Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, February 13, 1866, Image 2

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    * *
' ■'
» . i
ra«»nt tluqn in Cong™«*, wlu>n in rroceedinga of the Yamhill Daane*
c ratte County
Cann fry Ce
■ of - -----
rft-y.__ cratic
ntral Commit«««
the light
this precedent,unci'
ent of the Statesman they should
I*»foyetto, Saturday Feb. 10th, i^do.
------------------» -i»..i. . A» »«^,22
T«o True.
The Republican preas apd Republi­
can leaders have'been for some time
assuring the world that “ no rupture
, would take place between the Presi­
dent aba Congress.” That the Presi­
be admitted
tee, « eoeereig. Set«.” During »11
Ct»t>.J Com.
. ■
mittee met at the Court House for hie
this time the people proper of the
‘c. .
i i i
| transaction of business. Mr. John
State would have looked upon the pm-1
Baker wis appointed chairman pro tern,
ce&ling as being so . superlatively re-
and J. H. Upton by request acted as
dlculous as not to admit of their parp-'
tipation in the affair, and thus suffering secretary. On motion Mr, p. Ramsey
the revolutionists fojiave the farce aH | was appointed to fill the vacancy in
i E ditorial brevities .
____ . ''''
[By request,]
Mind Your Own Business.
The papefs’lTF'Jfhnwal^y' chmuic
- ing the death'of Hon. John “U” Davis
of Indiana. The initial letter should
be “G-” Hon. John G. Divis repre­
« sented the 7th Congressional 'Dist. of
I’ve wot a vultures bill,
To pick at every flaw I see
Ind., for a number of terms consecu­ enough for me to know,
I’ve follies of toy Own,
tively, Was wihal, a firm and consisfoat
Democrat, lie served l‘arko County
And make it wider still.
And on my heart the care bestow,
’ And let my friends alone.
H. A.
of that State inthe capacity of Clerk for
thejdem-, caused by the removal from, ■
■j East Chebalem precinct of Mr. Bryant. a period of 20 years, prior to befog.’ ■4-.- [Krom the Daily Oregonian.?-
that the republican organization be Statesman would bind them to an ac-
elected to Congress. Iu 1859, we be­
On motion Saturday, March 17th,
lieve, he declined a nomination for re­
"— maintained,” and so on.
The great quiescence in the result. The ease of
E as ' tekn I tems .—Late dispatches from
exactly miouous 10 | wasjigrced upon to hold precinct meet- (
speaker Colfax has been away out' to Oregon would-be exactly anal
election to Congress in favor of lion. 1 the East give the following :
fo^iUSn^t do to
^c purpose of appointing:
w *v
. _
_ Dan. W. Vporlrcesr the present wor­
Miss. Harriet Lane,. niece of James
Poughkeepsie to tell the people that that of A irgmia, 1—^ *—
and his housekeeper whik he
the President d*d not intend to throw
thy incumbent of that distinguished!
White House, was married
ed to secede she could bo sliced up
be Held ^t Lafayette, on Thurs-
position. Mr. Davis it was, who ie- j at Wheatland recently U Henry J. John­
off on the party. Nowt if these man­
and mutilated with impunity, for the
March 22, at which Convention, deemed the 7th. District from Whigj son, a Baltimore (ranker.
ifestations and oft repeated^ assevera­
Winslow, the principal witness against
reason that it has been hel l all the delegates will'll appointed to attend rule in 1851. Since that date, the dis­
tions mean anything* they mean that
Semmes, the privateer, has arrived at
(¡me, and is so held to-day, that she is ( the Democratic State Convention at
Washington, Svtnrue's trial pikes place at*
there really exists iminent danger eUa
withone single exception, when one' an early day.
as much a State in the Union as any j I urtland, April 3th, I860.
-' $
Uarvy D. Soott, a singular oom pound
rupture between Mr. Johnson and the
The London correspondent of the Chi-
other State. If the people of a State.
