’ • V. . - I,. —-. Tiri • - • • • —1— ■ li * I ' \ À >. " ' ' i* I V - ,—r• ... -.-■■■Il Ä f * - * ' T'- * » ' ' « ■ -i"“- , A/*1* < - ■ '■ - ' •1V’* ■y.m-*—-—— • - X > An , ¿w ir. H.r. .Anv\r confessed to sit In judgjnsnt upon their • sj to the rank or cagc8 Gûïk p^^e^sidcre that be • tjh »nd very loyal office- a Lieutenant and rising t ------ -- — T tion now, in that it has labored zealous- lentlessj the cause for which ¡s indorsed by his friends in Ohio, for tak- desiring opponents. . Within a few Colonel. Though 1 ly to disprove cxiffly what the Presi­ ’ .. ...... ' _ • r’.kl • -*i ing his present course, while the President dent changes against a very largb half days, howmorkod tho difference— ho offered his life, is forever lost, -his has not tho slightest doubt of success with . TUESDAY, MARÇH 6, 18C6 ot mind will probably revert iu future to fiie' Honte ‘ t a ana now. iu democrats uciuuv»u«> ‘uro recognized cordisHy, ------ - of we the republican party, and uow in 25.—While -------- Secret». uu»«iui^iun, Feb ■ . the face of those Acts, whops ri^ht J gracimly ly the ÄcÜ^ Ataj* J®e tho Beenes of his military career, v. ith i ‘ . ' Washington, mo Beenesui wui » y J Hewatd Th* Extreme Agony of the States- / Y caHs . “ the ' President’s harangue trjnxnpihant vindication, and Senator wotaol ucóòrds aldfod and UP pnli- land; disloyalty, trcason-liks epithets pride rather than agony and de letion a triumphant man-. - Sonator the nature. a£ mart, that, ¿organ endorses tho whole of it, includ- i In the last issue of ‘the FJtnicsman, died support tp-Mr. Johnsolj, and his are heard- no more—where epithets —such befog ° mnnv fnf abuse, thrt many (of tho / ing .1. the _ personal were prolific^all is siltat as the tomb. though his cause fails purely through friends of Mr. Johnson ato attempting to the editor wallows and flounces, through policy. a two column leader, in tlty vainr anil Truly a*44 chtnnre has como over tho want of merit, it is bard to convince him throw tho speech ontirefr aside as an iin> The coolest firoak however, That the “■ dreams.” that it was not the stem dccrco of fate pndent and hasty talk, but some of hi8 • futile endeavor to convince his party Statesman, throughout his sonjewhat spirit oA hcir confidential friends havo Broken the force brethren tliat the, breach between thv incoherent two column loader betrays, J WcD new tfeolaegua^) of a Croat ; that defeated him foqtead of airy dis- of this excuse by asserting posflMtely jlrat Jolmson only took the jmritioU ass cernable agency. President and black republican party, ----- -------- -------- - —-- - ~ ’ i'.umpd after mature reflection, slid that in >- is only temporary and can be filiation with ‘4 cdpprrhcad*t£-We as­ ■^-5iVc learn from a friciul that the the wholo matlor he was cojJ and delibsr- healed. He charge. r of sure the Statesman and all -concerned hast thou tjone. ■ vH- ... 1 t_- democracy of Eeli Kad quite an -cn- .ito. At the largo reception at tho 'Vlnto hard things against the VrCgOuian, that if they choose to ¿uppjrt tlicud\ thnri^stic mcvtir. • • tb...t place on Sat­ House on Tuesday b /M, many represen- BREVITIES. ■ 4Ps u wilful lying included. The tight is ministration that the “ copperheads’* urday, February ~1. Messrs. Ca^on. ■ tatiVcs af the old society of Washington ;' between “ brethring»”- ef th» same will have no objection to them coming The ia(eroal destructionists who Bonham, Curl .and Johnson made I were present Among tlfo carriages be-. fore the door wfere a mrtnbcr which bad faith, ¿¿fording democrats in lini i5 ■■fgfrt- along tfhd renderit>g ns all the have, uûdfflt: abolition ÿtspiees, gob- spgwhes. .The democrats in Polk arc . not stoped there sincri President Buch»» It would require the skill of a -Phila- assistance they can, but we bopcr tbnt blcèl up the exclusive control of Ten- left./ gy>nj «live and crtgs g^roa r tily rethu eau o o. | anan an\v*^ , 23—The report» -r ^ d elplHa Lawyer te-detewiue w Lu-h^uL ; ^Fu b s are fo r ming tJl.ovov—B ulk- a n u . - w t hg^nidical éss- s ta ____ te.that ______ ,_. no t ,B such/ the three paper published in this State, )iicty,will deter all 6uch from assuni- dcabcT iting tho sacred “ Hermitage” meeting as yAotcrday transpired Marion conctics. Success attend them. advocating the heresy, that ^tingon . airs in the H at hi ashville, by dividing and subdivi­ e.. - •Grover’s Thontre and in- front of ________ _ _____ _ ___________ .... . ;i.