Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, May 01, 1866, Image 1

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There is in Yamhill County a great
■___ ' .
evkky tvssday ,
nothing said as to whether this land
YAMHILL* COUNTY, OREGON, will be thrown into the marketer not.
A great many person^BAj have a-
mong us who woul l gladlytoccupy and
. cultivate these lands, were’Ifiey come-
— a
atablo by purchase. ’ We aré not pos.
ted as regards the provisions of the law
in this behalf, but it ia certainly blind
One Copy One Year, . . . . (2 50. [• policy to withhold lands from 'be use
One Copy Six Months,........................ 1 60.
and occupancy of settlers when it is
known that there are large numbers
Ono Square, 12 Lines or less, on« In­
whin the limits or the county who
sertion, , , , . , , , (3,00
lor each subsequent insertion, $1,GO.
: would readqy avail ’.hems?lve< of th--
A liberal deduction will be made on
Quarterly, Yearly and half keaily Ad-rm
Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, (10,00 ,
^Miiiiiir hetAnumn.
M|,pi,rtof buying occ/yí/Zim •
proving and cultivating tin m.
from numerous other reasons for ¡mine
djatgly offeriqgtbiBclass oT land« for
sale, is thi^f^Ti*
KF4 with-
COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. hold them, the prime object for which
Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, thoy were set apart is defeated-that of
S. Bru (eher, Henry Ilewict; Sheriff, L. L.
1 creating a fund for educational pur-
Whitcomb; Clerk., S. C. Adams; Asses­
sor, Charles Handley; Treasurer, J >hu poracs.
W. Watts; School Superintendent, Rev.
Sales of this character are at pres-
John Spencer; Coroner, W. W. Brown;
, ant being made in other counties. In
Surveyor, A. 8. Watt.
Linn County there is a fund on hand
of many thousands of dollars which is
being loaned at ten per cent, per au-
jmJuterest, in advance. The last re­
noticed of the amount of the
hand in that County fit amoun
xty five thousand dollars.
By throwing these lands on the
Tenders his Prfessional Services to the
Ci tizos of Lafayette und Surrounding market, we invite an increase of the
Country- no. 12 tL
population of the county, and a conse­
quent .increase of the amount of our
taxable property.
A haatsome Compliment.
The Editor of the Portland. Chris-
tian Adwcufc has lately paid the
North Yamhill reigon a visit in
the prosecution of his Pastoral duties,
and on hi« retam thus speaks of
Country, through his paper ; 5 ;
“ Leaviog tho fir brush and fern all
behind, we found a rich, undulating
and beautiful prairie, The farms are
large and well improved, The crops
of wheat; grass and oats «re -growing
finley, and there are unmistakable evi­
dences oft enterprise and thrift on eve­
ry hand. The fencing is most excellent,
the orchards large and flourishing, the
barns capacious with something in
them, the .cattle, horses, sheep and
hogs numerous and of superior quality.
The only objection of a serious char
acter; that we can offer, is the farms
are too large. Men own too much of
mother earth. And though well fen­
ced and pretty well worked, yet it ia-a
miBiortuoe to bavOtoo much.
B., P. and 8., whom we visited, own
respectively about one thousand, twelve
hundred, and two thousand acres of
most valuable lands j - Fur grain and
stock-growing we have neen but little
to equal and nothing to surpass North
Yambill any where on the Pacific
We will merely add our testimony
to the superior merits of that portion
of our County, by saying tbat the
Courier is by far better sustained in
North Yamhill Precinct, than it is in
any other precinct in the County, save
Lafayette and Dayton. This of-itself
is an unmistakable index to the enter­
prise of a people anywhere.
, y*. ■.~'it’* a ti
W oman .—Womaq, woman’—ti ny
she is a miricle. Place her ami nc w.
era, foster her as a tender plan;, .and
she is a thing of fancy, waywarn—-
and somethig of folly—annoyed Sy a
dewdrop, fretted by the touch of a ¿.at
terfly’s wing, ready to faint at the rus­
zephyr« are too
tle of a beetle. The zephyra
rough, the showers too heavy; and «he
is overpowered by. the perfume of a
rosebud. ~ But let real calamity oome,
rouse her affection, enkindle the fires
of'her 1
, how
heart strengthens
koP ___
strong in her purpose. Place her in
his fortunes with the rebel cause. In the heat of battle, give her a child, a
the rebel service he commanded a Ken bird, anything she loves or. pities, to
tncky regiment, /and fought his way protect, and see her, as in a related in­
□p from the rank of Lieutenant Colo- stance, raising heir white arms as a
shield, and as her own blood crimpaous
onel to that of Brig. Gneral. At the her upturned forehead, praying for
time of leaving this coast, General W. life to protect the helpless. Transplant
was possessed of valuable property at her into the dark places of the earth,
the Dalles, all of which was subseque­ awaken her energies to action, and
her breath becomes a healing, and her
ntly appropriated by sympathising
presence «.blessing;she disputes, inch
friends. What his present intentions by inch, the stride of the stalking pes*
/¡pcca,.when man, the strong and ’
A rebel C hief .—Oeneral Wick»
liffe, late of the rebel army, is now at
Walla Walla, on a visit to old friend«
and acquaintance.