The various precincts will be euti-z
of ignorance and presumption was elec­ Oigo Tribune, under date of De<xnberl4tt'J
party of distructionists by which he is
ecmuiit a wrong in atten^ling to se-
t0 delegates as follows :
ted as a Know-Nothing.
writetu. Mr. Delane, editor of the Ten­
surrounded, and " to whose action he
don Tiines.-was dismissed from that posi-
cede, Jt cahnbrjusltty "Cvugiesa. nor i
•not only owes theseat he now occupies,
—Jeff Davis, it would appear, is eeon4 tion on the 1st of January. The lunes
the President in cuUimjtting the great-
South Fork, 4
but may hap bis continuance io this
to be brought to trial. Arrangements was to be under new auspiceg/v This
er wrong of tacitly admitting the- sc- McMinnville. ¡r
change is said .to be due to the feeling
North Fork, 5
scat. For it cannat be disguised, and
liiaLH is neccessary to cultivate vioie
cessioe by outraging the^-fundaiDental j Fust C hehatem, -2
W. Chebalem,3
n-laliuns with the United Slates.
Mr. Johnson of all othera. is in a situa­
this con<umation. A loyal Attorney,
Amity, z.
law themselves, as was
adds that Samson, the
tion to realize the fact,«that, should he
ui 1
?‘J*? PrEC‘l)Ct delegates trill also be one Evarts, is retained by the “govern­ Money Editor of the Times, will also prp-
case of " West Virginia.”“'
follow the dictates of his own judg­
iceted to act as delegates to a County ment” to prosecute him, for a fee of on­ tmbly go out. it is a fact that Delane and
Srttnson have committed the paper, and
ment and convictionsy-a “ rupture” w’ld
held- the"
on nomiriatidn
Saturday, ly the trifling sum of one hundred
the best apology for tlm revolutionary i Apfll
1866> for
as all our wise men have charged their
ensue, soon to be followed by an impea­
TnotTSAND DODDARB-l other Attor­ policy on the American question in conse­
chment, the result of which, is too pal­ action of the GovernmeElfoueHnTme'^ canji^ /of *e Tariou3 county neys will, probably ^"receive $50,000 quence of American success, we must ac!
__ ___ «nd
-A-- shape our poliey
; 31
cept el.-
(he - result
the general ek<).
j fcc-
pable to admit of even a conjecture. matter under cousideration^han we re- i offices to . e fiHed
>a»/41 (trai •»
- -
; each. . llow many “ other” ones there 1 À*
y l)U
at I tiun tho conritr^June.
The predicament in which the Presi­ I
A few days since a bloody encounter
will be employed in the case has not
took place in Richmond, Ky., by which
dent finds himself ia certainly a pain­
On motion, adjourned, sine die.
trauspired, but possibly a score or moreh several lives were lost and others will pro­
thing approaching caudotin the prem­
" '! :---------------------
' "
'■■■■ ■' - ——-*- j-with Beast Fiend Butler at their head.
ful one, yet it ia infinitely to be pre-
-, ---- - ■
-* * '
’ .. . - - -- - ■ bably, die. The difficulty originated in a
W iiat are thi F acts ?—“And'
fered by Mr. Johnson to a “ rupture.”
this paraph­ political feud. The tight occurred in-front
yet it is not more false or absurd than
<>f the persona. Over sixty shots were
Like poor Tray, he nyist bear, as pa- _
------- —
,. *_____ . * ¿J aie
un the
iuv miter
cuurges against Lin- ernalia and expense to establish that tireil and every beligerent there was killed
are all
other charges
...... '• r
■ ■
. ...........
Something over two years since, a -coin or Johnson for violations of the "treason is a cripieand should be pun­ or wounded. The end will be the death
- . tiently as may be, bis sufferings until he
ished ?” Did not Henderson of Ore­ ol five persons.
can safely extricate himself. He will project was set on’foot by theffriCnde • Constitution. The C ourier must read
resolute to that effect? Anil did
JI. Rive« Pollard, Editor of the Rich-,
more of the history of the country.”^—
• —— — ■- ---
be compelled to crouch, cringe and of the Hon Delezan Smith, to rane -
. Dot the resolution “pass uuaniiuously.
tnond Examiner, has been arrested and
! held for an attempt to murder Brooks of
• Bosh !