„ - E such, w ’ ’ /White II e has ever beforeJi are entitled to any notice as such, m itemises.' They must not forget when ding it into tracts and parcels to suit Qí,U¿ M kkt ISG—The Democrats of / held io p0>lic in the north. Xobert tho organ ofjhe party—so widely"’do .A ate supporting Mr. Johnson that, the convenience and ability of yankee Tjifiiycite Freeinct ere requested to I Johnson o Prerideut’S private secre. they differ in tLcir treatfi« nt of vfucs- _ so far as Lis lato action is aa index— purchased. TLcec Ghouls woutd^cx7 mont to-dAf f T BCTfe f ï al the Tils soh-ifr-tiw, Mr. Patterson tions arising in their eauip. It is. fur •’ •. i, extract House, ivrthe purpç*e of.orgauufog a j Kennto/ cleet from Tennessee, were -.Ttirg the tinic-h. r.crid hiftuc their, motln'ra’. to presume that a e^rre i'rr .::n 1 * and occupied prominent posi- the nail: r-nd sell thcrii to the4highcst denioc-.-.tic via’-:. ihc drm^er^f|tre- principles of the democratic parly. at the theatre. Lincoln was de­ agreement gxists fo tho rauka ert’ the. prac­ -/bidder, g*to ehureh, prostrate them- in the preçinet,-should, L -’T----- -- 7 — - nounced by one speaker r and the sen- On- _ _ _ . . ... —>• party. The ^tatosmin may Wwf,; . VtlllGU JS THE¡ REPUBr4CAN r Ou- •nd ve s bofote God and invoke lb C ffirc ticable; atteint__ . tinmnt was cheered... /.Taken ^conne­ >«* !WT < ;AN ;?—The Clfcgonian abuses, tradu­ may lie, niay cc;rx, may apologize, may (1 ction with the subsequent speech of visitation of His wrath upon the heads [■¡'rom the Dply Oregonian.] wrigglo, mny squirm, may appeal, may ces -and finally • compares President the Prridcnt, the proceedings of tLe of those v£o, like A.uJtew Jackson TEIÙSOSAPHIC XJXÎFÀTC2IES. day have been beyond all precedent r oottceal, and may stick and hang to ^Johnson to everything that is-vile,, • •• whose'nioital remains were years since .... <............ ...... . a , rhe most disgraceful ever witnessed in — tba government teat that it has been treacherous and unworthy, while tlio New York, Feb. 25.—-TheIldraLFs-i ’ the country, and cannot with the least jdepqsited at the Hermitage, owned _permitted to “ lug” at so long, but -all Statesman endorses him and lauds ,all slaves, fed and clothed, civilized and Washington special say/;: ’ ^■ward's | I regard for truth be stated fo any mild­ speech before the.. Cooper Insftit'.itc er w/v. - to no purpose. The ietollige:< and of hw policy- and actions. Now the •■’._ ■; ■ ehritiauized them. meeting is invested with r. ’in­ .honest portion of'lhe republieau party question might be asked in al! serious­ .PresidQnt Johnson has directed the’ terest and rignifieont^-by 4he 'fact ot* heads of departments to withdraw ,r will say that it is no go. The’“ rupt­ ness and ina> spirit of due faixuess, .. McDonough C. Houck who has latc- his having received two er three dis­ their advertising patronage from For- ure” is too self-evident,‘conclusive and which one of tlic papers named Las tcly taken the Editorial charge of the patches from Senator Nyc and others ney’s Chronicle which has en a de­ in this city stating; that tbo President cided stand againstjthc policy of the complete. Thirtv4o eighteen Senators baek sliden, or has-either of-them Fal­ Yreka .CnioD, in his inaugural, says: had-made a terrib! speech—-dne that _ ■ x _ and one hundred, and Upwards majori- len from grace ? They both labor to " ■ r administration. lie could not postibly—approve • t in­ Polirietdly, we shall go for our coun Chicago, Fe . make their followers bclievo that there - ty in the House against tho “ gorern- I try right cr wrong. We will always dorse-, and ' that it must inevitably this city in its mernin^ issue ) sa ■ ■ ment,” is “ too big a bah” in the opin­ are no differences of "opinion existing be found opposing the abohtion-repubr break up the. Ilepublicin party. Sew­ ’While the present i ard was not detered, however,' and on ion of sensible men, to make them be? among different members of the party, “ WO lican party} believing that organizaton learning what the‘President- 4mA said, tween the Prcside'Tri an d'­ while thoy are themselves engaged in " - - lievo that harmony or anything ap- HUne