Previous to the
war, General Wiokliffe held a commis­
sion in the regular army, end waa for
some time stationed at Fort Dalles,
and subsequenty at Fort Colville. At
at that time he held the rank of First
Lieutenant of the 9th Infantry. After
the breaking out of the rebellion, he
went east, and like many others linked
” •
the premises.
Democratic readers will be pelased to
know that Hon. Ben, Hayden, of Dal­
las, and N. T. Caton Esq. of Salem
have consented to take the field in
Yamhill County. By private note
from Mr. Hayden we are notified of
Lafayctt«, Oregon.
the times and places it will suit these
gentlemen toaddress the Democracy
Practice in the District and Supreme of oar County, which arrangement will
ha ¿mud printed in th» proper Ci?iqmp
C^AitrtA of Orfeffou.
^T'raxes Paid, Collectionsads,
Proceeds Promptly remitted.
c °«
These sbeakers are talented and able,
and will draw large crowds o bear
them wheiever they speak-
N ot M uch ,—A poor Irishman who
ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW spplieu for a license to sell ardent spir
Two G reat D isasters .—A Case
of Nitro-glicerine oil, situated in* the
rear of Wells Fargo’s prémises in San-
Francisco, exploded lately, literally de­
molishing the va-t structures occupied
by those paities, killing a number of
persons and horribly maogling many
more. This explosion is only equalled
>n th* extent of its disasters by the
late earthquake in that city.
A similar explosion occurred soon
blowing up a vessel and killing
100 persons’ besides tearing up over
100 feet wharf, h'his nitro glicerine
its, being questioned as to hie moral is a liquid preparation used principally
. J
Salem, Oregon.
fitness for the trust, replied: M Ah, for blasting purposes, and is an
Will practice in the Supreme and Dis- sure it is not much of a character a
not very generally knewn-
trict Courts of Oregon.
man wants to sell rum ”
-.... ' j. ■- . ■
trance of the party of officer« there
was foun 1 to be seats for all but one,
and one politely returned to the parlor
to wait.
The General took a seat next to
Phelps, and after the first course was
finished, turning to Phelps, he inquir­
ed : .
* .
Sir, have you any idea with whom
yon are dining 1”
“No, sir,” coolley . replied Phelps;
“ I used to be particular, but biuco I
turned soldier I don’t tare a fig who I
eat with, so the victuals are clean.”
and attentive hostlers.
----------------------- —
be is in search of a home, where he
ted. Misfortune daunts her not; she
an enjoy the blessings of peace. —W.
wears away a Hfe of silent endurance,
W. Statesman.
or goes forward with less timidity than
to her bridal. In prosperity she is a
bud full of imprisoned odera, waiting *
but for the winds of adversity to scat­
A L izard tn a W oman ’ s S tomach
ter them abroad->-pure gold, valuable
F our Y ears .—A young woman of but untried in the.furnace. In short;
the name of Sherwood, belonging to woman is a miraMe, a mystery,-—
St. George, New Brunswick, who lived Mra. Stevens,
as a domestic with St. Pool, of Calais,
about a year ago complaind of a living
A r M y J oke .—The followin g g ood
creature being in herstomaeh, and ap­
plied to several physicians to relieve one at. the expence of General J. B.
her of it, but to no effect. At length Magruder is told by the Natchez Dem
it grew so troublesome, and had such ncr«t: While retreating from „.the •
Peninsula in 1802, the General and
a debilitating effect upon her, that she his siaff stopped at the house of a wid- -
—" ...-3-—"
. . \ ’
-r •
, ’
ga_ve upjher place and went honre to ow lady on the road and engaged din-
Collector Adams. -
die, as she fully expeetd: for to live in ner77"In“a few'moments" JTm Pfielpg;
We suppose it is established beyond
such a state she felt and knew was an a Louisiana soldier, accosted the lady
doubt that Collector Adams was robed,
with ;— .