— •
wince under the torture of the taunts, funds-sufficient to erect a monument
We propose to call the attention of
I the New York Times.
jeerg^ flings and reproaches heaped to the memory of-this great man^and
the Statesman to the following clauses
Senator Wilson of Mas«, has introduc- The President on Constitutional
yipon him by the party into whose cold unflinching Democrat. Considerable
in the Constitution of the United States ed a bill in Congress giving to Chinamen,
WAsmxc.roN, Jan. '/28.—The following
atd calculating embrace he was but ptogressdias been made in this uoble
to the end that he may be convinced : Nigger« and Indians-all the rightiSstijoy- ■ is the substance of a conversation which
too* place today between the President
too willing to put himself. It is not enterprise, but there has not been-the
that they, at least, were violated by Mr. ed by any body. This is to bejehfqrced i and a Senator not named J The President
only unfortunate for the country, but requisite amount raised yet to complete
in defiance of any law. Censt'tution or said he doubted the propriety at thia time
2 for both jolitical pertiea^ that. Mr. the work as it should be.
regulation to the contrary. If Senator. of making furthur amendments to the Ven-
“The Congress shall have. power to
Johnson occupies the'anomatow^and Lane, the treasurer of the fund'~for ; declare’the punishment of treason, but Wilson will read the Constitution pf his ’stiliition. Resolutions to amend wefe be-'
1 own AboTitjon and at present flntfstnte cmtimg as numerous ao . —
at a ,
unnatural, not "to say Uncongenial the at InrgoTMsTn ttrtauj, a tu» IoLlre^ort,»
town meeting. Aft this, in hie opinion,
[ ataMrttale,
will Ond thalli, bill
I _
_ ___ l^on-
___ B hzd
had »
a Xcn.w
tendency to Miumiwu
diminish vms
th« dignity
position he does. He can neither do hundred dollars, which, » soon aa . r."Pno"
*Uachw| y tho Constitution
4 flic!» very es-entialiy^wdli that Cons^tf-
------ —,
. , „ ,
Muring the life of the person attained, j i
one thing nor tbo other, which fact - sum
equal to the magnitude of the un >
A o. .
.1 .1
_ > *
■ \ / and to lessen Jb« coulidence of the people
rentiers if quite out of the course- of .
. _
, , ,
Docs tho Statesman remember that lion.
. • j in the great charter of freedom. If more
Tt P i' lMkHi iv ta v a i s eit anil forwarded wrtlbe
.. ,
Tfie following is an extract from the CQn^A>aihcndnlent!« are to-be tirade, he knew of
Ui.Letter than a uimiil« proposition em-
things for any party to accord him that immediately devoted to its legitimate use , :. ,
N «r»
’ » r A». Atitjjtion ofanti-8u.te Mjiii'tigniiy M«. i oa <
-------- --------- _______ _____ both houses of Congress and received
cordial and effective support requisite
1 braced in afew lines, making in each state
- — r-—- ................ „ ................ ........ ________________
We-ottly wonder that an enterprize at President Lincoln’s signature, guaran­ . chnsetts
to make his administration anything
. "The people of the Commonwealth (of the number of qunltticd voters tho basis
once so worthy has been suffered'-to teeing“ to the purchaser of confiscated
tot representation, and the value of proper
Mass) have the sole and exclusive right 'y tit« basis of direct taxation. —,
but a burden to himself and ve might
jJu^<Mlo^M- ^j^B£Mr.gimth-Bjtttcaabolia.fide title tn aha, h« nr
of governing themselves, as a free
say, a curse to the country At
Acquittal of Gen. Mercer
deV,oted:liis time, KTs~ en’ergltV W^bey an^AliBir^
Savan ih, Gm, Jan. 29.-—The Confed­
While the shadow of btf policy con­
means and hisgianttirimts, te thesin-:
Now Surmoee
Suppose the otonle
people of Ma!