VUU) U‘V v«ivu».;v»«vM ** •• 3iC> - ■ arc sure-we convey the view of nearly s _________ >, «eh . ,-thor. I ■» /'■<>» •»'j • W» /-d but • «O telegraphed full and cordial approves?. all the loyal ruen when we express the _ f ~ preaching it, prevails m the yanks of < cxclSDiáSS ___________ epítbc _______ rotten egjfsltio, wfi-shall oppose it first, ZL3&3fpado __________________________________ !» " at Kft'^irTcnfissodT Ihripo Uiat tilTllie Federal office-holders the party. Men, who iu good faith, have which quite outstrip th e u edT5y~ci- ack was fecuvcJ ii) thiS.cliy tbisjiliy Inal from the Cabinet Ministers doWB fo A disparii fecci > co ia last and all the time. When Andrew. stood by the government,for the last tber against the “ copperheads.” How evening, from Knoxville, stating tSS a JohnAn happens to do, or say any. tcrTTblT'ternado passed over that city at tho ceuntry postmaster, will as far as five years, and throagh a mistaken no­ they or their followers propose toveoon- thing winch we, in our superior judg­ 5 d,clpck"ve»terduy morning, ihv depot possible keep, aloof from tho controvcr- l fo y will thereby afford no pre- tion of their true duty, have acted with cilc these conflictiog practices with and machine simp pt Vir^n i-llnnroad ment, conceive to be about as it snouia should and Round House, of GcAragia- HpHrftKi- * - a nrent, ■ the guillotine, and will avoid the party that nbw, in the language or their oft repeated arx'rtionfi that-oom- ___ ' vaii3 amobg them;»-s’ia11 not ashamed to men- qforg blown down. Sair.s tfor y or ni >rc Surrendering the.comfortable places to tho ¡/resident are endeavoring (p des-, pieté, harmony prev . r„._ to hinuT When he does what is houses wcre-t’.own . da.vn ami a ¡irgc i (lib hungry copperheads.” A Wash­ troy it» will henceforth act and vote ! more than wc can understand. WJl . amount of other property__ ington special dispatch says quiet a wrong, we shall frankly tell him so, with the'Detiocratic party, being con­ ope of them take it. upon'himself to Johnsen Pc nrocrrtT. Tnnmher • oTSlcrks have been eummar- Ata meeting of tho fntnife. flf Prisi«! . . vinced that it Li and L& b bwen the on - enlighten ys on this point T Our own and-Gtattld ho feel agrieved thereat, dent Johnson at Cooper Ir. y dissed for uttering expression _ ly party true to the sacred principles opinion is that the Oregonian is the he can, by squaring himself on our ■e'veniu;:, a cpuu-.iht e was a. ; - . 1 ; e.-tlul .to the 1 resident, call public meetings to t.' ijhas:,.^cs For | .Chicago, Feb. 27—The following •s' of liberty and good government. No true and consistent organ of .y> Jitiou- books, have his paper stopped. the c$tab}i.-Jm»erit ‘«F <>'>"•■ sessions of the leauihg. pa.- - —j X? F iMyaicty- ... ■ * - «*,- - ------------ io^he.•/rt^j bor^ fofgouê'rt^y many ikro ttbgo u H h c < iq ^auISI ■ ujam the President’s embroglio.—■ will bedient to convince Democratic doctrines, with- thago;~thcre Comments of the Press oujthc Fresi.. The Chicago Republican says thoTres- ana in the fliA '4iktiiro. K wiñnlírírtca . . t-tía?__ • x * and rtnfrînfîo patriotic rnr»n men in future that out the . ¿cat. manliness fr» to nrnw avow í> it, -airtl and rn cu 1 1 was no traitor ¡Tdeut may dismiss his fears,. ho has '■ abolitionist in it« the coun­ Chicago. Feb. 416. cdinnrents of passed the point of^jdauger; the only the nigger party is, or evtr was for the loose pcremptorially-from the party it try who was not ready to swear by the the Union press upon —-The the lucent speech k. men capable of sue! deeds (asassassin- country, one and updiri?ablc. Thcif formerly supported. ‘IVe. cannot ac­ doctrine that, to disagree with the pol- of the President, are almost onrrnirnott^. ’ ___ „ ___________ _____ ation) ho can number hereafter among rocord is. one of folly, crime and treach- cept the Statesman however, as' a co­ icy of thePresidcnt, was treason. Do The Cincinnati Gazette says: ‘‘Not ex- cepting the speech by Johnson on the oc- Lis friends. The Detroit Tribune (rad- ery—their professions of love for the worker in the good cause of Democracy«till think so? According to cassion of his inauguration,it is the most icai) says the President seeks a quar- _ ___ _J “ Union” as a tinklifig symbol and until it shakes off its trammels and their own theory