V umara? HARNESS AGENTS YQR THIS PAPER. CHAlR.'üTt^ÊF*1 1 J. DIXON, - - Lc&ycttc* ► ( AND— ? McMh.viHe SADLERY SHOEING. E. C-hehalcm wish L> suk in. Vancouver tli.P < wl ich tbauiw n|Ky 11.ill eriFaik+imi*4.vJni\v «»/*•*’*,‘l 'u s from marrying in that TcrrWry withoui the parental consent; thus puttjftg a stop ^OAJJ I^INSQN to those mntrhnonhl enterprises whicq are «Mi••teieniry«KnfA«iil IhltHftT I/tu AT THE Y|T‘0V l D AVAIL HIMSELF OF V V thlsmethod of informing the puplic that he may at all times be found ay bis !>bop in Lafayette, where he will take oleasure in showing his cuktothers a com­ Ft. Yambill. ' plete stock of Harness; i wwmpirtMitWPqm . Muddy. J h^w.aH — “• ' ; nm^ispa^X^fess ‘ a 'rerjuett selves to L H ' when luiwcnt to that land of Nai-obi, • , ; - together with speciSo informatv ^(¡LV lSib DOÚBLE. J’ n . Yamhill. tu the V/ S. Munster” at “ Uono fa4 * lu-lu,” t(» furnish, you a map and sehed- P%TER LEONARD. (Address)-... BRIDLES, fancy and plain, and of all dis- Moore's Valley criptiqns fTOLLARS and HALTERS of the best quality. I invite special attention N. Yamhi’I. . to my stock of _ - -—'W - -— wnil Sclltng Off to Close Duainesi auicjaW k>UislT’uekiugtcXfcU.’er- BF.3 LEAVE TQ INFORM THE 1’UB- MANSHIt that will msnre satisfaction' lic that I have just received one of He it fir^ared to HION WAGONS» -Repairing done the LARGEST .nd Best selected Stock of BUGGIES, \jtA, 4c. General Merchandise ever brought to promptly. I Xespectfully solicit . share Lafayette. of tbe patronam of tho public. 1 Z. YOCOM , ING GOODS, DELAINES, CASHMERES, MOHAIRS, GERMANIA CLOT1I, CIIENOM AHO, SCOTCH PLAIDS, WINCEYS, HOSIERY, . ................. .......................i-------- POPLINS, Sent«* and Bofi Clothing, I of the best and latest styles. MOHAIR, FOULARDE, Still Stands ! CORSETTS, * NUBIAS, J1E LATE SIGNS OP VOLCANld action amounted siraplyto a ruse to D^V GOOD! topic of choisest quality of Chewing anil Smoking ccnycwation. -•--«* , l^.La’ugJuug at ftc mieU-Ycs of He is also pro­ LATEST STYLE OF WINTER IT ATS. vided With tables and Cards, where those *. - - »’;***-— , X- - - • ' . ^ / * ** in quest-of fon may amuse themselves at Tobacco; CandlsS, Ac. w I. Other«. Comprising anTssortment of Bibb*, Tea* their leisure; 11« will bo Jlippy to wait THE 14. Correcting au older ¡»ertuD tba» taments, and sacred Hymn Books; The oh his old Customers and as many new »W . ' - C yourselves, jy1*nta. Bible Reasofi Why ; Works of Josephus-; | ones as choose to favor him with ».call. 15. To commencetalkingLefbre otti-’ Sabbath-day Religions Tales ; Life of; latest styles or R. HARRIS the company is mhft e ssi ng himself to it. ...V A............. ' -x„.. ' ' . Taylor^’ PictorTaTTIislory oT Æe "United BLACK BEAVBR COATS ’ - -->A BLACK DOESKIN PANTS, SIlM even. Hundred ’• Engravings. Î1 States Col bed's Antics to Y'iftmg Men ; Dr. .Dood’s Fçmhlô Biography ;~ Henrietta ioÄffisoh.’^ gerdcinafn, livery Man his own Dbttfe Doctor ; Every Man his owi^ Farmer Ac. V FANCY GOODS, BOOTS aWS^Ölj. T IÌATS and CAPS, CROCE1UE, H AIÜ AVARE, JJa ' » ' WARE, Ac., Ac CLOTHING KHD GEICtS FURNISHING 13. Answen»« qdc8tion. when put ^tooUjets. ( ... 