Mass­ erate ilen. Alercer was tried by A military
stitutes a worm of dissension which is
" No person holding any office un-!
glp end of the success of the democrat­ der the United States, shall be a mem­ achusetts choose, for reasons be’t winniision lor the uuM'dep of «even Union
suspended and hangs like a pall over
prisoners and acqnitcd, and released yes­
ic party, anil the triumph of correct ber of cither house, during his contin-' known to taemselves, to impose restrie- terday. *
___ .
both political organizations, io the At­
tiohs upon ,»me class of her population; I
principles. That a suitable'monument
Reconstruction in Mississippi.
then what?
lantic States, at least which is essential­
Nash.vr|lc Jan. lfl.-*»A gentleman just a r-
should not have been erected ere this,
Now what are the facts ? Did Jim
ly the means of preventing either from
riwd from frhe mterior at Missnisippi states
/ < ■
i ' '
to mark the last resting place of one Lane, F. P. Blair and a dozen and one
The Statesman reasserts the obvious that a few nignta since the agent of the
adopting or adhering to any definitive
_ _
« a «
tnd malicious falsehood that the “demo- Freedmen’s Bureau at Pontotoc was kill»
line of policy whatever. Anarchy and who bad reduced himself well nigh to others hold lucrative appointments un­
ed in his bed by a band of outlaws. —The
Chaos is the'legacy Mr. Johnson has penury in the service of'a great and ddr AIr. Lincoln while they occupied ' cra^c party was willibg to F*Y® UP
gentleman represents the people in the
We some time section ns very violent.
bequeathed to all parties of "whatever worthy cause, argues badly for the prac­ seats in either house of Congress ? and union to the trai o .
Terrible Steamboat Disaster.
did they not enjoy the full measure since charged, that, instead of demo­
political complexion, on the Atlantic tical gratitude of the people of Oregon.
Chicago, Jan. 31.—The telegraph brings
of the
e m o 1 u m e n t s of both crats being -Willing fo •“ let the union
news of two shocking and disasterous
r The early history of the State is re­
Will the Statesman read
elide,” it was numerous blacks now in plosion of steamers on the western waters.
plete with. evidenOçs of bis sagacity
Th« steamer Missouri exploded on
a little more history ? Please inform high places in the confidence of the ‘
, and statesmanship.
Greenriver, Kentucky yesterday mournin
ho Constitution us if the Constitution was not violated
Da Two Wrongs Make a Right?
Statesman party. That paper d<esnot, j irrg. The wreck floated down to Ev«ns.
I of the State? precminee
a democrat- in this behalf.
canfnot, dare not deny the charge — Mill. Lt is supposed that 80 lives are lost.
In reply to the charge made by us,
The steamer Miami exploded on the Ar­
ie and a model one, is saicK^to have
“ Stop thief I” etc., you know. .
kansas river an the 28th. 130 lives lost.
io the C ourier , that the Constitution been the work of Mr. Smith’s band
D oes he B elieve I t .—The Ore­
Senator from Georgia. -
The Statesman is growing more and
was violated by. the Washington Gov­ and head. 'We owe it to ourselves to gonian says that Ketchum, the Bank
Chicago,. Jan. 81.—The Georgia Legis­
more bold in its dealings with the Ore­ lature yesterday elected A. H. Stephens,
ernment, when they erected the so magnanimity, to justice and io the Forger was a member of the “ Peace
United states senator. He refused to ac­
L called State of“ West Virginia” with- memory of a gnat and good man, to go to Secession Convention which nominated gonian^, It charges the latter paper
j McClellan for the Presidency.” We with down right lyiDg. We would ad1- cept, however, end on the next ballot
Herschel V. Johnson was elected. The
-j in the jurisdiction of the State of Vir­ work at once and contributea sufficien­
Legislature afro elected Dawson
must bo permitted to assure the very
ginia proper, the Statesman devotes cy of funds to speedily comptCTC the
A. Vi'alkcr and J. F. Harris supreme
frank and honorable editor that he is
considerable space to prove, that inas­ contemplated enterprise.
