— ................ ........ • ♦ -, ... _ ’ • ' J ,L 1 ’ ■ r » r « LAFAYETTE, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1866. ’*'-1 —------ _ - J ’-4 RHEUMATISM! ■■ ■( I I IUULU '»VC 1A1C illVJ j . I _______ a . *____ X JN: I* Ii meut, . « LAFAYETTE HOUSE STABLING, ___ i___ ’______- - ■ 4— - ~ -n--------- . ------------ .. A 4 ATTORNEY ' Democratic Throughout this Coast a great deal « • of suffering is experienced from Rheu­ "STATE PLATFORM, matism, Weeks and even months of ADOPTED IN CONVENTION AT protracted and aggravated misery is endured by the victims of medical in­ Portland* efficiency and ignoraneo, which could be cured just as speedily as was M r . APRILS, - _______ 1MW¡ because tbe President was the ** Gov­ ity is wide awake ». I and that every J. H. UPTON, S parrow , wb'^se "testimony is given 1. Resolved, That we affirm as the ernment.” Good men were imprison­ mother’s son of us is ¡¿{determined to do creed of our political faith and practice, our PUBLISHER AND EDITOR. - below, and as only (he echo of hun­ steadfast devotion to the following princj* ed inAlcatraz for opinions of nota tithe his duty in the coming contest, We dreds of other cases. D r . B qurne plee, viz : Equal and exact justice to all TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. the ferocity that the Flag betrays, have not yet put ir I nomination -our cures without medicines which ac­ men ot whatever Btate, party or sect; the county‘ticket; but o r cobnty’ fconven- counts for his extraordinary success. support of the state Governments in all One Copy One Yeltr, . . . |2 50. ' and that paper said amen. One Copy Six Months, ... • 1 5b. I “ The headstrong course of John­ tion meets in HiJlsbb Hillsb iro on the42th of . No. 10 Masonic Temple, Post street their rights, and of the Federal Govern­ ment in all its vigor, a jtalous -¡are of the TERMS O F A D V E RTIS I NG. son thus far authorizes tb* assumption May, when and whçjj o we expect to put entrance: elective franchise; the supremacy of the ______ • • • • • a . Ono Square, 12 Lines or less, one In- that the[e are no bounds to his usurpa-- in nominaitoD a tick, tet With which we S an F rancisco , September 6, 1861. ciivl over the militery atithoritj; oppo­ i ting audacity. 1 Without any of the sition ¡0 the centralization of power; econs sertion, , , , , , , |3.00 D r . B ourne :—Last Winter, I was omy in all public expenditures ; t < higher attributes of a statesman, desti­ intend to wrest this pounty from the For each subsequent insertion, $1,00. A liberal deduction will be made cm tute of prudence and impelled by a big foul grasp of Abolition rule. The re- nearly dead; by an attack of inflama- ral diffusion of education; the er ' * ’ . I suffered the most ment of morality and the higher! Quarterly, Yearly and half Yearly Adver­ l.cadedness intensified by habitual in­ publicans bold ther convention this*rheumatism. excruciating pains for about five weeks, tion ; the right of every man to - -. oj ¡. p tisements. " '■ toxication, he is capable of proceeding week, and I presuny. from appearan- Ä A without any hopes of relief, when a God according to thh dictates ofhis d^n Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 to any extremity of self important fol­ jalresidy “ cut and friend bearing of my illness, called to conscience; freedom of speech , freeo ^ cps, they have it beranuiun. ly ; bo that with the belligerency pecul of the press, aud freedom of tlie pei iar to drunken men, and with the self- dried” and. arrang as to whom they see me, and assured me that if I under the protection ot the hahea scorpus. I stop “ drugging and dosing,” ^2. Resolved, That lay aU..V4 raotwedioc n> „«ide.-abL Ornate to cfurgF difcrenco of opinio —— wyou, tnat "you would wave ■q m i xy-m-vwyr—• TH vvuPi A X- wFm 'M IWJLALi J v IK m U A VR X • among them upon nnortnoc nr 11 n 4 the n n . me walking about the streets in - three the Representatives of eleven States, is . Judge, J. W. Cowies; CouMiiissioners, ui’on w.. the Natioual a Congress with nivu a.»av . p i Le | iL t 'i; ' z» " great issues of t day. Some de: days. Sure enough; although I was an un warren ted assumption of ‘powjr ■ S. Brutcher, tleiiry Hewitt ; Sheriff, L. L. headlong reekhegsoess of an aiigry bull. 1 Whitcomb; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Asses­ The - recent --------- — o_—, congress, utterly helpless, aud conveyed to your upon the part of Cocgreas, revolution .’