impossibility. After «he got home,
u Madam, can l.get dinner?”
as first reported. We always try to be
Dr. Rouse was calledj after hearing
“ Yes, sir,” was the reply, u but as
among the last to add insult to injury in
her story, left a powerful emetic, with I am preparing dinner for Gen. Mag­
such cases. This is the course we pur
directions how and when to take it. ruder and staff, and have not room at
my table for any more, you will havo
sued in this case when it was first made
-She took the medicine as directed,
wait for a second table.” •'
public, and for which course we were
and the result was that a lizard, about
Very well, Madam, thank you,”
censured in more than one qnarter, and
six inches in length, was ejected form said Phelps, taking his seat in a posi­
even to our substantial detriment It ie
her stomach. When it fell into the tion to command a view of the dining
true that Mr- Adams entertains poli­
room. Watching the movements of
bowl, it is said, it fairly bit at the sides
the servauts, Phelps waited until Ibis
tical views different from our own, but
«fit, and jumped out and pan along faast was on the table, and while the
this fact did not make out a case of rob
the floor till it was killed by one of hostess proceeded to the parlor to an­
bery against him. Fiat justitia mat
coelum, is our motto. This has been ! the persons, in attendance It had nounce dinner to the General and staff,
Phelps entered the dining room, and,
a trying ordeal for Mr. Adams, and been in her stomach about four years seating himself at the table, waited
~ further devlopments. Upon the en­
rendered more trying by the assaults —Calais (Me ).Advertiser.
The State Canvass. ; *
By reference to the programe in an.
Lafayette, Yamhill County,
Will practice in the Supreme, Circuit other column, it will be seen that the
and all‘of the Courts of this State.
Gubernatorial Canvass has commenced
at the Southern extremity of the State,
and the Congressional canvass at the
Northern extrmqy. Col. Kelly and
bis opponent, Geo. L. Woods, Esq.,
Physician & Surgeon,
have already commenced South, while
Hon. Jas. D. Fay and Rilffus Maliory
have been in the field for some time
Of The Army of the POTOMAC.
up north. Col. Kelly and his compet­
Office in Dayton, Oregon.
itorwill speak in Lafayette on the 10
of May. and Messrs. Fay and Mallory
on the 16th.
A spirted time will be had ’ from ’ ! made u
Pon him in certain ( quarters
lnaricr9 hy
his own party press—the most powerful
: PRO. no:? on, til the election in June, when
influential oir the Coast. Demo­
THIS HOTEL is still kept for the ac­ the people will rejoiee that Oregon is
commodation of boarders and the once more under the rule of the Dem­ cratic papers have not by any means
travelling public.
ocracy—the only party that ever prov­ been alone in this business. We are
ed itssclf capable of conducting the af pleased to be able to record the fact
fairs of the State in a proper manner. that he has at last been vindicated in
H orace G reeley .—The New York
corespondent of the Cincqinnati Com
mcrcial says that persons well ac­
quainted with Horace Greeley are
aware that with all his amiability and
good-heartedness, he is not particularly
orthodox. Many persoos will remem­
ber the solicitude of one of his extrem­
ely pious friends. Who asked him,
when bis two daughters were ill some
years since, if they had been baptized.
“0. no,” said Horace Gareeley; “but
they have been vaccinated.” An earn-
est advocate of foreign missions forced
himself into the presenco of the _Trfc.
A Norwalk paper states that a young
bune’s editor-in chief in the Bible
House the other day, while he was lady of that city died suddenly. S oldo
hard at work on his “ Conflict.” and persons went to dig her up for the ¿ar
dmportuued him to subscribe to the geons, but the cold air awoke her
cause. The veteran journalist looked
up from his manuscript in very ohol- from a oata[ep;ic fit, in which «he was
erio mood, and said crustily****Don't hurried. -The rcaurrectwaiata. thiukiag____
ask me to give anything for the salva­ it a ghost they'had got possession of,
tion of souls; I am convinced (looking fled in dismay, and the lady walked
significantly at the intruder) that not ~ home; but her parents, being as super­
half as many people gq h—1 now as
as the resurrectionists, refused
ought to.” For wihch irreverent jests stitious
Horaee Greeley makes ample amends, to admit her. She then went to the ■ • *
by frequent attendance at Chapin’s - house of the young man to whom she
( Uni tersali« t) ch urb, where he enjoys
reputation of one of the soundest was engaged, who took her in nod the
foliowig day married her.
sleepers in the entire congregation.