Washington, Feb. 3.—Both houses of
mistaken in bis man. He would as they are in the habit of bandying
Yamhill county can raise and send
much as the people of the state had
Cpngress have finally, after years of de-
doubtless be glad if it werrf a fact that lest their party find out that entire
passed a bill directing the secreta­
undertaken to deny the authority of forward a hundred and fifty dollars and
harmony does not prevail in the house­
was a member
Treaury to pay (Jhas. F. Ander­
the Constitution “ the legal, proper not suffer the slightest inconvenience
hold of the “ faithful.” That’s all.
son, architect, $75,000, in full, for plans
and Constitutional formation of the
for the capitol extension. The secretary
•thereby. In Chebalem precinct, where even a democrat. It would afford the
Gen. 8beridan is coming to pay Ore of the Treaury hatto uay been paid $16-
. State1 of West Virginia cannot be de­
080, concsicnce money from anonymous
nied.” Now this assumption involves there are only twenty-three democratic abolition party great consolation to gon a visit ere long, it ¡«hinted. The sources.
™t«, cwt, Mr. Darid B.o»ey ittfortf.1 k”“w
d<>“0«*e h*d be<’“ | Statesman says be has many warm
bad logic, to say the least of it. If
Alleged FraudwBy Mercat-tiSh Girls.
friends on this coast. Wonder-if a
Proceedings were commenced yester­
Congress or the President could recog­ us that he has collected $10 50. At i guilty of crimes which have become certain Siwash of the feminine gdfrder
in the civil courts for several more
nise the "State” of West Virginia, and the last Presidential election there notoriously the rule with abolitionists ia one of the number ?
victims of the Mercer-emigrant fraud. The
in high places. Can the Oregonian ed­
complaints allege that Mercer reported to '
admit ibint»the Union, could they
were cast in the county, 348 detoo- itor call to mind a case of thieving on
them that he had bceh appointed by the
not On the same plea admit a " State”
Teritorial Government of Washington ter-
cratic votes, which is over one hundred a large scale of any member of his
/ called Middle Virginia, North Virgin­
Whereas, It is currently reported ilory to collect feiiial« emigrants, aud bad
I. ;
ia, South Virginia, East Virginia or less than will be cast next June. Now party ? If so will be give Bis readers sn<l generally believed that the cele­ $20,0UO in gold to be diatibuted among
them for a handsome setHcinent. On these
Sooth East Virginia? It is perfectly say that each of the 348 voters con-1 the benefit of bis information on the brated Hudibrastic General B.P. But recoinetiations they purchased their ticks
in the power of a few ambitious ad­ tribute 50 cents. This alone would i subject through bis eolumns ? Or, if ler is about to take charge of this mil­ utiu wliiclr-tliey now hold.
»frats Legislatures ia B aie il n.
it can be proven to his satisfaction that itary department, with powers extra
venturers in the State of Oregon to
ordinary: therefore
produee the suite of $174,00.
Chicago, Feb. 4.—The following
the man Ketchum was not a member
orgr->ze, and elect “ Legislators,” con­
Resolved, That whatever money State Legislatures are now in session :
can be no apology for not performing a r
of the Chicago Convention and that he may remaio in the State Treasury be
vene at Qorvallis and pees an 6 act”
Maine, MasMehusetts, New York,
duty at once so plain,, when we can do]
Pennsylvania, Maryland,
is intensely “ loyal” will be make the immediately divided among the widow« New Jersey, _____
subdividing Oregon into as many
it so cheaply. Mr. W. T. Nefeby is
Ohio, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Mtnneeo-
correction through his columns? We
“ States” as they choose, and straight­
and couriers be dispatched to the Vari m, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas’ Nevada
< agent to receive and forward for Vam-
opioe not, misrepresentation is the rule out counties requesting the people to California, Florida and
way elect “ Senators” as was doao in
bill county.
fair dealing the exception with ( ••creta their plato
ia the ease oif « West Virginia,” id
his party,
dent had expirssed himself to th is er
that notability, that he was “ desirous l-theIr u,Tn
4» l.v
4 '