■y •* The recent action action of of Congress nounce Johnson arj ' endorse in its tendency, anM dangerous to iho b- sor, Charles Handley;" Treasurer, J hn shows demented inebriate buuwn that fcunv the meuemeuiea ineonaie will win ' i while others laud JJ-hnson and iaj)it- house in a carriage, and carried into it sries of the péopl»; -anti-wri \V. Watts; Sebool Superintendent__ RtJ? 1 k 1 —a—--» »1 ____ ______ . . . f -____ _____ _______ ___ ter terms condenj B the Radicals. by three st out men, a n d by them lifted sustain President Johnson in his delerioi- J«*hn Speneer -, Cm uncr', W. W. "Bröwn~; benxctnnd rapuWd-wi.tb equal alacri- ’ teJ into the bath, yet, on coming out of nation aud efforts for the compléta resr-. ty and determinatiop, and that at- the Surveyor, A. S. Watt. o‘f very first opportuni'v he will be bro’t- There is still n nothin" class (professional it, I largely assisted myself, doing ration of all the constitutional T all the i talw, and we unreservedly appvc^«- much toward dressing, and, without to no accountability such asdias never politicians) who weild like to sustain DENTISTRY. been required of an American Presi- both until the dept on" is over. They assistance, walked from the bath to the bwarcuo tof.the Freedmen's Bureau amt dent. Without a reformation ofbis por- th;g J,»i3,QB jn the ranks cayr*age> the-fourth day, I dis- Civ*l Rigi.'-abi'^, and all bis constitulheaL sobardepertmqnt and an abatement of M _ » charged my carriage and walked, with effurts to prevent the fanatical majority in sööal depurtmqnt"and Congress from changing or destroying our his overbearing; and tyrnninal disposi- hence, they preach harmony. -I am at a friend’8.aid.* The. entire distance to cherished form of Government. rr—* ul t . ■ . • . .... . r _ 1__ _____ t._\t ____ 1____ x.___ tion', the Prsidential sot will not run 1 I a loss to see how th'y uan hope to suc­ your house (nearly a mile) and home 8. Resotvfcj, That the -position as-» through another year without a formal ceed with such dissensions in their again, and so on anti! cured; and t sumed py Prc-xulent Johnson, that the impeachment by authority of Congress, party. Of one thing we may be pref-, bad not taken more than twelve baths, Rcpresentatves freuj the Southern Stale* when, all pain and swelling having ought tu beat onee • admitted to seats in He is already, imppatfbed and' stands Tend, rs his jgpfcssional S -rvjçe.? to the » ty certsin, that tbe great number of ____ a well _____ _ __ ceased, I felt myself mas. andit Congress, and that legislation affecting ’ Ciuzns of-Lafny« ltj and Surrounding arraigned at the bar of public opinion . sik '. i Stales while they are unrepresented the conservatives'v*f the so-called Um^now I am happy tmto'yna th ’ nr'itttle i . Country no. 12 if- —------ -. party in Congress, has an Ebony to dcoive the unwary into the support groaned under a burden, suppassed State Governments, should be borne by Wench for a .wile, and has raised a of its revolutionary policy. They have .only by that which you now carry?” the people according to their ability, and not according to their necessities, and large family of mulattoes in Pensylva- hugged this poisonous serpent to their The same characteristics belong to hence that wo conqemn now.aa in the part,{ bosoms ouce aud have felt its sting; the negro suffrage party. They have a protective tariff that tends, necessarily J. T. HEMBREE, : : : PRÒ. nia by her ? Amalgamation is the chief corner stone ot their faith, and and they now see the necessity of grown proud aud arrogant. Let them to opprss the masses for the benefit of THIS HOTEL is still kept for the ac- the rich. oommodation of boarders and the Thad Stevens the traitor, their leader crushing the monster while it is yet be once more rebuked. Show them 8. Resolved, That in a Democratic travelling public. sets the practical example. Thad leads within the reach of an injured people. that.he who is unwilling to trust the Government the real sovereignty rests in Good the people* and all efforts tending to wrest »* » Congress, and three fourths, of the A lonzo , people with political power, is himself power from the people is a war upon Blacks in Oregon aud elsewhere sup­ unworthy to be trusted. Teach this them, revolutionary and dangerous ; and and attentive hostlers. noi. that the existence of natîonl banks* after port Congress against the President. party, which scoffs at “ me and the the experiencewo have bad with and __ Thad clamored for political equality H ard on T had .