tfver three fifths of disgraccful utterances of which there is 1 rcl and makes the point of dissent so iuw black »«■<-* icpuuiivuu the meiuueiB members vi of the republican any record, and we presdmtf thefe is no 1 broad that only baseness and treachery v. • • sotfnding braes.: So long as they had comes square up to the work. Until rue i-mindcd man in the United States £pan brige over the chasm. The Ptes- a chief magistrate that was iu their it does this, it is necessarily left: out in party iresteeped jutreason, thtftoosi whddoes not men ’ hands as so much clay in the hands of the cold. It) fdhuer partners in all odious, contemptiple and cowardly im­ Tho Boston Post, hastening, like all who made him, and throws himarff fo- the potter, no a’ges of a rupture the crimes that the term republicanism aginable. They not only abuse and the Democratic organs to tho defense of to the arm3 of the South—where he appeared upon the horizon of is the sinonym, of, are compelled tn vilify the President in every copcevea- the President, thinks “that as the oppo­ came from. There is no doubting he sition of some Government Republicans j means worse than he sayB. We are their hasp, unscrupulous and perfidious terminate their affiliation with it, while blc way, but go so far as to threaten did not injure IJncoln, Johnson at this sold out dirt cheap, and the brief of career. ’ But now that we have at the the democracy do not. particularly. 1 his impeachhicnt, assassination, and day, will hai 'Tly" be annihilated by conscious power still penetrate» ’ every wrath of radical Senators or editors.’, annihilation. . — court it$ fellow-ship, while it remains helm of governmental affairs, that i The New York Times commends the corner of reheldom. Will Congress , 1 0 I Consistency, thou .art indeed a President, and says: “It it wore possible, yield in this emergency ? We conjure which the sycophants and traitors «0 “ unwashed,” at least. at present, to find an intelligent observer that body to stand firm, it is now tho fervently (?) prayed for during the - Whilst we are on this 'subject, it jewel- ’ It is not the slightest wonder unbiased by .contending partisans he only realization of tho country, and it forepart of the rebellion, viz: «“second may not be ainis3 to suggest to the that the honest portion of the parfy would be constrained td .bcar testimony may become its solemn duty to impeach Jackson,” their schemes of harmonious .Oregonian the propriety ofgoiog61ow, in is deserting it like rats desert a sink­ to the forbearance, moderation and con­ the President, The Cineinnati Gazette sistent devotion to the Constitution and says however the national cause may plunder and destruction are suddenly the business of dealing in slanders ing ship. Union, by which Andrew Johnson has been distinguished from the first moment be retarded by imperative agencies, nipped in the bud. The result is be­ against the President, for it cannot If there were any evidence wanting Of bis elevation to powor. In an especial it has virtue itself, which will carry fore the country. The “ second Jack- possibly have forgotten so soon that he of the superior scholastic attainments manner have these qualities been dis- it forward, and tho patriotic people • played since the commencement of the who have sustained it through all its is tho “ government, ” and that to op ­ son” has come and been slain in . the of the cynic of the Oregonian, the present session of- Congress." Uninfluen­ perils and sacrifices have still tho house of bis friends (?) It is gratify­ pose his policy is rank treason. “ Out jaw-breakers he occasionally get off in ced by the temptation of power or the ap­ same determination to complete tho ing in the extreme to note the determ­ of their mouths shall they be condcmn- Ms columns ought to supply it abun. peals and threats of members, he has pur­ work. The Utica*» Herald says the ined character of Mr. Johftson’s late aa.” Now in the light of the above dantly. The latest literary u quriosity” sued tho even tenor of his way with a President has disappointed the Ibval firmness not marred by arrogance, and a speech to the assembled multitude in Quotation, the Oregonian editor stands wc’notice, is “ moribund.” Now in our clearness of purposo which has preserved • sentiment of the country. From every -.