Speak Gently Gently, mother, gently Chide thy little one’ Tis a toilsome journey It hatbjust begun ; * »- Many a vale of sorrow Many a rugged steep, Lieth in its pathway— And full oft ’twill weep, OhKhen.-gentiy—gently. - - 4 - harness X EVERY BODY DXALXRS IN - —- - • •• _ - g- - j SIMON BODYFELT Has Op»ned hia NEW and well VENTILATED DRUGS; CHEMICAPLs,AfNTS, ' . 4 • M. R. CARY On MAIN Street, one Door west of M. R. CARY’S Store, where be is prepared to Furnish his Customers with such MEATs Ac, as can be procured in the market • VLToULD say to bis friends and the vv public at large, tbat be has determ- ned to close out bis entire stock of GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOBB quxBNSwAU ?.. --.-2-____£ S. C. STILES t W Obstetrics, of Mr. Deal, in Dayton, Oregon, where < % 'I SHOE SHOP. BOOT AND / of AVE established themselves perma­ nently in Lafayette, and Invite the .attention of the trade to their stock. CONCORD, 8TAGE and TEAM —AT— H HARNESS; f or all kinds ; egs - B Physician’s Prescriptions put up at announce leave to that be is established in Dayton, with ample facilities for the Manufacture of in large variety. He would call specie attention to his large stock of SUMMONS. — Fancy and Plain. ; ■./ r — Single and Double, Y ’... all honn, and on abort Oitick TT~ V.- ■-* . - — ---J----- —- SADDLES WHITE A WESTERFIELD, noltf F In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gonJ for the county qf Yamhill. April term 1866. - Henry Roberts, plff vt Solomon Jeffreys, Jno. T. Jeffreys, William Wright and Chas. Waldin defendant’s. ■ To said defendant’s. *• r IN the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are required and sum­ moned to be and appear in tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for tbe coun­ ty of Yamhill, and answer the complaint ofthe plaintiff filed in the above entitled cause; and in case you fail to do so within «n^ayslromthe service oftbfesumii^ upon you if served in Yambill county, Ogn, and if served in any other county in, this. State,-then within twenty days from date of such service, the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the. relief demanded in said complaint to-wit: for judgment agaiust ~TJWT for the sum of one thousand and eigh­ ty dollars, «1080) together with costs and disbursments of suit By order of . Hon. R. P. BOISE, Judge. G. H. S txwahd . Att’y Tor plff. of all description^ -r Bible Reason Why; Works of Josephus; Sabbath-day Religious Tales; Lifa of His work is warranted to give satisfaction. - MOUNT H00» 40 PER CENT., ■ Still Stands ! Taylor’s Pictorial History of the United Engravings. is saved by wearing c Custom Mad e Try it and beJonvinced. _ . noSly AMES BAKER. * Dr- Dood’s Female Biography; wn Cattle Doctor ; Every Man bis own --4ÍÍ-. T . . * I trade at bargains. action amounted simply to a ruse to SADDLERY FURNISHING GOODS, ii ch as S tir r i> ps, Bfitkles a nd Ring8, whieh -■ Fruit Book; Fred. Douglas* Work. Young Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Oysters, Sardines, Man’s Book of Knowledge, Photographs Cracaers, NuU, Candies, Ac., Ac., ever offered in this Market He also has the of tbe Presidents, and many of the Gener­ als on both sides, Conversation Cards, choisest quality of Chewing and Smoking ¿Octo* y ~ ' y ' * ' __ -____ - Lafayette, March 13tb, 1866 Fortune Telling Cards, etc., etc. 6 w Í .. T he lat $ signs of volcanic Works on the structure and to teach mankind that she was there—R. diseases of Horses. Downing’» American H arris is also there with'the best stock of 7-7-................ - . K~'-‘ Farmer Ac. • z- A ■ HARNESS LEAIHER, * Henrietta Robinson. Legerdemain, Every Man hi» : 4 wiiuur Aituout Hoops. . W nips, Spurs, Suiches, Leggi ug», Ac. He also, keeps ou Uaiid o complete Stock oí all dtscripuon of Christ and Apostles; Christian Legacy States Seven Hundred Í k . Comprising an assortment of Biblee, Tea. laments, and sacred Hymn Books; The 'J* Carriage Harness— r TINWARB OULD ANNOUNCE That he bas purchased the entire stock of Practitioner’s of Medicine, Surgery and I DRY ESTABLISHMENT SHOP 'I OILS, DYSTUFFS, Ac. Would’st thou have the setting Of a gem moat fair, In a. crown of beauty It were, thine to wear ? Mother t train with caution That dear little one; Guide, reprove, aud ever Let tbe work be done Gentle—mother—kindly. U.S.RSf . MftRKeT DR 8. WHITE & WESTERFIELD, Kindly, Mother, kindly, 1 Speak in lender tone; t- ' That dear child, rember, * Echoes back thine own ; Teach in gentle accents, Teach in words of love ; Let the softest breeses ’ ' its young hearts strings mov»— x: Kindly—mother—kind ly. YL MEAT DRUG STORE. Attention Tobacco; Candlss, Ac. be is able to sell at lower figures than such goods can be purchased elsewhere m this Valley. /- • '• Has constantly oo4)an,l a good Stock oi He Is also pro ■ -U- x . - W%_The highest Market price paid for 4 ■> Hides and produce^ ■xh'.-r*. . ------------- -..■ --- ,UW pw ¿ WMJg GOODS. in quest of fun may amuse themselves at ROOKS. SCHOOL SUMMONS ■ ; Mary Ann Rubidou ptíL, w Francis Ru bidón défendaht. x In Circuit Court of the State of Oregon; Tor the courfy efl Nifïîiilî. ___ In equity for divorce. -'7-7 To Francis Rubidon defendant. ?.. N the name of the people of the State of Oregon. You are hereby notified that Plff, has commenced suit against you in said court for divorce on the ground of desertion. Now unless you appear in the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the county of Yambill and answer the com­ plaint of plff on file with the clerk of said court within ten days after the service hereof if served ia Yamhill county and twenty days if served out of said 'county, then the same will be taken for confessed, and application will be made to the court for tbe relief therein demanded, and costs, and disbursements. By order of the Judge of said court N. T. CATON, March 2d, 1866. Att’y for plff. no 7 6 w. I ' ** • ’ * . .ones as choose to favor him With to endless variety, together with " for in* R. HARRI8- numerable assortment ofuseful, instructive and amusing, works not mentioned here.. |-«y~Come along—now is the time l am going to close out, and no humbug about it I will also close out my entire stock of Nuts, Candies and Confectionery of all kinds; spices^ Pepper, Nutmegs etc., » •-‘•1. r.. ' DRY GOODS, '"FANCYGÖÖDB7" ~ BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Blacksmithing GROCERIE, AN I) GRIsT GRINDING! A fine assortment of HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, QUEENS- Drugs. Medicines, Liniments of all kinds, Pain Killer, Eye Water, Cough Drops, r WARE, Ac., Ac. Pattent Medicines of all kinds; Hostet W-A'.-- 4U ters Bitten. Plantation Bitters, etc. 19*Tbc very best quality -of**WN At tfie NORTH YAMHILL MILLS. Tbe undersigned would inform tbe FARMERS of YAMHILL and adjoin­ Please call and examine our Stock of ing Counties, that be is prepared to SHOEING * ■F’-’ • 1 \ F ■1 . • / . Vv CARD he undersigned having Es­ T BLACKSMITHING We will sell WOOL. Into ROLLS at the Custom­ ary Prices of the Country- Persons wishing Good ROLLS must bring CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST CLEAN WOOL ; Also one pound of Call Early and Satisfy Yourself! Grease for every Seven pounds of Wool. He is also ready as. usual, to J. T. HEMBREE GRIND GRISTS. .... I- - I — — — ■" ■■ ■ T -i.. f ~ 9 ______ tablished himself permanently in Lafayette, begs leave to say to the public, that he is prepared to do every kind and discription of Steamer Union. 