—Some Western people,” that you are not to be tram­ without them, especially in times of peace, E. G. BRADSHAW, for the negro, and so do three fourths chap narrates the following story, some, pled on.—Oregon Herald;--- iz a subject of just alarm. what at the expeoce of Thad. Stevens : 6. Rekqlved, That the unlawful and of the Blacks. Thad has for a wife, a lie says he dreamed that he once shameful squandering of the peoplo’s } black wench. Three fourths of the I ntelligence .—Our Abolition co­ mouey by our present State officials made a visit to inferno, and while en-' AND republicans would have the same kind gaged iu conversation with the propri temporaries are continually parad:ng a- meets with onr emphatic condemns of a “ bosom companion” if they could etor, an^imp announced that the Penn boht the amount of learning and intel* tioni ‘ L COUNSELOR AT LAW, ligence tba party possesses. Yet, the sykania Radical wa.. at the door seek ­ 10. Resolved, That we will ever hold - 4 --y—___ get one- This accounts for their anx­ ing admittance. Old Nick promptly most intensely Abolition States con­ in grateful memory those through iety to extend to the negro social, civil, U V Lafayette, Orogen. and emphatically de ied him admit* tain more unlearned people than any whose patriotic, not mercenary or par­ and political rights, for then they tance on the ground that he would be others in the Union. - The small State tisan services; the dignity of tbe Re- ■O OLICITOR IN CHANCERY. IV LL could »pick a “partner for life ” from continual Uy disturbing the poice. and ¡of Rhode Island contains over toe publie and thé integrity ofYheUoion V7 Practice in the Districtxnd Suprema I ■ —•—**=—;—i - place. JThs imp soon re- thousand people, over fifteen yeara of were preserved; preserved; and wo denounce denounoe as aa ► amongst them at pleasure. That’s order of the pl and we ’Courts of Oregon. »"Taxes Paid, Collections made, and what’s the matter. Mark the predic* turned, saying that Thad, insisted ou age. who cannot read or write, and a base insult jo the gallant Irving and coming in declaring that be had no five thousand who can read but heroic dead, the present effokto of the ^Proceeds Promptly remitted. tion as you go along. other place to go to. After considTa­ not write It is true that some of our Radicals to oonvert —------- --------- :--------/----- 7—“--------- —• ble anxious reflection, Old Nick’s face border States may oontain this propor­ their victory into a partisan triumph, 1. T. CATON. 0. O. CURL Two deacons wtre once disputing suddenly brightened as with a new tion of unlearn people, butnonf of the loh’ing to make t!i% late war on« °f oea- about the propsed site for a new grave idei, and he exclaimed: Western States can any way near com­ quest, instead of the suppression of tbe eATONA ( IRL yard, when the first remarked : “ Will our Abolition ebell ion—for subjugation iualrad of res­ “ I’ve got it. Tell the Janitor to give pare to this. • ‘ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW never be buried ied in that ground, as Ion long him six bushels of brimstone and a friends please make a note of thii, and toring the Union—for the nrj"O instead as I live.” “ What an obstinae man. box of matches and let him go and cease their howling about intelligence of tbe wnite map. 11. Resolved, that the miners should Salem, Oregon. said tho sccond, “ if my life is spared, start a bell of his own ; I can't have in New England ?—Democratic Re» be encouraged and pjotected tn thd freo Will practico in the Supreme and Dis­ I wiU.,, r -— —-------- him here. ” use slthemihee. a view. . trict Courta of Oregon? - w NO; Í5. "■■■*■ ■ -— . -> y Forest Grove Correspondence. . Here it Is, What think you of It ? Tbe following is from the San Fran-- F orbst G rove . May. 1st, ’66. 4* cisco Flag the leading- black republi­ E ditor . C ourier j —That you may ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY,- AT can paper of California.. How long know how the cuust of Democracy Js LAFAYETTB, since it ceased to be treason to abuse progressing io this county, 1 take the the President? This tame Flag has liberty to send you» (bw items for pub YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. contended all the wbile that- it was lication in your paper. You may rest BY. ' treason to disagree with tbe President, assured that Demo ’acy in this ricin-4 THE COURIER ' 'W ru Í