«*. with „„„ blood, u»wu, Washington city. lie plainly avows/ a self-convicted traitor—a double simplicity, wo would have been quite him from mistake. He has neither at- matt whose bands are !Ted tempted to dictate terms, nor succumbed from every rebel — every sympathizer, what the party that elected him has damned traitor, since7 hy rips against content with the use of the imperfect to faction by which others sought to in- with ‘‘v the rebellion ’ ................ Will go up. jubila­ ' » always stoutly denied, to-wit: that light and knowledge—against a stand­ participle * expiring” or the quali­ fluence his conduct Insolence he has tions. , met with resolution; threats he has c The Pittsburg Commercial says:' fying adjective “dead.” Then all turned aside by an appeal to the requires there was a party from tho outect at ard of his own erection. If tho President has a sinoero friend could have “ sabbed.” Moribund J, ments of the Constitution and tho princi^ the North, aS bint and determined up­ and that friend is himself sound in ----- Change., Ugh I Say that river and s-a~y 1-t > pics which underlie the liberties of the on the disruption of tho union, os ev­ head and heart, he will not fail with American 2\mcricau people. If there is one thing more certain s—l—o—w. er existed in the South. It border? ^Springfield, III., Feb. 25.— •A mass mcot- out loss of time and without conceal- " _V. emphatically on “blowing hot and bio- than another of the samo class it is that Tkig will be held hero this evening to sus- ment, to tell him plainly that persis­ u Polk, Marion, Yamhill and Linn ■ ' tain Cnngres*. tcnce in tho path ho has taken must tence wing cold” for the Statesman in the ohangc is stamped upon human action. lead to fatal estrangmont. Counties have called Democratic Con- mere Johnson Democracy. gment. The Presi Pi.„ ­ This is quitZ apparent in the conTf face. oLali.kbitv facts to,accord his un­ Washington, Feb. 26.— President John­ dent is not wise. No friend of his can qualified support to the President. It duct of the rcpubl:c?n3p tOh'Md lli:> ventioos to be hel d i n accordanc e with son has recetved th e fol l owing t e l e gram ; 4 l ay olft in » t o s a g a city o r w isd o m, if h e the recommendation of the State Cen­ Keokuk, lows, Fob 2|th. Aq immense supposes that Congress does not repre­ 5 w has been but a few weeks since we all- democracy, ,f ; mass meeting was held here to-night.— From- tho 'commencemont of the ter- tral Committee. Democratic Clubs Great enthusiasm. One hundred guns sent tho^xed and unalterable will of egedin the Columns rtf the C olr - the people. .jT* IKR substantially. what Mr. Johnson riblc struts, ihrough .^hièh the na­ arc being formed throughout many of were fired. Your veto message and ad­ Tho Toledo Blade says : The Presi­ ministration were endorsed unanimously. now charges agniost the black repulí- tion has just past, down to the termina­ the coup^oo- Wo hope Yamhill will dent’s speech will oos? him hundreds (signed) ,TBOS. W. CLAGGETT. in this respect. can party, and that paper, after a fash- tion of thftxame, democrats were treat- be wide awake Gov. Dennison and tho President arc of thosands of friends and supporters ------ >.----- ------- in receipt of a largo number of telegrams in the UAion party. It did not be­ ion,attempted to refute the charge. The. cd with dear bought civility. Their Col. John Lane, son of Gon. Joseph audletters from various points/'stating come tho Chief Magistrate to stoop to position occupied by the Statesman all ’1 social relations were affected—the Lane, arrived at Portland recently that the President will bo sustained upon the low-flung rant of a stump .orator/— along wp to the date of the * rupture,” means by which their subsistance was from tho South, where ho served in the other ride. The Republican members Ii was the time and manner of tho is is ferjr poor keeping with its posi- procured Vrerc attacked by their ' re- the rebel army four yean, going in as are receiving appeals to stand out for their speech, fend the character of the men rights and not allow thtf crime of treason g'i» r-1 r - I. 'F 1 * I t Mi; courier Í ' í . 'f a 1 ■ •------------- ♦ -4. - - — 4 7 -./tr'/.Â.’ ' -r— 4M /, * . - 1 „ . : ». \ J w ’J ■ ’ *'? ■ ¿’ 7 . * / * / ».»<♦ ' ■ "F . í ■ w * ói t V