0* E xchajkji FLOUR for WHEAT, At Short Notte». Trusting to be able to give SATIS 8ATI8. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE ME NT FACTION, He would Respectfully In Yamhill County Court March Term golicit a share of Publio patroorooage. sNorth Yambill, Yamhill County, Ore- 1866. (State of Oregon, County of on, Apr. 9, 1866. T. STANDLEY. —£ YiBhilL ' Comes niw Isaac Ro^ra, Admlnlstrat- T APATNTTN PVNUC »CMOOL. or VI of the estate vlv. of J. AVI. M. Reedjate of Yamhill A/Tbe LAFAYETTE PUBLIC IUU VoWIW county deceased, and files hit account for final settlement of said estate. It is there­ fore ordered by the court that notice be and the same is hereby given to all psrs Will be opened for commencement of sons, that Thursday, the 6th day of April, SPRING TERM, A|hr. the 9th. I860, 1866, is set by the court for the hearing under the supervision of Profis. A. of objections to such account and final Forbes and'H. Davis. TTEBMM: 5@ 86 per Scholar. settlement By order of the Court J, W. C0WL8, Patrons will derive beuefit/rom the County Judge. public mouies uu baud. ■*i. HORSE & 4AND -A A - IVCustomers from the opposite side of the river, who purchase the amount of five dollars, will be entitled to fe nage at ' my expense. feriage 8. C. STILES Dayton, February 6tb, 1866 1; —‘-ALSO— ~T MEDICAL ... RN U. SNTTLMUNT. The Estate of Solomon Allen, deceased. L nd mw on thia 4th day of April, V1866, comes John W. Allen, execu- F Of ths )M will and testa­ ment of Solomon W-, AHen, late of Yam- I hiU County, Oregon, deceased, and files his aosount for final settlement and distrrs • * button of the said estate. It is ordered that THURSDAY, May the 10th 1866, be appointed as a day for the final settlement and distribution of the said deceased’s es- tete, and that four weeks notice thereof be published in the Lafayette C ocbibr . . J. W. Cewles, County Judge. G. H. Steward^ Atty. of the best and latest styles« * k cs IL WOOL CARD gp ' ING In the matter of the estate of A J. Meredith, deceased. Account of final set­ tlement snd distribution. ND now on this 6th day of April, 1866, comes John Perry, adtnr. of purposes. I also have a well selected stock the estate of A. J. Meredith deceased1 and of Paints and oils, Window Glass, Putty, files his account for final settlement and Varnishes, etc., etc. etc., etc., etc., disitrfbution of said estate. It is ordered that THURSDAY ths 10th day of May, 1866, In the County Court of Yambill Physician’» Prescriptions prombtly, County, Oregon, be appointed as a day to make final settlement and distribution and properly compounded. of said esrate ; and that four weeks notice M. R. CARY thereof be given by publication in the La- feyette Courier. A J. W. Cowles, County Judge. G. H. Steward, Atty. ) r*-' on bis old Customers aud as many new •A' By promptitude jn business I hope to merit a lair share of the trade in my line. Repairing done on short notice. He will be happy to wait their leisure. • . -1 ■ ' i MFTake notice that my terms an _ ’ CA8H, but ■*> • customers of approved oredit are given when they dqpire ft, sixty days, only. This system I am NTIL further notice, this Steamer compelled to adopt, as my stock costs will leave Tsigh and MUST BE PAID For. U STEPHEN BEAN For Freight and passage, apply on board. ^UkÿttefFeb. ST, J. D. MILLER, |L Master. T aught by Lcmx. I will send 80 copies