17. CwuifteBciftfcjU) jiRt aa #900 *» yoir^frft C* * ’• : < ** 18. Tn n6t listening to what one is Baying. A *(MlFVreiHtt^H^kiíh'd'nt‘a sC"*- on sborl Mtice, and in a style of WORK- of various patrons, which, for style, and M. 1¡. ( AliliY MÓIIÑTllOOD «RP OREGON. SADDLES | comp, tition JcBrr IN LAFAYETTE, . ' BLACKSxMITIIINU Dry Goods Attention edhcfc bètii^F.rftW J. DIXON, g^Tiuyww^olk ?oun^ channelt 1 tabllshed himself periiHUNBtly in Lafayette, begs leave to «ay to tbe public, that be is prepared to do Tevery ... A Ü sli í : o X/—lice it going the ronndx- a>ftiepap«Mteat «bsMaath Dteirid- bate ^Coprésidents, and many of the Gener­ Co do all manner of TAILORING, such as BOOTS AND SHOES &f ALIr KIND8. , t« *4-deaatpaowtinW tarmata adord. tm- als on botli sides, Conversation Cards. Cutting, Fitting, Making, Mending and • —o— . Us Jifcjv let.ÂaUflpeàk Cleaning.'' , Fortune Idling Cards, etc, etc. for tbemseitcs. ’ As nearly half mankind AIso, a Good Assortaient of ’TJijgi me a call. I guarantee satisfaction •aiv.uMJZ •- HARDWARE, TOOL, TABLK ANO POtaET CVT- wide woulobe ample fot an average grave. nol-3» WAtfREN FORSTER LEHr; L j ^TPS, GLASSlVAKi/'CRpCErnT, This would cive 32 graves to the squeri rod. or 5,1SW th (be «quart •’WfORr tiw« DftGS, CfiEMICALs, PAINtS, ££ ALL KIND3 Of (. ROUERIES, miUiótV trio >Hn'dreq and sevefitylsiX Mfâadü I . L - r- —, A «kWfejl • ■ *■- i/1 th.. cmrin a invurwlini it TT’I ’ rxri* naiRit v»t iw viv i tfiavi v TOBACCO ** QfLS, DŸSTÜFFS, 4c. * In,c9dj^s variety, together with an in* ’Wtornctablc xssorXinent ofuscful, instructive WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, WALL rAFKR and amusing works not mentioned here. a}qng-w-now is the liine I aftt goirtg to close out, and«no humbug atfout it I wHI also close out my entire stock of Nuts, Candies and Confectionery Of >N fcin|s; spices, Pepper, Nuftneghetc., S.H.KNft2rfT' M « Proprtetor. ata bargain. AL R. CAREY. i -- -------------------------- f" '•——■—— '"~w—’—~ 1 JR. KNIGHT INVITES THE AT* T. IIEMBREILDcaler in Dfry Gpods 31 tention of those who patronise such • Groceries Hardware, Ac. South places, to-bia Ç.« ]j^an JaodlJ.— sid$» treet. THAT ARE MADE OF : O*U m aurfoeu <4 il* i^wi. Abe SALOON < .LIMITED AMOUNT O? WOOD »■nrifthty gCMtatfoUH of all tho ¿lead could will be taken on Subscription ,*t be interredside byaidaçand li^ewbole Ahls (Iffice if brought soon, v. ; counties left for walks and; ptaaaurc ___________ '______ "_______ - • gwonds.J «MslteÓTÌigtty amjh wffl >pre- y "f" DTRflS' has a General ansortment of yaii. I. • — J tJ T nSafis'®Utts,‘Serewa, D eer Lo c k e, — f^Toorr-, fnlbtirtil, J Padlocks Ac. __ ;* *_________^0 . Ajiil’auL—A Dandy i» a thiijg in - ^dyx^l-t^o ajm*. Where pay be fbtrod Cigars, ( head without baMMBÜgiif-boote a, Ane, äardinM, ( räofcan, |fa., &c., A , A ring eojiie^tya flo^c^^A, and white hankerchief, two Wroaehcs ’ and Besides be can famish a uette b ■^RS. WÌIITE A SvEflTERFIRLD »youngfodyeviih njw%hcau